• Communication commission discussion


from WSFIC_FSMCI on Nov 22, 2010 03:58 PM
Dear WSF-IC friends,**


*Registration for the 2011 World Social Forum is now open *

Registration for the centralized edition of the 2011 World Social Forum is
now open! The Forum is going to be held in Dakar, capital of Senegal on
February 06-11 2011. The general guidelines from the WSF Organization is
that organizations should read the 12 thematic axes prior to their
registration, in order to chose the ones that are more appropriate to their
activities. There are two modes of registration: individual and of
organizations. This last one allows the registration of other types of
participation like Assemblies of Convergence, Expanded Activities, stalls
later one. Just like it was with other centralized editions, only
organizations can register activities. In case you only want to attend as
participant, please register as an individual.

If you have Internet access difficulties or if you know an organization that
needs to register but don’t have Internet Access, please, we recommend to
contact the Secretariat of the Organizing Committee in Dakar:

+221 33 825 13 81
+221 77 436 88 01
+221 76 281 26 21

More information on registration, please write to:

*To register*

There are two modes of registration: individual and of organizations.
Organizations can send up to 5 delegates and register 3 activities, which
will be confirmed after the payment of registration fees is made. Deadline
for registering is on December 15th, and deadline for payment is on December
25th. For fees click here <http://fsm2011.org/en/particiation-fee>. After
the 15th it won't be possible to register self-organized activities any
longer, but it will be possible to make changes in the content of the data
(organization, activity, participants info). The deadline for this will be
on December 25th too. Payment will be available soon.

Click here<https://sys.jaiminho.com.br/link.php?URL=aHR0cDovL3JlZ2lzdHJhdGlvbi5mc20yMDExLm9yZy9hY2NvdW50cy9sb2dpbi8=&Name=&EncryptedMemberID=NDE2NDY4NzM4NA%3D%3D&CampaignID=1906&CampaignStatisticsID=1406&Demo=0&Email=aGVsaW9zbWVuZXplc0BnbWFpbC5jb20=>to
access the registration area.

*Step by step*
In case you have any difficulty in filling in the forms or to learn more on
the registration process, please click
go the Step by Step page.

If you are having doubt on which axis is more suitable for your activity,
click here<https://sys.jaiminho.com.br/link.php?URL=aHR0cDovL2ZzbTIwMTEub3JnL2VuL25ld3MvcHVibGljLWNvbnN1bHRhdGlvbi1yZW9yaWVudGF0ZXMtdGhlLXRoZW1hdGljLWF4ZXM=&Name=&EncryptedMemberID=NDE2NDY4NzM4NA%3D%3D&CampaignID=1906&CampaignStatisticsID=1406&Demo=0&Email=aGVsaW9zbWVuZXplc0BnbWFpbC5jb20=>to
read them again.

Organizations can request for interpretation for their activities on the
Registration of Activities form. Please mind the aditional fees, see them

Organizations can request for exhibition stalls. To do so click the Stalls
tab on the menu bar during the Registration process and request your stall.
Please, mind the fees, see them

*Assemblies of Convergence and Dakar expanded*
Guidelines for registering Assemblies of Convergence and Dakar Expand
activities will be soon available.

*Registration of Communicators*
A special form for registration of communicators will be online soon.

For more information on registration, please contact the registration team:
enregistrement@..., secretariat@... or

For other information, please access the 2011 WSF official website:

*Spread the news! Send the information on the WSF registration to your
lists, publish it on your organization and social networks' websites.*

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