Hi Jason and everyone
Sorry for my delay in responding. We're dealing with many pressures here - personal and social - all at once.
Thanks for your proposal to meet. I think it's essential we have a virtual meeting before Dakar, and now that your proposal of 6/7 January has passed, what about during a weekend, when more of us may be available? Could we try a Sunday night, for example (16 or 23)? For me, the 16th would be better, and would give us time to act on anything we decide, before Dakar.
All the best

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Jason Nardi <jason.nardi@gmail.com>
Date: Tue, Jan 4, 2011 at 11:19 AM
Subject: Re: [Communication commission discussion] WSF Media center
To: communication-commission-discussion@lists.openfsm.net

Hi Tidiane,

happy new year to you too!

Thanks a lot for the update, it looks exciting.

I'll consult with Monica about the press kit and get back to you with some ideas and contacts by tomorrow.

I think it would be useful to have an online meeting after your meeting on Wednesday.  Maybe on the 6th or 7th?


On Mon, Jan 3, 2011 at 11:22 AM, Tidiane Kasse <tidiane@fahamu.org> wrote:
Hi All  and happy new year
Some updates

1st point
We have identified a place for the press center at Dakar university : it is the Library. We have there :
- a room where we 200 journalists or more can fit easily.
- 40 individual boxes with computer
- 8 rooms (10 people capacity)
- two rooms (40 people capacity)
- a cofee room
- an Internet cafe
 - The technical configuration (Infrastructure Networks / Internet / Wireless) is by far the best in the university and we just need two specialized lines in order to increase the flow for radio and Tv, what we intend to do quickly with the IT Department.

At UCAD 2, where the International Council took place in november and where some activities will take place, we have also identified a room we can use for press conference. A the room Council took place is also available for the press. As well as the restaurant.

2nd point
On january 10th we plan a workshop local press, international press agencies, international press correspondent, media organisations and media networks based in Senegal, in order to prepare the coverage of the WSF.

3rd point
We will the discuss the Press Kit during our Wednesday meeting. Can you give some ideas about what you think is important to be part of this press kit ?

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