• Communication commission discussion

Re: [Wsfic_fsmci] [Wsfic-strategies] Demissão / Resignation

from Ana Sugranyes on Jan 02, 2012 06:48 PM
Hi everyone!
All our best wishes for the New Year!
We would like to contribute to sustain the "WSF escritorio".
Any possibility to get a bank account where to transfer the obligations
that the IC decided in November 2011.

On Sat, Dec 31, 2011 at 1:28 PM, Gustavo Massiah <massiah@...> wrote:

> Dear André
> Hélio told us in Dhaka that you were accepted
> for a master at the university of Sao Paolo.
> All my congratulations for these new opportubities.
> I really appreciate very much our work together
> particularly on the WSF process
> and I am sure that your availabilty, kindness and competency
> will be appreciated in your future and will lead you to success
> We will certainly meet again and participate together
> to the future of the WSF process
> Fortes abraços
> gustave massiah
> Le 21/12/2011 23:00, World Social Forum Info a écrit :
> *(English below)*
> Queridos,
>  Escrevo esta carta para informar a todos que, após um longo período de
> preparação, fui selecionado no programa de pós-graduação em Antropologia
> Social na USP para cursar mestrado pelos próximos dois anos. Como tenho
> interesse em seguir carreira acadêmica, estou concorrendo a bolsas de
> estudos em instituições públicas e, por isso, não posso manter vínculos
> empregatícios.
>  Continuarei trabalhando até o fim de janeiro de 2012.
>  Agradeço muito a oportunidade da experiência que foi fazer parte do
> processo Fórum Social Mundial nestes anos todos, assim como o respeito,
> generosidade e acolhimento de todos de vocês com a equipe do Escritório do
> FSM. Sentirei falta daqui!
> Fortes abraços e nos veremos novamente pelo mundo!
> Andre Bailão
> [EN]
> Dear,
>    I'm writing this letter to inform you that, after a long preparation,
> I've been finally accepted in the two-year graduate program in Social
> Anthropology at the University of São Paulo in order to obtain a master's
> degree. As my wishes are to have an academic career, I am applying for a
> scholarship in some Brazilian public research institutions and therefore I
> cannot receive a salary or have a contract.
>    I'll keep on working until the end of January 2012.
>    I thank you very much for the opportunity of being part of the World
> Social Forum in all these years, all well as the respect, generosity and
> reception of all with the WSF Office Team. I'll miss it here!
> Warmest regards and we'll meet again somewhere in the world!
> Andre Bailão
> --
> André Bailão
> Escritório do FSM / WSF Office
> São Paulo - Brasil
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