• Communication commission discussion

[New mailing lists addresses / nuevas direcciones de las listas

from Azril Bacal on Mar 08, 2012 04:50 AM
Dear Helio y compañer@s,
Thanks for the update. A brief note to let you know that this week we
have closed shop with the Uppsala Network for the Culture of Peace
(NKFU) and Uppsala Social Forum (USF), transfering our activities to
"Amigos de la Tierra" (Friends of the Earth) and the "Transition
Movement," taking increasing roots in Sweden and Uppsala.
Will be lecturing in São Paulo 17/3 on Cultures of Peace, organized by
Sérgio Storch, for people interested in the Middle East Conflict,
based in the pioneering work of Elise Boulding at UNESCO, who passed
away recently.
Hope to meet with some of the paulistas, assuming they have the time
and wish to meet with me :-)
Of importance, concerning the financial dimension of the WSF-process,
wished to introduce and insist on you being informed about the
ongoing/developing work of the cooperative interest-free bank JAK
owned by its members. Its international coordinator is Miguel Ganzo, a
spanish mathematician and compañero de visiones y luchas compartidas.
Herewith wish to establish an organic bridge between our process and JAK-Banken.
Miguel's email is: "Miguel Ganzo" <miguel.ganzo@...>
Also wish to inform you that Sarah van Gelder at Yes Magazine
(www.yesmagazine.org) has published the first book on the "Occupy Wall
Street" Movement, a "cousin" movement to the "indignad@s" in Spain and
I will be in Lima teaching and otherwise until 9/6 - planning to join
you at Rio + 20
Amig@s paulistas, decide - and please, kindly let me know whether or
not you wish to meet me during 17/3 in your small city.
Abrazos fraternales

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