• Communication commission discussion

Fwd: Report/photos: Land Day towards Jerusalem

from Azril Bacal on Mar 31, 2012 07:58 AM
Abrazos desde Lima

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           PRESS RELEASE               Palestinian Land DAY protests: Start
of ongoing efforts to break the siege on Jerusalem March 30, 2012

 To see photos of the protest in Qalandiya:

To see photos from the protest in Old City of Jerusalem:

To see a video from the protest in the Old City of Jerusalem:

While the Palestinian Land Day protests are ongoing, the first critical
injury by Israeli military occurred in Bethlehem: Ali Arafe, 20 years old,
has been shot with a teargas canister in the face in front of the Caritas
headquarters, close to the Qubbeh checkpoint in Bethlehem. He is in
critical conditions in hospital.

Israeli military forces started the repression of the popular protests in
and around Jerusalem at Qalandiya checkpoint. Some 3000 people gathered to
challenge the checkpoint separating the northern West Bank from Jerusalem,
chanted slogans and waved flags. Shortly after the protest started, Israeli
forces charged the crowd with tear gas and rubber coated metal bullets as
well as with skunk water. Many were hit by the bullets and the tear gas
canisters and had to be evacuated to the hospitals. Mustafa Barghouti was
hit by a tear gas canister in the head.

In the old city of Jerusalem huge crowds gathered around Damascus Gate and
are as well there faced with brutal military repression. A demonstration of
people of all ages, women, youth and elderly was charged with horses, tear
gas and rubber-coated bullets. Women continued to chant slogans and uphold
Palestinian flags and Land Day banners while Israeli military attacked the
crowd. Many youth were indiscriminately arrested, many had to be evacuated
to the hospitals.
Israeli helicopters are flying over the Old City.
In Bethlehem, people gathered and marched towards the Al Qubbeh checkpoint.
Over a thousand people broke through the police cordon installed by the
Palestinian National Authority and reached to the area in front of the
Caritas compound close to the checkpoint and are currently attacked by the
Israeli military with tear gas and rubber coated bullets. In addition to
Ali Arafe, an old man has been hit by a teargas canister in his back and is
seriously injured.

Jamal Juma', coordinator of the Stop the Wall Campaign, comments:

*"The popular protests of unarmed civilians that mark each March 30 since
1976, when Israeli police killed six youth in the Galilee in protests
against massive land confiscation, are once again faced brutal violence by
Israeli military and police. One youth is currently in critical condition,
Mustafa Barghouti, member of the organizing committe of the Global March to
Jerusalem, has been hit by a teargas canister, many more are injured and
the repression continues...*

*"Yet, the message of the Palestinian movements is clear: Palestinians do
not give up their rights to their land and to Jerusalem. Today we are
joined in this effort by people all across the globe and in the Arab world.
This day is a historic day because it has to be the start for an ongoing
effort to break the siege on Jerusalem and ensure our rights and freedoms
in Jerusalem and across Palestine. It is only through popular resistance
supported by an effective international solidarity movement that we can
achieve this."*

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Palestinian Territory, Occupied
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