• Communication commission discussion

  • "Peace and the Internet" in Sarajevo

    from book on Apr 14, 2014 10:10 AM
    Welcome to the workshop:
    Place : Sarajevo
    Venue: (See the program of Peace Event Sarajevo http://p2014.eu)
    Preliminary Date:  7 June 2014 (See the program of Peace Event Sarajevo)
    Organisation: Peace Union of Finland (www.rauhanliitto.fi)
    Contact and moderator:  Mikael Böök book at kaapeli.fi  +358-445511324
    Idea paper (version 9 April 2014)
    Is the internet something that people can do something about? How to make
    cyberpeace instead of cyberwar?  In Snowden's time, everybody must have
    given these questions some thought so the time is ripe for them to be
    discussed at the social forums and in the peace movement. And, after the
    next Global Multistakeholder Meeting on the Future of Internet Governance
    (Sao Paulo, Brazil,  23-24 April, 2014)  the actuality of the subject is
    almost guaranteed.
    * Internet governance?  State governments who continue to prepare for war
    against each other have failed and will probably continue to fail if they
    try to govern the internet. The same goes for big corporations who wish to
    introduce corporatist versions of internet governance. Unfortunately, they
    may have succeeded for the time being.  The peace movement ought to dig a
    route to people power.
    * Library power?  The internet is like the library - mankind's only
    trustworthy memory. And, to use a common term when speaking about internet
    governance: internet and library  are multistakeholder institutions. But
    how about letting the librarians govern the internet, as far as this new
    cybernetic (self-governing) institution needs to be governed at all? Could
    the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN) become a
    subdivision of  the International Federation of Library Associations and
    Institutions (IFLA)?
    * Alliance with the free software community. During WW II, Communists
    allied themselves with Capitalists to defeat Fascism. Today, a great
    alliance between the peace movement and the free software community is
    badly needed.  Can these two find a common language?
    Reference material:
    de Nardis, Laura & Raymond, Mark: "Thinking Clearly about Multistakeholder 
    Internet Governance" (Paper presented at Eight Annual GigaNet Symposium, 
    Bali Oct 2013; available via 
    de Nardis, Laura: The Global War for Internet Governance (Yale UP 2014)
    (added 12 April)
    "Mankind thus inevitably sets itself only such tasks as it is able to
    solve, since closer examination will always show that the problem itself
    arises only when the material conditions for its solution are already
    present or at least in the course of formation" (see http://is.gd/i2l8fM).
    Karl Marx, who wrote that sentence, could hardly foresee the coming
    of the computers and the internet. Yet those words from the critique of
    the political economy were prophetic.
    The problem now is that of changing the states and the UN into a new
    international political system. The computers and the internet have formed
    into a material condition for the solution.
    Some beginning steps that "mankind" has taken to work it out, such as the
    Wikipedia, the WikiLeaks and the World Social Forum, may also be noted.
    Perhaps the internet as such ought to be seen as "social movement"? (A
    booklet that I found at the stand of "May First/People Link" at the first
    US Social Forum in Atlanta says as much. See Alfredo Lopez and others:
    "The Organic Internet. Organizing History's Largest Social Movement."
    Entremundos Publications 2007.)
    Best regards,
    Mikael Böök * book at kaapeli.fi * gsm +358(0)-44 5511 324 *
    http://www.kaapeli.fi/book/  * http://blogi.kaapeli.fi/book/ *