• Communication commission discussion

  • Re: Lerner's interview on CNN : 7 August 2014 + American Jewish Leader Siegman on Israel "Slaughter of innocents"

    from Azril Bacal on Aug 08, 2014 07:01 AM
    Querido Gustavo,
    Mil gracias por tu nota de la Jornada!
    Estoy muy de acuerdo contigo en tu análisis del sustrato patriarcal de la
    cultura de la violencia, pero me temo que no agota el tema.
    En todo caso, haz logrado describir con la profundidad que te caracteriza
    nuestra complicidad cotidiana en la red de la violencia que se reproduce en
    todos los planos: desde el interpersonal - y pasando por todos los niveles,
    círculos y espirales de brutalización - que no exime a quienes hoy se
    razgan las vestiduras para sentirse l@s "buen@s de la película" - hasta
    llegar a los niveles de los intereses y poder - en los obsoletos
    estados-nacionales de la modernidad - y más arriba todavía - en eso que
    llamamos eufemísticamente "la comunidad de naciones" o "los Pueblos del
    Mundo" - que no están representados en la ONU - de quienes hoy detentan el
    poder en el mundo, que incluye a hombres y mujeres condicionad@s por la
    cultura de la violencia - que incluye a l@s mejores y peores de nosotr@s.
    Para trascender todos los kapitalismos, incluyendo al kapitalismo de Putin
    y del "komunismo" Chino, estoy de acuerdo finalmente contigo: necesitamos
    dejar atrás el patriarcalismo y el paradigma del estado-nacional
    bonapartista de la modernidad. Creo que Evo Morales abrió la brecha con la
    construcción del primer Estado Multi-Nacional de Bolivia del siglo XXI.
    Le añadiría la necesidad de construír en nuestras vidas y relaciones
    cotidianas elementos de una cultura de paz y no violencia - y a partir de
    ese testimonio de base tocar los "Pueblos del Mundo" las trompetas para que
    se caigan los muros de Jericó del kapitalismo extractivista en todas sus
    formas y confines del pequeño, generoso y bello planeta azúl que
    históricamente nos cobija, si lo dejamos de fregar.
    Un abrazote matinal y fraternal, después de una noche de insomnio
    On Fri, Aug 8, 2014 at 5:38 AM, Gustavo Esteva Figueroa <
    gustavoesteva@...> wrote:
    >  Querido Azril
    > Quizá pueda serles de interés el artículo que publiqué este lunes en *La
    > Jornada* en relación con Gaza.
    > Abrazos
    > Gustavo
    > El 8/7/14 9:40 p.m., Azril Bacal escribió:
    > Querido Jaime,
    > Créeme que al igual que tú y toda persona sensible en este mundo comparto
    > el HORROR de la violencia en Gaza y la visión totalizadora del Rabino
    > Lerner, que me envíaste, sobre la situación actual y el pasado reciente,
    > desde el asesinato de Rabin - y la esperanza que él implicaba para una paz
    > heroíca en la región.
    >  Pero, recordando la situación peruana: yo no me sentí obligado como
    > muchos paisanos hicieron - a escoger entre sendero y las atrocidades de las
    > FFAA como una opción personal, más bien identificado con el análisis
    > totalizador de la Comisión de la Verdad y la Reconciliación (coordinado por
    > otro "Lerner" peruano).
    > No veo la razón para escoger entre dos males - o el mal menor!
    >  Para mí, ni Netanhayu y los líderes de Hamas son ambos co-responsables
    > directos de la violencia presente y pasada en Gaza, desde el asesinato de
    > Rabin (y Sadat)  - y no veo ni en ellos, ni en "quienes toma partido por
    > ellos" - una esperanza de una paz justa en dicha región - convulsionada por
    > una violencia crónica que nos intoxica a todos de tristeza, rabia e
    > impotencia!
    >  Te respondo a tu "provocación" habitual con una pregunta provocadora de
    > mi cosecha:
    >  Cómo explicas tú la selectividad - que yo encuentro patológica, perversa
    > y siniestra de la "gran mayoría" del coro mundial (entre ellos viejos y
    > antigu@s amig@s) - que hoy (parcializadamente) condenan la violencia de
    > "los judíos" y del "gobierno israelí" - frente a la violencia regional,
    > incluso "mayor" (como si el horror pudiera medirse) - en lo que se refiere
    > a víctimas humanas, en este caso árabes no yihadistas, algunos cristianos o
    > "demasiado" Chiitas" o "Sunitas" en Siria y en Irak, en estos mismos
    > momentos?
    >  No Jaime, NO es que un Horror justifique a otro, ni un mal a otro!!!
    >  Los "judíos" han demostrado ser tan humanos como cualquier otro hijo de
    > vecino, ilustrando el síndrome de "la victima tornada en victimizadora".-
    > Le caiga el guante a quien le caiga - ya que muchos creen (y esperan)
    > todavía que los judíos son más especiales que otr@s, verdad? Incluyendo a
    > muchos judíos y antisemitas en ese rollo. En todas partes se cuecen las
    > mismas habas, verdad amigo?
    >  Pero ya que me provocas con tu mensaje, te provoco yo con el mio:
    >  Más allá de la "línea correcta" del momento, "que no hace más justos a
    > quienes denuncian las injusticias ajenas" . Como aquello de "mirar la paja
    > en el ojo ajeno y no el bosque en el ojo propio"
    >  - Cómo explicas tú y los miembros del coro que condena "la violencia de
    > los judíos y del sionismo" - su silencio cómplice y (selectivamente)
    > perverso frente a la violencia desaforada de ISIS (y de Assad) en Irak y
    > Siria, cuyas víctimas EN LA MISMA REGIÓN DEL MUNDO - aunque esta vez son
    > "árabes que matan y matados por árabes" - que ocurre que son o demasiado
    > "cristianos" o demasiado "Chiitas" o demasiado "Sunitas", en la misma
    > región, cuyas víctimas son, para ser "proporcional" "tan humanas" como las
    > víctimas de la trampa violenta entre Netanhayu y los líderes de Hamas - de
    > la cual ambos carecen de la voluntad y capacidad de salir por cuenta propia.
    >  Yo veo a los miembros de ese coro vociferante como a "los justos"
    > (recuerdas a Camus?) del momento, entrampados en la misma trampa violenta -
    > que la violencia reactiva entre sendero y las FFAA en las dos décadas de la
    > violencia en nuestro país, con su secuela de 70,000 muertos y desaparecidos
    > - sin olvidarnos de las "tetas asustadas" cuyas cicatrices tardarán en
    > cicatrizar varias generaciones, porque al parecer dichas posiciones
    > violentistas persisten en nuestra época sin capacidad de verdad ni de
    > reconciliación, verdad amigo?
    >  Para mí, la "violencia estructural" (para mí, sinónimo de "injusticia" y
    > concepto gandhiano prestado por Galtung en el mundo occidental) es la
    > "madre del cordero" - y mi respuesta a ello es mi visión de "otros mundos
    > posibles" construídos en base a una "democracia democratizada" que no
    > legitime la destructividad planetaria ni la injusticia ambiental,
    > climática, socio-económica, política y cultural, como ocurre en las últimas
    > décadas.
    >  Dudo que la ONU actualmente pirateada por los cinco poderes del "Consejo
    > de Inseguridad" que son los grandes productores y mercaderes de armas que
    > ocasionan la violencia e inseguridad del mundo en que vivimos sean parte de
    > la solución. Su complicidad con la violencia actual los descalifica!
    >  Desde el año 2001 participé hasta la fecha con toda mi capacidad y
    > esperanza del proyecto del FSM de construír otro mundo u otros mundos
    > posibles - hasta este mismo momento, no más!
    >  Siendo testigo hoy de como un mayoría vocal del FSM - y de movimientos
    > con cuyos valores en principio me identifico, se han convertido en
    > portavoces partidarios de una posición sezgada y selectivamente focalizada
    > en contra de la "violencia sionista" en Gaza, dejo de participar a partir
    > de este momento en ellos.
    >  Sigo creyendo, tozudamente como soy, en la opción entre un "socialismo -
    > que lo entiendo como "libertario" y un "tecno-barbarismo" representado hoy
    > por el capitalismo neo-liberal extractivista.
    >  Por ello, mi querido Jaime, pienso como pienso y actúo como actúo.
    >  Desde esta madrugada insomne, te envío un fuerte abrazo fraternal y
    > libertario, tu amigo de siempre
    >  Azril ("Isi") Bacal
    > On Fri, Aug 8, 2014 at 1:29 AM, Jaime Roberto Llosa Larrabure <
    > jaime.llosal@...> wrote:
    >>  Isi:
    >> Sumando, siempre.
    >> Jaime
    >> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
    >> From: David Bayer <benavidesdavid7@...>
    >> Date: 2014-08-07 14:40 GMT-05:00
    >> Subject: Lerner's interview on CNN : 7 August 2014 + American Jewish
    >> Leader Siegman on Israel "Slaughter of innocents"
    >> To:
    >> Friends:
    >> Please see the attachments .
    >> david
    >> <http://org.salsalabs.com/dia/track.jsp?v=2&c=m4bV2ger66ctYGkFDOQqxi4wdi91J4y4>
    >> *Rabbi Lerner appeared on CNN this morning Thurs. Aug 7 for a short
    >> interview. You can view the interview at    *
    >> *http://mediaoneservices.com/**rabbi-michael-lerner-8714/*
    >> <http://mediaoneservices.com/rabbi-michael-lerner-8714/>
    >> Afterwards, Lerner bemoaned the shortness of the interview which didn't
    >> give him time to dispute the lies and distortions of Israeli Prime Minister
    >> Netanyahu or to critique the ethical obliviousness of Hamas.
    >> Lerner wished to point out that:
    >> A. the war could have been avoided had Netanyahu not cancelled
    >> negotiations with the Palestinian Authority on the grounds that the PA was
    >> in the process of developing a reconciliation with Hamas (which would have
    >> undermined the Israeli claim that the negotiations with the PA were of only
    >> limited value since the PA didn't represent Hamas), then manipulated the
    >> murder of 3 Israeli teens to whip up for weeks fierce anger at Hamas and to
    >> justify house-to-house searches for these teens that led to killings of
    >> Palestinians resisting these searches and re-arresting prisoners who had
    >> been freed in a previous prisoner exchange with Hamas (meanwhile knowing
    >> all along that the teens were dead--yes they had the tape of them being
    >> killed the first night but played on Israeli emotions for weeks about
    >> hoping to find the teens alive),
    >> B. Netanyahu claimed to only be targeting Hamas and to not be trying to
    >> attack civilians, saying Israel had no fight with Gazans. But what he was
    >> actually saying was "As long as you don't interfere with the blockade of
    >> Gaza which has prevented Gaza from being able to develop its own economy
    >> (45% unemployment level BEFORE the Gaza assault which has virtually
    >> decimated Gaza's tiny economy and hence caused far greater unemployment) or
    >> adequately feed its children (hundreds of whom die each month from
    >> malnutrition and diseases related to malnutrition and from lack of
    >> medications that the Israeli blockade has prevenented from reaching Gaza's
    >> families). Moreover, the crime of Israel's current assault has been
    >> witnessed around the world as the international (but not the Israeli or US)
    >> media broadcasts daily filmings of the devastation Israel has delivered to
    >> homes, hospitals, UN schools, and the reporting of over 1800 Gazans killed
    >> and over 6 thousand maimed or wounded.  This is a crime even if Israel did
    >> not intend it--because taking homicidal actions against another people that
    >> can be known to likely have the consequence of killing lots of civilians is
    >> a crime even if Israel didn't know for sure that its bombing and shelling
    >> would kill civilians. Israel's "warnings" were ludicrous: it urged people
    >> to get out of their homes, but to go exactly where, at a time when Israel
    >> had gunned down children playing on the beaches, standing outside or in
    >> playgrounds. Gaza is an open-air prison and Israeli actions more resemble
    >> shooting fish in a barrel than any recognizable self-defense.
    >> C. The "Israel has a right to protect itself" argument is correct but in
    >> this context very unconvincing. Imagine you were involved in a rebellion
    >> against the US policies in Vietnam or Iraq, and the government sent a tank
    >> to sit outside your house. You responded with molotov cocktails, knowing
    >> full well that the steel shell of that tank will make the molotov cocktails
    >> irrelevant to the survival of the soldiers in the tank. You decided to do
    >> it anyway, as an expression of frustration and powerlessness, even though
    >> you knew it would be unlikely to break through the tank's own mini "Iron
    >> Dome." You reasoned: "hey, if we are kept prisoners in this house anyway
    >> and prevented from gettting the provisiions we need to feed our own
    >> families who are going to die from this situation anyway, let's go down
    >> with dignity fighting for our rights." That, rightly, is how many Gazans
    >> perceive their situation (which is why they justified shooting rockets at
    >> Israeli cities even after Israel's Iron Dome guaranteed their
    >> ineffectiveness except to regularly disrupt Israeli life). Lerner argues
    >> that Hamas' targetting Israeli civilians did not start with this episode,
    >> but had been going on for years,and was a defining act of terrorism. But he
    >> also argues that Israeli attacks wiping out civilian homes in Gaza,
    >> destroying Gaza's factories and means of providing food and clothing and
    >> shelter for Gazans, destroying Gaza's electrical and water cleansing
    >> facilities, and attacking targets known to contain civilians or targets
    >> where there was strong likelihood that they would be killing lots of
    >> civilians, constitutes terrorism just as morally culpable as Hamas'
    >> terrorism.
    >> D. Lerner insists on the importance of challenging the media discourse
    >> about who did what to whom and who did it first, and instead, as he did in
    >> this interview, insisit on discussing the central issue: ending the
    >> Occupation of the West Bank and the blockade of Gaza, either by Israel
    >> generously helping to create an economically and politically viable
    >> Palestinian state, rebuilding all that it has destroyed in the West Bank
    >> and Gaza during its decades of Occupation, and building for Palestine the
    >> economic and material infrastructue sufficient for the newly created
    >> Palestinian state to be able to absorb the millions of Palestinisn
    >> dispersed through the world (particularly those in refugee camps with some
    >> of the worst living conditions of anyone on the planet) or by granting all
    >> Palestinians in Gaza and the West Bank a vote in Israeli elections as equal
    >> citizens with all the rights of equal citizens.
    >> E. Yet Lerner doesn't side with Hamas either. Instead, he argues that the
    >> other way this horrific month of disaster for the Palestinians, Gazans,
    >> Israelis and Jews around the world facing escalating revulsion at Jews and
    >> "the Jewish state" and alienating many ethically sensitive Jews from
    >> Judaism would have been for Hamas to say, "OK, we want to live in peace
    >> with Israel, hereby change our Charter to eliminate all language suggesting
    >> that Israel should be eliminated or Jews sent back to Europe. We give up
    >> armed struggle, because we now see that the huge amounts of destruction and
    >> killings that get inflicted on our people through armed struggle makes the
    >> armed struggle not really a viable path to our liberation. We do this
    >> despite thinking that what Israel has done to our people in the past is
    >> terrible, because we want to serve the best interests of our people, and we
    >> now fully recognize that no path involving violence can improve the
    >> condition of our people." Hamas could do this now, and should have done it
    >> years ago, and that would have empowered peace forces in Israel and
    >> eventually decreased the right-wing's electoral power enough to allow for a
    >> new Israeli government to emerge with a real desire to end the Occupation,
    >> not the phony and lying regime of Netanyahu, much less the even more
    >> extreme government likely to emerge after this horrific war that scared so
    >> many Israelis.
    >> F. Lerner also notes, however, that Israel could have ended this twenty
    >> years ago by actually withdrawing from the West Bank and Gaza by
    >> implementing the terms of the Oslo Accord which Prime Mininster Rabin had
    >> signed before he was murdered by a right-wing Israeli nationalist. But as
    >> Prime Mininser Netanyahu made clear in his talk to Israeli journalists in
    >> late July, Israel now has no intention of allowing an independent
    >> Palestinian state to emerge, and the Gaza war has now guaranteed that there
    >> is not likely to be an Israeli majority seeking such an accord in the
    >> coming years.
    >>  ------------------------------
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    >> gracias,
    >> david
    >> Marqakuyki, wauqicha
    >> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MczKkIDd6TA
    >> Rosa and David Bayer
    >> P.O. BOX 139, Ica, Peru
    >> Tel: 51-56-506073   + (51) 956-099121 <%2B%20%2851%29%20956-099121>
    >> rdbayer@...
    >> http://www.iproga.org.pe/
    >> http://ischmagourmetperu.blogspot.com/
    >> No Transgenicos . No GMO = No OVM
    >> I am because we are, so we are because I am.
    >> Zulu proverb:"Umuntu ngumuntu ngabantu" = "a person is human because of
    >> his/her people".
    >> La cultura de la mentira:
    >> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fQBPWv11izc&feature=youtu.be
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