Dear Mégane, Haifa and all,
Sorry to say won't be able to join you in body this time, as much as my soul is with you.
I am In the final stages of my doctoral work and also tired to beg for money,
that other participants have at their disposal to cover for their expenses which is not my case.
Wishing you all the success you deserve!!!
Fraternally yours
PD: Looking forward to your report! I continue to support the WSF process from my small corner in the world.

On Mon, Mar 23, 2015 at 11:10 AM, françois clarinval <> wrote:
bonjour à toutes et tous;

Citoyenneté et spiritualité musulmane (Belgique) sera dans l'impossibilité d'assure cette année une présence au FSM.

Bonne participation à vous.
Continuez à nous inforemr.

François Clarinval.
Porte parole de CSM
En date de : Sam 21.3.15, <> a écrit :

 Objet: [Religion & Emancipation discussion]    Re : [Religion & Emancipation discussion] Fwd: [info3] WSF 2015: convergence assemblies
 À: "" <>
 Date: Samedi 21 mars 2015, 18h28

 Dear Audrey,
 Thanks for sharing this statement that I also
 agree with. Would you accept to intervene during our
 convergence assembly about those issues? I think it would be
 very relevant regarding the current context...

 Envoyé depuis mon HTC
 ----- Reply message -----
 De : "Dayan-Herzbrun Sonia"
 Pour :
 Objet : [Religion &amp; Emancipation discussion] Fwd:
 [info3] WSF 2015: convergence assemblies
 Date : sam., mars 21, 2015 18:05
 Dear Audrey,
 I agree totally with this statement.


      Le Samedi 21 mars
 2015 17h37, Audrey Bomse <> a
 écrit :

 #yiv9360872212   --
 .yiv9360872212hmmessage P
 #yiv9360872212  body.yiv9360872212hmmessage
 Dear all,
 Will the Convergence Assembly deal with the
 recent statement and the planned opening day
 march, which seem to indicate that the WSF
 organizers have been dragged into
 the 'war against (Islamic) terror' agenda? My
 organization, the National Lawyers Guild (US) is working on
 the statement below, for which we will be seeking
 endorsement Audrey We are writing to
 express our alarm at the position adopted by the
 Preparatory Commission in its comunique regarding the tragic
 events at Tunisia's Bardo national museum. In
 particular, its announcement that the opening
 World Social Forum march will come under the theme
 of "Peoples of the world united against
 terrorism". We are seriously concerned that
 the Preparatory Commission
 may be facilitating the usurpation of
 the World Social Forum by the "war on
 agenda. Progressives
 around the globe view the World Social Forum as
 an alternative space in which they can critically
 reflect upon and challenge dominant narratives of state,
 capitalist and imperialist power that keep peoples from
 imagining and achieving "another world". The first
 principle of the original WSF charter is to bring
 together civil society organizations "that are opposed
 to neoliberalism and to domination of the world by capital
 and any form of imperialism". For the past 15
 years, the discourses, policies and practices of the
 "war on terror" have played a key role in
 (re)producing the various hierarchies (of socio-economic
 status, of citizenship, of sovereignty, etc) that
 perpetuate capitalist and imperialist power. We believe the
 role of progressives should always be to express
 empathy and solidarity with innocent victims of crime,
 regardless of the perpetrator, whether states or
 non-state actors. We also believe there are times when
 "civil society" may find it in their strategic
 interests to work with governments to achieve certain aims.
 However, in a context in which
 clarity is lacking and where it is difficult
 to access accurate information, it is incumbent upon
 progressives to challenge official narratives and propose
 emancipatory alternatives.
 The global justice movement cannot
 allow itself to be used for a domestic and geopolitical
 agenda that seeks to manipulate the emotions of the public
 to justify a further militarization of Tunisian society (and
 the world) in a way that only benefits
 the security/military-industrial-complex. It also
 enables the entrenchment of racialized counter-terror
 practices that marginalize whole communities, criminalize
 dissent and, most importantly, divert attention away
 from the most pressing social, economic and political
 issues that were at the heart of the uprisings in
 Tunisia and elsewhere in the world. 
 We believe the
 raison d'être of the WSF is to speak truth to
 power, not to collude with power. In light of this, we hope
 the WSF Preparatory Commission statement will be redrafted
 to take our concerns into consideration in a cooperative and
 consultative fashion.
 Date: Sat, 21 Mar 2015
 12:07:00 +0100
 Subject: Re: [Religion &
 Emancipation discussion] Fwd: [info3] WSF 2015:        convergence

 Bonjour à
 Pour votre
 information, l'Assemblée de convergence est maintenant
 enregistrée sur le site du FSM. Pour celles et ceux qui
 souhaitent intervenir à l'occasion de celle-ci, merci
 de bien vouloir le mentionner par email. 
 Je vous souhaite un excellent

 For your
 information, the Convergence Assembly is now registered on
 the WSF website. For those who would like to intervene
 during this one, please mention it by
 Have a
 good week-end. 
 2015-03-18 14:52
 GMT+01:00 Gerald Boodoo <>:

 I will only agree to do this if you also agree to be
 the co-moderator. You have done the work to bring the
 assembly together and as co-moderators we will have gender,
 language (French/Engish), ideological, cultural and
 generational balance. What do you


 From: Mégane
 Ghorbani <>

 Date: Wednesday,
 March 18, 2015 at 3:43 AM

 To: Kochurani Abraham

 Cc: Azril Bacal
 Luiz Carlos Susin <>,
 luiza tomita <>,
  Permanent Secretariat WFTL <>,
 Haifa BEN SAOUD <>,
 forosocialsevilla <>,
 Bo Nylund <>,
 KG Hammar <>,
  Gerald Boodoo <>,
 Joelle Cordesse <>,
 Pablo Solon <>,
 Fausto Giudice <>,
 mjv-uppsala <>,
 Gustavo Massiah <>

 Subject: Re:
 [Religion & Emancipation discussion] Fwd: [info3] WSF
 2015: convergence assemblies

 Great if Gerald can moderate ! I could also support him if



 +216 285 274

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