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Fwd: Beyond Nuclear Non-Proliferation Newsletter Number 4 | 2016 - Support for ‘Obama Nuclear Doctrine' by Executive Order - Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty Needs Stronger Political Push

from Azril Bacal on Aug 14, 2016 05:17 PM
Let us stop the nuclear holocaust!


*Beyond Nuclear Non-Proliferation*
Strengthening Awareness of the Need for a Nuclear Weapons Free World
with articles published in July 2016

Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty Needs Stronger Political Push

Interview by Ramesh Jaura with CTBTO Chief Dr Lassina Zerbo

BERLIN | VIENNA (IDN | INPS) – If it were for Dr. Lassina Zerbo, Executive
Secretary of the Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty Organization (CTBTO
the treaty banning all nuclear tests would have entered into force

This view not only reflects what he terms in a lighter vein his
“notoriously optimistic” perspective. It is also grounded in a series of
signals underlining that “the discussion about ratification has moved to a
new level” so that the Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty, better known
by its acronym CTBT
should not remain an “unfinished business”. [P14] JAPANESE TEXT VERSION
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Astana and Geneva Preparing Ban-the-Bomb Conferences

By Jamshed Baruah

GENEVA (IDN) - Kazakhstan will host an international conference on August
28-29 to build and strengthen political will for the prohibition and
elimination of nuclear weapons, some 15,000 of which are threatening the
very survival of humankind.

The conference in Astana is being organised by the Senate of the Parliament
of the Republic of Kazakhstan in partnership with the Ministry of Foreign
Affairs of Kazakhstan and Parliamentarians for Nuclear Non-Proliferation
and Disarmament (PNND
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Support for ‘Obama Nuclear Doctrine’ by Executive Order

Analysis by Ramesh Jaura

BERLIN | NEW YORK (IDN) - Despite protests by Republican congressional
leaders and the heads of Senate Foreign Relations and Armed Services
Committees, President Barack Obama is garnering wide support for his
reported plan to implement at least a part of his cherished nuclear agenda
through a series of executive actions during the next months before leaving
the White House.

None of the executive options Obama is considering require formal
congressional approval. In fact, all of those actions would “fall under his
executive authority as commander-in-chief”, says David Krieger, president
of the U.S.-based Nuclear Age Peace Foundation
(NAPF). [P15]
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U.S. Mayors Warn Against Largest NATO ‘War Games’

By J C Suresh

TORONTO | INDIANAPOLIS (IDN) - “The largest NATO war games in decades,
involving 14,000 U.S. troops, and activation of U.S. missile defenses in
Eastern Europe are fueling growing tensions between nuclear-armed giants,”
the United States Conference of Mayors (USCM)
has warned in run-up to the 28-nation North Atlantic Alliance’s summit on
July 8-9 in Poland’s capital Warsaw.

The resolution
adopted by the USCM’s 84th Annual Meeting June 24-27 in Indianapolis says:
“More than 15,000 nuclear weapons, most orders of magnitude more powerful
than the Hiroshima and Nagasaki bombs, 94% held by the United States and
Russia, continue to pose an intolerable threat to cities and humanity.” [P13]
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Montreal World Social Forum to Focus on Nuclear Disarmament

By J C Suresh

TORONO (IDN) - The World Social Forum (WSF
the largest civil society gathering to find solutions to the problems of
our time, will convene for the first time in a northern country – in Canada
– from August 9 to 14.

Montreal will host the 12th World Social Forum that was launched in 2001 in
Porto Alegre, the capital and largest city of the Brazilian state of Rio
Grande do Sul. One of the key issues in focus will be: “Once a nuclear war
starts, there’s no way to limit it.”
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Ignoring Iraq Report Lessons Will Be Catastrophic - Pugwash

GENEVA (IDN) - Reacting to the Report of the Iraq Inquiry
headed by Sir John Chilcot, published early July, the 1995 Nobel Peace
Prize winning Pugwash Conferences on Science and World Affairs
have stressed the critical importance of heeding the lessons of the inquiry.

“In a world where nine countries possess over 15,000 nuclear warheads and
global military expenditure is at a staggering US $1676 billion, while
terrorism fuelled by extremist ideologies adds to the toxic mix of the
traditional causes of war, the folly of not heeding the lessons of Chilcot
will be catastrophic,” the Pugwash Conferences’ leaders warn.
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European Parliaments Demand ‘No-First-Use’ – Obama’s Nuclear Agenda

IDN | INPS Special Report

*Alyn Ware and Jean-Marie Collin analyse the Declaration of the
Parliamentary Assembly of the Organisation for Security and Cooperation in
Europe (OSCE PA) early July, calling for taking nuclear weapons off high
alert and adopting no-first-use policies. In this context, they explore
whether President Obama’s reported plans along the same lines would fly.*

BERLIN | PARIS | WELLINGTON (IDN | INPS) - The Parliamentary Assembly of
the Organisation for Security and Cooperation in Europe
(OSCE PA) convened in Tbilisi, the capital of Georgia, July 1-5 and called
on all OSCE States with nuclear weapons or under extended nuclear
deterrence relationships to reduce the risks of a nuclear war by *taking
nuclear weapons off high alert* and by *adopting no-first-use policies.*
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Learning About the Bomb is the Best Way to Reduce Nuclear Dangers

 By Sameer Lalwani and Michael Krepon*

(The Wire
It’s hard to learn about the Bomb in the media. Other issues have a higher
call on public attention and press coverage, like counter-terrorism in
Pakistan and China’s rise in India. Journal articles in publications
devoted to security topics reflect other priorities: Over the past ten
years nuclear security research has only featured in 14% of the
articles in *Strategic
Studies* published by the Islamabad Strategic Studies Institute
and in only seven percent of the articles in *Strategic Analysis*,
published by India’s Institute for Defence Studies & Analyses
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Britain Renews Commitment to Nuclear Weapons

- Late on Monday 18 July, the British parliament voted in favour of
building four new nuclear-powered submarines to carry US Trident missiles
armed with modernized nuclear warheads for the next half century.

The vote gives permission to the government to sign multi-billion pound
contracts with the aim of ensuring that the UK will continue to possess and
deploy an enormously dangerous arsenal of weapons of mass destruction,
threatening other countries and exposing its people to serious risks of
nuclear accidents, use or attacks for a further generation.
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Strategizing Arms Free Africa

By Dr. Peter Mburu, IPPNW-Kenya

NAIROBI - On the 17th of June 2016, I had the privilege of representing
IPPNW-Kenya at an #ArmsFreeAfrica NGO strategy meeting in Nairobi hosted by
the Control Arms coalition. The working meeting was preceded by an evening
premiere screening of the movie “Gun Runners” featuring former Kenyan
cattle-rustler- turned-peace activist and elite professional runner Julius

The events were very well attended by an array of organisations from the
region involved in peace work.  Together we formed a very dynamic group
with input from many aspects including youth. IPPNW-Kenya joined these
other organizations at the meeting:
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*Published by*
The International Press Syndicate
as part of a media project <http://www.nuclearabolition.info/?acm=1026_50>
with Soka Gakkai International
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