Hej Lanja,
Lite mera från John Foran som angår oss, eller hur?

Date: Wed, Aug 2, 2017 at 8:57 PM
Subject: Re: Video Talk by John Foran, "How Might 21st-Century Movements for Radical Social Change Win? A Discussion of the Global Climate Justice Movement"

Thanks, Azril, for the kind words.  Did you get the announcement to the conference we just launched on Monday?

Feel free to spread the word in your networks and circles!

with gratitude,




Dear colleagues and friends,


I urge you to spend five minutes checking this out!


Please consider and FORWARD widely this announcement for a rather unusual conference open to participation, including in the discussions, to all. 


And please join in and start conversations about “Activists, Artists, and Academics:  Building Just Climate Futures Together,” an on-line conference that has opened today at:


There are five panels, with 20 speakers, covering:

 The Global Climate Justice Movement in the Age of Crisis


 Creating a Field: Climate Justice Studies 

 India: The F(r)iction of Nuclear as a Climate Solution: Tales from India’s Nuclear Renaissance 

We have talks by Pallav Das, Margaret Klein Salamon, Patrick Bond, Emily Williams, David Pellow, Michaela Ravasio, Kyle Powys White, anne-elise lewallen, Tom Athanasiou, Anya Grenier, Nathan Thanki, Kumar Sundaram, Leah Temper, Daniel Fernandez, Ezra Silk, Brad Hornick, Richard Widick, Ashish Birulee, Kevin Buckland, Jim Shultz, John Foran, and Ken Hiltner that engage discussions on activism, artivism, and scholar-activism.

The talks present often intersecting themes since “This changes everything” means everything affects everything else, and part of the challenge is to figure out how, and to use that knowledge strategically, to change things in ways that ripple outward, long and slow, or sudden and flashingly…

One of our goals is to model and further improve the art of holding a conference with a nearly nonexistent carbon footprint.


But beyond that, as you will see, we hope to build relationships and a knowledge-action network of scholars and activists for climate justice and radical social transformation in the face of humanity’s greatest threat.


Be as creative as you like in your comments –

we look forward to seeing them!






John Foran, Professor

Sociology and Environmental Studies
UC Santa Barbara

Co-Director, International Institute of Climate Action and Theory


Co-founding member, the Climate Justice Project


E-mail:  foran@soc.ucsb.edu


Ken Hiltner, Professor

English and Environmental Studies

Director, Environmental Humanities Initiative

UC Santa Barbara

E-mail:  hiltner@english.ucsb.edu




A hint before you print: think green.

On Wed, Aug 2, 2017 at 11:12 AM, Azril Bacal <bazril@gmail.com> wrote:
Hej Lanja,
Härmed skickar jag info till Climate Camp Sweden (3-7 August)
om John Foran, nedan!

---------- Forwarded message ----------

Date: Sun, Apr 9, 2017 at 11:36 AM
Ref: Video Talk by John Foran, "How Might 21st-Century Movements for Radical Social Change Win? A Discussion of the Global Climate Justice Movement"
From: John Foran <foran@soc.ucsb.edu>

Dear John,
Thank you very much for your continuous inspiration.
Seguimos en la lucha!
Abrazos polares

---------- Forwarded message ----------

From: John Foran <foran@soc.ucsb.edu>
Date: 2017-04-08 17:48 GMT+02:00
Subject: Video Talk by John Foran,

"How Might 21st-Century Movements for Radical Social Change Win?
A Discussion of the Global Climate Justice Movement"

Here is a talk recently made for the meetings of the Pacaific Sociological Association [no, I didn't fly to Portland to give it  ;)].


John Foran, How Might 21st-Century Movements for Radical Social Change Win? A Discussion of the Global Climate Justice Movement, Pacific Sociological Association talk - April 6, 2017


This talk introduces a book project titled Taking Power or (re)Making Power: Re-Imagining Movements for Radical Social Change and Global Justice, presenting the culminating case study -- the "Global Climate Justice Movement."

The project surveys the history of the new movements for radical social change of the 21st century, contrasting them with the great social revolutions of the 20th.  The goal is to identify patterns of success and failure, and the author's "political cultures of opposition and of creation" are central to the analysis.

Briefly reviewing the rise of the Zapatistas, the global justice movement, Occupy, the Arab Spring, and other cases in light of this perspective, the paper considers the global climate justice movement's impact on the complex outcome and balance sheet of the Paris Agreement -the universal climate treaty negotiated at COP 21 in December 2015, analyzing the actions and discourses of the movement in and around Paris.  It then moves into a critical discussion of the actions of the movement since Paris and its future plans.

Finally, it takes up [extremely briefly, as it turned out] the questions on many activists' lips:  what is to be done about the complex of crises we call the climate crisis, and how do we do it?