Hallo to everybody,
I know earlier today there was supposed to be the weekly chat...!
reading the last mails around wsf memory, and the very long project proposed by sergio ( sorry, i could not read it all, also becouse of the language!)
I am a little worried to see that  a lot of enphasis is given to  memory of the future, but almost no concern about memory of the past!
Our group coordinator (Hilde ) is missing and no body pushed us to produce a coordinated, partecipated and inclusive memory project that has sense and that follows the given guidelines.
I think we should all give a look again at Norma's  document about Memory of WSF  she has sent some time ago, wich I think is the basis for a memory archive project we should consider.
Today is supposed to be the deadline for presenting all groups projects+budgets;
so far the memoryGT has not presented something organic and inclusive work.
I have sent some thoughts and ideas through the mail but i do not know if anyone has read it.

The only things I have seen is about the future memory;   sergio's memory project wich is , in a way, for me not exactly a wsf memory recording, but more an idea for monitoring what people feel wsf process is...?The idea is good, but doesn't seem to me a wsf memory thing; I am skepticale about asking such big financing request for something that is really good as a museum activity that could, at the end,  bedonated to wsf process, and not viceversa.

I think we need to consider 2 aspects of memory:
tha past and the future:

the PAST, which is to be mapped, collected, and possible edited. How much time and eventually money is needed is difficult to say, since it depends on the amount of material. Most of it will need to be copied and  sent to who will catalouge and edit it.  It may even be possible that some material has to be joined fisically, wich may mean travel expences.
All groups that produce video ( but all sorts of wsf documentation can be included) should start mapping and share their lists of available memory material , and also start loading  their material in one and only wsf database ( for video is supposed to be, this way all material are collected in one container and is available to all at once ( also for a possible  consultation space on pc of all memory material at future sf)

For the FUTURE, I think it is quite easy to say that for each forum event , together with the forum organization commitee, should have a number of people working at collecting  the memory; the number of people depends on the type of event. For this, a number of crews also with  local people involved ( for video each crew should be of 2 people) have to make sure that the sf is covered (video, radio, text) as much as possible, following key plenaries, some thematic working groups, interviewing key and common people.

Meantime a catalogation strategy should be studied in order to be able to easely pick out from the common database what one is searching.
I think we have to find/decide few main macro areas of contents (max 10?) which are words that together with date+place+event where the material has been taken+ kind of material (video, txt, audio, still image) + language of transaltion, are going to be the tags for extracting the contents of interest. Each of these elements are to be catalogued with a specific rule that has to be given, like to fill in all its parts in a pre ordinated form ( the wsftv one has to be worked on).

Thank you for your attention
another world is possible!