• minutes cs 16th march

Wiki modificadas recientemente March 23, 2010 por facilitfsm

Titled log of comcom weekly chat march 16th


Start of weekly chat 1

Ritas sending on 4 items to be addressed –before mexico. 1

Ongoing doodle consultation for a better weekly chat date. 3

inputs on mailing list , for assessement? Deadline 19th. 3

Looking forward to very next events Osaka and Rio. 3

Cobertura compartilhada em Rio. 3

How to proceed untill IC – chat or list 3

Contacting laura from rio. 3

Pierre -Sfex status. 4

Sharing info about Osaka. 4

Rita – about March of women. 4

Rita - Moving to IC agenda. 4

Group of 5 - LG relationships. 5

Pierre - LG –group of 5  dialogue to be copied to comcom list 5

Which Process for drafing comcom documents for the IC ?. 5

Updating Paco about last week comcom chat – and group of 5. 5

Which Process for drafing comcom documents for the IC ? (continued) 5

IC seminar on communication  In vania’s tasks?. 6

Pierre – need for a Meeting in mexico before IC.. 6

Four issues how are the four chat date being determined? Now or doodle analysis. 6

Jason  about  comcom meeting in mexico and group of 5. 7

Pierre  proposing a practical sequence of points for this chat 7

Vania about  mexico meeting. 7

Meeting in mexico before IC is not “the” comcom seminar 7

Chat dates -Need to Analyse the doodle results. 8

need to Define the sequence of 4 issues. 8

Jason - 4 points before leaving. 8

Assessment homework  - point 1 of 4. 8

Jason going to make announcement of mexico comcompre ic meeting. 8

Talk  about next events mexico  detroit istanbul belem ?  sharing info. 9

resume of the chat ?. 9


Start of weekly chat

[ 21:12:58]  Paco: hi to all

[ 21:18:01] Jason: Hola

[ 21:22:01]  Paco: bene jason, io alle 10 devo staccare e qui sono già le 21.20 ........CET

 [ 21:33:34] Rita  : olá pessoal, estou por aqui

[ 21:40:07] Pierre: oi

Ritas sending on 4 items to be addressed –before mexico

[ 21:40:56] Rita  : Oi Pierre, deixo aqui o primeiro informe aos que chegam

The first info for this chat:

The Commission Communication has some urgent demands to resolve:


1) Evaluate the communication of the WSF 2010 - progress and plan so far.

It will serve as a balance to be submitted to the International Council.


2) Set our upcoming activities and seminar, which is in the plans of the



3) Respond to other groups in the WSF International Council: LG and

Strategy Committee, who are incorporating the theme of communication in

their work.


4) prepare for our participation at the next meeting of the WSF

International Council in May



We have a proposal to carry 4 chats work in the coming weeks,


1) Evaluation (if possible, with previous reports of the participants of

the committee)


2) Building our Com Com Seminar


3) Interface with other committees of the CI


4) What we present in the IC meeting in May


The days and hours for these 4 chats will be scheduled next Tuesday during

the weekly chat at 8 pm GMT, (5 pm in Brazil, 9 pm in Paris)



Olá amigas/os


A Comunicação da Comissão tem algumas demandas urgentes para resolver:


1) Avaliar a comunicação do FSM 2010 - progresso e plano até agora.

Servirá como um balanço a ser apresentado ao Conselho Internacional.


2) Definir nossas próximas atividades, além do seminário presencial, que

está nos planos da comissão.


3) Responder a outros grupos do Conselho Internacional do FSM:  Grupo de

Enlace e  Comité de Estratégia, que estão incorporando o tema da comunicação

em seu trabalho.


E finalmente,


4) preparar a nossa participação na próxima reunião do Conselho

Internacional do FSM, em Maio


Temos a sugestão de realizarmos 4 chats de trabalho, nas próximas semanas,



1) Avaliação (com aviso prévio dos participantes da comissão)


2) Construção do seminário da Com Com


3) Interface com outras comissões do CI


4) O que  apresentaremos, na reunião do CI em maio


Ongoing doodle consultation for a better weekly chat date

[ 21:45:54] Rita Datas e horários destes 4 chats serão definidos na próxima terça, durante o

chat semanal das 8h GMT (5 h. da tarde no Brasil)


[ 21:45:54] Rita  : Quando quiserem podemos conversar, Estou por aqui

[ 21:46:13] Pierre: ok sim podemos

inputs on mailing list , for assessement? Deadline 19th

[ 21:46:16] Jason: Gracias Rita.Creo que como ha dicho Dan en su mensaje, podria ser mehor que todos hacen un reporte escrito en la lista - nosotros podriemos comencar aqui.

 Looking forward to very next events Osaka and Rio

[ 21:46:16] Jason Pero hay 2 eventos que se van a acontecer la proxima semana: el Forum Social Urbano en Rio y el Forum Social de Osaka.

Como estan los contactos con estos eventos?

[ 21:47:16]  Paco: you find wsftv and some consideration on the list, wsftv report sorry//

Cobertura compartilhada em Rio

[ 21:48:44] Rita  : Há uma reuniao acontecendo hoje no Rio, nao tenho informaçoes ainda. Apenas que as midias alternativas farão intercambio de conteudos - até o momento escritos e por audio, pq agencia Pulsar deve cobrir

Is there a meeting today in Rio de Janeiro, concerning the Urban Social Forum. The alternative media is agreeing to interchange contents

Mas vejam que estamos falando da midia alternativa local, que vai produzir conteudos que podem ser traduzidos e distribuidos, só nao temos como fazer isso por falta de recursos

quero dizer, local e regional da América Latina

How to proceed untill IC – chat or list

[ 21:53:53] Rita  : Bom, precisamos decidir também se faremos do modo como Dan sugeriu, pela lista, ou se manteremos os chats

Por mim, os dois encaminhamentos sao bons, mas acho que precisamos de uma organizacao mínima do processo antes do CI de Maio

Contacting laura from rio

[ 21:53:39] *** Jason a invité laura burocco ***

 [ 21:56:37] Jason: Acabo de añadir Laura, que trabaja con Ibase y esta entre los organizadores del FSU de Rio. Laura que puedes ponernos al día ?

[ 21:59:01] Rita  : Oi Laura, como vai? Saudade, seja bem-vinda ao nosso chat.

[ 22:01:11] Rita  : Laura está aqui?

[ 22:22:30] Jason: [Laura Burocco està en otra chat y no puede veer esta... estoy ententando de juntarla nuevamente]


El sitio del Forum Social Urbano es: http://forumsocialurbano.wordpress.com

[ 22:27:24] Jason: Laura nos puede ver ahora?

[ 22:28:19] Jason: Contactos: comunicacaofsu@gmail.com  -  gustavo@global.org.br


Pierre -Sfex status

[ 21:56:56] Pierre: a nivel de expandida  - estabelecemos contacto em rio , com Gustavo da GT Com e Laura burocco , mais ate agora estam sem recurso humano para organizar streaming no qual eles eram interesados


estabelecemos contacto com Osaka ( Y Kitahata)  y eles decideram fazer  some first steps in expanded - they will have something with hong kong and something with detroit


tambien la semana pasada el seminario de preparacion del foro en palestina fue "expandido" - que permitio algun aprendisaje concreto


mas noticias aqui http://openfsm.net/projects/sfexintercom/sfexeventmessage2

[ 21:57:59]  Paco: please Pierre it is possible to recive some email to check for the video?

[ 21:58:56] Pierre: email from rio and osaka?

Sharing info about Osaka

[ 22:02:43] Rita  : Bom gente, alguém tem informaçao de Osaka? Desse nao sei nada

[ 22:04:16] Pierre: nao tem muito  ...  aqui estam linkes es um primer foro  esperan como 1000 personas


[ 22:04:35] Rita  : Sobre cobertura, tem alguma coisa?

 [ 22:04:47] Pierre: no se ...

[ 22:05:00] Rita  : sobre divulgaçao?

[ 22:05:21] Pierre: ellos van a hacer streaming de su plénaria dia 21 de 1p a 5pm japon

[ 22:05:45] Rita  : e vao falar em ingles? para o streaming

[ 22:06:14] Pierre: algo .... no se exactamente .si todo va a estar traducido

 [ 22:07:58] Rita  : bom, tudo bem, funciona para o publico do japao, quem sabe conseguimos saber algo mais de como eles funcionam nisso de divulgaçao

Rita – about March of women

[ 22:08:07] Rita  : Queria acrescentar um tema, Nao sei se entrou na agenda oficial do FSM 2010, mas acho que sim: a Açao Internacional da Marcha Mundial de Mulheres

No Brasil as mulheres organizaram uma marcha que começou dia 8 e ainda nao terminou no momento estao em Perus, com a filha do Che Guevara, Aleida e de lá vao pra Osasco e por fim chegam em sao paulo na quinta feira é uma marcha linda

estamos cobrindo, com texto e vamos publicar imagens, mas nao sei como está essa acao em outros lugares

Rita - Moving to IC agenda

[ 22:15:33] Rita  : Bom, se nao temos mais nada sobre estes pontos, precisamos seguir com o encaminhamento da pauta: como vamos nos organizar para fechar nossa agenda rumo ao CI? Faremos os 4 chats propostos?

[ 22:15:50] Rita  : o que acham?

Group of 5 - LG relationships

 [ 22:31:51] Rita  : Bom pessoal, enquanto isso tenho um INFORME SOBRE A RELAÇAO  COM COM - GRUPO DE ENLACE

Bom, 5 pessoas da Com Com que também sao do CI se dispuseram a seguir a conversa com outras cinco do Grupo de Enlace, iniciada em Porto Alegre. Somos eu, Jason, Salete, Pia e Roberto Sávio.

Do Grupo de Enlace sao Ana, Meena, Rafaela, Moema e Alexandre

Helio criou uma messagem coletiva, do tipo responder a todos, para esse diálogo

A interface está criada, mas o diálogo nao começou ainda

[ 22:39:54] Pierre: (clap)

 [ 22:44:05]  Paco: I wish to partecipate

[ 22:44:41] Rita  : Internamente, os 5 da comunicaçao estao se dispondo a preparar documentos para o CI, que também serao subsídios para o Enlace

Pierre - LG –group of 5  dialogue to be copied to comcom list

[ 22:44:56] Pierre: entonces entendi que o dialogo va ser repercutado na lista comcom ....( pode ser o accumulo integral de mensajes intercambiado na lista )

[ 22:46:30] Rita  : Sim, o diálogo será repercutido na lista e os cinco já estao dialogando sobre a proposta de conteúdos a ser trazida pra cá

[ 22:46:50]  Paco: i dont understand Rita

Which Process for drafing comcom documents for the IC ?

[ 22:47:04] Pierre: no veo bien la razon  porque los documentos para o CI tendiran que ser redactados por el mismo canal /grupo  - hemos dicho en los chat anteriores que la conversacion con GE  son una cosa aparte de nuestra preparacion del CI http://openfsm.net/projects/communication-commission/minutes-cs-2-mar

 [ 22:48:37] Rita  : A apresentaçao de nossas propostas ao CI é uma coisa, que vamos construir sem grupo de Enlace. Os documentos sobre o processo da comunicaçao até agora sao outra coisa e a resposta ao Grupo de Enlace sao outra coisa

 [ 22:49:56] Pierre: concordo , pero porque serian los mismo 5 que construyen estos documentos  - este grupo de 5 fue constituido a pedido del GE nada mas

Updating Paco about last week comcom chat – and group of 5

[ 22:50:00] Rita  : We have accepted the invitation of the Liason Group to work together concerning the talks we have started in Montreal and Porto Alegre.

 [ 22:50:16]  Paco: excuse me but when was this chat ?: http://openfsm.net/projects/communication-commission/minutes-cs-2-mar

[ 22:50:47] Rita  : With LG, no chat yet

 [ 22:51:04]  Paco: ok infact when was the chat about that?

[ 22:51:24] Pierre: paco it was a weekly chat where we were three.. discussing the agenda  for the next weeks until mexico

[ 22:51:41]  Paco: okey

[ 22:52:22]  Paco: sorry it is very important issue , i was out for a month , and i did not recived a copy of the weekly chat

Which Process for drafing comcom documents for the IC ? (continued)

 [ 22:51:43] Pierre: and here it is clear that the group of 5 is only for the discussion with LG...

[ 22:52:06] Rita  : Yes, Pierre, only for this

 [ 22:52:32] Pierre: so the documents about preparation of IC should be made in a wider group

 [ 22:53:36] Rita  : Well, this issue is one of the proposal for the next chats could we book them?

[ 22:54:13] bettina: hallo everybody sorry for beeing so late, il portoghese è molto difficile per me, ha una costruzione troppo diversa : in english will work hallo rita

 [ 22:54:26] Rita  : Hi Bettina

IC seminar on communication  In vania’s tasks?

[ 22:54:57] Pierre: (we know that this IC is important for comcom ... i just saw the tasks of Vania : and it says there is a com seminar in IC 5 and 6 of may ... )

: i just react to what was said before by Rita  : <<< Internamente, os 5 da comunicaçao estao se dispondo a preparar documentos para o CI, que também serao subsídios para o Enlace

[ 22:56:54]  Paco: Rita sorry: I dont understand why was decide that only five people will partecipate at chat with the LG without a wider discussion

[ 22:57:31] Rita  : Internaly, the 5 of Com Com are available to write some documents for the IC, also to subside the LG

We have acceptad an invitation from the LG, in order to interface both groups for this task, But the idea is whatever we do has to be made from all the commission and for all the IC


Pierre – need for a Meeting in mexico before IC

[ 22:58:10] Pierre: before going into this matters ,...... i think we all share the idea that taking a moment together in mexico is important  so

1/ who is coming


2 /could we all come for the 2nd of may so we can meet one day between 2 3 4

i would not want to loose again dumbly another occasion of meeting  - we need it ... this occasion was lost in mointreal because some people arrived just on the first day of IC

let us make the effort of coming earlier

 [ 23:00:50] Pierre: could we discuss the coordination of arrival dates in mexico ( where there is a significant event  234 may ..)

 [ 23:01:45] *** Jason a invité  Vania ***

 [ 23:02:26] Pierre: we need a long presential meeting of comcom  before the IC - we have kept saying we need a seminar for months

who is  arriving when? have you tickets booked already ?

[ 23:03:34] Pierre: before anything we need to secure the possibility of a presential meeting in mexico

Four issues how are the four chat date being determined? Now or doodle analysis

 [ 23:03:06] Rita  : Pierre, Paco, can you consider the proposal for our agenda?four chats

1) Evaluation (if possible, with previous reports of the participants of

the committee)

2) Building our Com Com Seminar

3) Interface with other committees of the CI

4) What we present in the IC meeting in May


[ 23:05:04] Rita  : Before anything we need to agree about a date to discuss this proposal, Pierre, Are we going to book the moment for this or you intend to discuss it right now?

[ 23:06:23]  Paco: of course i can partecipate to the chat : dependidng of the date .

 [ 23:06:40] Rita  : We have no book the four chatWhen?

[ 23:07:07] Pierre: there is a doodle circulating for the next two weeks  lets wait for the result

[ 23:07:09] Rita  : This is the proposal for the chat today: organize our work agenda: Then, does we have to wait 2 weeks to book this meeting? Ok, if you prefer

[ 23:08:39] Pierre: yes and it starts by securing a time in mexico before the tickest are being booked now

[ 23:09:36] Rita  : Pierre, do you prefere another sequence of issues?

Jason  about  comcom meeting in mexico and group of 5

[ 23:12:24] Jason: Sorry for interrupting, but let's try to do one thing at a time...

1. Vania just joined our chat -- benvinda!

2. Discussing how to take the opportunity for a real comcom meeting in Mexico is fundamental, we really need it.

3. I think Antonio is right - since the decision of the 5 people has been taken in the last chat with very little discussion.   But I also think that we have more important things to do and that we can discuss how to procede with the LG discussion in the mailing list.

[ 23:15:21]  Vania: People, Iḿ sorry, but Jason what to mean by: how to procede...

 Pierre  proposing a practical sequence of points for this chat

 [ 23:15:54] Pierre:

1 - I agree with jason  that we need to communicate NOW that we will have a meeting in mexico  before IC so people take that into account in their travel plans .


2 - Then  we can stay on todays agenda  work 2010  for next events ( belem mexico  detroit )  which we have not talked much ...


3 - For securing other chats date  let  just sets a limit for answer to doodle to this friday and base the chat date on this sample of answers


Then we can go further  on the agenda


Vania about  mexico meeting

[ 23:16:47] Pierre: (hello vania)

[ 23:16:58] Rita  : Hi Vania, Seja bem-vinda, mais uma vez

[ 23:17:38]  Vania: Obrigada Rita and everyone

[ 23:17:48]  Paco: Ciao Vania

[ 23:19:11] Rita  : Ok, I agree this chats are impossible place for work, because we are few people all the time we change our agenda

[ 23:19:35]  Vania: People, as soon as I know people is starting to preparing the travel to Mexico. I think it's a good idea tell about the meeting right now

Meeting in mexico before IC is not “the” comcom seminar

[ 23:20:30]  Paco: the meeting is not the seminar ? that we will do in an other time i guess because is not clear sorry folks but i did not recive for some times the mail from open, so maybe i lost some segment

 [ 23:21:57] Jason: No, the meeting is not the seminar.  And we haven't discussed / agreed on doing the seminar yet.  So this is another priority discussion.

[ 23:22:40]  Paco: Okey Jason thanks for an other piece of the puzzle ......I'm quite tired also because now in europe is the 23.23 and we are here from the 21 .00

[ 23:23:11] Jason: So the appeal to travel before is just for the comcom members -- in order to have a much needed meeting.

Chat dates -Need to Analyse the doodle results

[ 23:24:43] Rita  : Then, if I understand, we have to wait 2 week before book our chats, Is this our result for today?: Because the time is gone

[ 23:26:43] Pierre: 1_while we have no seminar  , let us make the best of IC travels .. and meet ! or do we not want to meet in mexico

<<< For securing other chats date  let  just sets a limit for answer to doodle to this friday and base the chat date on this sample of answersmeans that the chat date can be defined this week by analyszing the answers to doodle

need to Define the sequence of 4 issues

[ 23:27:05] Rita  : And abou the sequence of issues?

 [ 23:27:29] Pierre: rita do you mean the order of the chats?

[ 23:27:37] Rita  : Yes, because we need to fix them in the list, oppening for each one would like to take part in

[ 23:28:24]  Paco: Rita me I'm mosttly free al the day from now to 10 april when i'm leaving for Bolivia

 [ 23:28:57] Pierre: well that is something we can talk about ,...but before can  we confirm or not that someone ( jason?)  will send a message tomorrow on the list to call for arriving in mexico on the 2nd

[ 23:31:24] Rita  : Yes, but before I am trying to understand if we have the agenda of issues or we'll restart all the proposal

[ 23:33:07] Rita  : No evaluation?

Jason - 4 points before leaving

A -[ 23:33:37] Jason: Rita - it doesn't have to be 2 weeks.  I hope we can find a good date next week. 

B - In the meantime, we MUST try to discuss on the list and have the evaluation / update of what we are working on with deadline Friday 19th. 

C -We can also have the preparation of documents for the IC on the mailing list.

D - And see if it is possible for most of the comcom people going to Mexico to anticipate a few days their travel, so we can have a meeting there before the IC.


[ 23:36:31] Rita  : Jason, good sinthesis, then we have to wait just a week to define the issues of our next chats


Assessment homework  - addressing issue 1 of 4 i

[ 23:37:08]  Paco: Rita i made my evaluation for wsftv alredy, is in the mail that i sent to com comm list . and also i answered to the other point, when all of us put their evaluation we can do a general evaluation , what do you think ?

[ 23:38:41] Rita  : yes, that is a good proposal.  Could be the issue for the first chat before we agree on the date

Jason going to make announcement of mexico comcompre ic meeting

[ 23:41:00] Pierre: 1 -so concretely who makes when an announcement for the early arrival of comcom people in mexico - besides there will be coverage to be made there

[ 23:43:57] Jason: 1 - I can do that.


Talk  about next events mexico  detroit istanbul belem ?  sharing info

2 -we have not covered the next events  mexico  detroit istanbul belem  - it would be good to have some exchange now on tihs to be more proactive - was not this supposed to be in our today agenda ?

[ 23:46:29] Pierre: 2 -mexico ... we have some info - the forum should be in mexico main square contact is jenny

resume of the chat ?

[ 23:28:55]  Vania: Rita can you stay for more 5 minutes? I do not understanding some points...and here itś not so late...

 [ 23:40:51] Jason: I need to quit now -- who can make a summary of this chat?

 [ 23:45:52] Rita  : Could some of you transmite the result to the list? Some resume

[ 23:46:17]  Paco: I can work on coverage iplementation for the next fora . now i go ciao to all.

 [ 23:47:21] Jason: [bye]

[ 23:49:21] Rita  : Vania, ainda está por aí?

[ 23:51:24] Rita  : Ok, como fiquei um pouco confusa quanto à proposta de agenda, voces podem enviar para a lista? Aguardo.

[ 23:51:34] Rita  : beijos e estou saindo

[ 23:55:08] Pierre: (wave)