• minutes cs 2 feb

Wiki modificadas recientemente February 4, 2010 por facilitfsm

start- who’s here. 1

Manoel from Galicia. 1

plans to discuss portal FSM.. 2

Feedback from GPOA. 2

communication with events. 3

Virtual Press Room.. 3

Radio projects and memory. 3

Meeting with LG.. 3

2010 group meeting. 3

resource commission. 3

Wsf office. 3

Comments on LG comcom meeting. 3

follow up. 4

Assessment of Coverage of January  forum events. 4

start- who’s here

[21:04:42] Jason: Bom dia gente!

[21:09:08] Monica: Hi!

[21:10:22] Pierre: oi

[21:17:28] Jason: Anyone else?

[21:22:17] Paco: ciao

[21:24:25] Jason: I see Hindi is online, as well as Bia and Alessandra and others... are you following the meeting?  We should be starting...

[21:31:25] Jason: If it's a matter of bad timing for the meeting, then I suggest we update it with a serious survey on when is the best moment for all to meet.  And for the rest, as we've already said in the past, we use the mailing list.

But there are a lot of matters to discuss and we need to do it as soon as possible...

[21:31:56] Paco: Oky jason

[21:32:10] Jason: Si se trata de una cuestión de tiempo malo para la reunión, entonces sugiero que actualizarla con un estudio serio sobre cuál es el mejor momento para que todos puedan cumplir. Y para el resto, como ya hemos dicho en el pasado, usamos la lista de correo.  Hay varias cosas a discutir hasta pronto...

[21:32:11] Paco: I'm also here

[21:32:36] Pierre: .....

[21:40:43] Manoel Santos: Olá, estou aqui também

Manoel from Galicia

[21:40:50] Pierre: ola manuel..

[21:41:54] Jason: Hola Manuel!  Bienvenido!  Por favor, preséntese!

[21:42:39] Pierre: http://openfsm.net/people/Altermundo/profile

[21:44:36] Manoel Santos: Va en español: como indica Pierre, soy Manoel Santos, director de Altermundo, una organización altermundialista gallega que se dedica a la información alternativa y la construcción de redes de movimientos e iniciativas sociales. También soy miembro del Consejo del Foro Social Galego y estuvimos en Belém en el Foro de Mídia Livre, invitados a hablar por parte de Rita (Ciranda), y en el FSM

[21:46:05] Pierre: (manoel , una pregunta un poco lateral : tienes connexiones con el foro mundial de educacion que estara en galicia  en diciembre 2010 ? )

[21:46:27] Manoel Santos: Si, todas, estamos en el Comité Organizador

[21:47:22] Jason: Muy bien!  Gracias Manoel.

[21:47:46] Manoel Santos: En todo caso si quereis más información os la envío

[21:48:06] Manoel Santos: En que estais trabajando ahora?

[21:50:23] Pierre: (te preguntaba eso  relativamente a la inciativa  foro social expandido - hablaremos luego - ahora acabamos de salor  de ecosol expandida

http://openfsm.net/projects/ecosol-expandida/project-home  )


plans to discuss portal FSM

[21:35:48] Jason: Marcelo (de Brasil) - se você está lá, talvez você possa nos atualizar sobre os planos para discutir o novo portal FSM?

Eu falei com Salete, em Porto Alegre e acho que deveríamos começar a trabalhar nele.

- The participants database (for registration of WSF individuals, media and organisations) is being developed by Mayfirst (thanks Mallory!)

Feedback from GPOA

[21:38:54] Pierre: de que podemos hablar ahora ...

[21:39:29] Jason: Pierre - how did the first Expandida experiences go?

[21:39:50] Pierre: jason may be you can list items that were touched in the many contacts held around comcom  in portoalegre, i will give a report on ecosol expanded afterwards

 [21:50:38] Pierre: jason could you list items ?

[21:50:51] Pierre: we are expecting news from POA :)

[21:52:59] Jason: Pierre - if it is just 2-3 of us, I don't think it makes sense to have a meeting.

[21:53:58] Pierre: well it can be at least a report of things that where said or evoked or semi planned ; contacts .. you did that very well coming back from dakar seminar and you know ti will be made a titled chat log (and we were not more than now ..)



[21:57:11] Jason: I think it makes more sense to send a brief report  -- unless others who where at least at some of the meetings want to contribute (Bia, Monica?).

[22:03:31] Paco: ok

[22:05:18] Paco: it is possible to try to have a meeting again this week

[22:06:08] Pierre: (jason we see you writing and writing )

[22:13:20] Jason: ok Pierre, for you... just a few quick updates on progress done:


communication with events

- Most of the January event organisers answered and sent information, so if we coordinate this part better, I'm sure we can have a good exchange going on and this should be one of our priorities

[22:21:41] Pierre: 1/ where would the exchange with event organizers take place and on which topics  ( just sharing of information - press kit ? or can be  widened to other comcom topics .. )

Virtual Press Room

- The virtual press room www.worldsocialforum.info  was launched as is active now in 5 languages.  Press kits have been translated in 3 and we are hoping to have arabic and hindi soon

Wsftv has been receiving various contributions


[22:48:12] Pierre: i am discovering the site..  i wast not aware of its preparation .. will ask jason a few questions about it ..



Radio projects and memory

- Radio projects exchange between Africa and Brasil took place (Rita and Heitor sent an email to the list about it)

- Radio "memory" cd-rom of 10 years of WSF was presented in POA (and will be put online) by Amarc, Aler and others

Meeting with LG

- We (Norma, Rita, Pia, Bia, Salete, Hilde, myself and Pierre and Antonio via skype) had the meeting with some of the Liason Group members (Moema, Chico, Raffaella, José Miguel, Ana Maria)... it was quite... revealing.  2-3 chats between comcom and LG are to be done in the next months before the IC in Mexico (5-7 of May). 

They proposed a seminar to discuss various issues, we all need to discuss if this it makes sense.  I will send my notes (Pia and Salete were also there).

2010 group meeting

- There was a meeting of the 2010 working group, I will post my notes on that as well.

[22:16:46] Jason: -

resource commission

There were a few meetings of the resources commission, in which we discussed future fundraising, the terms of reference for budget management, a new fundraiser to take the place of Rolando, and how to go about Dakar 2011.

Wsf office

- Finally (but this is not to list in the progress done), we learned that Mariana from the office will no longer be working there by the end of February and that they are looking for a replacement.  Salete can be more informative on that point.

Comments on LG comcom meeting

[22:18:33] Jason: If someone wants to add something, please do!

[22:20:05] Pierre: thanks jason

 [22:24:33] Monica: dear all, i think that jason offered a quite good explanation of the matter but without the "surprising" details we heard from the LG

there're critics about how we manage the commission, its funding and the same idea to reflect about the communication of the forum, and not about the communication in general

...so, I think that we'll need do reflect a lot about how we did all the contentious issues till now after a more detailed resume we have to circulate inside the list and to decide what to do about it, without to forget that the year is running and our already signed plan indicate all the things we have to do

[22:27:44] Pierre: (monica , i did not understood the third point  "and the same idea ...")

[22:27:54] Monica: there are some members and chico that contest that we reflect about the communication of the forum and not about the communication in general, it sounds strange but that's it

[22:29:39] Pierre: meaning we are doing something too general .. not specifically communicating the forum ?

[22:29:57] Monica: the opposite : we are concentrating on the forum but they contested that this is our proper mandate and proper mandate with specific funding...

[22:32:19] Pierre: i guess there is this idea also floating  that the commission should just evolve policies ...  ( now how they would be implemented remaining to be discussed maybe it is important to formulate precisely  the critiques expressed and alternative mentioned (not precluding agreement or disagreement on those ) those who have been at one or two ( dakar) encounters with LG are best placed to make this formulation ...

[22:36:09] Monica: no alternatives, just the problem open, but I think that Jason is in the right position to formulate it well

follow up 

[22:37:02] Pierre: also i have heard about a seminar on communication in mexico ?

[22:37:44] Monica: yes but is up to us but it should be discussed better in the com com

[22:38:38] Pierre: any practical details on this ?  duration - position - who facilitates ( it seems to me i heard that it would be joint LG + comcom ) and we have those 2 3 chats in the meanwhile ...

[22:39:23] Monica: up to us, as I said, but for instance it not seems to me so useful at this stage but is all to discuss better, all the way, camrades, I need to go now

[22:40:35] Jason: I think that all the people who participated to that meeting have an idea of the critiques / issues raised, so we should share back together.

 Also on the idea of a seminar, as well as on the chats (for the latter, we await a written proposal from the LG).

Assessment of Coverage of January  forum events

 To complete the picture, I'd like to say that coverage of these first "forums" or "events", which happened practically all in the same week, has been ok, given the context of a very weak general strategy of the wsf2010 framework. 

We are collecting press clippings, Terraviva did a good work with many interviews, etc.  There were a few "expanded" events (I participated to one in Santa Maria) which from the feedback seem to have gone well - and some others are coming up. 

So even if we started very late, we can be happy of our first results and need to strengthen the team and open further to new people.


[22:51:16] Jason: ok - so unless anyone has anything to add, I think we should close this meeting.

[22:51:32] Monica: bye!