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by facilitfsm, modified December 9, 2009

Version 10

by pierre, modified December 2, 2009


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presentacion del grupo "Participacion/ PIC" en espanol

Se esta conformando el grupo de tabajo comcom “participacion / comunicacion interna”, ( grupo PIC :-))

A la fecha el grupo tiene entre sus facilitadores, Salete de instituto Paulo freireyPierre, de Caritas Francia

Se comienza a redactar y discutir el proyecto de este grupo

La lista de correo del grupo es aqui

El proyecto esta aqui ((discussion PIC agenda 2009 - 2011))

“Participación/comunicación interna“ De que se trata?

Una primera formulacion de la mission del grupo, es de facilitar /apoiar dos tipos de procesos comunicacionales :

El primero tipo abarca

  • -Participation entre organizaciones y entidades logistica de participación/ registracion /aglutinacionde actividades, acciones, resultadosen proceso y eventos 2010 /2011, con modalidad “presencial” o “expandida”( se proponeun nuevo sitio wsfindexpara esto )(objectivo 2) production de contenidos ( objectivo 4)

  • -estimulacion de Participation entre personas mediante sitios (openfsm wsfactions ) y video chats( iniciativa sfex) ( objectivo 2

  • -intercambios sobre como hacer actividades y acciones participativas ( objectivo 5)

El segundo tipo abarca

  • -difusión de información practica sobre el proceso de parte del CI(buletin FSM información en sitio forum social mundia ) ,

  • - lo mismo desde otras entidades facilitadoras como un comité organisador de evento, del grupo estimulador 2010 formado en rabat etc... ( objectivo 1)

Como actua el grupo ?

-Información desde el CI ( sitio forosocialmundial.org.br a redisenar)

-Participación de organizaciones al proceso (sitio de base de datos) ( a definir mas alla de sitios eventos punctuales, con una función de “directorio de organizaciones participantee)

-Colaboración entre participantes para actividades ( mejorando openfsm.net)

-Colaboración entre participantes para acciones publicas ( según decisiones que se tomaran para 2010 - ( a retomar a partir de la base wsfaction.net/ wsf2008.net)


Presentation of the "Participation" group in english

This ComCom working group 'participation / internal communication, (PIC group :-)) is getting formed

To date the group has among its facilitators of Salete Pierre and Paulo Freire Institute, Caritas France

Begins to discuss the project and drafting of this group
discussion PIC agenda 2009 - 2011

The group's mailing list is

"Participation / internal communication" is it about?

A first formulation of the group's mission is to facilitate / support to two types of communication processes:

  • Processes of intercommunication between the participants,organizations and individuals through Internet or direct (intercom and expanded collaborative sites (video chats collective distance methodology of participatory activities)
  • Information processing / sharing between groups facilitators / organizers and participants in the process (CI, organization committee of Events 2010

The first type includes

  • Participation-between organizations and logistics for participation / registration / gathering activities, actions, events and process results in 2010 / 2011 mode "face to face " or "expanded" (a proposed new site for this wsfindex)
  • Stimulation of participation between persons through sites (openfsm wsfactions) and video chats (sfex)
  • How to make activities and actions participatory : an initiative participatory activities Support center could be started

The second type includes

  • Information practices on the part of the IC (information bulletin WSF world social forum site in place)
  • The same from others as facilitators of a committee organized event, the group formed in 2010 stimulator rabat etc ...

how does the group Act?

  • Through contacts with committees and working groups of the various events that make up the timetable for fsm 2010 2011
  • Through advocacy
    • Promotion of new forms of participation: as Belem Expanded (initiative sfex (expanded social forum), which is provided by the group here
    • Promoting Activities participatory methodology (with the "other languages)
    • Promotion of use of event and colaboartive websites
    • promotion of set up of memory teams in 2010 events
  • Through operational task for the global information of the participants on the process
    • Editing Newsletters, information on the World Social Forum site)
    • Editing Releases - (with the press)
  • Through design, management and promotion tool with many Internet profiles:
    • -Information from CI (forosocialmundial.org.br site redesign)
    • -Participation of organizations in the process (web database) (defining events beyond sites punctuality, with a "directory of organizations participantee)
    • -Collaboration among participants to activities (improving openfsm.net)
    • -Collaboration among participants to public actions (as decisions taken in 2010 - (pick from the base wsfaction.net / wsf2008.net)