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last modified October 4, 2016 by facilitfsm

General Overview of Initiatives and Social Calendar Global 2016/17


What - the calendar is a list of actions relating to a list of "change initiatives towards another possible world ", presented in the convergence assemblies or self-organized activities of the World Social Forum. This list can be ordered timewise according to the action  dates indicated in the initiatives, hence the calendar name and also by theme, activity where these initiatives were presented by the organizations involved, etc.

The initiatives are general or specific action plans, announced on behalf of a number of organizations, with actions and dates. The list shows the variety 
The statements issued in convergence meeting or by organizations in relation to their participation in the WSF, the summaries / reports of what was said in a convergence assembly are also considered forms of "information initiative" , likely to generate more concrete initiatives ( 30 front lines of the  calendar  are mentioned statements or read in the Agora initiatives August 13 - see pictures )

What for? - The form "change initiative" is proposed to the participating organizations in the WSF by the  organizing collective FSM2016, as a methodological innovation.

This proposal is made ​​in view of the deepening of the WSF process, in relation to Article 6 of the Charter of Principles, whereby a forum event organizing committee undertakes to disseminate the statements and deliberations made ​​by the participating organizations.

The purpose of this new form of participation, the "initiative" is
1/ show, promote, and develop the diversity and relevance of actions towards another possible world, brought into the public domain by the participating organizations in the WSF, and presented in dialogic self-organized activities and  thus
2/offer the people participating in the process WSF concrete forms and contextualized engagement.

The form "social and ecological change initiative" is a form complementing that of "self-organized dialogue activities,". The initiatives supported by organizations that promote them, gathered in a World Social Calendar, specific to the process of a forum event, in this case, the WSF 2016 Montreal, Hence with a limited lifespan.

This  Calendar document, published under the responsibility of the organizing collective WSF 2016, can live for a certain period, in the case of the WSF 2016 to the end of the year 2016. It is a form of "forum results", oriented towards future and action, and in full compliance with the Charter of principles .

The " shared calendar WSF 2016/17 ", consisting in a document supporting the "initiatives" from the participants in the WSF, without implying an agreement of all on everything,  is comparable, in the sphere of initiatives,  to " WSF 2016 program ", which gathers self-managed activities, in Montreal and in the dynamics of WSF 2016 extension


Who - the same way that the self-organized activities can be proposed in the WSF 2016 program by an organization that publicly considers itself a "participating entity" to "the WSF process" as described in the  WSF Charter of  principles, initiatives may be announced in the 2016/17 calendar FSM by these organizations, with the additional condition that the initiatives are presented in activities placed in the WSF process, simple self-organized activities or self-organized assemblies of convergence. The organizing committee of FSM2016 checks a posteriori coherence of  initiatives announced with the values ​​of the Charter of principles

When and where - it is possible to announce an initiative till the end of 2016, in relation to a self-managed activity Montreal from August 9 to 14, or in connection with an activity placed in the extension dynamics WSF 2016 , decided by the organizing committee, initiated in early 2016, and which continues until the end of 2016.

After the end of 2016? Calendar can be continued or reactivated by the future organizing committee of future WSF (2018?), Or by an IC Working Group which could during 2017, year when there is no FSM event,  offer the possiblity for announcing initiatives via activities placed in an extension dynamic managed by  IC

How many initiatives?

The Calendar now includes 73 initiatives and 109 dates,  25 dates correspond to initiatives announced in activities and 85 to the initiatives presented in convergences assemblies,  30 dates correspond to statements.

It can, as mentioned above, collect new initiatives from assemblies and self-managed activities in Montreal (an evaluation questionnaire contains a question about this), and activities placed  in the extension dynamic till  the end of 2016

How to read WSF 2016/17 calendar? -

The World Social  calendar 2016/17 comes in two forms with monthly updating 

in Fsm2016.org the site  "Actions" site web  - in the form of a table  on line - a date (an initiative can therefore match 3 or 4 lines) with 3 columns: - title and link to the profile initiative - Action - Date

in the Openfsm.net the site - in the form of a table with more columns, corresponding to the various fields of the initiative page, and with a numbering of initiatives

This table is displayed in several orders (sorting by date: calendar dates,  sorting by chrono number  numini - Alphabetical list of initiatives listalini- sorted by theme / assembly / initiatve = temasnumi

This table is downloadable as openoffice form and can be sorted according to its different columns

How to follow an initiative?

A person registered in the WSF site, can join as a follower initiative group (follow group button) to show her interest and write messages to other followers and to  initiatives admins - admins can send messages to follower

the popularity of an initiative is the number of followers

How to register an initiative in the calendar?

A person registered in the WSF website can until the end of 2016 announce an initiative in the  participate  menu,   taking care to:

  • Give an accurate title and main concrete actions and key dates of the action plan of this initiative in the 2016/2017 period (if it is a statement or summary, the action name  may be "statement" or "synthesis", and the date is the date of the declaration: the 08/13/16 for the activities that took place in Montreal There maybe also, in the same initiative, an action "statement" followed by a. two concrete dates and actions, if the statement and actions are held by the same organizations)
  • Mention carefully the organizations or groups that support the initiative

Mention in the corresponding files in the description of the initiative

  • A main theme chosen among the 13 themes WSF 2016 link in the same initiative
  • the link to the activity where the WSF 2016 initiative was presented / discussed ( list of assemblies presented here) ( list of activities) 
  • the scale  (local - national - international) and geographic area (city, country, country list, continent ...)
  • a contact person in the WSF site, it is possible to reach via the internal messaging site, by default it is considered that it is the person who registered the initiative
  • a URL (internet address) of the contact in awebsite, or  a public email contact such as "info (at) WebSite")

/ If the initiative includes a statement or is a petition, specify if there is a list of signatories, and how do you join. It's easy enough to add to the statement a link to an online form to collect signatures
