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WHAT DO WE WANT WITH WSF 2018? 10/2017 Several rounds, debates and workshops for the preparation of the 2018 WSF took place with Brazilian and international organizations and movements and dealt with the following questions: What do we want with the 2018 WSF? What are the dreams about the WSF 2018? In response, the following document was collectively prepared:

1. We want a WSF that gives meaning to the @1 motto “Resist is Create, Resist is Transform!”

2. A WSF with @2 broad participation of all resistance movements and organizations in its various territories such as the women's movement, traditional peoples, urban resistances from the periphery, the countryside, youth, artists, peoples and “organic” intellectuals of social movements, among others.

3. A WSF that @3 contributes to expressing the strength and capacity of organized civil society, of its multiple identities, locally, regionally and globally.

4. A WSF that can @4 favor convergence between movements, between struggles and have a more effective impact on the planetary situation.

5. A WSF that reaffirms and @5 values ​​all human beings in their differences and diversities (nationalities, ethnic-racial, ethnic-cultural, generational, affective-sexual, cultural and artistic, gender, religious, people with disabilities, rural or urban areas, among others).

6. A WSF that @6 promotes the cause and the human and environmental rights of indigenous and tribal peoples, traditional communities and indigenous peoples.

7. A WSF that can @7 contribute to the confluence of movements promoting human rights and environmentalists.

8. A WSF that @8 contributes to maintaining the flame of utopian thinking.,

9. A WSF that can @9 promote the values ​​and paradigms of peace, democracy, good living, solidarity, freedom, social and environmental justice, women's liberation and emancipation, and the defense and promotion of common goods.

10. A WSF that @10 contributes with the formulation of dissemination of new interpretations (narratives), such as: anti-capitalist, anti-sexist, anti-patriarchal, anti-colonialist, anti-imperialist anti-racism, among others.

11. A WSF that can @11 contribute to the renewal of the left, and the relations between left-wing political parties and social movements.

12. A WSF that can @12 re-signify the meaning of participation, both in its methodological construction process and during its realization.

13. A WSF that @13 has visibility in local, national and international society, contributing to the promotion of values, practices and political forces in defense of democracy.

14. A WSF that @14 expresses solidarity with all peoples who struggle for sovereignty, democratic autonomy and self-governance; for example the Venezuelan, Palestinian, Kurdish, Saharawi peoples, among others.

15. A WSF that @15 shows the strength of resistance in Brazil, Latin America and the world in a context of anti-democratic government and the dismantling of social policies.

16. A Forum that @16 is coherent in its speech and in its practice, promoting internal democracy, horizontality, transparency and collective decision-making. That it can mean a transformation of human and social relations between the individuals who attend it.

17. A WSF that @17 contributes to affirming the struggle for democratic communication that seeks to guarantee the right and freedom of expression to all peoples, peoples and movements.

18. A WSF @18 that encourages participating entities to formulate and share with others, seeking to strengthen and build alliances, initiatives and/or concrete actions, struggles for another possible world.

19. A Forum that can @19 combine art, culture and politics, as a reference for playfulness in political construction.

20. A different WSF,@20 innovative, but without denying the legacy and accumulations that the WSF has produced over the last 16 years.