• dynex1fsm tref en

last modified October 11, 2017 by facilitfsm

2/Extension dynamics ‘Dynex1WSF’ – Presentation and Terms of reference (draft)


A/ Preamble

The World social Forum (WSF), as defined by its Charter of Principles, can be seen as” long-term process of horizontal intercommunication between participants having in common a series of values and objectives that are explicitly mentioned in the Charter”.

It can be seen as a "common good" that requires collective care, and international council IC can be an important place where to intercommunicate and cooperate about  this care, and about forms of implementation in the WSF process


Frustration and anguish that can be felt in the face of the current situation in the world, may lead to think of "renewing the WSF" by questioning the "general form of the WSF." But Is there an identified generic alternative to this process?

Or those feelings may lead to deepen our practice and improve existing "forms of implementation" of the WSF process, and also initiate new forms that are in accordance with the Charter and allow to maintain and expand the space-process of the WSF. This second option is developed in this document


Throughout experience of participation and contribution in WSF process, one can feel that this process is an innovative format, which remains relevant 18 years after its inception, although its counter-hegemonic potential has not been consolidated. In any case, there is still a lot to do with its "forms of implementation", on the occasion of social forum events, world scale or thematic, local scale,  which are all a concentration in time and space of intercommunication activities requiring a special effort to be set up  and also OUTSIDE of those concentrations


Inspired by this vision, some organizations have decided to explore and sustain another possible form of implementation in the WSF process, that has been named "extension dynamics”. This notion has incubated since 2009, and was formulated at the occasion of Montreal 2016 evet  and is now underway, as a stand alone form of implementation with over 180 activities placed in it AFTER Montreal event.

This first occurrence of this proposed form of implementation in WSF process is then tentatively called “Dynex1 WSF””

The terms of reference for the participation in it, and the facilitation of it ,are proposed here below ",

“Dynex1 WSF comes as an "autonomous/ stand-alone extension dynamics" i-e not linked to a specific social forum event, and thus formally distinct from "event related extension dynamics", which is linked to a social forum event.


The motto of the Dynex1WSF extension dynamics is: "Participate and contribute in the process of the world social forum, without budget, between events or around events, from where one lives and acts towards another possible world»


The goal for facilitating such a form of WSF process is making the participation in the WSF process more a present and accessible invitation/possibility on a daily basis,

Participation in the extension dynamics is promoted as “zero budget” participation  because

1/ participating remotely in activities promoted in Dynex1WSF through circulation of “invitations” only requires access to an internet connection 

2/ “placing” an activity  in Dynex1WSF is adding only marginal effort to the logistical effort already made when setting up the face to face public  meeting which proposed as activity.  It is just about showing the meeting in Dynex1 website and opening it on the Internet, using remote participation techniques via internet with help of an online Support team

As Internet is becoming increasingly a widely accessible resource, participation from people and organizations is hence less hampered by the inequalities of access to exceptional resources (visa - time - money) that are necessary to be a  "face to face" participant in a major social forum event located far away from where on lives and act towards another possible world


Entities participating in WSF process and who are, all year round in all parts of the world, in the frame of teir social and political action or  struggles, organizing public meetings “at home”, are invited to

1/ politically “place” some of those as “activities in Dynex1 WSF“ online space”  which is one among others manifestation / a dimension of WSF process generic “open space for intercommunication” regulated by WSF charter , and to

2/  technically “open” those meetings to remote participation” using internet techniques such as live video teleconferencing tools and lasting chat rooms.

3/ “build remote participation to their activity” by circulating an invitation webpage presenting the activity and indicating how to participate remotely in their network.

These 3 operations amount to a marginal effort compared to the effort needed for actually logistically organizing those meetings, and convening face to face participants
Meanwhile Dynex1WSF Support Team circulates the invitation in a wide community of WSF participants registered/present in Dynex1WSF open space..


This extension dynamics format is helping entities that have already participated in a face to face social forum events and have practical knowledge about it . They can

- spread around them the idea of WSF and the realistic hope embodied in it, providing first contact with WSF to many people and

-stay in active contact with other WSF participants elsewhere


Here are the proposed Terms of reference for a “WSF extension dynamics 1 Facilitation Committee”( Dynex1WSF) co maintained between some IC member organizations and other contributing WSF participant organizations


Those terms of reference of Dynex1WSF facilitation are structured through answering a series of basic questions/items: What? Who? For what? Why? When? Where? How? With what? How many?


Answers are given from the two points of views of participation in Dynex1WSF- i-e using it-, and the facilitation of Dynex1WSF i-e maintaining its online open space active inviting and informative


In this very complete version, some notes  in each of the items are highlighting more detailed aspects

A summarized version  is  ???




Participation in Dynex1WSF

A dynamic of extension in the WSF process, called "Dynex1WSF", visible and accessible online, as a new way of implementing the FSM process, defined by its letter of principles, in addition to the "events" placed in the WSF process.

 This form of implementation in the WSF process, invites participants in the WSF process to "place", as "activities" and "initiatives" in the WSF process, some public meetings and actions that they organize for another possible world, in particular where they live and act on a daily basis.

A "zero budget" effort is assumed, as these activities will occur anyway, locally or at an event, and the only additional effort is to find local volunteers to "open these activities for remote participation over the internet" and use the Dynex1FSM web platform

The placement of an initiatives gives their promoter organizations the possibility for collecting support for this initiative from other Dynex1WSF participants


Facilitation of Dynex1WSF

A facilitating committee to sustain the above dynamic "Dynex1WSF" 

The methodological situation for the Dynex1FSM dynamic is equivalent to that of the thematic forums, for which a "labeling decision in the WSF IC" is not necessary, and this leaves a full autonomy the committee that is in charge of this inasmuch the form of implementation is consistent with the principles of WSF charter such as horizontality self-organization, not speaking in name of Dynex1WSF participants etc .


Note: starting modestly

The present terms of references provide disposition for cooperation and growth however there is a need to create a first level of collective capacity to operate as a support team and not be incorporating too many newcomers at a time


Note: Prospective diversity of extension dynamics in WSF proess and

Creation of other committees facilitating other extension dynamics, such as Dynex1WSF, is welcome as a way to promote, deepen and expand the WSF process, in network mode, also in connection with event facilitating committees. This keeps formally WSF process decentralized and able to develop up  to larger counter hegemonic scale

The various dynamics could be preferably “mixed”, each with contributors from different geographical and linguistic cultural areas and not too homogeneous in those regards, so there is intertwining between them. 


Note experience interchange and  meeting around WSF IC
The respective facilitating committees for these dynamics could meet around WSF IC for experience interchange; in the case WSF IC might become a place  where to exchange about how to “care about” the WSF process in its broad sense  , (i-e how this process can be facilitated, through which forms, and which implementation of these forms, and discussing for each form generic methodological guidelines and a common vocabulary).


Note about guideline document

This set of guidelines discussed in/around WSF IC could then evolve into a document "guiding principles for the establishment of a dynamics of extension in the FSM ", somehow similar to that established in 2008 for the form of" face-to-face events. http://openfsm.net/projects/ic-methodology/metcom-pgoex



C/ WHY and FOR WHAT ? Making WSF process more widely accessible


Diagnosis: reasons for developing this “social forum extension dynamics” format

The WSF process was initiated in 2001 as an innovative "form" of horizontal space-process of intercommunication towards another possible world, described by a Charter of Principles.

It has since been implemented almost exclusively in the form of larger and smaller "face-to-face social forum events" that are concentrations of "activities”, which are each “moments of intercommunication", in a same venue and at a common date


The WSF process has been more popular in the first decade of 2000s and has been less popular since then, although no alternative to its innovative "horizontal intercommunication space process" format has been identified so far. It faces external detrimental effect of 2008 crisis effects on national politics, and the general effects of individuation process on social and political behavior of citizen.


Entities  involved as facilitators in  Dynex1WSF consider that , there might be also internal causes for these WSF difficulties, such as :  

1-accessibilty relying mainly on big events generates the image of WSF as a succession of events that are each "expensive to participate in and organize," consuming resources, and somehow disconnected from the flow from day to day activism.

2-relevancy for most active participants not having yet consolidated forms of implementation for combining articles 6 and 7 of the Charter of Principles: no one is legitimate in “speaking in the name of WSF”, which is not an actor but a space and process, and the facilitators of the process commit to visibilize actions and decisions announced by participants

3-growth capacity not having yet consolidated in and around the IC WSF ways for keeping the “WSF process in general” (its description being also a theme of discussion) both able to grow, stay decentralized, and consistent with the charter of principles


1/Answering the first concern, accessibility and visibility: emergence of the Dynex idea and practice

Ways of inclusion of remote participants that are not physically present at these bigger  events have been proposed since WSF 2009 by event-facilitating committees, but they have remained marginal, since the logic of giving priority to face-to-face participation of people coming to the event has consistently been, mechanically one could say, dominating those committees..

The number of people and entities who have participated or heard about the WSF event has grown in 18 years, and in the dimmer general context of the second decade of the century, these participants are facing growing difficulties in financing travel and visas, while ability to sustain on line interactions in social networks have increased sharply

Focusing exclusively on face-to-face participation requires specific effort, once out of the local scale, it does not appear as a possible way to massively develop the WSF process.

At the same time, since 2009, the notion of "autonomous"/stand alone extension dynamics, independently of events, as a new possibility of implementation in WSF process has been incubating through practice, and has emerged at the time of the WSF Montréal.


Entities  approving those terms of references for Dynex1WSF have decided, as organizations, to take charge of facilitating further this first concretization of extension dynamics


Participation in a social forum extension dynamics

The approach here is to propose a new form of implementation of the WSF process, complementary to that of face-to-face events, where participants "intercommunicate" more permanently through "placing”, as “activities” in WSF, the public meetings they organize, or through “participating remotely” in those activities organized by others.

Those reflective activities contribute in the counter hegemonic intercommunication process of WSF and can also be quite "close" to struggles and important mobilizations or dates, as it was thought of in Porto Alegre IC  speaking of mobilisations around Bonn( climate change), Buenos Aires ( free trade agreements), and Davos (neoliberalism)


The motto of Dynex1WSF is "Participate and contribute in the process of the world social forum, without budget,between events or around events, anywhere anytime, from where one lives and acts towards another possible world»


This format is another possibility for civil society organizations to connect their day-to-day practices in the WSF process «open space”, mention WSF process during their local activities held all year round,  meet with remote participants, interested by same issues, and become advocates for WSF process at the local level, generating concrete ownership and awareness of the global dimension of issues and concrete inter-local solidarity expression


Facilitation of a social forum extension dynamics

The facilitation of such a stand-alone autonomous extension dynamics can focus on the permanence and accessibility of this new dimension of the WSF process, on the meaning of WSF participation in the daily life of organizations, on the development of appropriate specific tools for this, and on the cooperation with the events facilitation committees.

Describing "facilitation guidelines and facilitation tasks of dynex1FSM" can make this new dimension clearer for all, those participating in it and those willing to contribute in it, and is proposed below


Note : Extension dynamics as a factor of activism in WSF IC

The existence of such autonomous extension dynamics enriches the diversity of the WSF process and can help make IC a more contributory place for the process, since more organizations can be effectively involved in maintaining the WSF process, regardless of their involvement in an event organizing or build up.

In fact, at major events, most of the effort is focused on event facilitation committees which is gathering a limited number of entities, and other IC member organizations are mechanically more passive in facilitating and focused only on fostering their relevant participation in the event as participants


2Answering the second concern:  effectiveness and relation to social change

As a form of implementation in WSF process, that is autonomous while remaining in connection with events and other extension dynamics, Dynex1 dynamic of extension can be  also a place where to explore how to answer the second concern.

There are various proposals to answer this concern one through “participation” i-e strengthening permanent self-organized processes of assemblies inside the WSF process, and one through “facilitation”: i-e inviting WSF participants to announce their “initiatives” of any type towards another possible world as a form of implementation in the process.


Entities involved as facilitators in  Dynex1WSF consider that that as facilitators they can implement the second one


3/ about the Third concern : Keeping the WSF process able to grow decentralized and consistent

Entities involved as facilitators in  Dynex1WSF do not pretend that Dynex1WSF would be the only such dynamics. They welcome emergence of other “extension dynamics” with other facilitating committees, and are looking forward to exchanges of experience, and common guiding principles between those committees, maybe someday  in an IC related working group



Note : extension dynamics :relevancy and initiatives (second concern)

SF Extension dynamics, along with SF events, can be “spaces” where the notion/form of initiatives can be used and this helps to make participation in WSF process relevant

Experience shows there is no “fast track” for convergence towards joint action between diverse actors. 

Quality and persistence of self-organized intercommunication inside WSF process, concretized through series of "activities”, is  a way for emergence and growth of  smaller or broader "initiative for public action Each of these initiatives are clearly undertaken by a series of entities, who are co-promoting it . If they grow large, they may become perceived as factors of change in the social dynamics of societies.

Some larger size initiatives are indeed expected by a fair number of participants in the WSF process, along with other results of participation in it, such as finding ideas, contacts and cooperation.


Note: Diversity of extension dynamics: Dynex2WSF in parallel to Dynex1WSF? ( third concern)

The diversity of several groups of entities sustaining several autonomous extension dynamics in the WSF is comparable with the diversity of several groups of entities preparing several social forum events

Also the political act of "placement" of acivity in an extension dynamics, is not “exclusive” and is "cooperative friendly": An activity can be "placed" by its organizers in two different “extension dynamics”, and its associated chat room can be co-moderated by two extension dynamics support teams

The set of activities "placed" in a given extension dynamic has then potentially many possible connections to events or to other extension dynamics.

 This new form of implementation in the WSF process has open cooperative potential to be explored

Also participation of an organization in more than one extension dynamics facilitation committee is also possible and helps to interlink those dynamics


D/ FOR WHO WITH WHO . By and for WSF participants


Participation in Dynex1WSF

Participants in Dynex1WSF are: individuals and civil society organizations that consider themselves participants in the WSF process by making in any order  the operations of, placing activities and initiatives and participating remotely in activities placed in Dynex1WSF registering in Dynex1WSF open space (see HOW section F)


Facilitation committee for Dynex1WSF

Facilitators of Dynex1WSF are: Civil society organizations, actively participating in the WSF Process, around members of the international council. They meet on the occasion of the WSF IC meeting, or on-line, and form a “dynex1FSM facilitation committee”

Volunteers linked to these organizations who will contributing time for tasks  in Support Team (see HOW section F)


Each organization co-opted to contribute in Dynex1WSF facilitation committee agree on present terms of references  and commits to bring explicitly described resources in time or funds for the operation of Dynex1FSM (See HOW section F)


Duration of commitment

The minimum expected duration of the organization's commitment in this committee is from one IC meeting to the next, or a calendar year and is explicitly renewed on those occasions


Contribution threshold and training period in the facilitation committee

In order to avoid «contributions without energy" in the Dynex1WSF facilitation committee, these terms of reference introduce two rules


A threshold of time/fund contribution by organizations is established,

It is equivalent to either, contributing, through several people, 15 hours per week contributing EUR xxxxx per calendar year, or a combination of the two (1h a week for a year being equivalent to xxxx euros). Finding in or around them volunteers to contribute a total of xx hours a week is accessible to many IC member entities

The contributing persons contributed by an organization in the Dynex1WSF facilitating committee may not be linked directly to this organization; however they are considered included in the Dynex1WSF support team under the responsibility of this organization which may decide to withdraw its sponsorship for them.


A “training period” time between two IC meetings is instituted prior to the co-optation decision, during which the "training contributors" contribute and learn about facilitating the dynamics, while they are not formally part of the “consensus perimeter” at the  Dynex1WSF orientation/facilitation meetings, where consensus decision is made among confirmed contributors


Cooptation and Size of the Dynex1WSF facilitating committee

For fostering diversity, handling growth, training people, and not growing too big the facilitating committee is growing by cooptation.

Organizations that come in contact with Dynex1WSF facilitation committee wanting to contribute to the facilitation of Dynex1WSF can be be progressively proposed one of the following

 - invited to participate actively

  -invited to contribute one person acting as volunteer under responsibility of a contributing member by mutual agreement

 - coopted as training contributor

- included in the Dynex1WSF facilitation committee by co-optation, as after a training period and a decision by consensus or

- proposed to initiate another Extension dynamics facilitation committee + support team,, with a scope and vision similar to Dynex1WSF, with some  help of organizations of Dynex1 facilitating committee.


Note :Extension dynamics facilitating committees and events facilitating committees

Cooperation and contributions within Dynex1WSF facilitating committee are no so different from what is generally done in forming an event facilitation committee made up of organizations with limited number of decision making  members. A limitation in size is quite frequent in the facilitating committees of social forum events


Note: Event related extension dynamics

Event facilitation committees should also be mentioned: as they can facilitate an extension dynamics about their event

They can, among things done since 2009

1/ open some preparatory activities assemblies for remote participation

2 / stimulate / support / organize the opening for remote participation of activities and common moments taking place venue and dates of the event

3 / open event websites for activities that are "out of date and venue" and wish to become visible in the context of that event

This "extension dynamics connected to the event" can coexist with "autonomous" dynamics with cooperation among the respective committees for the development of the WSF process, and possibility of double placing

E/ WHEN ? WHERE? Anytime Anywhere !


Participation: “placement” of activities anywhere anytime

"Activities" and "initiatives" placed in the Dynex1WSF open space can take place anywhere, anytime and in any language (provided there is some translation into one of the languages supported by the Dynex1WSF which are so far EN ES/PT FR). Activities can be carried out locally, or in an "event" visible in the Dynex1WSF calendar of events (*) , and can be placed in more than one dynamic "autonomous" or "event-related" extension (see above) thus developing interconnections between the corresponding processes inside WSF general process


Facilitation: Meetings of facilitation committee and their scope

 Facilitation Committee Dynex1FSM meets at least twice a year with the following scope

1/-Review what the Dynex1WSF Support Team achieved related to Guidance orientation given in last meeting,

2/- Assess the effectiveness of the contributing organizations' contributions in funds and in time

3/- Confirm the contributors that are under responsibility of each organization member of the committee for the next period and their announced level of contributing ( a condition to be in the Support Team)

4/- Review the geographic and thematic coverage assignment for each contributor,

5/- Review cooperation relation with committees responsible for events and other extension dynamics

6/- Decide allocation of funds in broad category with suggestion made by Support Team ( see G section Much )

7/- Give guidance to Support Team on issues pointed out by this team, or identified in the committee


F/ HOW ? with 2 basic operations and a permanent on line support team


Two Basic participation operation

An extension dynamic in WSF is fed by two "operations" made by participants in the WSF process through a common web platform  www.openfsm.net   that hosts part of  the “Dynex1WSF on line open space”, and gives visibility to activities and initiatives

Operation   “place and open”

1a / Place activities, presenting them, opening them for remote participation, disseminating them

1b / Possibly place an initiative, presented in an activity in the name of organizations that have already done step 1a

Operation “remotely participate, and register”

2a / Confirm one’s identity as Dynex1WSF participant in WSF process, through filling a “registering form”

2b / Receive invitations to remotely participate in activities, and possibly follow the links to chat rooms that they contain.

2c / Receive invitation to review initiatives, and join or support those.


Note chat room permanence and reusability

The chat room associated with an activity placed in the dynamics, is the base for remote participation It remains active after the activity, and can be reused by suggestion of Support Team for a next activity held on similar topics. Progressively, participants in the dynamics of the WSF have at their disposal a network of chat rooms, each linked to a specific context


Dual or multiple placement of activities and initiatives

As already mentioned, an activity placed in Dynex1WSF can be also be placed in another autonomous extension dynamics,  or in an event related extension dynamics. This creates connections between more people and processes and keeps WSF decentralized

The same is true of the initiatives placed in Dynex1WSF calendar of initiatives, they can also be present in a calendar linked to an event, where, due to the size of the event, larger direct articulations can be made in assemblies of major convergence, face to face agora of initiatives, etc.


Facilitation scope & 12 basic facilitation tasks that any volunteer can perform


The overall facilitation of Dynex1FSM is

- the choice of general guidelines on the "format" of the extension dynamics described above, combined with

-assignments of geographical or thematic regions of support to each Support Team member

- the operation of a common support team which makes available. Dynex1WSFonline space and a day to day online presence in contact with Dynex1WSF participants


Operational facilitating tasks of Support Team contributors

They are performed in various geographical or thematic “regions” of the online space entrusted to each supporter, named as “one’s region”, with more than one supporter assigned in any region in order to foster presence and cooperation


1 / Assess creating a specific online personal identity through which support tasks woud be performed ( in order to separate Support tasks and personal profile in social network)


2 / Maintain and develop in one’s region the  various facets of  “Dynex1FSM online space”, common to participants :, mailing lists country spaces, and welcome circles chat rooms, activity chat rooms associated with activities, where participant can freely walk in and out. This includes bringing new participants informally  invited in an activity room  by fellow participants to the corresponding  welcome circle, and to registering formally, and to moderating

the content that participants can input (keep discussion in activity chat room focused, avoid sectarianism proselytism  in chat rooms and circles etc. reminding  that this is part of WSF open space, consistent with values expressed in WSF charter of principles) 


3 / Develop contacts in welcome circles and activity chat rooms with participants, welcoming those participating in activities for the first time explaining them about the dynamics and WSF, suggesting them to register as Dynex1WSF participants, and encouraging the placement of activities and initiatives


4 / Help on line those who are willing to place activities and initiative in the dynamics: drafting the  description/invitation page for their activity or the invitation page for their initiative with the elements they give


5 / Disseminate invitations to activities to WSF participants timely before the activity is held throughout the “online space” ( mailing lists and welcome info circles)


6 / Participate remotely, inasmuch reasonably possible in activities that one has accompanied, stimulate their local technical team, and stimulate and help about online documentation (uploading on the page of invitation notes photos, links to videos). Completion of documentation can be also a moment of visibility of the activity


7 / Schedule one’s personal agenda to be available inasmuch reasonably possible for  coming in  local activities that are physically nearby oneself,  to help  open those activities to remote participants, technically supporting their organizers and volunteers


8 / Stimulate the placement of initiatives, update the Calendar of initiatives placed in Dynex1WSF online space, updated with the information provided, through a follow-up done with their promoters, guided by the 3 dates given for each initiative


9 / Give global visibility about the dynamics to Dynex1WSF participants: updating the directory of activities placed in Dynex1WSF (chronological view, geographic view, thematic view) and the Calendar of initiatives.


10 / Organize global communication to and with participants; online info meetings about Dynex1WSF, publish a Dynex1WSF support team newsletter with general practical information about how to participate, without "editorializing" or giving priority to some themes or participants


11 / Update Dynex1WSF event calendar; with information on events placed in WSF process in different ways which is gathered through the multiple contacts made with Dynex1WSF participants


12 / Update the Dynex1wsf support team of progress made in one’s region of the dynamics and participate in working meetings


Behavior rules for Dynex1WSF support team contributors and facilitating committee

Facilitating committee can establish some guidelines that are to be considered by each contributor in the support team such as:


1/ have a clear vision and understanding of charter of principles and vision of WSF process as horizontal intercommunication open space and process. And convey this during online contact with Dynex1WSF participants


2 / contribute to moderate Dynex1WSF on line space. Messages to Dynex1WSF mailing list are not allowed through, except if they invite to an activity. The relevant questions they might contain can be answered in Dynex1  informative messages

Welcome circle can be place where participants can disseminate info that remains relevant with the general scope of WSF as dialogic space (no propaganda or advertising or insignificant socializing). Contents input in activity chat room should be strictly linked to the topic of the activity those chat room are not a media channel 


3/Not single out and promote in a specific way, in Dynex1WSF open space, contents produced by participants in the activities place. There must be equality of visibility linked to each activity. Visibility is permanently given to activities in Dynex1 directories,  and it is highlighted on occasion of invitation,  then possibly on occasion of release of documentation produced when it is elaborate, then when there is a significant revival of discussion in an activity chat room, which may be highlighted. Dynex1WSF newsletter does no highlight specific activities, it gives general  info about WSF process, dynex1WSF calendar of events,  and about practices for placing and  remote participation   



Operational Dynex1WSF Support Team

Support Team is formed by the contributors “supporters/members”  identified by each contributing organization. (see D section above)  They may or may not be linked to those organizations, and are supposed to operate  in support team under organization guidance and sponsorship


Each support team contributor performs all the above mentioned series of 12 tasks in the region he/she has been assigned to at facilitating Committee meeting, with “supervision” of more experienced Team contributors on a wider region. He/she is invited to ask for help and training in the Support team chat room


Facilitation committee appoints a smaller group of Support Team admin(s) that are facilitating the  Team  operation according to guidance  and orientations provided in the facilitation committee The Support Team explores ways for simple and effective collective

The  Support Team meets online regularly and has 3 internal chat rooms by language for every day operation. EN ES/PT FR

Idea is to avoid creating sub-teams by contributing organizations, trying to have a linguistic zone based  operation, and mix inasmuch possible in a same geographic/linguistic  region supporters from different organizations or backgrounds

Number of participants and online operation might be limiting the capacity of the Support Team to grow in size horizontally without developing a pyramid. So it is also a driver to have more extension dynamics with more support teams i


Support Team  Preparation Calendar

The support team keeps updated a prospective calendar of possible activities, identified by Supporters on occasion of tasks 2 and 3 . There is a permanent review checking that a Team member is timely in contact for support with organizers of those upcoming activities for tasks 3 4 5 6 7 8  



G/HOW MUCH? modest fund resources

RESSOURCES for Dynex1WSF  Facilitation and Support

Dynex1WSF Facilitation requires statistically online daily presence of supporters, and occasionally physical presence of those supporters  in some events / activities, for providing "skilled  support for enlargement in Internet" to ensure opening of activities to remote participation and wide access to remote participation in these.


Dynex1WSF Facilitation also requires some budget to support the openfsm web platform, or increasing local connectivity at events or activities, where relevant, or travel funding to these events.


Budget is presented by Facilitating committee  to BDW and allocated to budget items  to be respected by Support team in facilitating committee meeting


Note about budget for travels

With regard to travelling, the midterm aim is for the "community of extension dynamics participants" to be broad and wide enough to provide local resources nearby where and when necessary, and to limit the amount of travel that would be specifically justified by the provision of this «skilled technical support ".

This community is built progressively by contributing organizations on the Dynex1WSF facilitation committee and through cooperation with other such committees

Note about support for openfsm.net

Technically speaking, Dynex1WSF has so far been implemented mostly with free software (openfsm.net site), complemented with widely used GAFA tools (YouTube, Facebook, for video  Skype, Whatsapp for) for remote participation

Of course, remote intercom free software tools can be promoted for certain activities inasmuch they are “accessible” to participants and to the support team. Developing a new section in openfsm.net for materializing  the Dynex1WSF online space and its directories is in assessment


H/HOW MUCH MANY ? visible indicators of operation


DynexWSF Participation indicators

How many activities placed in Dynex1WSF?: from How many countries ?

In 18 months with less than a half-time online presence, this "Dynex1WSF" extension dynamic has gathered 390 activities in 50 countries, plus 100 that where located in Montreal event. It is maintaining a good rhythm of placement after the event : 180 activities have been placed after WSF.

 Based on this rhythm of 200 local activities supported in one year, doubling or triplicating support capacity could lead to 400/600 activities a year


How many remote participants entries in chat room?:

The number of active participants that come by themselves in chat room associated to activities, after receiving the invitation and following the links, is a relevant indicator of the understanding and ownership of the dynamics. So is the number of people asking to unsubscribe from Dynex1WSF mailing list circulating invitation to activities, so far quite low. The number of WSF participants informed through mailing lists and welcome circles about activities is in thousands  and is growing  through the task 2 and 3  

How many events have an extension dimension ?: a majority of 30 yearly events included in the WSF calendar of event over the size of 10 activities have some remote access modalities that are included in a Dynex1FSM schedule of events with some scheme to provide remote participation


How many initiatives on the platform?: So far none, but will probably be, in lesser number than activities, maybe one initiative for every 5/10 activities


Facilitation indicators

How many people are involved in the Dynex1WSF Support Team?: assuming 3 organizations with total part-time commitment 45 hours per week as a first target. This can be corresponding to about 10 people collaborating in the Support Team, from 3 hours a week to 10 hours a week. It is a first level of capacity to stimulate participation in several languages, countries and thematic networks.




1/ presentation of the dynamics



2/ online space Dynex1WSF


Lista chronological list of placed activities


Geographic list of placed activities http://openfsm.net/projects/extensionfsm2016/extension16-cercles-implication

List of placed initiatives

Not started for the moment -exists in Montreal and panamazonian social forum ( links)

Country pages – example of brazil 50 such pages in the dynamics)

 ( some pages of countries are not accessible due to a technical migration of openfsm)


Mailing list in country pages (example)




Welcome circles skype brasil geral amazônia nordeste bahia centro sul SP RJ POA ( a lista e tamanho de circulos e visible em una columna de

http://openfsm.net/projects/extensionfsm2016/extension16-cercles-implication  there is a growing number of whatsapp groups


here is a page describing an event related extension dynamics which has been entrusted to the same support team




Grupo facebook de participantes ES/PT


Grupo facebook de participants EN


Grupo facebook de participantes FR




Just a complement to online interactions in welcome circles and activity chat rooms

Form to place activities in spanish


Form to register as dynex participant in spanish


Forms are not replacing day to day contact, they are a complement