• event2014 G99%assembly brisbane

last modified August 9, 2014 by facilitfsm


I’d like to invite #Occupiers, Global Justice Advocates, M15-ers, members of the Bolivarian Alliance, Iceland People’s Government representatives and all the world’s Real Democracy Champions to attend in person (if possible) or online a proposed International G99% People’s Assembly in Brisbane, Queensland, Australia THIS!!! November (from the 17th to the 20th) following the G20 Summit and week of community protests and cultural activities based at the Brisbane Aboriginal Sovereign Embassy and organized as The First Nation’s and Wider Community’s Response to the G20 (8th to the 16th Nov).

Please see http://www.earthholocracy.org/real-global-democracy-2014/92-real-global-democracy-2014/194-the-g99-peoples-assembly-and-peoples-conference-follow-up-to-the-g20

On a final note, I’d like to advocate that the Real Democracy Movement take a good look at evolving our organizational processes from Consensus-based Decision-Making to the next level - sociocratic Consent-based Decision-Making. The viability of the Earth Holocracy Proposal for Real Global Democracy is significantly based upon the proposal’s customization of Sociocracy - which replaces top-down methods with EFFECTIVE METHODS for HORIZONTAL ORGANIZATION. It’s time for an ETHICAL REVOLUTION - inspiring the Family of Humanity with a realistic way to Translate Core Ethics into Life Experience. Please see

http://www.earthholocracy.org/holocracy .

