• event2018 asia europe peoples forum ghent

last modified August 15, 2020 by facilitfsm


 https://aepf.info/a/  contacts


AEPF is an interregional network of progressive civil society organizations across Asia and Europe. Since 1996, the AEPF has remained the only continuing network linking Asian and European NGOs and social movements. It has assumed the unique function of fostering people’s solidarity across the two regions and has become a vehicle for advancing the people’s voice within Asia-Europe relations. 

 Succeeding people’s forums were held in London (1998), Korea (2000), Denmark (2002), Vietnam (2004), Finland (2006), China (2008), Belgium (2010), Laos (2012), Italy (2014) and Mongolia (2016).



  • - People’s Vision and Recommendations for change
  • Our Key Recommendations and Demands for Change to ASEM Parliamentarians 
  •  ABOUT 10 THEMATICS and for each around 10 recomendations
Global Charter for Social Protection Rights – for all and by all (www.globalsocialprotectioincharter.eu) 


http://globalsocialprotectioncharter.eu/fr/about-us/ & http://globalsocialprotectioncharter.eu/fr/charter/


http://globalsocialprotectioncharter.eu/about-us/  & http://globalsocialprotectioncharter.eu/charter/


http://globalsocialprotectioncharter.eu/es/about-us/  & http://globalsocialprotectioncharter.eu/es/charter/