• ethiopia and wsf discussion

  • activity placed by pacja in wsf extension dynamics in addis abeba- invitation to join on skype

    from extension@... on Oct 18, 2016 06:42 AM
    Hello in Ethiopia
    This is pierre we met in Casablanca in september briefly about word 
    social forum extension dynamics
    This is to say that am trying to get in contact on skype  my ID is 
    prepafsm2016.extension, i have sent contact requests  to the skypes you 
    also you can see a first activity placed in extension dynamics wsf in 
    ethiopia which has been organized by Pacja
    you are welcome to join the associated skype room   
    Also am on facebook as vaillant efessem  with the extension@... 
    mail,  there is a conversation opened in casablanca giving some 
    information about cop22 related  activities
    Looking forward to reading from you