• comex15 activites horstunis2

Wiki modificadas recientemente January 21, 2015 por facilitfsm

hors tunis  presentation site  





region pays Title N°act URLact Organization n° ORG URLorg Activity location Activity Type Campaign Language
1 Tunisia tunisie WSF Cafe FSM Tunis 25 http://registration.fsm2015.org/?q=fr/node/25 commission extension fsm2015 71 http://registration.fsm2015.org/view_orga/71 Out of Tunis Workshop   French
2 Tunisia tunisie WSF Cafe FSM Tunez 27 http://registration.fsm2015.org/?q=fr/node/27 commission extension fsm2015 71 http://registration.fsm2015.org/view_orga/71 Out of Tunis Workshop   Spanish
3 EuropeFR Switzerland TUNIS PSEUDO-FICTION 28 http://registration.fsm2015.org/?q=fr/node/28 P A L C 99 http://registration.fsm2015.org/view_orga/99 Out of Tunis Cultural Economic and social rights/ Fight against poverty and inequality French
4 Tunisia tunisie Observation de la société civile locale des élections 37 http://registration.fsm2015.org/?q=fr/node/37 ATIDE BUREAU ZAGHOUAN 313 http://registration.fsm2015.org/view_orga/313 Out of Tunis Workshop Democracy/civil and political rights French
5 Maghreb Morocco التكفل بالنساء و الاطفال 42 http://registration.fsm2015.org/?q=fr/node/42 التنسيقية المستقلة للامساعدين الاجتماعيين 458 http://registration.fsm2015.org/view_orga/458 Out of Tunis Workshop Women’s rights/Gender equality Arabic
6 Maghreb Algeria empowerement economique des femmes rurales en algerie 55 http://registration.fsm2015.org/?q=fr/node/55 association ELGHAITH 271 http://registration.fsm2015.org/view_orga/271 Out of Tunis Workshop Economic and social rights/ Fight against poverty and inequality,Women’s rights/Gender equality French
8 Africaouest Côte d'Ivoire participation des jeunes à la lutte contre la corruption 86 http://registration.fsm2015.org/?q=fr/node/86 Réseau Ivoirien des Jeunes Leaders pour l'Intégrité 1575 http://registration.fsm2015.org/view_orga/1575 Out of Tunis Workshop Control / penalty / regulation of the activity of multinational French
9 Maghreb Algeria Enfants Réfugiés ... Entre droits et réalité 96 http://registration.fsm2015.org/?q=fr/node/96 Association Caritative pour les Enfants Défavorisés (ACED - Annaba) 1315 http://registration.fsm2015.org/view_orga/1315 Out of Tunis Documentary Economic and social rights/ Fight against poverty and inequality,Migration/Migrants rights French
10 Mashrek Jordan Lobbying to Amend Article 308 / Jordanian Penal Code 111 http://registration.fsm2015.org/?q=fr/node/111 Daem For Media 2034 http://registration.fsm2015.org/view_orga/2034 Out of Tunis Cultural Women’s rights/Gender equality English
11 Mashrek Syrian Arab Republic نحن هنا 113 http://registration.fsm2015.org/?q=fr/node/113 حركة شباب من سوريا 2047 http://registration.fsm2015.org/view_orga/2047 Out of Tunis Workshop Democracy/civil and political rights English
12 Mashrek Egypt أحتفالية باليوم العالمى لذوى الأعاقة بدار الأوبرا المصرية تحت شعار شارك و تواصل 138 http://registration.fsm2015.org/?q=fr/node/138 Egyptian Abilities 2460 http://registration.fsm2015.org/view_orga/2460 Out of Tunis Documentary Economic and social rights/ Fight against poverty and inequality,Work /Union struggles English
13 Mashrek Egypt ملتقى توظيفي عربي 180 http://registration.fsm2015.org/?q=fr/node/180 موقع شغلانتي | للوظائف الخالية 2916 http://registration.fsm2015.org/view_orga/2916 Out of Tunis Workshop Economic and social rights/ Fight against poverty and inequality,Work /Union struggles Arabic
14 Tunisia tunisie تشريك الشباب في الحوكمة المحلية 186 http://registration.fsm2015.org/?q=fr/node/186 association des jeunes leaders 2948 http://registration.fsm2015.org/view_orga/2948 Out of Tunis Workshop Democracy/civil and political rights Arabic
15 Mashrek Sudan سكن اقتصاي 189 http://registration.fsm2015.org/?q=fr/node/189 عمارة الفقراء 3078 http://registration.fsm2015.org/view_orga/3078 Out of Tunis Cultural Economic and social rights/ Fight against poverty and inequality,Land justice/access to land/land grabbing Arabic
16 Maghreb Mauritania الظاهرة العنف الجنسي في موريتانيا 190 http://registration.fsm2015.org/?q=fr/node/190 الجمعية الموريتانية لصحة الأم والطفل 3081 http://registration.fsm2015.org/view_orga/3081 Out of Tunis Conference Women’s rights/Gender equality Arabic
17 Africaouest Togo Campagne Action/2015 Togo 219 http://registration.fsm2015.org/?q=fr/node/219 Jeunes Verts Togo 476 http://registration.fsm2015.org/view_orga/476 Out of Tunis Workshop Climate changes/Ecological justice English
18 Africaouest Cameroon Alternatives à la dégradation des écosystèmes de mangrove pour le bien être des femmes de l'Afrique centrale 257 http://registration.fsm2015.org/?q=fr/node/257 Organisation pour l'Environnement et le Développement Durable -OPED 3739 http://registration.fsm2015.org/view_orga/3739 Out of Tunis Workshop Climate changes/Ecological justice English
19 Maghreb Algeria Projection documentaire "Maux par mots" sur les agressions verbales dans la rue en Algérie 262 http://registration.fsm2015.org/?q=fr/node/262 Générations Oranaises Go! 3840 http://registration.fsm2015.org/view_orga/3840 Out of Tunis Documentary Women’s rights/Gender equality French
20 Maghreb Algeria algeria asso 275 http://registration.fsm2015.org/?q=fr/node/275 Association algérienne pour les jeunes intellectuels 4030 http://registration.fsm2015.org/view_orga/4030 Out of Tunis Cultural Peoples Rights English
21 Tunisia tunisie الحوكمة الرشيدة 278 http://registration.fsm2015.org/?q=fr/node/278 سنابل المحبة للتعليم و التنمية 4112 http://registration.fsm2015.org/view_orga/4112 Out of Tunis Workshop Democracy/civil and political rights,Economic and social rights/ Fight against poverty and inequality Arabic
22 Africaouest Senegal LA PARTICIPATION DES JEUNES DANS LA POLITIQUE, ENJEUX ET DEFIS 285 http://registration.fsm2015.org/?q=fr/node/285 Reseau des Jeunes Citoyens Sénégalais 4035 http://registration.fsm2015.org/view_orga/4035 Out of Tunis Workshop Democracy/civil and political rightsPeoples Rights French
23 Tunisia tunisie bénévolat, Volontariat et salariés quelles différences? 291 http://registration.fsm2015.org/?q=fr/node/291 organisation mondiale du volontairat 538 http://registration.fsm2015.org/view_orga/538 Out of Tunis Workshop Economic and social rights/ Fight against poverty and inequality,Peoples Rights English
24 Tunisia tunisie bénévolat, Volontariat et salariés quelles différences? 293 http://registration.fsm2015.org/?q=fr/node/293 organisation mondiale du volontairat 538 http://registration.fsm2015.org/view_orga/538 Out of Tunis Workshop Economic and social rights/ Fight against poverty and inequality,Peoples Rights French
25 Tunisia Tunisie إحياء المورث الغذائي الرّيفي و تنظيم ورشة ثقافية اقتصادية في الغرض تثمّن دور المرأة الرّيفيّة في المحافظة على الموروث الثقافي الاّمادّي و تبحث في سبل دعمها 306 http://registration.fsm2015.org/?q=fr/node/306 جمعية قصر عزيزة للتمية الاقتصاديّة التضامنيّة و الثقافيّة 4444 http://registration.fsm2015.org/view_orga/4444 Out of Tunis Workshop Women’s rights/Gender equality Arabic
26 Tunisia Tunisie معرض للصناعات التقليدية بقفصة 314 http://registration.fsm2015.org/?q=fr/node/314 جمعية الإعمار و التنمية بقفصة 4515 http://registration.fsm2015.org/view_orga/4515 Out of Tunis Workshop Economic and social rights/ Fight against poverty and inequality,Women’s rights/Gender equality Arabic
27 Maghreb Mauritania Lutte contre la corruption en Mauritanie 347 http://registration.fsm2015.org/?q=fr/node/347 جمعية كن شفافا 3283 http://registration.fsm2015.org/view_orga/3283 Out of Tunis Conference Control / penalty / regulation of the activity of multinational,Financial regulation/Debt/Taxation Arabic
28 Tunisia Tunisie ندوة حول المرأة الريفية: بين تداعيات الماضي و صعوبات الحاضر و آفاق المستقبل 352 http://registration.fsm2015.org/?q=fr/node/352 جمعية أمل المرأة 4630 http://registration.fsm2015.org/view_orga/4630 Out of Tunis Conference Women’s rights/Gender equalityWork /Union struggles English
29 Tunisia Tunisie ندوة حول تربية الطفل و سلوكه داخل الأسرة 353 http://registration.fsm2015.org/?q=fr/node/353 جمعية حواء على درب البناء 4632 http://registration.fsm2015.org/view_orga/4632 Out of Tunis Conference Women’s rights/Gender equalityWork /Union struggles Arabic
30 Africaouest Cameroon Accompagnement des femmes rurales dans l'appropriation des nouvelles techniques culturales alternatives d'adaptation locale aux changements climatiques 357 http://registration.fsm2015.org/?q=fr/node/357 ASSOCIATION VIVE LA TERRE 4660 http://registration.fsm2015.org/view_orga/4660 Out of Tunis Cultural Climate changes/Ecological justiceWomen’s rights/Gender equality French
31 Tunisia Tunisie محاضرة حول حقوق الانسان الاساسية 371 http://registration.fsm2015.org/?q=fr/node/371 مجلس الشباب التونسي 3129 http://registration.fsm2015.org/view_orga/3129 Out of Tunis Conference Economic and social rights/ Fight against poverty and inequality,Women’s rights/Gender equality  
32 Maghreb Morocco situation d'immigrants au maroc après la compagne de régularisation 378 http://registration.fsm2015.org/?q=fr/node/378 RIHAB TANMIA 4845 http://registration.fsm2015.org/view_orga/4845 Out of Tunis Conference Migration/Migrants rights French
33 Mashrek Yemen اقامة خيمة لعرض الانشطة وتنفيذ جلسات نقاش حول وضع المرأة في اليمن والحقوق الاقتصادية و الاجتماعية / النضال ضد الفقر و اللامساواة 420 http://registration.fsm2015.org/?q=fr/node/420 Abs Development Organization 5033 http://registration.fsm2015.org/view_orga/5033 Out of Tunis Workshop Economic and social rights/ Fight against poverty and inequality,Women’s rights/Gender equality English
34 EuropeEN Italy Immigration 456 http://registration.fsm2015.org/?q=fr/node/456 Comitato Immigrati Tunisini in Italia 4789 http://registration.fsm2015.org/view_orga/4789 Out of Tunis Cultural Migration/Migrants rights French
35 Mashrek Palestinian Territory, Occupied استخدام السوشال ميديا في حملات الحشد والضغط والمعاصرة في الحقوق الاقتصادية والاجتماعية 510 http://registration.fsm2015.org/?q=fr/node/510 freedom forum Palestine ملتقى الحريات -فلسطين 5067 http://registration.fsm2015.org/view_orga/5067 Out of Tunis Workshop Democracy/civil and political rightsEconomic and social rights/ Fight against poverty and inequality Arabic
36 europeFR France Caravanes pour le FSM 518 http://registration.fsm2015.org/?q=fr/node/518 Droits Ici Et Là-bas 5533 http://registration.fsm2015.org/view_orga/5533 Out of Tunis Workshop Economic and social rights/ Fight against poverty and inequality,Migration/Migrants rights French
37 europeFR France 3 ateliers et 1 stand préparation du FSM à Paris (lors de la semaine anticoloniale 14 au 28 Février 2015) 656 http://registration.fsm2015.org/?q=fr/node/656 FALDI ( Forum des associations des luttes démocratiques de l'immigration) 5243 http://registration.fsm2015.org/view_orga/5243 Out of Tunis Workshop Economic and social rights/ Fight against poverty and inequality,Migration/Migrants rights English
38 Mashrek Yemen حقوق المرأة / المساواة 659 http://registration.fsm2015.org/?q=fr/node/659 مؤسسة عهد للحقوق والحريات 5964 http://registration.fsm2015.org/view_orga/5964 Out of Tunis Workshop Democracy/civil and political rightsWomen’s rights/Gender equality Arabic
39 Mashrek Yemen حقوق المرأة / المساواة 660 http://registration.fsm2015.org/?q=fr/node/660 مؤسسة عهد للحقوق والحريات 5964 http://registration.fsm2015.org/view_orga/5964 Out of Tunis Workshop Democracy/civil and political rightsWomen’s rights/Gender equality Arabic
40 Mashrek Yemen حملات مناصرة 666 http://registration.fsm2015.org/?q=fr/node/666 مبادرة ليلاس الشبابية للتطوع 6006 http://registration.fsm2015.org/view_orga/6006 Out of Tunis Workshop Democracy/civil and political rights Arabic
41 Mashrek Yemen فلاشات توعويه 667 http://registration.fsm2015.org/?q=fr/node/667 مؤسسه الوفاء 6007 http://registration.fsm2015.org/view_orga/6007 Out of Tunis Documentary Economic and social rights/ Fight against poverty and inequality,Peoples Rights Arabic
42 Mashrek Yemen تمكين الشباب سياسيا 669 http://registration.fsm2015.org/?q=fr/node/669 مبادرة ليلاس الشبابية للتطوع 6006 http://registration.fsm2015.org/view_orga/6006 Out of Tunis Workshop Democracy/civil and political rightsPeoples Rights Arabic
43 europeFR France ATELIER 1/ Jeunesse et engagement - (semaine anticoloniale 14 28 février- Paris) 689 http://registration.fsm2015.org/?q=fr/node/689 FALDI ( Forum des associations des luttes démocratiques de l'immigration) 5243 http://registration.fsm2015.org/view_orga/5243 Out of Tunis Workshop Democracy/civil and political rights French
44 europeFR France ATELIER 2/ Mobilisation sur Gaza - ( semaine anticoloniale 14 28 février) 690 http://registration.fsm2015.org/?q=fr/node/690 FALDI ( Forum des associations des luttes démocratiques de l'immigration) 5243 http://registration.fsm2015.org/view_orga/5243 Out of Tunis Workshop Democracy/civil and political rightsPeoples Rights French
45 europeFR France ATELIER 3/ Le combat pour les égalités et contre les inégalités 691 http://registration.fsm2015.org/?q=fr/node/691 FALDI ( Forum des associations des luttes démocratiques de l'immigration) 5243 http://registration.fsm2015.org/view_orga/5243 Out of Tunis Workshop Democracy/civil and political rightsEconomic and social rights/ Fight against poverty and inequality French
46 europeFR Belgium Conférence-Débat : La justice transitionnelle en Tunisie, enjeux politiques et juridiques à Liège, le 17 janvier 2015. 791 http://registration.fsm2015.org/?q=fr/node/791 Comité de Vigilance pour la Démocratie en Tunisie 163 http://registration.fsm2015.org/view_orga/163 Out of Tunis Conference Democracy/civil and political rights French
47 europeFR France L'accès aux droits et à la santé des personnes agées migrantes 792 http://registration.fsm2015.org/?q=fr/node/792 PATIO DES AINES 6367 http://registration.fsm2015.org/view_orga/6367 https://mail.google.com/mail/u/0/images/cleardot.gif,https://mail.google.com/mail/u/0/images/cleardot.gif
Out of Tunis
Workshop Economic and social rights/ Fight against poverty and inequality,Migration/Migrants rights French
48 Brazil Brazil https://mail.google.com/mail/u/0/images/cleardot.gif
Direitos da criança e adolescente: as políticas públicas de medidas socioeducativas no Brasil
798 http://registration.fsm2015.org/?q=fr/node/798 https://mail.google.com/mail/u/0/images/cleardot.gif
Instituto Brasileiro de Administração Municipal
6404 http://registration.fsm2015.org/view_orga/6404 Out of Tunis Conference Economic and social rights/ Fight against poverty and inequality Spanish
49 Tunisia Tunisie Projection d'un film documentaire intitulé "Women Step" 842 http://registration.fsm2015.org/?q=fr/node/842 Association INMA MAAMOURA 5584 http://registration.fsm2015.org/view_orga/5584 Out of Tunis Documentary Democracy/civil and political rights English
50 Amlatina Spain Video-conference Madrid-Tunis 901 http://registration.fsm2015.org/?q=fr/node/901 Foro Social Mundial Madrid 6830 http://registration.fsm2015.org/view_orga/6830 Out of Tunis Conference Peoples Rights English
51 europeFR France "REPENSER L’ENERGIE" 31 janvier-1er février 2015 BELLEY 01300 FRANCE 904 http://registration.fsm2015.org/?q=fr/node/904 AMIS DE L’HEBDOMADAIRE LA VIE 5771 http://registration.fsm2015.org/view_orga/5771 Out of Tunis Workshop   French
52 Amlatina Spain Video-conference Madrid-Tunis 907 http://registration.fsm2015.org/?q=fr/node/907 Foro Social Mundial Madrid 6830 http://registration.fsm2015.org/view_orga/6830 Out of Tunis Conference Peoples Rights English
53 Mashrek Egypt ورش عمل تعريفية عن المساءلة الإجتماعية وحق المواطن فى المشاركة 920 http://registration.fsm2015.org/?q=fr/node/920 Kayan Masr foundation for Development, Training & Community Participation Support 2238 http://registration.fsm2015.org/view_orga/2238 Out of Tunis Workshop Democracy/civil and political rightsPeoples Rights English
54 Africaest Kenya PROGRAM COORDINATOR 924 http://registration.fsm2015.org/?q=fr/node/924 MUMONI AND KYUSO ORGANIZATION FOR RURAL DEVELOPMENT AND ACTIVE PARTICIPATION NGO 6894 http://registration.fsm2015.org/view_orga/6894 Out of Tunis Workshop Climate changes/Ecological justiceLand justice/access to land/land grabbing English
55 Maghreb Algeria L’université peut-elle mieux préparer à l’entrée sur le marché du travail ? 933 http://registration.fsm2015.org/?q=fr/node/933 Organisation National des Jeunes Diplômés 2402 http://registration.fsm2015.org/view_orga/2402 Out of Tunis Workshop Economic and social rights/ Fight against poverty and inequality,Work /Union struggles French
56 Maghreb Morocco Made In Bled World Music - Concert 954 http://registration.fsm2015.org/?q=fr/node/954 Made In Bled 395 http://registration.fsm2015.org/view_orga/395 Out of Tunis Cultural Democracy/civil and political rights French
57 Africaest Ghana la luite contre les enfant en education scholaire en Afrique. 964 http://registration.fsm2015.org/?q=fr/node/964 Organisation de la luite contre le trafique des enfants 7153 http://registration.fsm2015.org/view_orga/7153 Out of Tunis Conference Financial regulation/Debt/Taxation English
58 Africaouest Côte d'Ivoire Promotion des activité génératrice de revenu et participation des jeunes à la bonne gouvernance 1010 http://registration.fsm2015.org/?q=fr/node/1010 Kouady 1576 http://registration.fsm2015.org/view_orga/1576 Out of Tunis Conference Climate changes/Ecological justiceEconomic and social rights/ Fight against poverty and inequality English
59 Tunisia Tunisie Champ du travail social ethngérontologique 1011 http://registration.fsm2015.org/?q=fr/node/1011 Centre d'Intervention et de Recherche en Ethno-Gérontologie à Montréal - CIREGM- 7298 http://registration.fsm2015.org/view_orga/7298 Out of Tunis Cultural Migration/Migrants rights,Peoples Rights English
60 Mashrek Iran, Islamic Republic of think tanks & Empowering youth role for policy shaping in Islamic world. 1013 http://registration.fsm2015.org/?q=fr/node/1013 Rushd center 7330 http://registration.fsm2015.org/view_orga/7330 Out of Tunis Workshop Economic and social rights/ Fight against poverty and inequality English

