• extension16 appui extension montreal en

last modified September 20, 2015 by facilitfsm

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Team presentation Support Extension Service Montreal WG participants WSF 2016

Questions on extension

_________ (site text) _____________

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around-and-a-montreal-en.jpg 1 / GENERAL

See document Questions on extension

A / Extension is a collective dynamic to provide access to the "right to participate in the WSF process" that is to say inter-communicate during the WSF activities where we live and act for another possible world.

The "remote participation modalities" have been developed since 2009. Collective videoconferencing, expanding online activities, Internet cafe WSF, 'local' activities, that is to say, if déroulan t out of the World Social Territory Montreal, central place of the WSF. (A district of Montreal or a region is the antithesis of the local)

"The WSF 2016 an" extended format "to allow the widest possible participation of individuals and organizations wishing to participate in the World Social Forum process, wherever they are on the planet.

The extension has two components: the development of local social activities outside world Terirtoire, and development of remote participation in all activities.

The website WSF 2016 will be a major tool for the extension of the WSF 2016. It will allow the recording of "local, outside Montreal and bi-premises activities" video conferences between two groups in two places, and He will clarify if an activity will be remotely accessible as it occurs or not, and remotely accessible during preparation or not, and it will give leschamps to give the links to access these.

around-and-a-montreal-en.jpg 2 / MISSIONS TEAM

B / Support Team Montreal extension, the GT service to participants, is responsible for facilitating the expansion dynamics for the WSF 2016. It works in conjunction with "local support groups extension" that can consituer everywhere often connected to a local support committee for the WSF 2016 participation

·           1 / The team disseminates information about the extended terms of participation in WSF 2016, and makes this information available on communication sites and WSF 2016 participation in the lists of geographical spaces in www.openFSM.net

·           2 / It stimulates the emergence of local support groups and extension agrees with them to share support tasks. The consultation is not to do things twice. In some cases, volunteers from these local teams will come to reinforce the team in Montreal.

The principle is that a local support team provides the participants of his "area" geographic or thematic freely chosen, and prevents the team to Montreal of points on which it needs the support of the Montreal team (especially for enlargement of some local activities and activities of the Montreal World Social Terirtoire).
If there is no local support team extnesion the Montreal team is the extent of his means and in connection with the GT mobiisation support local participants directly.

·           3 / It accompanies, months in advance, the "actors of the WSF 2016 preparation" in consultation with the GT mobilization WSF 2016, and with local support groups in their area extension.

  • -People Who do not come to Montreal,   and wish with their organization, set up in their city
    • WSF 2016 local,
    • bi-places videoconferencing business with people in Montreal, or
    • Internet cafe sessions, etc ...
  • -on the other hand, people coming to Montreal, and
    • willing to contribute to local activities in July before leaving their home region to Montreal, or back end of August from Montreal, or  
    • wishing to expand their activities on the Internet in Montreal, in order to involve their local networks remotely, or  
    • wishing to speak at a distance because of their expertise in other local activities WSF 2016 during or after their stay in Montreal.  

·           4 / the Montreal extension support team cares, in cooperation with other GT other teams preparing the reception, in the Web site and then direct or via the Internet, actors of the extension to Montreal. (*) logistics program including communication and mobilization.

  • It ensures that a quality Internet connection is accessible as widely as possible in the TSM Montreal to allow the expansion of the Internet activities of the WSF 2016 program in Montreal (UQAM Concordia McGill College Old Montreal, and the "villages" and common times (up festivals, Jarry park).
  • It operates one or more "telecenter WSF 2016 Montreal": a tele-center is a series of rooms dedicated to hosting
    • bi-premises video teleconference collective activities,
    • WSF 2016 Montreal internet cafe for informal meetings between participants in Montreal and participants in other similar internet cafe room elsewhere in the world (in coordination with local extension support team often present in these internet cafe and bi-premises activities) .

o      May 5 / Team Support extension WSF 2016 Montreal, Montreal has developed a collective expertise on the extension and sets gradually p lace the team of volunteers with different tasks .For those spots, volunteers use the Web site recording WSF 2016 participation (to be determined) and operate in a collaborative workspace in www.openFSM.net,

  • Before the event preparation phase,
    • helping other teams or GT to expand their preparatory meetings on the internet,
    • ensure that the expansion is taken into account in the registration website (see point 1)
    • accompany support team local extension,
    • accompany where there is no local team, local stakeholders of the extension,
    • prepare accommodation arrangements and extension support in the TSM Montreal,
    • prepare telecenters, ensure the programming of activities in the telecentre
    • expand certain activities open meetings agora Montreal seminar.
  • When the extended event July and August
    • accompany the actors coming to Montreal in the preparation of their activities widened since TSM Montreal (they send the video chat contacts links invitations to participate remotely in their Business operating (in conjunction with local extension teams)
    • operating a / roaming telecenter where Montreal organizations can come inter-communicate with other organisiatons from Montreal or none, on the occasion of local activities organiséees elsewhere - participation in local Business operating distance, Activities bi places, coffee WSF Montreal.
  • At the time of the event in Montreal, 9-14 August
    • provide support to stakeholders announced the extension
    • ensure the expansion of some central activities (common when walking agora etc. ..) -

around-and-a-montreal-en.jpg 3 / contact with the team

o      6 / To make visible the team "support extension in Montreal" ,, and contribute to the dynamic expansion you can answer some questions on the online form here: (to be determined) or) Contact Us

  • as a potential participant in the dynamic expansion of the WSF process in 2016, (team leader local support extension, or
  • organizer wishing to expand your local business or TSM actifvités in Montreal, o
  • Those wishing to volunteer
  • Persons wishing to participate remotely

For information you can visit the space set up for the WSF 2015: http://openFSM.net/projects/extensionFSM2015.

around-and-a-montreal-en.jpg 4 / Team organization and relations with GT


support permanent expansion team in GT service to participants, deals spots methodology logistic communication, programming, with distant local committees, publishing Site Edimaster Expansion SAP GT,

It is teams with others GT throughout the duration of the preparation for

  • provide accompaniment by linguistic / geographical region and supporting local teams (in close collaboration with GT mobilization)
  • make timely practical exercise enlargement open meetings, seminars enlargement enlargement weekly meetings of collective or GT

the goal is

partiipants away to show that the extension is assumed from Montreal

educate a large number of people involved in the various GT (GT mob especially prog GT GT GT GT com crop logistics) to practical issues and potential of the extension, and make their living situation intercom distance, so that:

  • they develop an "extension sensitivity" and react when remote participants are "forgotten" in an initiative action by GT
  • they are investing in operationally issue teams during the preparatory phase to develop their knowledge
  • they are operationally to oversee investment of large groups of volunteers in the teams for the event in Montreal   
the extension is everyone's business ....