• extension16 presentation2 en


Current Version

by facilitfsm, modified November 11, 2015

Version 3

by facilitfsm, modified November 11, 2015


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translation fromhttp://openfsm.net/projects/extensionfsm2016/extension16-presentation2-fr

  • extension16 presentation2 fr

last modifiedLink: https://translate.googleusercontent.com/translate_c?depth=1&hl=fr&ie=UTF8&prev=_t&rurl=translate.google.com&sl=fr&tl=en&u=http://openfsm.net/projects/extensionfsm2016/extension16-presentation2-fr/latest-change&usg=ALkJrhjvdsrgSD6rxo0GcDDqFMO1Ef5O8Q todayby facilitfsmLink: https://translate.googleusercontent.com/translate_c?depth=1&hl=fr&ie=UTF8&prev=_t&rurl=translate.google.com&sl=fr&tl=en&u=http://openfsm.net/people/facilitfsm/profile&usg=ALkJrhgg1yG188mPzCR0SvGNkpxCZFJnTA


1 / The WSF 2016 is rooted in Montreal from Aug. 9 to 14, 2016, where the"World Social Territory"will be around the University UQAM and other rooms, distributed in the city center.The WSF 2016 also extended the world in space and time around these dates.The website WSF 2016 is the commonplace of mutual visibility and interaction between forms of participation.

The extension is a fundamental collective effort that aims to concretely provide access to the "right to participate in the WSF" to all organizations and persons acting for another possible world, and consider participating in the WSF process, and as such defined by the WSF Charter of Principles.

1A >> The forms of participation in the WSF outside of Montreal will be the same as that available to the participant from Montreal.

It is therefore possible to prepare"activities", self-organized intercom moments that are the cornerstone of the WSF process,which arelocated outside the World Social Territory,can be called localandoccurwell before, during and after 9 and 14 August.All these activities have the same visibility on the fsm2016 website under construction, located in that event in Montreal from 9 to 14 August.

1B >> The website will be until the month of August and beyond, a place for intercommunication between people and organizations.

Organizations can create towards the end of 2015 the"presence of groups of the organization"in the website, and from these groups interact or not with other groups "reféltant" each political presence of their organizations in the WSF process and announce prepare forms of participation

the announcement of an activity, fundamental form of participation is by forming a group in the sitepreparation of this activity,which publishes a listing with it, and which may come to include, for cooptation of other organizations.People can propose activities and will then be invited to find, or create, a group or organization to take it.(see §4B)

Each organization or network with a delegation to Montreal can therefore also prepare and combine preparatory, or local, and activities in Montreal.This is an opportunity to cooperate locally with organizations that will not send delegation to Montreal, and will also prepare local activities.

1C >> The practice of remote participation in the WSF activities is encouraged and supported by the group facilitation, and that from now on.

The shared vision in the target group on this point is as follows:

-A part, a person or participating organization, anywhere in the world, knows where to find via the WSF site, many preparatory or local activities, organized around the world, and is extended on internet -to say in which they can participate remotely.

-réciproquement, organization or person know how to expand online activities they prepare, or which they live are involved, so that other people and organizations to participate.

Both possibiltés allow to affirm and preserve the unified dialogic nature of public open space of the WSF 2016, in the distance beyond, and beyond a simple display of activities in the common framework provided by the website

A support team for the extension is being established in Montreal to develop this collective expertise, and has already expanded online 3 preparatory activities in Montreal.One can find the notes of the exchanges in the remote participation facilities here -http://openfsm.net/projects/extensionfsm2016/extension16-activites-prepa-montrealPeople can form teams to support the extension locally c that is to say outside of Montreal.