(in englishk sorry !)


If you , or some people interested who you know, are not making it to Dhaka for SASF event  next 18th -22nd november
here is a concrete way to participate :

Browse the table here , with over 40 events that intend to broadcast
the table is best seen with Firefox browser


Choose those where you want to participate for good

Log in skype with your personal user,
Search for the skype user xxxx.extension indicated in yellow highlight  and send a contact request

Log in skype several times on 18th november to see if you have been accepted in the chat room, and if so introduce yourself in the chat room by written and interact with who is connected

Note the day and time in the first column  time 1 is 10am  time  2 is 14 pm , time 3 is 18pm
taking into account that dhaka is UTC+ 6 hours

Make yourself available on line at this time
organize a collective session with others

You can access the video channels and see it is online  (blue highlight link)

Looking forward to your extended participation !

SASF extended team