• gffsm2021 gt agora de futuros insumo9


Current Version

by facilitfsm, modified January 11, 2021

Initial Version

by facilitfsm, modified January 6, 2021


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Todo el mundo que conoce el fsm habla de "actividades" , pero para una persona recien llegada es bueno explicar que son "actividades de dialogo" , que toman una diverisidad de forma dialogos/encuentros/conferencias/ talleres/asambleas etc..

De manera similar - la nocion de "iniciativa de accion" es nueva, y requiere dar la lista de possibilidades concretas luchas,/ campañas/procesos transformadores/declaraciones/agendas comunes/organización de eventos

Talvez con un poco de tiempo, apropiacion, y practica, los participantes hablaran de "iniciativas"

La expression iniciativa insiste sobre la autonomia de los participantes, y el hecho que ya esta decidido, "te invitamos a sumarte a nuestra iniciativa de accion " -

mientras que la expression "propuesta de accion " deja una ambiguedad si es que "alguien" debe acceptar la propuesta para que sea algo concreto, o si el mensaje es "te proponemos actuar con nosotrxs"


Hay una dimension "mediatica" que no aparece en los dos texto y esta mencionada en el texto sobre el agora que fugura en el documento orientador del GT metodologia - http://openfsm.net/projects/gf-fsm2021/gt-metodologia-fsm2021-insumo1/#ESA

"En el Espacio Ágora, el Grupo facilitador tiene una sala virtual, desde donde anima, comenta y difunde ampliamente el progreso del proceso Ágora, y la conformacion del Calendario FSM 2021, formado por las fechas acciones ligadas a cada iniciativa. "

: Es relativamente facil implementar esta parte mediatica en un ambiente de tipo streamyard con algunas personas animadores y algunas invitadas con criterio publico ( todas las iniciiatvas que tengan mas de 5 organizaciones cooperando" o tambien "actividades que tengan mas de 5 organizaciones cooperando que introduce una parte de no accion posible )- alternando ronda de palabra de 3 mn y momento de visualizacion del calendario en construccion , inncluso haciendo lo comentar por invitadxs - la experiencia del dia de la marcha podra ser reutilizada durante el agora

la gesion de invitadxs puede ser hecha por el equipo agora rebuscando las varias salas del agora que corresponden a los criterios establecidos -


Everyone who knows the WSF talks about "activities", but for a newcomer it is good to explain that they are "dialogue activities", which take different formats of dialogues / meetings / conferences / workshops / assemblies etc.

Similarly - the notion of "initiative of action" is new, and requires giving the list of concrete possibilities, struggles / campaigns / transformative processes / declarations / common agendas / organization of events

Perhaps with a little time, ownership, and practice, participants will talk quietly about "initiatives."

The expression "initiative" insists on the autonomy of the participants, and the fact that it has already been decided, "we invite you to join our initiative of action" -

While the expression "action proposal" leaves an ambiguity if "someone" must accept the proposal for it to be something concrete, or if the message is "we propose you to act with us"


There is a "mediatic" dimension that does not appear in the two texts about the agora and is mentioned in the text on the agora that appears in the guiding document of the methodology WG - http://openfsm.net/projects/gf-fsm2021/gt-metodologia-fsm2021-input1/#ENA

"In the Ágora Space, the facilitating group has a virtual room, from where it encourages, comments and widely disseminates the progress of the Ágora process, and the conformation of the WSF 2021 Calendar, formed by the dates of actions linked to each initiative.

It is comparatively easy to implement this "mediatic" part, in a streamyard-type environment with some animators and some guests inivited with public criteria (all initiatives that have more than 5 cooperating organizations "or also" activities that have more than 5 cooperating organizations that introduce a part of no action possible) - Alternating 3 mn interrvention what is our iniattiive and moments of visualization of the calendar in construction, making to guests comment it - the experience of the day of the march can be reused during the Agora

"Guest management" can be done informally by the Agora team searching the various rooms of the Agora that correspond to the established criteria