• gtcibogota2019 relatoria borrador inicial en

last modified August 22, 2019 by facilitfsm

Ways forward from the meeting of the ICWG Bogotá / GTCI Bogotá - 29 June19

(      Initial draft version for English translation.        )

Physically present: Vittorio Italia (FSMSSS Committee), Chandan India (CETRI), Rita Brasil (Ciranda + FSM2018 Committee), Fanny Colombia (DAWN + Panamazon Social Forum), Janneth Colombia (REPEM + Panamazon Social Forum), Tiburcio Brazil (Ciranda) , Mauri Brazil (Abong + Committee FSM2018 + Committee FSResistencias Porto Alegre), Armando Brasil (Committee FSMSSS), Pierre France (Caritas), Rosa Mexico (Ceaal + Collective proFSM XIV)

Present online for a short period and with partial participation: Leo and Hamouda


Browse the transcript of the exchanges of June 29

A / Comments, Consensus, consensus. to be confirmed (by chronology of the discussion)

1 / Comment of the presentation made by Rosy on the situation of preparation in Mexico .

2 / Conversation with Hamouda about the format and date of the next IC in Morocco .

3 / Discussion in the group about a preparatory process methodology of Collective Co-responsibility- and CI-FSM FSM XIV

  • 3A / Consensus in the group on the principle of a distinction between “initial process axes” and " event axes"
  • 3B / The GTCI Bogotá perceived better the dynamics of construction mobilization FSM XIV , in development
  • 3C / Consensus on a generic calendar of co-responsibility CI-Colectivo proFSMXIV
  • 3D / Identification of several issues on which to continue discussing and clarifying concepts and formulations provided in the FSM XIV methodological discussion
  • 3E / - Potential consensus to continue working together, in this GTCI Bogotá, a “methodology for the formulation of macro axes FSM XIV”

4 / Discussion on RSD project “Social Network of Debates FSM / Platform FSM). This discussion allowed some new contributions (without touching on functionalities) .

5 / A ICWG group was started to do a “mapping of thematic forums”  

6 / The relevance of sharing political contact with living movements was mentioned in GTCI Bogotá

7 / The group found it relevant to evaluate and agree on a series of issues to be included in the IC agenda in Morocco (facilitator IC)

B / ProFSM and CI Collective Co-Responsibility Calendar 

C / Agenda Items for CI Morocco


Browse the transcript of the exchanges of June 29

Video 1 transcript basis https://www.facebook.com/CEAAL/videos/2382395638711668/ 

Video 2 transcript basis https://www.facebook.com/CEAAL/videos/924088147922783/

Why a transcript?

Dialogue allows collective progress and personal evolutions. This is the stand of WSF as an intercommunication process:  dialogue with quality is the engine, the reactor of the WSF process and it can also be said, the dignifier of the participants.       

A discussion going on a whole day about a complex object such as "the WSF process" and among people who have some experience in facilitating this process is a privileged moment , where visions and thoughts and their respective vocabularies and formulations come into contact.

In several parts of the discussion it is too early to reach consensus formulations, and, in the dynamics of the exchanges, one can detect " being on same wavelength", or differences, or misunderstandings or differences of meaning of certain words etc. This identification helps clarify and focus on “issues”, and to continue moving forward together in the next stages of dialogue (see point A3D as an illustration)

NOTES: The video transcript comes with links in each part of the PLAN, in each paragraph, and with an index.

THE PLAN http://openfsm.net/projects/wsfic_fsmci/gtbogota19-input1-en/#plan )  

Links to paragraphs 1, 5, 10, 15, 20 and others, and thus 5 in 5 to more than 100 paragraphs .http://openfsm.net/projects/wsfic_fsmci/gtbogota19-input1-en   
(Automatic translation of these pages to EN FR PT is ongoing) http://openfsm.net/projects/wsfic_fsmci/gtbogota19-input1-en

INDEX of terms present in the transcript. Indicating the number of the various paragraphs where the term appears - Then access to the link of paragraph 1, 5, 10, 15 etc. with the nearest number to the one you look for  (eg if you are looking for P34, you go to P35, if you are looking for P92 you go to P90)


A / Comments, Consensus, consensus to be confirmed (by chronology of the discussion)

1 / Comment of the presentation made by Rosy on the situation of preparation in Mexico .

$ Presentation of Mexico see http://openfsm.net/projects/pfsm20/pfsm20-insumo48

Also take into account the report (under review) of the workshop-assembly that took place in Mexico on August 10 and 11. It has information on the WSF XIV date (October 2020 (provisional) instead of the January 2021 date considered in GTCI Bogotá) and reflects current uncertainties about the organization of the proFSM collective   (Organizational culture of assembly type, different from the “facilitator group” configuration, with a closed list of organizations deciding by consensus, used so far in the WSF committees)

http://openfsm.net/projects/pfsm20/pfsm20-taller-10y11agosto19/#relatoria (being reviewed)

(questions and answers without seeking consensus)

Possible task for the GTCI Bogotá:  note for the rest of the text : GTCI Bogota  = ICWG Bogota
Argument “from the WSF experience” in the direction of the FSM Collective 
on organizational mode, and on date

2 / Conversation with Hamouda about the format and date of the next IC in Morocco .  

Hamouda did not give certainty that this meeting would happen, as well as the content of it. He said he would report in mid-July about the date of the IC, which could occur between October 10 and 20.

Almost all the participants of the GTCI Bogota expressed the relevance of having a separate IC meeting besides a moment of encounter with the invited “live movements”, focused on the agenda given in document C indicated below, The invited people would be “observers) the IC meeting which wuold be formally separated from a moment (lasting one day?) of "meeting with invited movements". On the other hand, Hamouda spoke of an "open IC". It would remain to detail the modalities of such an "open IC" and how to deal with the Part C agenda in such context, from IC viewpoint.

Hence the approach of the GTCI Bogotá to the WSF Mexico Collective , (in view of the uncertainty of date and format, and also to consider budgetary deadlines for financing): prepare as soon as possible a “Mexico goes!”file  to be send to the IC and that this can give the green light online for the realization of the WSF in Mexico before or without the face-to-face meeting of the IC in Morocco,.

Possible task GTCI Bogotá: Support for the proFSM collective in this approach

3 / Discussion in the group about a preparatory process methodology of Collective Co-responsibility- and CI-FSM FSM XIV

There were initial exchanges on visions of the evolution and current situation of the WSF process and how to “relaunch it”.Periodizations were discussed in the history of the WSF events and it was commented that we now need to combine several facets of the WSF and relaunch methodological creativity towards Alliances and Initiatives (from P1 to P8 and P21 to P32). This was mixed with considerations on the axes   (see transcription plan part B sub part T1 / T2 
 http://openfsm.net/projects/wsfic_fsmci/gtbogota19-input1-en/#plan ) 
In the index see entries periodization

Relying particularly on the paragraphs that mention routings- ways forwards and documents. 
The following highlights are noted for the formulation of possible routing 
- http://openfsm.net/projects/wsfic_fsmci/gtbogota19-input2/#recomend

3A / Consensus in the group on the principle of a distinction between “initial process axes” (such as 30?) And (macro) “event” axes, in small numbers (5 to 10?), Which would be used in preparation and celebration of the event and formulated at a IC meeting seminar in the second quarter of 2020. (April or June? Depending on the date of the event)

Possible task GTCI Bogotá see action in point 3E

3B / The GTCI Bogotá perceived better the dynamics of construction mobilization WSF XIV in development in Mexico, from now on informally; then more formal after a formal approval of WSF XIV. They are like 30 axes / thematic spaces and 20 participatory geographical spaces online, hosting “online encounters ” with several “perspectives”, self-organized from participants included in the WSF XIV process (using a form ).  

The main   perspectives of these encounters from now to the IC Mexico 2020 meeting (stage B8 below) are: "Communicate the forum" and its process, Value activities and actions that are done on a day-to-day basis, Advance in contacts to make concrete a perspective of physical participation in the event in CDMX of national and international delegations, Incubate announcement of activities and initiatives that would be opened on the event wesite by the IC Mexico 2020 meeting.

Possible task GTCI Bogotá members get included early and proactively in the proposed process - to better contribute in advance of 3D points 3E and 6

3C / Consensus on a generic calendar of co-responsibility IC-Colectivo proFSMXIV  

See document B below from an initial formulation at the meeting http://openfsm.net/projects/wsfic_fsmci/gtbogota19-input1-en/#linea%20

Possible task GTCI Bogotá monitor and facilitate discussion point C4 in next IC

3D / Identification of several issues on which to continue discussing and clarifying concepts and formulations provided in the FSM XIV methodological discussion  

The index http://openfsm.net/projects/wsfic_fsmci/gtbogota19-input2 reflects in several "entries" the diversity of concepts, notions and formulations that appeared in this discussion (see the index in the FSM part XIV terms Agendas Alliance Calendar)

1-Subject - Way to stimulate and build alliances “from below” ,

2-Subject- “ Methodology of initiatives” to reach an “WSF calendar” that is presented as an assembly from below of campaign-dates / initiatives announced and promoted by participants in the process. Strong initiatives stand out “from below” through their dynamic of attracting “expressions of support” from other entities participating in the WSF process.

3-Subject - “ From WSF calendar to agendas”. Who enunciates and announces an agenda? How to support it? How not to 'speak on behalf of the forum'? Relationship between the WSF calendar, which is assembly “from below” of action dates of initiatives, and “agendas” enunciated by certain actors that highlight some initiatives included this WSF calendar.

4-Subject -  Forum Political Subject  or Forum space-process?” Which implications in the first 3 points?

3E / - Potential consensus to continue working together, in this GTCI Bogotá, on a “methodology for the formulation of macro axes WSF XIV”   and “methodology for environment favorable to alliances and convergences” for use in the preparation and realization of the WSF XIV event. This work would involve following discussions 3D1 to 3D4 above

Possible task GTCI Bogotá: keep dialoguing, 
Document to be written in the GTCI BogotaI, with initial draft from Mexico 
share in IC list, with the perspective of facilitating discussion at point C4 in IC Morocco agenda

4 / Discussion on RSD project “ WSF Social Network of Debates / WSF Platform ). This discussion allowed some new contributions (without touching on functionalities) .

May RSD document; http://openfsm.net/projects/wsfic_fsmci/mexico18-input20 
January RSD pdf document: http://openfsm.net/projects/wsfic_fsmci/mexico18-input20/plataforma-fsm.pdf  

Abong confirmed that he had a budget available to finance the realization and presentation in CI Morocco of an “executive project” (paper file), and no one criticized this decision. ( see index “RSD” part)

Note: a process of exchange between the “RSD executive project” team and the IC working group “accompaniment of the WSF Social Network Debate Project ” would be relevant shortly. The idea would be to compare the “conceptual model” of the RSD application and models available about participation in the WSF, based on experiences of event websites.

Possible task GTCI “RSD support” - develop this exchange and facilitate the C6 discussion point in Morocco IC

5 / A GT CI group was started to do a “mapping of thematic forums”  

This mapping will be with several perspectives (mobilization WSF XIV, participation in the IC, narrative about WSF, methodologies etc ... (initially Armando -Pierre contributors). A status of progress will be presented at the next IC meeting point C6. See index “FSM / thematic forums "

GTCI Task “Mapping Thematic Forums”

6 / The relevance of distributing task of establishing political contact with living movements was mentioned in GTCI Bogotá

There is data from the ICWG reflection on assembly of struggles 2018) and contact them (see stage B6 and agenda item C7)

Data from 2018 Salvador http://openfsm.net/projects/wsfic_fsmci/salvador17-input1-6a-datos-de-censo-de-luchas-marzo-2018

( It was not clarified what GTCI Bogotá is committed to) - Possible task to have a follow-up and facilitation of IC meeting agenda part C7 where a specific GTCI with Mexican participation can be created

7 / The group found it relevant to evaluate and agree on a series of issues to be included in the IC agenda in Morocco (facilitator IC)

see document C and see index "part CI"

( It was not clarified what GTCI Bogotá is committed to) - make a communication in CI list and preparation (see part C)

B / Colectivo ProFSM and IC Co-Responsibility Calendar

(Before a formal acceptance CI WSF XIV Mexico online or in Morocco) -

1 / Informal start-up of the WSF XIV process (ongoing) with up to 30 axes / thematic space “process” formulated with those that are included and gradual formation of a community of facilitators of these (Task : collective pro FSM)

2 / File “Mexico Va!” Sent to the IC list proposing acceptance online or in Morocco meeting according to the situation (noting that the provisional orientation of WSF XIV date http://openfsm.net/projects/pfsm20/pfsm20-taller-10y11agosto19/# datefsmXIV October 2020 in the August workshop in Mexico does not correspond to the hypothesis January 2021 of May 6 IC meeting and the Bogotá discussion) and that there is still an organizational uncertainty  (collectiveProFSM task)

3 / Completion in the GTCI Bogotá of a document proposed to the IC on the first or second quarter 2020 preparatory process culminating in a Methodological Seminar and IC meeting in Mexico and circulation in the IC in October ( Possible task GTCI Bogotá - first draft from Mexico) .

(After a formal acceptance CI WSF XIV Mexico online or in Morocco) -

4 / Formal start-up inclusion in 20/30 thematic spaces the WSF XIV process at international level (Colectivo proFSM collective task) Formal start-up of 20 thematic spaces covering the planet where to start facilitation to stimulate participation in thematic spaces and arouse interest for International participation, local decentralized and in delegation to Mexico ( collectivo ProFSM task )

5 / IC Morocco meeting (date by October 20 and format CI meeting or open IC to be confirmed) or seek to organize CI online meeting if it is not happening (  co-responsibility Collective pro FSM & IC )

6 / Meetings of the WSF XIV process and feedback on the occasion of thematic forums visible in the WSF calendar of events ( http://openfsm.net/projects/wsf2012-support/wsf2018-calendar proactively building relationships with their facilitating committees. (5 to 10 dates in the year 2020 June- FSMSSS Mediterranean, FST Porto Alegre, FOSPA Mocoa, FSMET barcelona….) ( collectivo proFSM task )

Political contact work with live movements outside the WSFprocess ( proFSM XIV collective task with support of members CI and GTCI Bogotá ) -

(using the list started for salvador WSF2018 https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/14I_Q15mKPjN0CMiLeB6coaSegnJmGdlTmr6Qedmg # gid = 0   

7 / Preparatory process online consultation, formulation of macro axes event, directed to individuals entities that were included in the preparatory process FS XIV and preparation discussions in the seminar ( collective task pro FSM and possibly GTCI Bogotá (see stage B3)

8 / Celebration of the Methodological Seminar and IC Mexico Meeting after June 2020. This is to refine the methodology of the WSF XIV event (the date would be after the Barcelona forum in June 2020, noting that this would no longer be possible with an WSF XIV event date in October 2020) 
( Collective co-responsibility pro FSM & IC )

Possible task GTCI Bogotá: encourage discussion in point C4 of Morocco IC agenda and monitor this formulation

C / Agenda Items for CI Morocco (after Mediterranean FSMSSS 26 27 October?)

Adaptable according to actual WSF XIV date and content scenarios-

Order and proposal of dedication time to be refine by discussion GTCI Bogotá

Day 1 - meeting with movements (before or after the CI meeting time) - and their participation as observers in the IC meeting time) (see point A2)

Morning day 2 -

1 / Advance Discussion date WSF XIV (October 2020 or January 2021) -

2 / Progress process Mexico WSF XIV presentation file (October version and January version)

3 / Formalization CI decision (if not done before online) -   IC decision

4 / Consolidate the Collective proFSM Timeline with a IC in Mexico in 2020. Tasks of IC member entities in this process ( see point and task A3 )

Afternoon day 2

5 / Presentation of the executive project WSF Social Network of Debates and Discussion with initial feeding by the ICWG RSD Social Network of Debates- (Previous discussion -) - Orientations ( see point and task A4 )

Morning day 3

6 / Progress in mapping of thematic forums and their relationship with the IC and WSF XIV ( specific GTCI initiated in Bogotá - point A5)

7 / Advance mapping of the struggles / movements and their relations to the WSF XIV process Agendas of struggle from Morocco to Mexico 2021 - Brief discussion on issues of possible joint attack (see point and task A6)

8 / Update of Casablanca IC generic task list. In WSF XIV context ( see point and task A7 ) http://openfsm.net/projects/wsfic_fsmci/casa13-wsfic-tasks-tareas-taches-cifsm/#EN

Afternoon day 3 ( see point and task A7 )

9 / Census/Review of facilitating energy that IC member entities can find in their membership to contribute to CI tasks, through CI Working Groups or another way -

10 / Tasks in ICWGs to facilitate the WSF process in a pre-WSF XIV context , - What and Who -

11 / Taks of Secretarial and its support groups Advances of Support Groups to the CI Secretariat- What and Who -

12 / How these groups 10 and 11 can be pragmatically related in a IC dynamics

Possible task: GTCI Bogotá

Propose this agenda document C in the IC list 
Commit to prepare, with secretariat, discussions in IC Morocco, and composition of facilitation tables of these discussions during the IC meeting (according to part A points)