• Casablanca 201312 preparation


Current Version

by facilitfsm, modified June 29, 2017

Version 5

by facilitfsm, modified December 5, 2013


  • inserted
  • deleted

  • the need for recording and streaming widely(1) and having material to make video + text minutes as for previsous ic meeting
  • the need for tele participation live with lower interactivity ( text) (2)
  • possibility of higher individual itneractiviy (audio video ( 3) or ( 4) collective interactivity


situation 1/ giiving overall view of a plenary or a working group and memory of what is said

two options can be combined: ustream+ skype takes floor langauge and hangout takes english interpretation

  • ustream /bambuser/livestream giving video and sound commercial streaming site (eg ustream.tv) with ads the streaming goes on ( with the speakers language and need several streams for various languages)- this is recorded and material for memory transcription
    this can be duplicated to have floor language + english for instance)

    computer 1 floor stream

  • google hangout streaming going through youtube to many , and interaction limited to 10 people

    computer 1 english stream


the meeting was broadcasted live with ustream (right side computer and the webcam fixed on top of the water bottle between the two computers - the left side computer is for checking the received image and sound throught internet and to stimulate the associated skype chatroom

situation 2/ a way to gather all teleparticipants around the video stream and have text interactiondesynchronized from the streaming - a skype chat room ( or several according to languages) allows text interaction /summary translation (need people attending the chat rooms >>

computer 2 chat room english - computer 2 spanish - arabic ?

situation 3/ making possible some audio interventions in the plenary or the working group : there can be another computer dedicated to bringing certain participants from the chat room 2 in personalskype video audio connection with casablanca where they can be given the floor few minutes in plenary(one perso face appearing in a computer in one part of the room - no large screen display ) >>

computer 3 skype when needed

with loudspeakers

situation 4/ making possible a more open audio interaction in smaller groups (relevant for working group situation)

Eg during working group sessions in casablanca (if any in the agenda) , > no screen to look at - IC is basically a face to face discsusion in casablanca with remote participants in it

one or two computers per working groups

various options

  • telemeeting tool (no recording? ) proposed by jason
  • google hangout (proposed by Mallory ) - streaming to youtube + 10 points in video interaction ( risk to loose the contact link if the connection goes down ?)
  • solution skype audio a audio meeting can be set up where casablanca is one point and several participants are on line in audio mode > there can be audio recording of the skype meeting ( i have not used it ) > if collective audio is chaotic then a recess to a streaming + text chat ( 2) with one person "bridging "in casablanca is always possibl
  • solution streaming + text chat skype as before ( recording group discussion) > the streaming video sound coming from casablanca, is arriving later to teleparticipants than the audio meeting sound coming from casablanca


  • up to 8 laptops with webcams, and 1 with small loudspeakers ( some brought by Jason Mallory Pierre and complemented
  • good 3G keys or good connection in plenary and working group rooms (at least 4 to 8 keys lent by fmas and more if several workin groups
  • helping local people ( streaming for instance - chat in arabic if any - person looking about connectivy and pluging the interpreter booth )
  • cable to interpreters


  • the message is sent on the IC list - password of "ic.extension" account is xxxxxxxxx you are welcome co-use it and welcome who makes contact with the extension team and be put in a conversation room
    • for the moment in the room are invited janneth Giuseppe francine michel meena
  • for plenaries (1 2 3) - the link to the streaming channell is given to them on skype and the chat takes directly place here - r they prefer to go in the hahgout or in the telemeeting
  • for working groups (4) - method depending the working group