• mexico 202205 extension en

last modified October 25, 2022 by facilitfsm


Mexico 2022 May 7 8 IC extension 


According to previous agenda http://openfsm.net/projects/wsfic_fsmci/mexico22-input1.0

May 7th 


  1. Pink (CEAAL)
  2. aaron (mayfirst)
  3. Pierre (smilies)
  4. Hamouda FMA
  5. Aala( FTDES°
  6. carminda (CTSM) 
  7. romulo – german latindad
  8. Daniel (Cidse)
  9. youssef ( 
  10. Massa (not vox)
  11. Catherine (CRID)

  12. Francine (CETRI)

  13. Rita (Ciranda) 

  14. Sheila (IPF)

  15. Deborah (abong)

  16. Liege (FDIM)

  17. Pantoja (CUT)

  18. Leo (Marches)

  19. Aziz (Fmas)

  20.  Ole (NSF FC)

  21.  Hannah (NSF FC)

  22. Kristine Karc

  23. Chico (CBJP)

  24. oded (oxfam)

  25. Latin American IPS tiburcio

  26. Gina (AFM)

  27. Lydia UGTT

  28. Elisa A.F.M.

  29. Guadalupe (obs-Mexico) 

  30. 2 young people from Canada (obs)

  31. Lydia (obs Mexico) 

  32. Communication (obs)

  33. Ricardo landa (obs mexico) 

  34. Ana Paula (CEE obs Mexico)

  35. valentina (obs mexico)


EVALUATION MEXICO (there is no video of this part) 

@1 Ana Paula CEE 2,600 00 pesos x 5 70,000 pesos tarpaulins 700,000 pesos tents and a total of 35,000 euros - Operational team of 6 people 8,000 pesos each - As a self-managed space we emphasize it - Many women at the head of the organization – many patriarchal practices - Where is the CI - they generated extremely tense division - Where are the hands of the CI to make the forum - I have the reference of 2010- The bodies get tired, the hearts get tired

@2 Ricardo (house of the peoples)  The right to care and timely management - of logistical resources - The so-called renewal group of Mexico towards parallel acts - They do not have the right to act outside the framework of assemblies, we are space, we are annoyed by so much confusion created

@3 Claudia ( multitrueke)  Create assembly agendas by axis? – something was created - 12 assemblies that came out with a declaration - Intention to articulate - That the forum is emphasized as anti anti anti

@4 ana paula  The forum was achieved -We all want to renew the forum, but only a group

@5 Leo Assemblies of 50 people - until there was some conflict - bent on raising a discussion - small group that dominated the process - In 2008 2010 a larger Mexico forum - people left oscar Gonzales -Hoarding of a small group of people prevented use the contacts you had - Let us learn the lesson of Mexico, which is quite negative

@6 Deborah Denounces lack of solidarity in the face of racist eventEsse CI needs to position itself (black bodies)

@7 Sheila Inadmissible to boycott the process - forward document for the government that causes confusion - The complaint should be redirected to CI - There are things that do not bother us - Look at what unites us

It is inadmissible to boycott the process - Forward a document to the government that generates confusion - The complaint must be redirected to the IC - There are things that do not last long - Look at what unites us

@8 Liege How many entries? Advance not in the divisions – but in what we want to renew?

@9 A person from the Lourdes renovation group rejected by hector

@10 Aaron A forum without resources - we don't see them - they made 365 2800 567 who confirmed presence in mexico (join figures) Complex join system that gives us results published on https://wsf2022.org/ 31000 visitors online

@11 Pantoja I have represented cut since 2009 - criticism of some entities that dominated the agenda – nao ​​é novo - Many ja nao estao mais no espaço for political reasons – there were no groups formed

I have represented the court since 2009 - it criticizes some entities that dominated the agenda - it is not new - many are no longer in the space for political reasons - there are no groups formed

@12 Rosa There are many things that we did not say on time - We reject racism - What we propose in porto Alegre we want the forum to contribute to building the global political subject - We were just a few - we started many - a pando - the join system turned out to be complex - especially the schedules - What is the background - Great need to articulate - The statement we read yesterday shows our concern - Maybe think of another work structure - With Leo in 2019 - there were nefarious macho colleagues - what we have in common - we want to do something together - that we contribute - there are colleagues who are protagonists - but we want peoples to be protagonists, not personalities -Racist immigration system - The social forum is a litmus test for coexistence in solidarity - Why do we want the forum?

@13 Rita DifferenceA forum communication

@14 Athayde (online) 


@15 Chandan (obs)  Indicators to organize a forum - This event took place in the middle of Ramadan month muslims could not join

Indicators for organizing a forum: this event took place in the middle of the month of Ramadan, Muslims could not join

@16 German The concept of process when addressing the role of IC - has to permeate us - the way we approach - the methodology of caring for women - the path of disasters never again - mexico cannot remain with the feeling calls me of frustration – the IC and the national teams include a process dimension taking care of ourselves- The positive constructive message - The IC meeting was a long list of complaints - we have responsibility and we have to comply

@17 Daniel cidse Talking about failure is not correct - Because many organizations are not in the forum

@18 Massa les mexicains méritent d'être félicités - la réunion du CI n'est pas un procès – en organisant le forum ils essaient de résister - Il faut intervene avec des propositions de solutions aux problèmes que tu mentionnes - Le conseil doit assister les people who organize the forum

Mexicans deserve to be congratulated - the IC meeting is not a rehearsal - by organizing the forum they are trying to resist - We must intervene with proposals for solutions to the problems you mention - The council must help the people who organize the forum

@19 Brazilian woman

@20 Romulo Testimony that spaces in which I have been - I have seen good work - Greater cohesion in the country

@21 Ole Fórum a catastrophe - Lack of mobilization and of experience transference

Forum a catastrophe - Lack of mobilization and transfer of experiences

@22 Mignane (online) Far right

@23 Claudia Clues to think about the future - The creation of the process - teaching that costs us tears - We are for us to be transformed - Virtual topic internet economic crisis of the human bond care as the main element political disarticulation - self-management - we can do things without both budget - Possible articulation between some when – and voluntary work with creative solutions - Do things without power of money and government - It is possible to have forums - I come from more than 20 years of self-management groups - A lot of solidarity in the team- this work is replicable - does not need power - talk about scales -

@24 Gina

@25 Leo The problem is not personal but of the forum's conception - but in an informal way they give rise to structure --we are not going to continue doing business as usual - find the root that they cannot join - proposing a mediator (miguel alvarez) - CI confronted from decade in a census within

@25B Pierre ( elements not expressed in the discussion) I was present since 2018 - 

Several things struck me

  • 0/ the intention of the mexican renewal group more concerned with changing the principles than with explaining the forum and mobilizing for it in mexico
  • 1/ That we could create an international inter-event facilitator group in February 2021 after the virtual forum and it was not done- to feed the dynamics of national and international participation in terms of process and not event with the join tool in the virtual forum dynamic and give Mexicans time to organize themselves- now we are in the same situation for the next few months, although with less impetus; As IC, we could bet on creating a group to facilitate the process, but this is not on the agenda for this meeting.
  • 2/ That the Mexican group began to broadcast visibly to the world in February 2022 - it was - engrossed with the IC from February 2021 to December 2021 - as the perception of the forum in Mexico was late: there were 80 Mexican organizations visible in the join in virtual forum - they were the same 80 in December 2021 - grew in recent weeks are 250 now, forum perceived as more of an event than a process despite the objective
  • 3/ the lack of participation of the Mexican organizations that came to the assembly of the facilitating group in the commissions from September – October - with a two-month break)
  • 4/ that the narrative of government logistical support, which was constant on the part of the Mexican group, was an illusion over which no one outside of Mexico could have any influence. This led to tremendous logistical uncertainty that discouraged many people and did not allow the creation of a common environment.
  • 5/ that a stable and broad facilitating group was not created within the assembly - it ended up with half a dozen organizations, mainly ceal cee cilas
  • 6/ that the programming work was not anticipated despite invitations to create a group to prepare it 
  • 7/ that a secure source of financing of 100,000 euros was not dealt with on time, which created an undue financial emergency that added to the logistical precariousness of the event
  • 8/ that neither the renovators, nor the "rearticulators" tried to build a concrete articulation in the sense of "a common agenda towards a global subject" - with self-organizing capacity - and this results in reporting the task pressure yearning to the wsf with different methodological options from the space forum - 
  • 9/ that creativity and autonomy with hybrid activities was a positive point


PART 2 of the agenda – on declarations  beginning of the video - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4gsg_qlUE1I

@26 Sheila and Francine

Declaration that we have prepared against wars and in favor of peace - corresponds in the philosophy of - a subject that

see the text http://openfsm.net/projects/wsfic_fsmci/mexico22-input1.1 

@27 Pierre - 13mn 50 In the agenda ( http://openfsm.net/projects/wsfic_fsmci/mexico22-input1.0 ) it says “evaluate a campaign” - example from 2008 – my organization is in principle opposed to any kind of declaration of the IC – and it was not on the agenda the IC is a facilitator it is not a political leader

@28 Rita - 18mn the call for 2008 was initially drawn up by the CI and later it was the organizations of the CI that convene

@29 Catherine CRID 17mn30 – it is not the iC to call to social movement to mobilize on this - there were very few workshops on war in this event - there is no consensus on this issue, there are many other major issues – we oppose in rule

it is not the IC to call the social movement to mobilize on this - there were very few workshops on the war at this event - there is no consensus on this issue, there are many other important issues - we oppose in principle

Liege COVID health intervention

@30 Massa 22mn– cette declaration devait être adoptée dans l'assemblée des mouvements - nous vivons la guerre mais on cite un seoul pays devait mentionner tous les pays

this declaration had to be adopted in the assembly of the movements - we live the war but only one country is mentioned it had to mention all the countries

Francine is not understood when speaking with a mask

@31 Ricardo 25mn – it was discussed that we had an assembly of peoples- that since the signatures of the organizations are already there, the IC echoes the consensus of the movements , the organizations send it to the IC, it is not the other way around

@32 Ole (Norwegian SF FC) – 27mn sad moment and discussion -if wsf should have an impact on we need to ask why where the peace movements not her what they do not - I did not join the peace assembly, many statement Statement read at the general sent they did not have strong process behind them - echo them does not make much sense - We may event alienate peace movement with this statement - it does not come from the movements- it is not possible to sign such a text

sad moment and discussion -if the wsf should have an impact, we must ask ourselves why the peace movements are not her what they do not do - I did not join the peace assembly, many declarations The declarations read in the general sent did not have a solid process behind them - echoing them does not make much sense - we may alienate the peace movement with this statement - it does not come from the movements - it is not possible to sign such a text

@33 Daniel CIDSE 30 mn we have the same position as Caritas the IC should not make statements

@34 Youseef ( palestinian social forum FC) 31mn coordinator for Palestinian social forum - It is mentioned Israelis apartheid we would like to add resistance of Palestinian people

Coordinator of 31mn for the Palestinian social forum: Israeli apartheid is mentioned, we would like to add the resistance of the Palestinian people .

@35 Leo (march against unemployment) 32mn– we have had a long process with 3 major peace organizations IPB is here Not at birth we are preparing a document that goes beyond the document that has just been read – calls for mobilization for June 28 – on the occasion of the nato summit - i would ask that this be added to the text to focus - give the wsf a little more body and a political direction

@36 Gina AFM 35mn it is true that all the organizations - we cannot take the name of the IC to do it The organizations together, we have to paraphrase it from something else - this is a political discussion - but on the occasion of a declaration we do not - put ourselves as an organization articulated to a bell - this text is not signed as an international council

@37 Pantoja 37mn CUT It is an issue between us - it was controversial, my memory was a meeting in Mexico in 2009 - about the decision of CI to take joint actions that has dragged on for over 20 years, reinforcement or debate on the future of the forum, which we will build this space is no longer -21 years of just reflection- it is not enough for this political space – we are not the first organization to criticize - this fear - about a political decision – fear of having a decision— - one thing and certain organization will be assassinated - another thing in the CI – we are not dialogue - this decision ran a risk of less and less organization to build this process - 20 years of reflection is already saturated - it is not a new issue in 2009 in mexico there has been a controversy - again debating this issue – playing in front of people not in front what is real - So fazer Reflexão sem ação já este saturated

It is an issue between us - it was already controversial, I remember a meeting in Mexico in 2009 - about CI's decision to carry out joint actions that has been dragging on for 20 years, reinforces the debate on the future of the forum,that built this space already standing plus -21 years of just reflection - in and more enough for this political space - we smoked the first organization to criticize - this fear of -about the non-political decision - fear of having a decision- - one thing and certain organizations sign - another thing and the IC - does not stay in the dialogue - this decision runs the risk that fewer and fewer organizations build this process - 20 years of reflection already saturated - it is a new issue in 2009 in mexico there is already it's been a controversy - again debating this topic - playing forward we don't face what is real - Just do Reflection without action is already saturated

@38 Hamouda 43mn This declaration It is not a declaration from the international council – it is a call to the movements of the world to have one day one month - we IC member call the movement to decide a date – it is not a - it is a long discussion – this is the way to stop the forum and the council – we are in the last moment

This declaration is not a declaration of the international council, it is a call to the movements of the world to have one day a month, we, members of the IC, call the movement to decide on a date, it is not one, it is a long discussion. – this is the way to stop the forum and advice – we are at the last moment

@39 Tiburcio5online)  IPS 47mn We have 2 questões - we must and it or CI must do it in its own name - Is there any organization present that is against the text? - Is there any principle in the fsm process that prohibits the IC from making declarations by consensus? Where is it written – eu sou um two redatores - o CI suposto risco - pode make declarações by consensus-

We have 2 questions: should we do it and should the IC do it on its own behalf: are there any organizations present that are against the text? - Is there any principle in the wsf process that prohibits the IC from making statements by consensus? Where is this written? - I am one of the writers - CI's alleged risk - can make statements by consensus -

@40 Romulo Latindad 52mn I agree with the call for the critical moment that - Time to make qualitative leaps - based on what was said leo cut tiburcio - requires another type of organization - moment that requires another type of confluence

@41 Francine 54mn limit to 2 minutes- it's the same arguments from the same people and I'm sorry

@42 Ian attac 55mn - always knows what causes problems – what is the best system between anarchism and communism - here the two visions are represented - some think that this - I don't know which system is the best we are not going to fix them here - The Organizations following undersigned and that's it - we're not going to solve it

@43 Kristana karch 57mn No to nato – situation crucial – 20 years ago was good to bring movements and network - we have now the risk of nuclear war and climate – remember action in Glasgow -Wsf only has a chance to survive if it becomes a political actor- mobilizae and call - and not just open space Not open space where nothing will happen

– crucial situation – 20 years ago it was good to bring movements and networks - now we have the risk of nuclear war and climate – remember the action in Glasgow -WSF only has a chance to survive if it becomes a political actor- mobilize and call - and not just open space No open space where nothing will happen

@44 Elisa AFM 59mn We do not have unanimity here – let's make collective and political interpretations - for AFM - O CI is not a political subject and a space for articulation and mobilization - more assinar as CI places or CI as a political subject - isso é superimposed on the process do fsm - That the FSM should be assinated in an assembly of ontem this would convene - or CI is not a political subject This space was avoided because it did not become a political subject: on the contrary , because the hegemonization of a space excluded movements that did not agree with hierarchy

Here we do not have unanimity - we make collective and political interpretations - by AFM - The CI is not a political subject and a space for articulation and mobilization - but signing as CI places the CI as a political subject - this is overlapping the process of the wsf - It would be the WSF who should sign this call in yesterday's assembly - the IC is not a political subject This space is not emptied and not because it has not become a political subject: on the contrary, it is because the hegemonization of a space excludes movements that do not agree with the hierarchy

@44 Rita 1h02 It is the third situation/occasion in a row in which a serious event occurred - as or advice can contribute- and that we conclude that it is the organizations - and not the IC that should be pronounced 1/ blow Dilma (Montreal 2016) - in the march of omc we were questioned in argentina -2/ assassination of Mariela (2018) in the days of the forum - organizations said that they were not going to participate more 3/ situation of war - no politization - we need to walk for an alternative - we made collective declarations - or GF fez declarations about Mariela mais nao era o CI

It is the third situation/occasion in which serious facts -as the council can contribute- and that we conclude that it is the organizations -and not the IC that must pronounce 1/Dilma coup (Montreal 2016)- in the WTO march we were questioned in argentina -2/ Murder of Mariela (2018) in the days of the forum - Organizations say they were no longer going to participate 3/ Situation of war - No politicization - We need to go towards an alternative - We made statements in the collectives - The FG made statements about Mariela but it was not the CI

@45 German 1h06mn Fospa Latindad I'm lost with this discussion – I don't understand what the IC facilitates – Yesterday An assembly has just given a series of guidelines. I don't understand why we can't make these proposals viable - Could it be that we don't know what we have to facilitate? We have had this same discussion in the fospa - we can't

I do not conceive of a democratic movement without a voice - Latindad We declare ourselves in favor of the declaration - we call on the IC to reflect on what it means to facilitate - If the assembly makes a decision, the council has to facilitate it, it is its responsibility, it cannot be otherwise

@46 Abdelkade fsmgh responsible fmas1h08mn I congratulate amis mexicains qui nous ont mis de nouveaux dans le processus- on a organisé dkar tunis organiser un forum ce n'est pas facile - les visas - j'ai passé 3h aéroport car la police a pas cru a mon schengen visa - I understood that the CI doit discuss the declaration of the assembly - ce n'est pas notre prérogatives - ici ai CI on est des facilitateurs on ne prend pas de decision au nom des organizations qui participapent - on doit parler de l'organization de la méthodologie le contexte historique a change ce n'est plus le temps de lula reprimand les discussion reformuler concept - revenir aux commissions méthodologie contenu financement 4 5 commissions qui travaillent et apport au prochain forum sa feuille de route - plusieurs amis qui soutenait se sont retiré la question financière est colossale - renforcer et enrichir notre processes

I congratulate the Mexican friends who put us new in the process - we organized dkar tunis organizing a forum is not easy - visas - I spent 3 hours at the airport because the police did not believe my schengen visa - I heard that the IC must discuss the declaration of the assembly - it is not our prerogative - here at IC we are facilitators we do not make decisions on behalf of the participating organizations - we must talk about the organization of the methodology the historical context has changed it is no longer the time for lula to resume the discussions reformulate the concept - return to the commissions methodology content financing 4 5 commissions working and contribute your roadmap to the next forum - several friends who supported withdrew the financial issue is colossal - strengthen and enrich our process

@'47 Chico (online) 1h12 It is not a discussion for now – this meeting is not representative - it is a gigantic step of change - the first time to make a statement - how to leave people free -it is a great composition of movements - as it is a party - it would not be honest - taking advantage of a situation - there is no agreement between us - special meeting but not in the middle of other things - the reasons for absence in the IC are much more complex - the organizations present at the final assembly this meeting call thisIn the first forums we have created a movement against the FTAA - doing something against the war is fundamental - the organizations present in this sign - and we stayed that way until - those present here are already divided - my conception of the WSF is different from others - another possible world respects diversity

@48 Pantoja 1h19mn questao de ordem

@49 Sheila 1h22mn…… a demand that arises from an assembly of ontem where several - from declarations that will arise in the assembly this council face chamamento

… a demand that was born in an assembly yesterday where you vary - from statements that appeared in the assembly this council makes a call

Ian There is no more image

Sheila during the fala de lidia last registrations francine takes the registrations

@50 Lidia UGTT Nobel Prize 2015 is who is going to garder the forum ca me fait mal au coeur African and Asian delegations - pas d'accès au Mexique - all countries that do it être hôte de ce forum doit guarantee au préalable de facilitater l'accès aux participants - je me retrouve focaliser au fsmagh je n'ai pas le program au préalable, 3 / past the proximity between the ateliers ils sont loin l'un de l'autre - 4/ for the foundations n'acceptent plus de financer ce genre de forum (j'étais a la conférence de presse ce matin je n'étais pas present )

let's keep the forum my heart hurts the issue of closing the forum is not raised like this - ask the question in another way raise the problems and solve it - between the problems of the African and Asian delegations - it does not give access to mexico - any country that is going to host this forum must first guarantee easy access to the participants - I find myself focused on the fsmagh I do not have the program in advance, 3/ there is no proximity between the workshops they are far from each other - 4/ why foundations no longer I agree to finance this type of forum (I was at the press conference this morning, I was not present)

@51 Ronald 1h27mn as far as i understand there are 2 debates one on the war and one on the traditional contradiction of the IC – the first one on e the war (image comes back) we could be frustrated if we go out without nothing - why not call t support ukrainian people against Russian imperialism- not be neutral in this war – there is a mechanism we do not need any central committee to tell us what to think organizations can sign but first we need a real discussion on the war

as far as I understand there are 2 debates one about the war and the other about the traditional contradiction of the IC – the first about the war (the image comes back) we could get frustrated if we come out with nothing – why not call supporting the ukrainian people against russian imperialism - no be neutral in this war - there is a mechanism that we don't need no central committee to tell us what to think organizations can sign but first we need a real discussion about the war

@52 Chandan 1h35 fascinating debate I would raise opinion – it is not about the statement we are raising Palestine Ukraine in my country there is a great risk of fascism at the moment – ​​we can have so many statements we are at a critical juncture - all have a will to revive the forum so we are we should be cautious not to do something which should minimize the social movement - I propose that the forum is very wide diverse ic can be representative and set a political agenda -is the IC represent the demography - have a discussion - let us make an overhauling -

A fascinating debate, I would give my opinion: it is not about the declaration that we are proposing Palestine, Ukraine, in my country there is a great risk of fascism at the moment, we can have so many declarations that we are at a critical moment, we all have the will to revive the forum so we must be careful not to do something that should minimize the social movement - I propose that the forum be very broad diverse the CU can be representative and set a political agenda -if the IC represents the demographics - have a discussion - let's do a review

@53 Carminda Kataliz o and organizers from Montreal 1h36mn agree that we position ourselves - we should be the Organization we have self-determination each one can say - many other points that are coming up we will talk about a seminar - because we do not decide which organizations want to sign sign and to make a statement and my question to whom we send the ways how we are going to do so that others sign – the mobilization -how we are going to fight – that they raise their hands Who is willing to make this work, to work concretely – here is a person and an organization that proposed this mobilization Who proposed them that they contribute - let's take a position as an organization we skate - saying that we will talk about it in the seminar

Sheia just signed up carminda francine

@54 Deborah - ABONG 1h40mn or what scares us is not the screams two ruims and silence two boms to great questão that is placed in this political space that is not known in the political space that is not a political subject or CI needs to hear or FSM to impress that we are two different things the assembly outlined the question of war and territory and here people discuss if we are in solidarity - we do not affirm - that the forum is positioned on these questions and in truth define if this space is important - we are going to give importance a esse espaço – we need to define fazer so that the CI is an important part of the wsf that affirms this position against the war

what is scary is not the screams of the bad guys but the silence of the good guys the big question that arises is if this is a political space I do not know of any political space that is not a political issue the IC needs to listen to the WSF the impression that we are two different things when the assembly raised the issue of war and territory and here we discuss if we are in solidarity, if we don't say so, if the forum takes a position on the issues and really defines if this space is important - if we are going to give it importance to this space - we need to define making the IC an important part of the WSF that affirms this anti-war stance

@55 Cesare IAI1H43mn I am taking the word of many organizations - participating in the world assembly of inhabitants - we are not going to debate if we are going to sign as a council - if we need to do something - we are going to facilitate this mobilization process I am not interested if we sign as IC or as an organization - we are going to be effective - a group is constituted that quickly facilitates the process that is already underway- the organizations have said what they want to do - the forum is the space raise your hand whoever agrees we will set a date - we are not going to wait another month for another seminar - this group would have to work so that this mobilization is possible on the 20th May to start the mobilization in Italy there will be the first independent trade union strike against the war - and in this way the forum as a space to facilitate resumes its role - concrete thing - IAI we are willing to work for this mobilization - if we join I am optimistic - many people are asking - the organizations that participate in the forum have solidarity, it is not the council, it is ourselves - collecting everyone's concerns, let's do it now

@56 Guadalupe (observer) 1h49mn it has been exhausting to find such radical positions . I am referring to Pierre, who was within this process, he was always this radical position when there is a problem and the IC detects it, leaving the others rowing in a circle and it is not done – It brought us a lot of problems to the facilitating group in Mexico – this is a simple we can't make a declaration we already saw the alternatives - let it be the movements and groups the forum is made up of movements and groups because we can get bogged down - we can't make a simple declaration

Aaron 1h50mn I'm going to read you a letter -

@57 Rita we are just getting together to say that we received a complaint of serious racismAs in any way, we seek the fmml, we write racism, it cannot be just a matter of registration, we seek to clarify what happened - of the responsibility for the situation of racism, which must be broad - we must seek a broader solution - the activities were not carried out in the space the actual forum was very - we sought to speak with our partner - we had a diversity of version that did not concern us as fmml but we decided to write the letter with the organizations - racism must have a solution time is for the priority of our action - an activity was online and the other became online when we spoke with ibase described a situation that was different a group in the press room trying to connect to the online activity - a very representative group of the processI am from the fmml - our secretary - our free palestinian forum our fellow from india gathered there and aaron - the commitment is to fully clarify the complaint - ibase should help us - we think that this letter should be a letter from the organization that there were to treat racism as a city of CI -

Liege question de ordem - rita is registered

Sheila at this point of the guideline we are talking about declarations

At this point on the agenda we are talking about declarations

@58 Aaron 1h58mn reading the statement  ( text ) 

@59 Hamouda there is a proposal by carminda – there is a proposition by carminda the point about the war - we have a zoom to discuss a proposition - we can go to the second point otherwise will be in the air

– there is a proposal from carminda the point on the war - we have a zoom to discuss a proposal - we can go to the second point otherwise it will be up in the air

@60 2h01 carminda once and for all let's sign the declaration the organizations that can and there is a proposal for mobilization against the war and this francine is going to call to collect another -there is a point there is a seminar where they will debate whether the IC if not

Sheila about carminda this feita

carminda's proposal is done

@61 Bartira what's up - continue or same - most

@62 Ian the consensus does not exist it cannot be invented

@63 Sheila has no consensus

@64 Bartira 2h03mn I didn't come here to jump this CI doesn't work we are not the protagonist - we already signed as IAI - or this CI that entity and this entity is minha this street - we are not jumping for the organized and protagonist to say that forum CI is A or BC

I do not come to play this CI does not work we are not protagonists - we sign as IAI - this CI that my entity is on the street - we do not joke for organized and protagonist apart from saying that CI forum is A the BC

@65 2h05 pink CI – what I have heard is that many of us as organizations agree with this statement. It is a general statement and it seems to me that I do not know if what I am going to say is correct that  the IC does not respond to the IC - the IC is made up of supposedly movements, we have just finished an assembly where the movements, the assemblies affirmed themselves against the wars and pr peace - the IC the organizations that are part of the IC should assume as a mandate what the assembly has said the declaration should be assigned by the ICI and be supported by the movements for the ci and those who want to unite and we have the responsibility to send this start to signature in the chats - we need to be together let's walk there and if we are not mistaken that history claimed us - sign as an action affirmative of movements that are seeking are many wars and femicides and we cannot continue allowing it - it seems to me that we have to come out with this signed declaration

spell the word

@66 2h08 valentina (observer) there are other wars just to make one visible there are lives that matter and others that don't - ambiguous statement - wars without mentioning any sign of lukewarmness - very complicated debate

@67 2h10 francine what I would like to propose – it seems clear to me that there is a majority to sign the letter.  once again we have the proof that the rules that we have in the wsf cannot be respected because we cannot have a consensus - it is an impasse - there is a majority but we cannot do anything - I propose that we put in text in the chat of the IC or movements global and those who want to sign sign as quickly as possible and - in the minutes it is mentioned that there is a majority to sign the letter and Carminda's proposal

we have no solution – we debated for two and a half hours it is the end of the forum a thorough debate is needed - We have seen what the challenges of the forum are - and we have no solution and prepare to fundamentally discuss them we cannot continue like this look at how many people have left the room - we have once and for all to find solutions in-depth debate two or three days to see how we can continue if we are not at an impasse we can do it if

(Gina I'm asking for the floor)

@67B (Boy of course there is carminda's solution)

Sheila aaron is going to read the statement on racism

@68 aaron 2h14 statement – ​​to the WSF IC - the assemblies (reading a text) 


on May 3 – the visibility of racism is a priority - opportunity for the CI and the FMML organization to initiate a listening process - ethical obligation of the CI organization to investigate - the face-to-face part of another activity was prevented due to programming - as we understand the situation that occurred in the press area - so that the canceled activity could be carried out - we request that you listen to the ibase investigator - the case is being investigated by el rule space management - commitment to combat racism - that ibase can investigate

(Boy I couldn't fail)

@69 Deborah 2h21 printed and that I acknowledge at the initiative of fmml - letter needs to go through corrections - the impression is that it needs to prove that I suffered racism - and we do not acknowledge that I do not space the forum systematically have a question of racism – ok soon

my impression is that I recognize the initiative of the fmml - the letter must go through corrections - from the impression it must show that it suffered racism - and we do not recognize that in the forum space there are systematic questions about racism - ok, that's it

@70 Rita 2h24mn we are going to increase our understanding that racism is present – ​​we are not or are not investigating the responsibilities – I was going to be able to make the modifications that I wanted – chandan companheiro accused of racism wants to speak – we are going to continue with Ibase

let's add we understand that racism is present - we are not the act we are investigating the responsibilities - ibase can make the changes it wants - comrade chandan accused of racism wants to speak - let's continue with Ibase

Chandan nao I understand

Sheial 2h26mn pass to prossimo ponto mediacao marcela and ian


 agenda 3 future forum seminar

@71 Marcela – 2h2 6 almost 3 hours late - challenges and future - the reality Marcela Ian future of the forum – the forum is emptying – in terms of participation and also politically - start a small discussion of the future based on experience accumulated experiences groups that reflect- we are going to invite some groups there are 2 renovating groups women's assembly - it is not about reading documents -Conduct face-to-face international seminar to debate in depth with a solid presence (with deliberative power) July - August - tomorrow we are going to appoint a group who organizes it

(Massa en parallele Follow or make a qualitative leap)

@72 Alaa 2h30 je ya lire un résumé de l'appel du fsmag mash pour la tenue d'une réunion du CI – lit un text  http://openfsm.net/projects/wsfic_fsmci/mexico22-input1.2  

La tenue du fsm a mexico est en soit un événement majeur, que atteste notre volonté de sauvegarder cet espace, de poursuivre le combat et de continuer à channel les indignations pour batir – mouvement mondial capable de juguler, voire d'arrêter les effets néfastes du neoliberalism

Outre la nécessité d'élargir-et renforcer nos capacité d'articular nos luttes, le fsm de cette année vient dans un contexte particulier et chargé de défis supplémentaire suite aux effet de crise covide accroissement de s inégalités escalade de xénophobie racism, la violence à l'égard des femmes restriction de libertés violation de donnée personnelles, descente en enfer suit au climatic changement elargissement à l'échelle planétaire des des drames de la guerre et internal conflicts ex suite à étrangères interventions

On est aujourd'hui averti suite à plusieurs analyses critiques, qu'il n'est pas suffisant de croire que le rejet des politique était majoritaire à l'échelle du globe, et qu'il suffirait de poursuivre nos efforts de dévoilement dénonciation et déconstruction de pouvoir et dominations pour gagner la bataille des idées et des esprit

We confirm in effect that we are appelés to reflexively reflect on our vision of the new world that we think of, - ceci passe avant tout for the understanding of our project and the evaluation of our moyens d'action - forme d'organza ion –

22 years after the first rendez-vous of Porto Joy that the bilan dressons-nous de l'altermondialisme They appeal to solidarity and to the convergence of different forms of resistance to neoliberalism, to the creation of a world-wide reseau after they are multiplied

Plusieurs ligne de mobilization était au coeur de propositions l'altermondialiste come - annulation taxe tobin suppression omc programs d'adjustment structuralls ou rejet des privatization

Le mouvement altermondialiste a posteriori son avènement nourri les espoirs et inspire les luttes - son elargissement géographique a fait preuves d'una plus grande hétérogénéité par le mode et aussi aussi multiplié les problèmes - de coordination et difficulté pour s'understanding sur de lignes commune *

c'est dans ce cadre fsm mag mash organiseur de tunis 21013 et 2015 propose d'inviter the CI to have a prochaine meeting in Tunis 15 juillet

Au moment où les forces de régression menacent les droits humains et celle des peuples dans leur stratégie destructrices et du vivant, -nous parions sur notre dialogue et notre résistance solidaire pour renforcer les ponts vers un nouveau monde que nous voulons meilleur

 il est clair -les dynamique actuelle maintiennent et éveillent un conscience citoyenne d'oppositions et de résistance e mais peinent aussi à donner lieu à des possible effective à l'émergence d'un nouveau sujet politique –

The place grandissante qu'occupent de plus en les partis mouvementistes suite à la crise de partis politique de gauche la question de l'articulation des - mouvement fragmentés à des échelles local et mondial - et la recherche de conditions de possibilité d'une solidarité altermondialiste Le fusionnement des forums régionaux et thématique, sans chercher masquer la pluralité d'expériences de lutte, sont des questions qui méritent débat, au delà du conflit qui traverse le conseil international du fsm sur un espace ouvert d'articulations ou une structure pour de nouvelles political actions -

 Ainsi réfléchir ensemble autour des questions des rapport entre individu et société sur micro résistance territoriale – et grand combiar pour s'opposer à tout le système néolibéral local et global ouvriront des voies constructive d'un possible critique social articulates des forms de résistances et et social forces of change -

Notre réflexion collective autour des théories renouvelée des mouvement sociaux et résistance, le partage du savoir différents contextes, articulation des formes de changement- élargissement de solidarités entre ces lutez sont fundamentales, - faisant du fsm un bien commun

Rendez vous à tunis chers comrades

the text in Spanish  http://openfsm.net/projects/wsfic_fsmci/mexico22-input1.2/#ES 

text in english http://openfsm.net/projects/wsfic_fsmci/mexico22-input1.2/#EN 

@73 Felix 2h37mn Proposal that I make to you - very simple - that if we see the future that there is a Chapter of the seminar that we not only see as if the forum - I hope that it is a more consistent process of articulation that progress was lamented by many that we attended - almost shipwrecked - that we can recover from the objectives that we approved for the forum - I am sure that many works that we did if there is material - how are we going to send them - yesterday we read how this favors the articulation of specific dates - that the seminar dedicate a space of how to save the best as regions with examples that siver that can be used to make it possible

@74 Pierre 2h44 Seminar - broad call members of the IC international movements it is not clear the call meeting expanded IC - Deliberative power what does this mean? until where? what is the environment? I understand the concern - I don't see well the deliberative power over what? - the IC? the principles of the forum are there many people who will not be able to participate -   will there be hybrid participation ? - "if you don't go you don't exist" - broad proposal and the context I understand what it is about but it is very big

@75 Marcela 2h45mn Actually, the proposal is to hold a seminar, and then we are going to create a committee of CI members that will learn nothing to decide or how - I will not discuss - do we agree with the realization? What is a committee created?

@76 Leo 2h46mn Nor can we cover up the discussions in the last ten years – these discussions circulated around a nua paralysis that the wsf has shown as we have seen with regard to the pzar – thanking the efforts of friends from tunisia very general invitation - So that it complies it would have to be prepared as a new concept - New concept of the wsf as felix says that it be articulated in concrete proposals directed towards actions to - decide on the deliberative nature of the proposals - If this does not imply a new conceptualization of the forum - radical change to the letter from porto Alegre this does not comply – partner from Tunisia specifies more the thematic invitation

@77 Francine 2h50 I represent the cetri - I am part of an initiative towards a new wsf - internment renewal group - small group with 6 people - oscar norma Roberto boa leo - others are people who support - We received 400 supports at the beginning - unfortunately, the large majority outside the CI – we started working with a reflection group - since there was none It is not possible to have a fundamental debate within the CI - Pierre thinks that now everything is going very well - Our proposal - that the wsf be a process that promotes the articulation - General Assembly that elects a broad and representative executive committee to implement the decisions of the assembly - and make it possible for the voice of the forum to participate in the debate on events in the real world -that this executive committee take center stage and that there is a high quorum to represent the vast majority - majority of 80% 90% = consensus is not unanimity - What is necessary for this seminar That participants in the debate are not only ICs, not only ambieroa movements, but also personalities from around the world who can help each other to build nuer - Open debate outside We have debate outside the charter of principles The goal is for the forum to become a political and social subject at a global level We continue to believe in the potential and the positivity of the forum

@78 Aaron 2h55mn I propose within this seminar workshop seminar to identify the fight against racism - 

@78B valentína - we join trans women - we held a meeting of racialized trans women - it will be important to fight against structural violence – collective historical debt

@79 Sheila 2h57mn IPF Before discussing what will be discussed, we have to approve the holding of the seminar - Decide which fellow from Tunisia guarantees that all members of the IC can do it - and that the seminar is deliberative extended meeting of 3 days - approve with decision-making power

(Pierre there is no consensus on the question of deliberative power) 

@80 Marcela 3h00 interpreters have to go - everyone agrees to hold the seminar - based on the wing proposal - accord on the realization- c'est un committee défini demain qui le prépare there is a committee that goes to prepare we cannot discuss it now - Pierre we are going to form a group tomorrow

Rosa – tomorrow we can work next door in the same place down here


Second day May 8 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y7Q-6mRfZWM 


  1.  Hamouda

  2. Marcela

  3. Ole

  4.   Mirek

  5. pierre

  6. Leo 

  7. Abdelkader

  8. Youssef

  9. Massa

  10. Deborah

  11. bartiria

  12.  Rita

  13. iege

  14. Sheila

  15.  Rosa

  16. carminda

  17. jeanne (crid)

  18. ian online

  19. Gina online

  20. tbirucio on line

  21. chandan (obs)

  22. victor (obs)

  23. Guadeloupe (obs) 

@81 Rosa 5m singing let's walk

@82 Marcela 6mn first point executive secretary liege and xxx to confirm yesterday's agreements - concrete proposal from alaa - it would be an IC meeting - they ensure with resources the participation of all members of the serious IC meeting - month of July of 3 days - discussion about the future wsf maybe 3 days - we are going to create a committee of IC members to organize and give us a proposal -

Gina 8mn can you talk?

@83 Rosa 9mn can observers give their opinion? Here Guadalupe Fernando and two more

@84 Gina on line10mn observers do not have a voice due to time problems - seminar is put on by the IC I want to know about the invited personalities - that the letter of principles did not count I want clarification

@85 Marcela - Inviting social movements  at no time was there talk of inviting personalities

Gina and the letter of principles

Marcela the letter of principles to be part of the discussion The groups that go to high school ciranda - crid - mirek - youseff - olé - Deborah

@86 Hamouda 16mn everyone is in this group ceaal caritas Creation of the committee – all IC organizations present July 15

Marcela16mn we pass a page

I give address of the table to liege and Sheila 18mn for the next point

@87 Liege - Hamouda says that July 15 will be 3 days with the participation of FMML - registration of the group that will discuss the preparation with fellow Moroccans - we can move on to the other point

@88 Tibrucio (on line)20mn Latin American IPS enters no GT

Ian analba oscar 21mn there is no more sound

(Not visible in the video during silence)

@89 Ole – 24mn seminar needs to be well facilitated - what we should - we shall distribute the initiative - make sure that the peace movement get involved - yesterday we wasted time discussing the declaration - if we spend 3 days in the same way it wll be destructive decision taken in a hasty manner - Consensus need -Important matters- 1/ need to be prepared a specific important meeting - not hastily - racism and war

the seminar needs to be well facilitated - which we should - we will distribute the initiative - make sure the peace movement gets involved - yesterday we wasted time discussing the declaration - if we spend 3 days in the same way it will be a destructive decision made in haste - Need for consensus -Important issues- 1/ it is necessary to prepare a specific important meeting - not in a hurry - racism and war

@90 Hamouda 26mn -we said the seminar wil be in July - if you are in the committee we will discuss it in the committee we will prepare the seminar with the committee

-we said that the seminar will be in July - if you are in the committee we will discuss it in the committee we will prepare the seminar with the committee


agenda 4 collegiate secretary 

@91 Liege 26mn Creation of a collegiate secretary - the idea and 2 representatives per continent - + 1 representation of a communication organization so that we can have this process of permanent disclosure is what we are going to discuss now - this topic was discussed in Porto happy and na bahia - and we need to concretize - - and we can also divulge - a liaison group is called - the secretary will just implement divulging CI decisions - it may be that some regiao nao tem sua representacoes de contain - we can have a time

the idea is 2 representatives per continent - + 1 a representation of a communication organization so that it can have this process of permanent dissemination is what we are going to discuss now - this topic was discussed in porto Alegre and in bahia - and we need to implement - - and you can also publicize - remember the liaison group - the secretariat will only implement and disseminate the decisions of the IC - it may be that some region does not have its continent representations - it may have a deadline

@92 Hamouda 31mn Groupe de liaison comme c'était avant. pourquoi on a peur de dire les choses comme elles sont qui travaillent avec un secrétariat physique avec Helio Abong Ibase – pas avoir peur de dire qu'il faut recréer un groupe de liaison elargi - fait moins peur que secrétariat collégial qu'on ne sait pas ce qu'il va faire - Groupe de coordination -critère de personne parle deux langues – on peut pas être dominé par une langue

Link group as it was before. why we are afraid to say things as they are those of us who work with a physical secretariat with Helio Abong Ibase - not being afraid to say that we have to recreate an enlarged liaison group - it is less scary than a collegiate secretariat that we do not know what is going to do - Group coordination - criterion of person speaks two languages ​​- you cannot let yourself be dominated by one language

@93 Francine 33mn About the seminar - this initiative is not only the IC to get out of the impasse we are in - we have to see the international political situation to see what kind of forum we need, we have to broaden the discussion - in the world what kind of forum we need, not only to talk to and therefore listen to some personalities because the movements do not always have the analytical capacity of some intellectuals - we also have to collaborate with the political world we have to make broad alliances with politicians otherwise we are going to lose again - if we are a movement of a social movement but we have to look at the political and academic world

@94 Liege 37mn group that you are going to set up here to continue the preparation of the seminar

@95 Ian 37mn In agreement on the secretariat - We are several who ask to postpone the seminar from 3 days to September – even in the chat we are asking for a postponement that the date is still under discussion

(silence from the room can not be heard)

@96 Hamouda 39mn The data remains flexible - it is bad for gens - faut pas dépasser le 4 septembre et le committee que va etre cree va decider des dates et du content

The dates remain flexible -many people- should not go beyond September 4- and the committee that will be created will decide the dates and the content

@97 Ronald 41mn me avis que ian sur la date - Juillet - forum social Amazonie en juillet – rentrée social en septembre - évènement de mobilization COP27 au mois de novembre That the committee decides on the date of the seminar in consultant les réseaux partout

Same opinion as ian about the date - July - Amazonia Social Forum in July - back to school in September - COP27 mobilization event in November Let the committee decide the date of the seminar by consulting networks everywhere

@98 Hamouda - damien ecrit dans le chat que le séminaire ait une participation des mouvements

Damien writes in the chat that the seminar has a share of movements .

@99 Pierre 44mn What is the relevance of talking about a change of secretariat before the discussion in Tunis? it all depends

Liaison group was a failure - see how it ended in 2012 in tunis - the commission stopped working Animation group - the figure of the liaison group is associated with commissions - I remember the positive experience of the 2020 articulation group - the people lived together in their diversity a volunteer animation group that would - my proposal give - the committee that - of animation of the IC until the seminar and then we see -

@100 Leo 47mn That the Moroccan comrades make the decision of the date - The seminar is urgent - Liaison group I am a fan of regionalization - 2 from each region - Yesterday we discussed mobilization for peace - put 28 on the diary

Liege the subject is collegiate secretary

@101 Gina 49mn yesterday we agreed on the seminar - marcela confirms that there are no personalities - No personalities I do not agree - this meeting - it cannot resolve character we are not advancing we are imposing - I have put things in the chat - opinion to be incorporated - according to hamouda that it is not a secretary but a facilitation group that we have space to discuss that

@102 Sheila 54mn xxx the secretary allows to exist and a coordination group begins to exist people have consensus - movements are going to participate in the seminar there is some consensus - in relation to what pierre o trabalho says that CI has to develop and very big than 2 organizations from each continent - we left this meeting as a seminar - with a coordination group - pierre de adiar disagrees with the opinion of the seminar - essential that people define collectively

the secretariat ceases to exist and a coordination group begins to exist, people have consensus - on the seminar to participate in movements there is some consensus - in relation to what pierre says, the work that CI has to develop is very great that 2 organizations from each continent - we are leaving this meeting with the seminar - with the coordination group - i do not agree with pierre's opinion of postponing for the seminar - it is essential that people collectively define

@103 Rita 55mn - that the interpretation of the liaison group's failure be ended - political reasons cannot be considered a failure - we must be clear - since it was dismantled to commissions - proposal for its dismantling - discuss and recover the role of IC that is not just try to organize events - period between events - as having a role of facilitating between continents and permanent information - I do not accept that it fails when the process was interrupted for political reasons

that if it ends with the interpretation of failure of the liaison group -it cannot be considered a failure for political reasons- we must be clear -since the commission was dismantled- proposal for its dismantling- discuss and recover the role of CI, which is not only of organization of events - period between events - how to have a role of facilitator between continents and permanent information - it is not accepted to speak of failure when the process was interrupted for political reasons

@104 Liege / Damien 57mn disse no chat Groupe facilitateur du CI

Hamouda Welcome Atahyde

@105 Massa 58mn -il faut advancing - d'accord avec le séminaire daccord avec un committee d'organization que va discusse d'une date - D'accord avec Un groupe de facilitation du CI – ne pas mettre autre chose dans l'ordre du jour- on defend nos idées sans nommer les gens avec lesquels on est pas d'accord – discuss d'autres organization – il faut inviter les mouvements sociaux au séminaire - que d'autres mouvements puissent rejoindre le CI et le fsm - accepter autocritique

we have to move forward - according to the seminar according to an organizing committee that will discuss a date - according to an IC facilitation group - put nothing else on the agenda - we defend our ideas without naming the people with whom we disagree we agree - discuss other organizations - we must invite social movements to the seminar - that other movements can join the IC and the WSF - accept self-criticism

@106 Kamal 1h01mn clarifier that we are in phase d'organiser deux activités a Tunis une réunion du CI et par la meme occasion la tenue d'un séminaire que 'est pas un forum – important margin regarding the current political and financial situation une margin pour décider d'une date qui conviennent - on va vous faire des propositions concrètes pour que nous puissions organiser le séminaire et le CI -sur le secrétariat je n'ai pas d'opinion ni sur secretariat et facilitateur committee - réaliser le CI et le séminaire et dans la région ce qui coute moins cher qu'un forum

clarify that we are in the process of organizing two activities in Tunis, an IC meeting and at the same time holding a seminar that is not a forum – significant margin linked to the political and financial situation that is needed to decide on a suitable date - we will make concrete proposals so that we can organize the seminar and the IC - about the secretariat I have no opinion or about the secretariat and the facilitating committee - hold the IC and the seminar and in the region that costs less than a forum

@107 Tiburcio 1h04mn (on line) – international seminar and new structure of CI - Good preparation with Chamamenta to all networks for -Nao e novidade - We organized for extended online preparation before the virtual forum – 2 large meetings of CI in 2020 - This is a path to be resumed - much greater commitment and commitment - dedicated and constant work - combined with professionalized work - CI needs a collegiate international articulation secretariat with a real base in all continents + participation in the communication and an endless need

– International seminar and new CI structure - Good preparation with Chamamenta to all networks for -Nothing new - We did it to expand the online preparation before the virtual forum - 2 large extended CI meetings in 2020 - This is a path to resume - Much greater commitment and commitment - dedicated and constant work - combined with professionalized work - CI needs an international collegiate articulation secretariat with a real base in all continents + communication participation and an urgent need

@108 Liege 1h08mn – we do not have more registered – I know clearly that there is agreement on the collegiate secretary Give a period of 15 days so that the regions distutisse their indications -Latin America, North America, Europe - Asia, Africa and communication - order to stop hamouda 2 organizations per region - this group met virtually - we concluded that point

We do not have more subscribers - it is clear that there is agreement in the collegiate secretariat Give the regions a period of 15 days to discuss their nominations - Latin America North Europe - Asia Africa and communication - hamouda order to stop 2 organizations per region - meeting of this group virtually - we have completed this point

@109 Hamouda 1h10mn - Il faut des critères, pour être membres des gens qui parlent des langues et d'autres choses

Judgment is needed, being members of people who speak languages ​​and other things

@110 Rita Organizations May these organizations be committed as an organization of the forum and as people

Organizations Organizations that are committed as a forum organization and not as individuals

Liege next table by youssef e Catherine -

@111 Ian 1h13mn will be jeanne not Catherine (not taken into account)

(Hamouda explains to Youssef what it is about)

@112 Oscar 1h14mn For discussion on the future of the forum - Giving importance to people and groups that have expressed opinions different from the mainstream - how to establish communication with the "rest of the council" A review is necessary that is part of the things to be discussed in the prince chart and IC performance

Ian 1h16mn Catherine is not here and it is Jeanne who represents the crid

(Hamouda elle a pas kissin de parler)

(Hamouda she doesn't need to speak)

@113 Oded 1h17mn - IC renewal process underway important seminar - do the seminar with a renewed council? suitable time


agenda 5 new members 

@114 Youssef 1h21 let us go to the agenda - analysis of entry of new members and criteria - who wants to speak

let's go to the agenda - analysis of the entry of new members and criteria - who wants to speak

Sheila ( note sheila is not the person who moderates this part of the agenda ) 1h22mn criteria to be a CI member

 (reading a text) http://openfsm.net/projects/wsfic_fsmci/mexico22-input1.4 

1/ excerpt from Charter of Principles

2/ ter atuacao regional International

3/ be agreed with item 1

4/ to be organizers of face-to-face events of the WSF and agreed with item 1

5/ ter participated duma edicaco fsm - duas edicoes com posiblidade

6/ make available a person to participate in CI

7/ 5 exclusive consecutive absences

8/ be indicated by 2 members of the IC

Youssef (30 mn of discussion and Will stop – we put the criteria in the zoom

@115 Abdelkader 1h25mn fsmagh – pour les critères d'après mon expérience dans le CI avec parfois 200 acteurs dans le CI - avec samir amin gus massiah des gens who ont mené la mémoire de ce processus rénover donner la parole aux jeune - mais on a Kiss of a group Groupe d'amis qui porte la mémoire - les critères présentés sont plutôt technique - on doit plutôt constructore des critères de fond liés au format que sera discusté a Tunis - beaucoup de choses ont changé – on peut revoir d'autres critères - j'aimerais qu'on ait le temps d'en discuss Tunis

– for the criteria according to my experience in the IC with sometimes 200 actors in the IC - with samir amin gus massiah people who led the memory of this process renew giving voice to young people - but we need a group Group of friends who carry the memory - the criteria presented are quite technical - rather we must build substantive criteria related to the format to be discussed in Tunis - many things have changed - we can review other criteria - I would like us to have time to discuss it in Tunis

@116 Ian 1h28mn it would be nice to have this text before the meeting - difficult to comment on text that was only read – there are some political fields - that harmony between human beings and the planet be added - if one does not participate in 5 meetings - the boycott of meeting can be an instrument - I will read the document and make comments in the chat

@117 Pierre 1h31mn – in this IC things are speeding up - yesterday we had a declaration read on the war - We have a meeting with texts read - Invitation texts from Tunisia only read - We have no text on the secretary - text read on criteria - For it is not possible to discuss without text - Also an element of acceleration is that the principles of the forum are reduced to an extract of the first principle - That the principles of the fsm are currently consensual, perhaps by default for many people who changed their minds, but they are the ones we respect and govern us - until others agree - it is unacceptable to ignore these principles - it is unacceptable that we are anticipating any result - to include  “They respect, support and spread the principles of the forum”

(Also other things about the facilitating committees of forums see previous discussion of April 2021

Liege - health intervention

@118 Rita 1h35mn (not heard in the video) for some time criteria also include the need to host regions and topics not included and this is missing from the criteria presented - if we are going to incorporate meetings with remote participation - I propose 3 excused absences

@119 Victor (beaudet)obs – observateur interest Les critères ne doivent pas mettre en question la participation de la jeunesse - passation des responsabilité et aussi question de fond - On porte les questions de climat bien sur mais aussi et identitaire – assurez-vous les Critères ne soient pas de obstacles a cette participation des jeunes

The criteria must not question the participation of young people - the transfer of responsibilities and also a substantive issue - We are dealing with climate issues, of course, but also and identity - make sure that the criteria are not obstacles to this participation of young people youth

@120 Mirek 1h40mn i see a deep mistrust - people must oppose to others – if CIA wanted to destroy wsf - it would do this - we are teethless now - try to be constructive - we are representative we have the mandate – our enemies

I see a deep mistrust - people should oppose each other - if the CIA wanted to destroy the WFTU - it would do this - now we have no teeth - try to be constructive - we are representative we have the mandate - our enemies

@121 Chandan WPC observer 1h42 this is a very important discussion - what will be the future of the forum - take a front decision - am not sure, if we have decide about the seminar - we did not get time and enough representation of people - we need to wait about the discussion on criteria and put down some principle - people have to be representative of an organization with full mandate - there has to be a sectoral representation - there is south Asia south east Asia east Asia - we are huge - ethnical representation - gender lgbt – a very diverse representation in IC - world is 60% young people age limit below 75

1h42 this is a very important discussion - what will be the future of the forum - make a decision upfront - I'm not sure, if we have decided on the seminar - we did not have time or enough representation of people - we have to wait for the discussion on the criteria and establish some principle - people have to be representatives of a fully mandated organization - there has to be sectoral representation - there is south asia southeast asia east asia - we are huge - ethnic representation - lgbt gender - very diverse representation in IC: 60% of the world is an age limit of young people below 75 years

@122 Ole 1h45mn I want to second what pierre said - it is not mistrust but necessity for due process - Due process cannot take a decision - the text is only in Spanish and Portuguese - to have a real discussion the proposal should be shared with the agenda - not for mistrust but for due process

1h45mn I want to second what Pierre said - it is not distrust but the need for due process - due process cannot make a decision - the text is only in Spanish and Portuguese - to have a real discussion the proposal must be shared with the agenda - no out of mistrust but out of due process

@123 Deborah 1h47mn important point of view attracting new movements and doing Review of the current representations not CI - that there is no letter from the people - Bartiria said that her organization is on the street - I have a question about representations here - that this person is doing here

It is important to attract new movements and review the current representations in the IC - apart from the letters from the people - Bartiria said that his organization is in the street - here there are doubts about the representations - what is this person doing here

@124 Sheila 1h49mn trying to recover a point respects the letter of principles as a whole - that there be representations with institutional representatives - that 3 absence 5 years without giving news - representatives are diverse - we should seek to trace more organizations - in particular youth

one point respects the charter of principles as a whole - that they are representations with institutional representation - that 3 absences 5 years without giving news - the representations are diverse - we have to seek to bring more organizations - in particular youth

@125 Massa 1h52mn I thought that some questions - le mandat de ceux qui sont dans le CI on a demandé il ya 4 ans canada brazil envoyer des letters pour renouveler les mandats - sur les critères l'acceptation de la charter est obligatoire - rendre léger ouvert pour que des organization puissent entrer - il ya des demands ici discutons de ceux qui veulent adhérer - que la discussion sur les critères ne soit pas leur blocage - des vrais mouvements qui veulent adhérer - CI avec des personnalités et débat idéologiques qui ne nous amènent null part

I think that two questions - the mandate of those who are in the IC we asked 4 years ago canada brazil send letters to renew the mandates - about the criteria the acceptance of the letter is mandatory - make light open so that organizations can enter - here there are demands let us discuss those who want to unite - that the discussion of the criteria is not their block - real movements that want to unite - IC with personalities and ideological debate that does not take us anywhere

@126- Hamouda 1h52mn Normally the critères auraient du être envoyé a temps - mais la mayorité des membres du CI ne répond pas aux mails qu'on leur envoie - j'ai sued que vient a u CI 7 et 8 personne a répondu on avait 30 Personnes annoncées et Neither in virtuel nor in presence on n'a pas de quorum pour prendre des décision - on n'ést pas légal Quand on a demandé la reconfirmation il ya 50 confirmation - secrétariat sans tête on ne fait que ce que le CI - Puisque le conseil ne fait rien, le secrétariat ne fait rien A part les réunions merci a rosa - qui a fait beaucoup pour tenir le CI vivant avec interprétation et virtual - On devrait préparer un vrai CI un vrai séminaire pour réactualiser nos efforts

Pour les adhésions j'ai deux lettre de katalyzo avec soutien crid et abond - mais il ya eu un débat est ce que c'est nation ou international Débat avec la responsable de katalizo - j'ai envoyé un formulaire - qui devait être refill aujourd 'hui c'est trop tard - Massa a fait sa déposition hier et deux lettre- appui du fmas et crid – il va envoyer son formulaire - j'aurai ouvert a tous les mouvements qui sont proche de nous - Les nouveaux mouvements Il ya aussi GTA ashish et d'autres on en a parlé la derniere fois est ce que les membres que éaient dans le groupe facilitateur pour virtuel et forum mexico on invite them pour déposer et tre partie du CI? 

Normally the criteria should have been sent on time - but most of the members of the IC do not respond to the emails that are sent to them - Ask who comes to the IC 7 and 8 people responded we had 30 people announced and neither in virtual or face-to-face we do not have a quorum for make decisions - we are not legal When we ask for reconfirmation there are 50 confirmations - headless secretariat we only do what the IC - Since the council does nothing, the secretariat does nothing Apart from the meetings thanks to rosa - who has done a lot to keep the IC alive CI with interpretation and virtual - We should prepare a real CI a real seminar to update our efforts

For memberships I have two letters from katalyzo with critical and abundant support - but there was a debate if it is national or international Debate with the head of katalyzo - I sent a form - which had to be filled in today is too late - Massa made his statement yesterday and two letters - support of the fmas and crid - you will send your form - I will have opened myself to all the movements that are close to us - The new movements There are also GTA ashish and others we talked about last time are the members who were in the facilitating group for virtual forum and mexico we invite you to introduce yourself and be part of the CI?

@127 Rosa 2h01mn those who join in regional and global organization - forum of social movements - this would demerit - things that are necessary for a secretariat a Ceaal organization gave its means our networks of interpreters and our zoom this has to be shared I cannot continue doing the same as ceaal – we wonder whether to remain in the IC – because there is no solidarity - whoever puts the zoom and the interpreters - it must be a collective responsibility – I do not have any salary from the IC - rotating should be shared – I am not the secretary of the secretary commitment of all more women younger different regions

@128 Sheila 2h03 reinforce the importance of the collegiate secretary a facilitation group of CI distribute tasks - pink is not the secretary. (silence in the video) …..this decision of the secretariat reinforces what it says pink - CI formed by organizations with representatives

reinforce the importance of the collegiate secretariat an IC facilitation group dividing tasks - Rosa is not a secretariat. (silence in the video) …..this decision of the secretariat reinforces what Rosa said - CI formed by organizations with representativeness

@129 Youssef 2h06mn many ideas we decide to make a seminar - all this discussion on criteria we will take it to tunis

many ideas we decided to make a seminar - all this discussion about criteria we will take it to tune z

@130 Massa 2h08mn -je suis d'accord avec hamouda e rosa - pour renforcer cela je demande qu'on examine -si ces Organizations sont de vrais mouvements qui support des vrais changements - caravane de 15 pays - On peut aider le secrétariat et au advice - on a zoom meeting system that is set up - Permettez nous de faire nos preuves – quelle région peut donner quoi pour soutenir le secrétariat

I agree with hamouda e rosa - to reinforce this I ask that we examine - if these Organizations are real movements that bring real change - caravan from 15 countries - we can help the secretariat and the board - we have a zoom meeting system that is established above - Let us test ourselves - which region can donate what to support the secretariat

@129B Youssef 2h09mn last two input and we take it to tunis

last two entries and we take it to tunis

@131 Liege 2h09 that the indications of the person be forwarded by the organization (silence on video)

that the indications of the person are forwarded by the organization (silence in video)

@132 Abdelkader 2h10mn on doit prendre conscience qu'on parle du CI que est en crise Peut etre les gens que ont arreté de participaper n'avait pas les moyens visa plane hotel peut etre a cause de l'argent – ​​on doit quand meme parler de l'argent - Il n'y a plus de caisse de solidarité qui a beaucoup aidé - Ce sont des vrais mouvements sociaux qui manquent d'argent - Les bailleurs de fonds se sont retiré du fsm- il n'y a plus la force Brésilienne qui a soutenu - réfléchir les critères dans ce contexte historique - climat qui est tres important

we must realize that we are talking about the IC that is in crisis Perhaps the people who stopped participating did not have the means visa plane hotel perhaps because of the money - we still have to talk about the money - There is no longer a solidarity fund that has helped a lot - These are real social movements that lack money - Donors have withdrawn from the wsf - the brazilian force that has supported no longer exists - think about the criteria in this historical context - climate that is very important

@133 Youssef 2h13 in the criteira it is not included the question of fund The solidarity fund for now We close the session Now 30 mn Proposal for future forums

the question of the fund is not included in the criteira The solidarity fund for now We close the session Now 30 mn Proposal for future forums

@134 Hamouda 2h14mn c'est comme si on finissait en queue de poisson - Deux adhésions proposé katalyzo et massa reseau ouest africain de l'eau - etude d'ici une semaine on peut pas prendre de decision le dossier n'est pas complet que ca ne soit pas sur mon dos a mio - carminda c'est toi qui a fait le program de l'agenda

it's like we ended up in a fish tail - two memberships proposed katalyzo and massa West African Water Network - study within a week we can't make a decision the file is not complete it's not on my back to mine - carminda it was you who did the daily show

@135 Sheila 2h15mn Suggest that he be the first task of the secretariat collegiate 15 days - define the criteria for entry can be the first task of the secretariat 

I suggest that it be the first task of the collegiate secretary 15 days - defining the entry criteria may be the first task of the secretariat

@136 Pierre 2h17 Sheila just said that the discussion of criteria would be the secretary's job – it's not what youssef said - And it's not the secretariat's job to do this    if this is the secretariat's vision we are going to have a lot of problems

@137 Hamouda agree with pierre

@138 Youssef 2h17mn we say we take the discussion on criteria in tunis - maybe some people will not stay in the IC

we say that we take the discussion on the criteria in tunisia - maybe some people will not stay in the IC

Now about future forums - We feel the solidarity you give International forum In Palestine - send a message

Now about future forums - We feel the solidarity that International Forum in Palestine brings - send a message

(video = Oscar silence)

@139 Massa 2h20mn On fait un proposition de fsm en 2026 en afrique de l'ouest- nous voulons faire un vrai forum avec des mouvements de lutte de base - en Afrique Moins de pb de visa – et ça permet et de financement – ​​j' ai fait declaration a l'assemblée de mouvements sociaux - grande réunion zoom faite avant to come - on fait proposition of candidacy for 2026 je le précise Forum mondial sur le droit a la terre

We are making a proposal for the wsf in 2026 in west africa - we want to make a real forum with grassroots struggle movements - in Africa Less pb visa - and allows and finances - I made a statement to the assembly of social movements - big zoom meeting done before coming - we are proposing a specific candidacy for 2026 World Forum on the Right to Land

@140 Guadalupe (observer) 2h22mn (observer) about one of the most important heritage - heritage information of the forum information that was collected - in the hands of the IC – must be protected and transmitted to the following towns that are going to organize the forum – it is very important that you feel work to have a better mobilization and better call- you have it in your hands ¿? It would be good

@141 Chandan WPC observer - 2h23mn some friends intention Process in the country have you spoken to movements stake holder before proposing that - to talk about asia - We started a process in the months of February 200 organizations participated some IC members - We had a forum with 46 activities - we are not sure what will be the city - on line we – possibility of a space in Indonesia or also in Thailand -subject to government support - there is intention and a process - we plan about a forum in asia

some friends intention Process in the country have you spoken with the interested movements before proposing that - to talk about asia - We started a process in the months of February 200 organizations participated some members of the IC - We had a forum with 46 activities - we are not sure what will be the city - online us - possibility of a space in indonesia or also in thailand - subject to government support - there is intention and a process - we plan a forum in asia

@142 Ronald 2h25mn intervene sur l'annonce du camaraderie sur africain 2026 c'est sage of pleasure l'échéance sur 4 ans beaucoup de conditions - en afrique forum social sur l'eau – forum social africain que está depuis un bout de temps - defis - tenir des forums devient de plus en plus compliqué argent des individus qui viennent - argent du committee la bas

to intervene in the announcement of the african comrade in 2026 it is prudent to establish the term of 4 years many conditions - in the african social forum on water - african social forum that has been around for a long time - challenges - holding meetings forums becomes more and more complicated money of people who come - committee money there

@143 Carminda 2h27mn Importance of solidarity and co-learning between forums – it is important that as IC we support the construction -it was not the case in Mexico in Canada in Brazil - as the IC can support the organization of the forums in a very concrete way

@144 Massa 2h30mn je vous dis pour 2026 parce que nous devons organiser le forum mondai sur le droit a la terre - il ya la caravane africaine en 2026 – le sahel il ya la guerre - devrons nous laisser la droite prendre la main - tellement d 'enjeux en Afrique aujourd'hui

I tell you for 2026 because we have to organize the world forum on the right to land - there is the African caravan in 2026 - there is war in the sahel - we will have to let the right take control - so many problems in Africa today

@145 Claudia (Mexican GF) 2h31mn follow up on what carmindo said to operationalize what carminda says I propose to talk with previous organizing committees to give recommendations suggestions for new forum organizers probably that we will not learn from mistakes

@146 Hamouda P 2h32mn Pierre beaudet aurait pu être avec nous dans ce chaos mexicain -Victor qui es sont fils qui va ramener ce flambeau avec cette jeunesse

Pierre Beaudet could have been with us in this Mexican chaos -Victor who is his son who will bring back this torch with this youth

@147 Rosa 2h35mn I was looking for funds - she answered yes the day before she died - She is someone who sowed a lot of hope in the territories -


@148 Sheila 2h35mn I will read what was decided in this meeting so that it is clear

1/ Group of IC organizations that are going to articulate to give foundation to this mobilização on a past nao houve consensus in relation to assinature

2/ A CI facilitation group has been created to replace the executive secretary. This group will be formed - 2 organizations from each continent and 1 or 2 communication orgs. 15 days - Criterion of representative 2 languages ​​- be committed performers as or fsm

3/ It was consensus here regarding the charter of principles as everything – representative institutions - representation more diversity of ethnic groups regional generations – younger importance of current members of the IC mobilize to invite organizations

4/ production of a weekly that is truly a meeting of the CI dates to be defined before the end of the year - future of the forum as the only guideline - the resources guaranteed by the maghreb organization the participation of CI and others that we want to contribute

List of organizations to create WhatsApp groups to define guidelines and methodology of the seminar

link http://openfsm.net/projects/wsfic_fsmci/mexico22-input1.5 

I am going to read what was decided at this meeting so that it is clear

1/ Group of IC organizations that will be articulated to advance with this mobilization in the step- there was no consensus regarding the signature

2/ a CI facilitation group is created to replace the executive secretariat this group will be formed - 2 organizations from each continent and 1 or 2 communication organizations 6 2 Ameria lain Europe am North Asia Africa - Send the names of the organizations qualis representative 15 days - Representative criterion 2 languages ​​- be active and committed to the wsf

3/ Here there was consensus regarding the Charter of Principles as a whole – institutional representations - more representation of ethnic diversity regions generations - younger importance of current CI members to mobilize to invite organizations

4/ production of a weekly that is actually a CI renio date to be defined before the end of the year - future of the forum as a single agenda - the resources guaranteed by the organization of maghreb participac deCI and others that we want to contribute

List of organizations create WhatsApp groups to define the agenda and methodology of the seminar

IC candidacy examination 

@149 Ian 2h41 we supported massa's proposal - give recommendations and constructive proposals s attac France in the seminar preparation committee

@150 Carminda 2h41mn - if katalyzo can enter the IC, she has shown her involvement - the form is in hamouda's email - I have worked hard to bring 24 young people who have managed to get their looks -

@151 Hamouda - ce n'est pas du respect Carminda tu n'as pas le droit de dire ca tu es en train de nous faire du blacktage

it is not respect carminda you have no right to say this you are blackmailing us

@152 Carminda 2h42mn – youth is needed - the documents that we have talked about in this meeting - we are presenting the documents today because we cannot do the same with the - we are going to withdraw our candidacy

@153 Hamouda - 2h44 il a deux semaines - c'est pas hamouda que prend la décision – on a eu des réunions tout le monde n'est pas d'accord

two weeks have passed - it is not hamouda who makes the decision - we had meetings everyone does not agree

@154 Youssef - 2h45 two speakers and close the session

two speakers and close the session

@155 Ole 2h47mn I wanted to know if maghreb mashere should be include - I cannot see about carminda lateness

I wanted to know if maghreb mashere should be included - I can't see about the delay of carminda

@156 Xxxx (observer)  2h47mn member of the renovation group we request that we be integrated - groups of native people were not here many

@157 Victor beaudet (observateur) 2h48mn Appuie katalyzo avec alternative et aqoci 30 jeune capacité de ktalyzeo et contribution de cette jeune organisation- ne laissons pas les question administrative nous diviser

Support katalyzo with alternative capacity and aqoci 30 young people from ktalyzeo and contribution of this young organization - let's not let administrative issues divide us

@158 Rosa 2h49mn challenge for the IC to make our process more flexible - I have seen the active team - ceaal supports very active and willing - renewal group should enter I do not speak out

@159 Youssef - 2h50 will carry the criteria to tunis new members In tunis

will take the criteria to tunisia new members In tunisia

@160 Sheila 2h51mn hamouda tem regras Katalyoz conheceremos Oil katalyzo young people who joined Opening an exception Sem adiar

there are Katalyoz rules that we will know Accept katalyzo young people who have joined Open an exception Without postponing

@161 Chandan 2h53mn two requests IC how many application have they received ? Whoever is the procedure? Should not be gatekeeping - anyone should be welcome in the ntext seminar

two IC applications how many applications have you received? Who is the procedure? Shouldn't be a gatekeeper - anyone should be welcome at the ntext seminar

@162  Aaron ( GF mexico – mayfirst) - 2h53mn we owe the only space we have where we can be inclusive, where else we have a space like this those are their demonstration of katalyze action should be inside – have a space where we can talk about this type of things have come and they have done great work

@163 Hamouda 2h54 Je ne suis pas contre - mais on ne travaille pas avec du blackmail; Il ya des critères quand nous le forum est entré il ya une commission elle a rpode - Carminda est membre - katalyzo fait du bon travail - il ya eu des discussion Marie helene a dit quelle veut pas car travail avec USAID ce n'est pas la question - pourquoi faire un exception - katalyze doit faire la procédure - évaluation des documents point barre

I am not against it, but we do not work with blackmail; There are criteria when we enter the forum there is a commission that she has formed - Carminda is a member - katalyzo is doing a good job - there have been discussions Marie Helene said she does not want to because working with USAID is not the issue - why make an exception - katalyze must do procedure - document evaluation point bar

@164 Massa 2h56mn cette discussion peut nous souder Que le conseil quelle a été la réponse ? When on aura la réponse? il faut une réponse claire – la prochaine réunion du CI c'est quand ? redevabilité de ceux qui nous ont mis en mission- il ya une grande réunion en afrique j'apport la demande

This discussion can weld us What was the response of the council? When will we have the answer? we need a clear answer: when is the next CI meeting? responsibility of those who put us on mission - there is a big meeting in Africa I bring the request

@165 Hamouda 2h58mn Prochaine réunion du conseil en Virtual, on doit a faire pour ce Comité d'organization du prochain séminaire et on prend la décision avec des documents envoyé a tout le monde

Next council meeting in Virtual, we have to do for this organizing committee of the next seminar and we make the decision with documents sent to all

@166 Ola 3h00 admiration of katalyzo - hamouda concern to have Due processes – if it ok we can temporarily accept their membership and next meeting due process and confirm membership

admiration for katalyzo - hamouda concern for due process; if ok we can temporarily accept your membership and the next due process meeting and confirm membership

@167 Ronald 3h00 on se divise sur une question de procédure c'est pire que sur des questions politiques - on sait tres bien crid attac France on est inclusif maintenant et accepter les deux

we are divided on a procedural issue it is worse than on political issues - we know very well crid attac France now we are inclusive and accept both

@168 Youssef 3h03 I don't know see accepting any members we cant accept member now - next meeting ok?

I don't know if they accept members. We are unable to accept members at this time. Next meeting, okay?

@169 Chanda n how many applications ?

how many apps

@170 Ronald this session accept and we confirm next time

This session accepts and we confirm it next time

Youssef 3h05 take to the coming meeting respect to each other

bring mutual respect to the next meeting

@171 Rita ciranda solidarity of women with carminda

@172 Bartiria IAI 3h06mn IAI agrees on routing with a ressalva -which is not clear about the Declaration - demands from its own convergence assembly - this group does not exist and data of mobilization for peace - we cannot come up with anything - we went to the list of assignments

The IAI agrees with the referrals with a reservation -which is not clear in the Declaration- demand of the convergence assembly itself - there is no such group and date of mobilization for peace - we cannot get away with it -where is the signature list

@173 Youssef 3h08 we will send the statement again and have the signature Or another meeting to decide this

we will send the declaration again and have the signature OR another meeting to decide this

@174 Leo 3h09mn on the eve of this proposal we have chosen June 28 because the largest peace organization in the world has chosen this before the nato meeting - the peace organizations can be left alone (silence in the video) let's get in touch

@175 Sheila 3h11mn better to continue discussion the list of who will be assigned will be the CI list - a group of who will be involved in this process will be formed, it will be decided the one that will be placed for a period of time - this meeting has been confirmed for their role - em duas weeks this group must be assembled

it is better to continue the discussion the list of those who sign will be on the list of the IC - a group of those who will be involved in this process will be formed date it will be decided to set a deadline - this meeting has already bought its paper - in two weeks this group must be mounted

@176 Rosa lock up with music 3h12mn I want to show solidarity with carminda and katalyzo - the way in which the macho and patriarchal reaction is not shouted is not the way to do it - no woman has the right to receive reaction like that I felt attacked - I hope the procedure It is that I catalyze between We manifest ourselves so that we can enter

@177 Carminda 3h14mn we are here the IC gathered there are many people who know my work The form is already in hamouda's mail This is a patriarchal way of working - rigid procedure most people know our work - there will be more people in the seminar what .. here? ways to take care of ourselves

@178 Rosa 3h16mn go later to the bodeguita del medio - I wanted a song - full stop things don't end here I'm going to sing it