• metcom workplan 2010

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workplan issued september 2010  METHODOLOGY COMMISSION

One of the main reasons of the success the World Social Forum is the methodology used to organize it, expressed in many items of its Charter of Principles. It turns the Forum into a type completely different from the usual ones, World Conferences or Assemblies. Its continuity – for ten years already - is due also to these choices, which try and help WSF participants to build a new political culture, based in horizontality of relations instead of pyramidal structures of the dominant culture, and in cooperation, instead of the competition that moves the capitalistic system. However, in order to translate these principles to the practice the WSF facilitators we have continuously to evaluate what is being obtained and to create new solutions for the methodological questions that appear.

That is why each WSF is different from the previous one. In each one, good solutions are used again and new ones have to be experimented. And that is why every WSF needs its Methodology Commission, and also why the WSF International Council has a permanent one, which works along with the others, linking them.

Therefore the work to be done by the Methodology Commission of the WSF International Council is to evaluate permanently these continuous changes, and to develop new proposals and strategies. It needs to consolidate the successful choices and search to improve the way the WSF process helps to articulate more and more civil society organizations all over the world, through its world, regional, national and local meetings. To articulate these struggles to overcome neoliberal globalization, towards a new globalization based on the solidarity equity and justice among human beings.

After the experience of the WSF process in 2010, it is absolutely necessary to identify the lessons coming from the experimentation made this year and its consequences in the 2011 WSF.

2010 was in fact a year-long Forum with activities geographically and temporally scattered, but all linked together. The organizations participating in the WSF 2009 in Belem were invited to share the actions and struggles planned for 2010 and organize as many regional, national and local Social Forums as possible - all of them contributing to the world event to be held in Dakar in February 2011.

There is a need to evaluate which way the methodological strategies used in 2010 supports the articulation and accumulation of the WSF process. In this sense the review and systematization of methodologies over the past 10 years of WSF, done in the Seminar of the methodology commission in Mexico this year, should be complemented with a reflection on the methodological strategies used in the Forum process and on new methodological proposals for the WSF process in 2010 as a whole     the WSF event planned for 2011 in particular.

The methodology of the WSF process for 2012 is to be decided, certainly based on the contributions and initiatives brought by the next centralized event, which will be held in Dakar in February 2011.

The global context and the situation of struggles and resistances of all social movements and civil organizations within the WSF framework are also very important, and also the defining aspects of the strategies and methodologies to be designed by WSF process and it’s International Council for the next two years.

The constant improvements of the WSF methodologies, year by year, is part of this multiple and very original process the WSF – which built through developing new strategies for itself -, something that guarantees its vivacity and which has been in tune with the themes and political issues of our time.

Spaces of specific exchange between commissions have resulted in a useful tool to widen perspectives, generate more complex analysis and support the elaboration of propositions for the IC discussions.
In this sense, the International Council's Methodology Commission drew a plan of action for the next two years, which includes:


- Colaborate with the cumulative process of learning of the WSF and its process, specially the ongoing objectives and methodological strategies and the achieved results.

- Supporting dialog between multiple struggles and the expanding common agendas.

- Promoting the creation of working spaces and elaborating inter-commission proposals that contribute to a view that is more integrating and creative, and to build necessary alternative practices.

      For 2011:

1. Evaluation seminar on 2011 WSF methodology in Dakar (February 2011)

2. Working group meeting to prepare the systematization of 2010 WSF process in São Paulo
/ Accumulating what has been learned of the Forum process and the methodological innovations of the 2010 events and the repercussions in the 2011 WSF.


3. Seminar on the methodology of the process 2010 and the WSF 2011: achievements, difficulties and challenges for 2012 (during IC meeting 2nd semester 2011).



      And for 2012:

4. Exchange between Methodology Commission with members of Strategy and Communication Commissions. In order to promote spaces for reflection and debate that allow the emergence of proposals, coming from the systematization o the “strategies debate that will come up”, since methodology and strategies are interconnected. Also to deepen the tools which make the events and struggles more visible, and boost methodologies and forms of communication that favor solidarity, synergies and convergences.
(during IC 2012 1st semester meeting)

5. Meeting of Methodology commission to elaborate methodological proposals for the 2013 Forum in the light of what has been learned in the 2011 WSF and the 2012 process (during IC 2012 2nd semester meeting) para elaborar propuestas metodologicas para el
foro 2013 a la luz de los aprendizajes del Foro 2011 y del proceso 2012
(during IC meeting 2nd semester)