• isc isf participation howto2

Wiki modificadas recientemente June 23, 2013 por facilitfsm

this page for sketching the end of the call and the linked root international participation how to page

 first draft area - end of call

International participation in the Baghad ISF forum event will be limited in numbers for security reasons, but the ISF preparatory committee is looking for a venue in Baghdad safe enough for internationals to attend.

International participation in ISF from abroad through "extension of ISF" :  solidarity events anywhere in the world and  live video exchanges via internet is also also contemplated.

Please consult the registration details here : http://openfsm.net/projects/iraq-social-forum/isc-isf-participation-howto for  registering
1 - individual participation in Baghdad, and
2. various cases of participation in extended ISF from anywhere in the world ( solidarity events - tele encounters- tele interventions - tele participation)

Let us know if you are willing to participate

The International Solidarity Committee for the Iraqi Social Forum


second draf area the root participation page 

the root page would be linking to two registration forms   ( idea : the registration forms  can also be google forms by the way !- but there can be security issue ..) 

  • 1 - personal participation in baghdad
  • 2 - extended participation from abroad

as starting material for the draft  here is the copy of the http://openfsm.net/projects/iraq-social-forum/isc-isf-participation-howto which has been reshuffled  )


    Please let us know by return How you are willing to participate - As an organisation you can combine delegates in Baghdad and solidarity events anywhere in the world -



    International participation in the Baghdad ISF forum event will be limited in numbers for security reasons, but the ISF preparatory committee is looking for a venue in Baghdad safe enough for internationals to attend.


    • 1a plainly participate in baghdad
    • 1b be a speaker in activities organized by  Iraqi organisations ( on which topic?)
    • 1c (an option available for any activity held in Baghdad ) require and help when in baghdad  that certain activities visible in baghdad program be enlarged = i-e broadcasted for international tele participation
    • 1d join the ISF extension team before going to baghdad and when in baghdad to prepare and  make concretely happen 1C  2C 2D 2E possibilities
    • click here to access  registration form 1  including cases 1a 1b 1c 1d  described above  (will be available soon on the website of the iraqi civil society solidarity initiative, http://www.iraqicivilsociety.org/)

     2 - PARTICIPATE FROM ABROAD  in  EXTENSION of ISF ( see more info about extension in the extension info page )

     international participation in ISF from abroad through solidarity events with or without internet live exchanges is also contemplated see various modalities below.


    • 2a-organize solidarity event in your cities before the Iraqi social forum event (with or without internet connection with baghdad)
    • 2b organize solidarity event in your cities during the iraqi social forum event (with or without internet connection with baghdad)
    • 2c (option for 2a and 2b events) have a member of the ISF committee speak in your event through video-conference
    • 2d-co-organize together with some iraqi organizations a 2hours tele-encounter activity by video chat included as an activity in the event program in Baghdad (preliminary test video chat advisable)
    • 2e-announce collective tele participation on internet to some activities held in Baghdad and announced as enlarged by their organizers ( see 1c above) (they would circulate an invitation to (preliminary testing advisable)
    • 2f-propose an intervention as tele-speaker in some activities proposed by iraqis organizations in Baghdad (decision made by iraqis organizations (similar to 1b but you are not in Baghdad)

      NOTE :2a and 2b can include 2c as an option  , and can include 2d and 2e as  a component activity in those solidarity eventS


    • click here to access the  registration form 2  including cases  2a 2b 2c 2d  2e described above ( will be available soon on the website of the iraqi civil society solidarity initiative, http://www.iraqicivilsociety.org/ )  


      Example of teleencounter activity

    ruraltunis.jpg P1200314.JPG.P1200315.JPG 

    Tele encounter activity between Angers (left photo) in France and Tunis ( right photos)during last world social forum in Tunisia mars 2013

      Example of enlarged activity 


    a tunis extension tema volunteer is video streaming the activty (left ) while  " binding person"(center)  is on a live written chat with those watching the video  .


    other volunteers video streaming in tents and open assemblies