• isc isf participation howto

last modified August 27, 2013 by admin

Indications for international participation in ISF

(annex to ISF international participation call )


Please let us know by return if you are willing to:



fill the form http://www.iraqicivilsociety.org/registration-form-iraqi-social-forum-2013

 International participation in the Baghdad ISF forum event will be limited in numbers for security reasons, but the ISF preparatory committee is looking for a venue in Baghdad safe enough for internationals to attend.


  • plainly participate in baghdad
  • be a speaker in activities organized by  Iraqi organisations ( on which topic?)
  • (an option available for any activity held in Baghdad ) require and help  that certain activities visible in baghdad program be enlarged = i-e broadcasted for international tele participation
  • join the ISF extension team in baghdad
  • for questions  on participation in baghdad write to icssi.project  at  gmail.com  



 fill the simplified form  http://www.iraqicivilsociety.org/extended-iraqi-social-forum-registration-form

  • the result is shown here : isfabroad overview en (EN > AR)  45 proposals of extended activities made from abroad , with access to the detailed announcements
  • the proposals sorted by type are visible here : isfextension program buildup
  • for questions  on participation from abroad through internet  write to  "isf.extensionteam  at gmail.com"
  •  International participation in ISF from abroad through solidarity events/activities,  and internet live exchanges  can be announced and organized along the various modalities below


  •  2-announce and organize SOLIDARITY ACTIVITY/ event in your city before or during the Iraqi social forum event, as an option you can ask to  have a member of the ISF committee  to make a tele-intervention  in your event through a moment of video-conference
    • ISF extension team will in contact with you to prepare this after you have registered your activity
  • 3-announce, and co-organize, together with some iraqi organizations, a 2hours collective  TELE EXCHANGE ACTIVITY by video chat, which will be included in the event program in Baghdad - (bepreliminary test video chat advisable).
    • The first step for you is to find an organization in baghdad who might be willing to have you as counterpart for a tele exchange
      use the on line build up page for seeing what is announced on baghdad side http://openfsm.net/projects/iraq-social-forum/isfextension-program-buildup
    • There are two variants : teleencounter is usually between  two point/two physical rooms , one in baghdad cultural center and one somewhere in the world , and in some specific cases  if there is a  coordinated desire for it,  teleencounter may be multi-points/multi rooms, one in baghdad and several outside baghdad.
    • The main flux of communication is between the two or more points and the discussions in each room are just side comments 
    • ISF extension team will  support the iraqi counterpart and will be in contact with both of you to prepare this  after you have announced your activity
  • 4-announce a COLLECTIVE TELE PARTICIPATION on internet TO AN ACTIVITY HELD IN BAGHDAD and which are announced as "enlarged" or "open to teleparticipation"  by their iraqis organizers  (preliminary testing advisable)-
    • So the first step for you is to find an activity in baghdad which is welcoming you as  tele participant (use the on line build up page for finding the announcement made from baghdad side : http://openfsm.net/projects/iraq-social-forum/isfextension-program-buildup 
    • There are several variants of tele particpation : 4a is  "enlarged & public"through live stream + chat   4b is "open to a few independent groups" through videoconferening , each with their own connection , and 4c is "open to a few interlinked groups" through  a discreet multipoint video conferencing.
    • Please note that this remains basically an activity in baghdad and  the main flux of communication remains the face to face discussion in the room in baghdad, and tele participants have access to taking the floor not more than  other participant in the room, i-e  when they are given the floor,  or even less (if they intervene through a linking person)
    • ISF extension team will support the iraqi organizers to enlarge and open their activity and will be in contact with you to prepare your teleparticipation after you have announced it
  •  the simplified form  http://www.iraqicivilsociety.org/extended-iraqi-social-forum-registration-form

      is  then transcribed in The detailed registration/announcement  form including cases  2 3 4  described above is accessible here


  • use one form for each type activity you want to announce   -  solidarity activity   - tele exchange activity - tele participation
  • store the "reedit" link that is given after you  "submit" the registration form: it will allow you to update the description of  your activity conveniently :

  •  (*) MORE INDICATIONS ON EXTENSION of ISF ( will be moved to  another page )