• isfextension commenting buildup table july25

last modified August 20, 2013 by facilitfsm



Pierre filling the “baghdad Google form” as test 1 - Arabic translation of Baghdad ICSSI form- what for?. 2 - usage of ICSSI Baghdad form.. 2Two “sides” of extension :  from Baghdad and from abroad. 2 - Collecting intentions on both sides – use Arabic ICSSI form on Baghdad side. 3 - One iccsi form response > up to three  Google form responses > up to three rows in the extension buildup page. 3 - Each intention has an ID number  Ax for abroad  Bx for  Baghdad. 4 - Extension buildup page is not a form !-browsing the color zone of build up page- listing intentions  4Yellow zone of buildup page. 4 - Table of correspondence of 3categories/options of inter-communication. 5 - some main characteristics  of the 3 options of  remote inter-communication. 5 - ID numbers of intentions in the buildup page. 6 - Name of the headings in row 5 of buildup page. 6Showing intentions of inter-communication. 6 - Accepting the copy of emails received by ISF.extensionteam at gmail.com.. 6Waleed filling the Google Baghdad form as test 7 - Access to reedit link just after submitting the form.. 7sharing with authors of intentions the reedit link to Google form transcribing their icssi form intentions  7 - Possible use of reedit link by authors of intentions. 8ISF extension team : editing the build up page. 8 - Code for making matches. 8 - Showing the buildup page to the Iraqis and internationals as they fill the ICSSI forms. 8First two proposals in buildup page  from abroad. 8 - list of tasks for extension team.. 9 - Next meeting. 9 - Spread news about this meeting in the Baghdad ISF extension team.. 9

Pierre filling the “baghdad Google form” as test

 [06:57:43] Pierre: (i see that you have not tested the “Baghdad Google form”)

[06:58:12] Waleed : You mean this:


[06:58:52] Pierre: yes “ISF extension from Baghdad” well i am filling up the form myself ...

[07:02:00] Waleed : But how will you see your questions if you are the admin.?

[07:02:37] Pierre: it is not a problem  - i can fill it up as anyone else


check this link: this is the responses to the form so far

[07:03:05] Waleed : OK

Arabic translation of Baghdad ICSSI form- what for? 

isfextension from baghdad text ar en

[07:08:18] Waleed : When I translate this document in Arabic, do I have to send it to you?

[07:08:31] Pierre: which document

[07:08:59] Waleed : ISF https://docs.google.com/forms/d/11YnTsKMPWsziR3eYohyVp9w3LPnNR6YUl_jMSkKOFo0/viewform

[07:09:59] Pierre: this document  may be you do not need to translate to Arabic

[07:10:10] Pierre: it depends how you intend to proceed in Baghdad

[07:10:26] Waleed : OK

[07:10:42] Pierre: you have received the message from me then from ismaeel with another text

[07:10:51] Waleed : Yeah

[07:10:55] Pierre: where Ishmael asks to translate in Arabic

[07:11:03] Waleed : This is the one I was planning to Translate to Arabic today

[07:11:11] Pierre: ok

[07:11:20] Waleed : OK. Clear.

usage of ICSSI Baghdad form

[07:11:38] Pierre: this text can be printed on a paper i Arabic and shown to the Iraqi organisation you will interview

[07:11:45] Waleed : OK Clear.

[07:12:16] Pierre: it is not so clear ...yet in the sense that either this text is transformed into an Arabic from  symmetrical to what was done for internationals


and in this case you need to fill it up with the Iraqi organization or the organization can fill it up by itself

[07:14:20] Waleed : OK

and then you as ISF extension team have to translate the answers in English and transcribe it into the other Google formhttps://docs.google.com/forms/d/11YnTsKMPWsziR3eYohyVp9w3LPnNR6YUl_jMSkKOFo0/viewform

why so ? because in the "simpler" from  (ICSSI site style)

Two “sides” of extension :  "from Baghdad" and "from abroad"

[07:15:22] Waleed : To document each organization? Iraqis and internationals?

[07:16:14] Pierre: there are two "sides" : “baghdad side”, and “abroad side”(abroad can be rest of Iraq too)


from abroad : isfabroad overview en (EN > AR)  45 proposals of extended activities made from abroad

from baghdad ( extension intentions have not been collected ..)

[07:16:27] Waleed : aha OK

 [07:17:11] Pierre: so .. the first step is to collect intentions of inter-communication  from both sides, internationals wanting to talk with Baghdadis they still don’t know, and  Baghdadis willing to talk with international they still don’t know

Collecting intentions on both sides – use Arabic ICSSI form on Baghdad side

[07:17:24] Waleed : OK. Collect intentions. Like through our meetings with the organizations?

[07:19:35] Pierre: yes collecting intentions can be done in different ways ..

-for the internationals  e expect them to fill the ICSSI extended form http://www.iraqicivilsociety.org/extended-iraqi-social-forum-registration-form   NOTE AFTERWARDS and this is transcribed here ; isfabroad overview en (EN > AR)  45 proposals of extended activities made from abroad

[07:20:12] Waleed : OK but for the Iraqi partners ?

[07:20:54] Pierre: for the Baghdadis .. either we make a symmetrical form in Arabic ( that is the text i send and that Ishmael asks to translate )they fill it in Arabic with or without your help, and then in both cases, we need to transcribe the intentions  in the google forms in English both sides and put them the build-up page https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AkOvi9AqogTUdDB0VzRiZk9wSi1yYVhMUDdCMnk2N3c#gid=0

[07:22:15] Waleed : OK

 [07:23:32] Pierre: so either you give Iraqi organization an Arabic "ICSSi form " - and they fill it with your help, and then you transcribe it in English into the "Google form" or you interview Iraqi organization directly and directly transcribe what they say into the English Google form

[07:24:25] Waleed : I prefer the first option

[07:25:08] Pierre: OK have an Arabic form - collect the results in Arabic and then  transcribe them in English into the “Baghdad google form

NOTE AFTERWARDS isfextension from baghdad text ar en    the form has been created .... but has not been used

[07:26:57] Waleed : Giving the Iraqi organizations Arabic Form and they fill it up and then transcribing it in English.

One iccsi form response > up to three  Google form responses > up to three rows in the extension buildup page

i want to stress the fact that one "Baghdad ICSSI form"  may result in several  "Baghdad Google forms", why ? because if you look a the ICSSI forms you see that people can document simultaneously option A B C , which means they can say: we want to “tele-intervene” in a solidarity activity  - and we want to have a “tele-exchange activity” , and we want to open our baghdad activity to “tele-participation”,  which means three different things

NOTE AFTERWARDS you can see the first left colour columns in the table here  isfabroad overview en (EN > AR)  45 proposals of extended activities made from abroad  showing one or two or three intentions  depending on how the "kind of activity" field is filled with A   B or C

[07:26:57] Waleed : What is the complication so. What is the best way then to make it simple?

[07:28:08] Pierre: the best way it so “have good communication”. i just want to stress that the ICSSI form allows to say “i want to make A B C”, while the Google form allows to say” i want to make A or B or C”, so if you want to make A and B and C, you have to fill the Google form three times, which makes three rows in the Google form response spreadsheet and three intentions rows in the buildup page

Each row is one different intention


Each intention has an ID number  Ax for abroad  Bx for  Baghdad

each intention is having a different number  in column D. why so ? to have a clear list of intentions from baghdad side, and a clear list of elementary intentions from international side

Ax numbers in column D of build up page are the intentions from abroad

By numbers  in column D of build up page are the intentions from baghdad

NOTE AFTERWARDS in fact as the iraqis have not been asked about their intentions  - what we have is there baghdad intentions called Gx and visible here

Extension buildup page is not a form !-browsing the color zone of build up page- listing intentions

[07:32:14] Waleed : Pierre I am trying to see you point but I think that this form/build up page  is really complicated and needs to be drastically simplified. I need to understand it better and let other friends of mine do that. It is partially confusing because of the terms B1 B2 and such a like

[07:33:10] Pierre: which form is really complicated? the Google form or the ICSSI form? or both?

[07:33:26] Waleed : ISF extension program build up form  NOTE AFTERWARDS isfextension program buildup  

[07:33:34] Pierre: this is not a form! this is a table edited manually by ISF extension team and collecting/summarizing  the responses to the form, each row correspond to a response

[07:34:00] Waleed : Whatever it is, it is complicated

Yellow zone of buildup page   isfextension program buildup  

[07:34:18] Pierre: well, just imagine  that is it s the list of responses: showing who is willing to do what

 [07:34:52] Pierre: so you see the yellow zone starting row 23

[07:35:00] Waleed : I see it Local Solidarity Activities

 [07:35:43] Pierre: this is the list of the solidarity activities that internationals are announcing up to row 36, then comes the list of the tele-intervention proposal made from Baghdadis from row 39 to 41

[07:36:37] Waleed : OK

[07:37:11] Pierre: row 44 is the green area  starting, tele exchange intentions so let us stay on the yellow area: look at row 40 - which is intention B15 from baghdad ( column D) : they propose a tele intervention

[07:40:17] Waleed : I am looking now : Aha OK

[07:40:46] Pierre: Now look at row 26, which is intention A7 from international: they announce a local solidarity activity in Montréal ( this is visible in column K) and want a tele-intervention from ISF ( this is visible in column B), and through the interactions they have, with help of extension team , they decide to match  A7-B15  ( column D)

They match their intentions and decide to work together: so “baghdad organization 13” ( which will be a real organization name ) will tele-intervene in Montréal in the solidarity activity organized by  “abroad organization 2” (names of organizations are in column F and G)

row 26, all this is abstract data  for now, but when it will be real organization names, it will be clearer

[07:43:30] Waleed : Yeah that is why I am having a hard time understanding it

 [07:43:45] Pierre: that is why we need time to explain :) and we finally have it after two weeks, and we need to start collecting real intentions from both sides

Table of correspondence of 3 categories/options of inter-communication

[07:44:19] Waleed : IS there another way of changing the terms of B1 and B2 and so forth. Can we use complete words?

 [07:45:25] Pierre: 

tele intervention/in solidarity activities  = A = 2 = yellow zone

tele exchanges = B= 3 = green zone

tele participation = C= 4 = red zone

here are your three complete words

tele interventions

tele exchanges

tele participations

ABC are categories from ICSSI forms   2 3 4 are categories from google forms

yellow green red are zones of the build up page

it is any clearer

Baghdad side complete word

icssi form categories

build up page

google form

abroad side complete word

tele intervention


yellow zone


solidarity activity with tele intervention

tele exchange activity


green zone


tele exchange activity

opening  Baghdad  activity to tele participation


red zone


tele participation through  private

videoconferencing with host person

enlarging  Baghdad activity


red zone


tele participation through streaming + chat with linking person

some main characteristics  of the 3 options of  remote inter-communication

note afterward: see also the page   isfextension comparing 3 situations

Baghdad side

abroad side


goal from Baghdad /from abroad

how many people actively involved in Baghdad

what if connection is not good

tele intervention

A 2 yellow

solidarity activity


expose Iraq I views  and establish contact with international /have a informative contact with Iraq/

1  to 5

written chat

tele exchange 2 points / multipoint

B 3 green

tele exchange

skype ( other if multipoint?)

have a collective exchange of 2 hours/ have a collective exchange of 2 hours

5 to 50

written chat and photos with counterparts

opening   baghdad activity

C 4B red

tele participation

skype ( other if multipoint?)

host a few international groups as tele participants / - attend an activity in Baghdad as any other participants

hosting person

written chat  with hosting person

enlarging baghdad activity

C 4A red

tele participation

streaming + skype

welcome a large number of tele participants – record the video/ attend an activity in Baghdad as any other participants

camera and linking persons

written chat and photos with linking person

ID numbers of intentions in the buildup page

NOTE AFTERWARDS isfextension program buildup   and isfabroad overview en

[07:47:53] Pierre: now when you look at column D you have the  ID number of the intentions

A15 in column D means  the 15th intentions form abroad

B21 un column D means the 21st intentions from Baghdad

Name of the headings in row 5 of buildup page

[07:49:28] Waleed :  Can we write these on the headings? I know the form will be long but it makes it easier to read and go through the details

[07:50:19] Pierre: can you give an  example ?which headings are you referring to?

 [07:51:50] Waleed : I mean column B

 [07:52:16] Pierre: the names of the columns are in row 5 in dark blue and white

[07:52:54] Waleed : OK let me see I see them now

 Showing intentions of inter-communication

 [08:00:00] Pierre: whatever the size of isf  10 to 50 activities …. the idea is to show the intentions of inter-communication

[08:00:40] Waleed : OK

[08:00:48] Pierre: intentions of tele intervention /solidarity activity   > yellow zone

intention of tele exchanges  > green zone, intention of tele participation and opening/enlarging  of baghdad activities to tele participation  >  red zone

This will help people find counter parts on both sides, the idea is to have this table in English

When there is an identified match, organizations exchange email messages, with copy ton  extension team mail

[08:09:49] Waleed : I am taking notes of that give me a sec OK clear

Accepting the copy of emails received by ISF.extensionteam at gmail.com

[08:04:28] Pierre: by the way you have not yet accepted to receive copy of emails sent to ISF extensionteam at gmail.com

Did you receive the message asking your authorization?for being copied of messages sent to ISF;extensionteam at gmail.com? i send it again now

 [08:32:09] Waleed : got it It is in French.

[08:33:07] Pierre: just click on the link

[08:33:14] Waleed : I did. It shows me this now ISF.extensionteam at gmail.com peut à présent transférer des messages vers waleed .

Pierre now we can create the filter making automatic copy of incoming and outcoming messages to you

Waleed filling the Google Baghdad form as test

 [08:37:35] Pierre: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AkOvi9AqogTUdHIxRDZpU29lOUdRQ0pVa1hSc21SeGc#gid=0

these are the 4 tests i have made on the Google form

[08:37:54] Waleed : OK Do you want me to test it now?

[08:38:17] Pierre: yes :)

[08:38:47] Waleed : It is in this link right?

[08:38:48] Waleed : https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AkOvi9AqogTUdHIxRDZpU29lOUdRQ0pVa1hSc21SeGc#gid=0

[08:38:58] Pierre: no,  you are  looking at the collection of responses to the  baghdad google form, not at the builup page

[08:39:05] Pierre: this is the build up page, and on it you can find the link see cell F 37 or F53  or F62

https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AkOvi9AqogTUdDB0VzRiZk9wSi1yYVhMUDdCMnk2N3c#gid=0 [

08:41:10] Waleed : yes The title is ISF extension from Baghdad Right?

[08:42:25] Pierre: yes

[08:42:29] Waleed : OK I am filling it up now.

[08:42:57] Pierre: yes you can make several test as i did : choosing each time a different option: tele intervention,   tele exchange,  tele participation through streaming , tele participation through videoconferencing

 Access to reedit link just after submitting the form

[08:43:42] Pierre: at the end just after  each submit you get this: “ thanks!page” from google

ISF extension from Baghdad

Your response has been recorded.

Optional: Edit your response

Submit another response | Create your own form

SO CLICK ON OPTIONNAL  edit your response

[08:44:48] Waleed : OK

this leads you to the form again showing what you have just edited, and you copy the url link and keep it somewhere, this link allows you to come back and reedit your response as many time as you want

sharing with authors of intentions the reedit link to Google form transcribing their icssi form intentions

so  since after the icssi form,  the editing of the Google from will be done by ISF extension team:  we will keep the reedit links to update the intentions   and also give them to the people having expressed the intentions ( at least those speaking English and the internationals ) to update their intentions  as they progress prepare their inter-communication together

[08:48:09] Waleed : Now it shows me end of announcement form.I think I have submitted it.

[08:48:53] Pierre: (*)yess i can see a new row with your data it in the spreadsheet, did you save your reedit link? ?

[08:52:40] Waleed : No I closed the page, Do I have to?

[08:53:10] Pierre: yes  it is a good habit to take i am sending you a email with the reedit links of my tests , because we may do this with the international and the English speaking Iraqis so they can update their intentions  once they get into the loop

 [08:53:35] Waleed : OK, I got the link

Possible use of reedit link by authors of intentions

[08:54:22] Pierre: that is  they fill international fill ICSSI form, and we ISF team transcribe it into google form and edit the build up page manually

[08:55:12] Waleed : aha

[08:55:18] Pierre: and we send them a link to the Google responses we edited for them,  corresponding to their icssi form, so they can reedit and complete  the google form as time goes by; so we and them can edit and update 

NOTE AFTERWARDS  we and them ... so we use the reedits to get to a more precise description

ISF extension team : editing the build up page

only ISF team wll edit the build up page, and confirm the matches in column D

[08:56:51] Waleed : Sure

Code for making matches

note: see the orange cells in column D showing the contacts in progress

[08:57:32] Pierre: in column D of build up page , we can use a code using < and >

  “A12 > B1, B2”,  meaning intention from abroad12 is proposing inter-communication with intention  B1 and B2,

 while “B17 > A3”  is the reverse: Baghdad intention proposing inter-communication with abroad intention

and when there is mutual expression we can edit  “A12 <> B3”means they are in contact and preparing together with ISF team help a inter-communication, so this is how intentions form abroad Ax and from Baghdad By can see each other and make contact

[08:59:41] Waleed : aha

Showing the buildup page to the Iraqis and internationals as they fill the ICSSI forms

[08:59:57] Pierre: of course the visit to the buildup page would be quite useful  when you are "interviewing an organization in Iraq to show them what is proposed on the international side, and they may select upfront some proposal and indicate them in their  ICSSI form

this is speeding up the whole process – instead of making announcements without reference to existing proposals

First two proposals in buildup page  from abroad

[09:01:01] Pierre: for instance up to now we have first two proposals

NOTE AFTERWARD  now with 45 proposals  the situation is more easy to grasp : isfextension program buildup   and isfabroad overview en

[09:01:11] Waleed : Ok

[09:01:17] Pierre: row 45 is  a proposal of tele exchange from Tunis by league of Tunisian women voters ( column G) it is intention A5

there is also row 76: intention of tele participation from Germany

[09:02:55] Waleed : OK The one by HUman Rights Watch

[09:03:01] Pierre: yes. but in both cases they have still no idea with “whom” they are going to be in contact with, and that is why we need to collect the intentions from Baghdad side

if you go to  cell B74 of the build page

[09:04:20] Waleed : this cell is giving access to The abroad response spread sheet

 [09:04:39] Pierre: yes .. if you look in row “2”  (that is why the intention is named A”2”)

you find more detail about this german human right watch proposal, in fact, there is not much detail :), that is why the reedit link will be very useful, because Anis from Germany may want to indicate more elements, as she is getting in contact with intentions from baghdad

[09:07:45] Waleed : OK

[09:07:56] Pierre: in column AJ of the abroad response table  in row 2,  we see that Anis says she knows someone in Baghdad , so, as extension team, we might get back to Anis and ask about the name of the person etc..

[09:08:15] Waleed : aha Clear.

list of tasks for extension team

 [09:10:24] Pierre: i will send you today a proposed list of tasks for ISF team (both international and Baghdad part of the team)


[09:10:42] Waleed : OK. Please do.

any clearer,

 [09:11:02] Pierre: So... is it any clearer ? for you

[09:11:12] Waleed : It is much clearer now.

[09:11:16] Pierre: :) we need time ...to get to an understanding

Next meeting

 [09:13:03] Waleed : OK how about Sunday?

[09:12:37] Pierre: and i maybe on line around 12am baghdad time for about one hour  from Sunday or  Monday, assume it is ok and check me on iine

[09:14:13] Waleed : OKThanks I will go for now. Thanks for your helping me understanding this issue

 [09:14:38] Pierre: you are welcome

Spread news about this meeting in the Baghdad ISF extension team

[09:15:33] Pierre: it may be relevant to spread the news that things are clearer around you and begin to search for people interested  to help you among the extension volunteers

[09:15:46] Waleed : OK

[09:15:57] Pierre: as you see there is a lot of communication work before going into the technique: technique is 80% skype and 20% streaming

[09:16:22] Waleed : OK

[09:16:37] Pierre: abdulkarem may be interested to define how/with which tools they want to stream, and  we need help in the emailing and skype accompaniment of the Iraqi organizations, that is where the main work is   face to face and online

we need ISF extension team volunteers interested in putting people /organization in contact through face to face email and skype communication

the streaming comes afterwards only in the case 4A / C

the rest A B C2  = 2 3 4B is simple skype

anyway .. talk on the mailing list iof extension team and maybe on sunday 12am