• Iraq Social Forum

Re: No Subject

de la part de hitchman@... on 17/06/2013 14:33
Thank you!

In solidarity

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-----Original Message-----
from: Ne Nar <jlnar4710@...>
date: Mon, 17 Jun 2013 06:37:29 
To: iraq-social-forum-english@...<iraq-social-forum-english@...>
reply-to: iraq-social-forum-english@...
Subject: [Iraq Social Forum] No Subject

Dear friends

this the Meeting of the Preparatory Committee
of the Iraqi Social Forum held on Thursday 13/06/2013

best wishes ,

Archive: http://openfsm.net/projects/iraq-social-forum/lists/iraq-social-forum-english/archive/2013/06/1371476922389
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