Really touching!
Thank so much for your precious work Ayat and Iraqi Social Forum committee.

I would like to suggest two topics I think are worthwhile to mention and to focus on:

1. the ancient and precious history of Iraq from Sumerian, to Babylonian, Assyrian and Hurrite people;  the huge archaeological heritage  is a value not only for Iraq but for all the world as the first cultures raised in Iraq.
Giving a new start to archaological investigations in Iraq will contribute to write the early history of humankind; more it could develop and empower tourism that sounds as a mirage at this real moment, but it is an essential part of a true democracy and a good way to get new economic flows.
I am going to participate to the 59RAI Rencontre Assyriologique Interntaional the next 15th of July, I could extend some scholars the invitation to Iraqi Social Forum if you like.

2. Environmental: Iraq has a huge amount of fossil energy but even in Bassora the electrical network is quite to collapse; tangles of cables, generators and black-out are normal daily life for Iraqi people.
We can open a new window on a different scenario such as renewable energy sources to give light, silent one, everywhere and creating  new economic opportunities. Sun is not for sale it is free of charge for all.
2.A. More: so many place are not clean, huge quanitty of bottles in Shatt-el-Arab, so many plastic bags even on the trese seem to be a sad signal of war and disaffection towards our own land.  I propose to spend some time, maybe a workshop on the way to sensibilize people to not throwgaarbage everywhere, debating on the system of waste collection and  recycling eventually.  It would be safer and more healthy.

I hope my suggestions could help your work, let me know in which way I could be a resource for you in this amazing preparatory process
big hugs
Noemi Colombo

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Inviato: Lunedì 17 Giugno 2013 15:42
Oggetto: [Iraq Social Forum] No Subject

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Dear friends

this the Meeting of the Preparatory Committee of the Iraqi Social Forum held on Thursday 13/06/2013

best wishes ,

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