• Iraq Social Forum

vision & status isf extended august 13

de la part de Pierre on 14/08/2013 12:36
Hello everyone in the international preparation committee

In perspective of today chat in which i cannot participate , here is a personal vision  about ISF extended as of August 13, given after two weeks of backoffice support and cooperation with other members of the isf extension team

Comments and suggestions  are welcome - and can be sent to isf.extensionteam at gmail.com or on this list

Greetings from paris 
Pierre - support to isf extension team 


Primary goal of extension is to allow early and good quality inter communication between organizations in baghdad and abroad that want to inter communicate about topics of common interest
This start with interpersonal skype or mail contacts between organizers form both organisaitons and develops into more coilective communication between groups of each organizations

After early communication is established through skype between couples of counterpart organizations  it is much easier to finalize the scheduling and logistics of extension in baghdad ( see part 5) 


As of yesterday there are 30 organizations making 45 proposals of extended participation 
21 solidarity activities
11 tele exchange proposals
12 tele participation proposals

This number will grow further ..

You can see their first announcements here :

A vision  of announcement of activities in baghad  can be sent to abroad extended participants so they can also choose with whom they would like to tele exchange or in which acitvity they would want to teleparticipate in priority( see part 3) 


This page http://openfsm.net/projects/iraq-social-forum/isfabroad-overview-en
can  be translated to Arabic to be visible by  Iraqi organizations directly and through specific messages focused by activity type
So that they can choose , based on concrete announcement
-if they want to support solidarity activities with tele intervention
-if they want to participate in a tele exchange on what and with who
-if they want to open their activity in Baghdad to tele participation to certain group by skype or to a wider by streaming 

On Baghdad side, there are  as of now 50 organizations making 50 proposals of activities (may be all will not be confirmed as activities ) 
this number keeps growing 
You can see first 44 of them here with English translation :

This preliminary vision of  activities in baghdad can be sent to abroad extended participants ( see part 2) so they can also choose with whom they would like to tele exchange,  or in which acitvity they would want to teleparticipate in priority 


Extension team has a common mail adress for practical purposes  "isf.extensionteam" at gmail.com  and a skype account "isf.extensionteam"

Extension team is currently structuring its communication with extended participants from abroad and will develop it in the coming days with Iraqi organizations

A mailing list for extended isf participants english speaking is created and operative :

English speaking iraqi organizations interested to be counterpart with international organizations are welcome in this list 

Each extended participant from abroad has a support person in extension team and can communicate with this person through mail or skype


Communication  with both abroad and baghdadi participants about  the three type of extended activities ( solidarity activit/tele intervention   -  tele exchange activities -  tele participation in baghad activities ) will be  handled, at personal and collective level ,in a parallel way  in order to establish early remote communication  by email and skype between future counterpart organization and get eventually around mid september to :  

- a precise  ISF "tele intervention" subprogram schedule from baghdad i ( as of noW of around 20  or more  tele interventions in solidarity activities before and during isf - tele intevention are short  moments of skype connection from one or 2 person in baghdad) 

- a precise ISF tele exchange acitvity subprogram  schedule in baghdad  - (as of now of around 15 teleechange activities or more- which means several rooms  dedicated to this during ISF)
 ( the location of the counterpart for tele exchange in the world  ( usa or bangladesh )  wiill influence the time when the teleexchange  activitiies i-e two hours connection between two groups are scheduled

- a precise ISF tele participation subprogram  ( as of now  15 groups in about 15 activities in baghdad ,  or more) 
 throuhg streaming or through private teleconferences
 ( the location of the tele participants in the world interested by a given activity and their time difference with baghad ( usa is 8 hours before baghdad and  bangladesh  is three hours after it )  may influence  ISF commitee to choose the  appropriate time when this given activiitiy in baghdad  is scheduled

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