• Iraq Social Forum

Re: Follow-up chat after the Iraqi Social Forum

de la part de Feroz Mehdi on 29/10/2013 15:20
I will join the chat

On 2013-10-29 11:03 AM, Martina Pignatti M. wrote:
> Dear friends,
> we learnt that the Iraqi Social Forum Preparatory Committee is meeting 
> this afternoon in Baghdad, to discuss about their participation in the 
> next events related to the World Social Forum, and about how to spread 
> internationally information about the great Iraqi Social Forum we had!
> *Let's have a chat of the International Solidarity Committee for the 
> Iraqi Social Forum tomorrow, Wednesday 30th of October, at 6 pm Iraqi 
> time (4pm in Central European Time)*. The chat will be in English and 
> Arabic. In order to participate, contact my Skype user: martinapm
> Tomorrow we can hear about the decisions of the ISF Committee and make 
> proposals to support them, from the international side. Sorry for 
> calling for his meeting at the last moment, anyway I will send a 
> report to this mailinglist so that everyone can read it and comment 
> afterwards.
> We should be able to spread, by the end of this week, an international 
> statement in English and Arabic on the Iraqi Social Forum, attaching 
> reports. If you published an article or posted pictures and videos on 
> the Iraqi Social Forum, in any language, please share the link with us.
> Thankyou all, and
> Warm Regards
> Martina
> www.unponteper.it
> www.iraqicivilsociety.org
> --
> Archive: http://openfsm.net/[...]/1383059120576 
> <http://openfsm.net/projects/iraq-social-forum/lists/iraq-social-forum-english/archive/2013/10/1383059120576>
> To unsubscribe send an email with subject "unsubscribe" to 
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> <mailto:iraq-social-forum-english@...>. Please contact 
> iraq-social-forum-english-manager@... 
> <mailto:iraq-social-forum-english-manager@...> for 
> questions.

Feroz Mehdi
Middle East and Asia Program
3720 Avenue du Parc, bureau 300
Montreal, Qc. Canada H2X 2J1
Phone:  +1 514-982-6606; ext. 2247
Fax:  +1 514-982-6122

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