Hello all
I'll try to be there if have no other obligation ...
My Skype ID : 

Best ...

Abdulkarem A. Abbas / Volunteer at Iraqi Social Forum.

On Tue, Oct 29, 2013 at 6:19 PM, Feroz Mehdi <feroz@alternatives.ca> wrote:
I will join the chat

On 2013-10-29 11:03 AM, Martina Pignatti M. wrote:
Dear friends,

we learnt that the Iraqi Social Forum Preparatory Committee is meeting this afternoon in Baghdad, to discuss about their participation in the next events related to the World Social Forum, and about how to spread internationally information about the great Iraqi Social Forum we had!

Let's have a chat of the International Solidarity Committee for the Iraqi Social Forum tomorrow, Wednesday 30th of October, at 6 pm Iraqi time (4pm in Central European Time). The chat will be in English and Arabic. In order to participate, contact my Skype user: martinapm

Tomorrow we can hear about the decisions of the ISF Committee and make proposals to support them, from the international side. Sorry for calling for his meeting at the last moment, anyway I will send a report to this mailinglist so that everyone can read it and comment afterwards.

We should be able to spread, by the end of this week, an international statement in English and Arabic on the Iraqi Social Forum, attaching reports. If you published an article or posted pictures and videos on the Iraqi Social Forum, in any language, please share the link with us.

Thankyou all, and
Warm Regards



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Feroz Mehdi
Middle East and Asia Program
3720 Avenue du Parc, bureau 300
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