• Iraq Social Forum

RE: Announcing Iraqi Social Forum on Civil Peace and Coexistence in Baghdad, October 2015

de la part de NOZHA ACTIVISTE on 20/08/2015 09:09
Hi dear Martina,
I hope you are  fine.
Thank you for your email.I ask you if it is possible to  interfere  in Baghdah Forum about Transitional Justice as I'm expert in Transitional Justice and I 
interfiere  in many countries about this theme as in  South Africa, Marroco,Libya.
Also I want to inform you that it is quite impossible for me to afford my own accomodation  and ticket because my association doesn't have funds.
I ask you  if there is  another possibility to help me for travelling Baghdad.
kind regards
ben fredj Nozha
International Obsevatory of Human Rights

Date: Sat, 15 Aug 2015 12:16:00 +0200
From: martina.pignatti@...
To: iraq-social-forum-english@...
Subject: [Iraq Social Forum] Announcing Iraqi Social Forum on Civil Peace and	Coexistence in Baghdad, October 2015


    Dear all,

    I forward you the ICSSI newsletter with the announcement of the
    Iraqi Social Forum 2015, please spread the news!

    This year unfortunately ICSSI cannot cover travel or accommodation
    costs of internationals so I ask all of you to look for funding
    through your organizations, if you wish to travel to Baghdad. And
    register online as soon as possible, since you will need to apply
    for the visa at the Iraqi Ambassy in your country... not easy visa
    at the airport this time, we do not have an endorsement of an Iraqi

    But I'm sure we can put together an important international
    delegation, come on, registrations are open!!!







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                                    SOCIAL NETWORK
                                Newsletter n. 04 year 2015


                            Announcing the Iraqi Social Forum 2015. Join
                            us in Baghdad!


                          A thematic Iraqi Social Forum on
                          Coexistence and Civil Peace has been launched
                          by Iraqi civil society organizations, and will
                          take place in Baghdad from the 1st to the 3rd
                          of October 2015. During the Forum we will host
                          a Mini-Marathon for Peace to celebrate the
                          International Day of Nonviolence on the 2nd of
                          October. Read the call and register online! >>



                            Victory of anti-corruption protests in Iraq.
                            Statement by the Iraqi Social Forum


                          The Iraqi Council of Representatives
                          unanimously voted this week on a paper of
                          reforms to combat corruption and government
                          waste, that was approved by the Council of
                          Ministers in an extraordinary session held
                          last Sunday. This is a result of the public
                          pressure produced in the past two weeks by
                          massive social protests that took place in
                          many Iraqi provinces. >>



                            Videos on demonstrations in Baghdad


                          Watch these exceptional videos on the
                          demonstrations in Tahrir Sqare, Baghdad.
                          People are singing, police smile at activists
                          and distribute water to them, women feel
                          confident enough to be in the crowd. Another
                          Iraqi is possible, indeed! >>



                            After ISIS: Perspectives of Displaced
                            Communities from Ninewa on Return to Iraq's
                            Disputed Territory


                          Recently, military developments and
                          international involvement have resulted in
                          ISIS retreating from some areas previously
                          under its control in Iraq. IDP communities
                          struggle to return while the potential for
                          renewed conflict remains alarmingly high. A
                          report comissioned by PAX in order to prepare
                          for conflict sensitive peace building
                          programs. >>



                            Alternatives to War: Eight Things the US
                            Should do Regarding Daesh


                          When it comes to dealing with US policy
                          towards ISIS, there are two critical
                          understandings. One requires rejecting George
                          W. Bush's post-9/11 claim that the only choice
                          was "we either go to war, or we let 'em get
                          away with it." That was not the only choice
                          for dealing with al Qaeda then, it is not the
                          only choice for dealing with ISIS now. War or
                          nothing is never the only choice. >>





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      ICSSI Newsletter #04 (year 2015)



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