• isaandwsf wsfdiscussion2020 proposed format comment-input2a

Wiki modificadas recientemente October 8, 2019 por facilitfsm

ISA & WSF |  input# @I2  

Proposed format for my COMMENT-INPUT2a - from the perspective of author of another abstract

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Comment from the perspective of input#x  onINPUT#2/   The Future of the World Social Forum and Other Anti-Systemic Movements According to Immanuel Wallerstein by Vera

This paper reconstructs the answer of Immanuel Wallerstein (1930-2019), sociologist, political economist and historian, theoretician of the world system of capitalist economy, empirical researcher of complex public social problems like wars, education, health..., as well as the spiritus movens of political activism in the realm of class fight for alternative and post-capitalist human society, (dis)armament, ecology..., in short, Gramscian and Wright Millsian public intellectual, on the future of anti-systemic movements in general, and of the World Social Forum in particular.


The main method used to achieve as much as possible exhaustive reconstruction of Wallerstein’s answer to the title question concerning the Future of the World Social Forum, presents the qualitative analysis of 500 Wallerstein’s commentaries which he planned and wrote twice monthly from Commentary No. 1, Oct. 1, 1998 to Commentary No.500, July 1, 2019, when he decided that it will be the last commentary, some three months before his death.


This paper is written in tribute to Immanuel Wallerstein. Its main aim will be fulfilled if it induces like – thinking people to carry on and develop to best of our ability immense scientific theoretical, empirical and social activist heritage Emmanuel Wallerstein bestowed us, as a sort of theoretical and methodological research arms in the battle for the non-capitalist, more just, emancipated, democratic, inclusive, equal, self-managing and ecologically sustainable world.
