• mexicoyfsm act209 declaracion 28sept en

Wiki modificadas recientemente September 29, 2016 por facilitfsm

Eastern State of Mexico, September 28th, 2016.

To the peoples of the world:

By this means we denounce the cowardly aggression suffered by farmers Zeferino Ruiz Mendieta, age 89 and his son Sergio Ruiz Garcia 56 years old, both natives of the Tocuila community, municipality of Texcoco, State of Mexico, opposing the sale of their land for the construction of the New Airport megaproject, at the hands of two armed men who entered their home, who also robbed cash and their land title. Sergio Ruiz was already released but Don Zeferino remains in serious conditions, at the intensive therapy unit of the General Guadalupe Victoria Hospital of Texcoco.

We condemn the use of the security forces and paramilitary strikers for control and subjugation of peoples, practice shamefully widespread and systematically used against the communities, ejidos and native peoples that defend our territory, natural resources, human rights, historical heritage and identity throughout the country today.

We emphasize that the attempt by the Mexican State to impose the deadly largest Latin America's mega-project: the corrupt, unnecessary, ecocidal and unaffordable New Mexico city international airport (NAICM), has already claimed the lives of 3 people: Enrique Espinosa Juarez in 2002, Alexis Benhumea Hernández and Javier Cortés Santiago in 2006, they have imprisoned 207, raped women and repressed to entire communities of Atenco and Texcoco.

We call upon the international community to demand the three levels of Government of Mexico to cease harassment and assaults to defenders of life and of the heritage of Texcoco Lake, as well as punishment to the material and intellectual authors of this cowardly aggression; and to manifest their support to the struggle against the New Airport, its Aerotropolis and complementary works, that attempt against the life of original peoples, of the Texcoco Lake and all the Valley of Mexico.

Kindly send appeals to:

Enrique Peña Nieto / President / enrique.penanieto at presidencia.gob.mx / twitter: atEPN

Miguel Angel Osorio Chong / Interior Secretary / secretario at segob.gob.mx

Eruviel Avila Villegas / Governor of Mexico State/ eruviel.avila at edomex.gob.mx

"For the respect to the identity of the original peoples"



(Original inhabitants and NGOs eastern State of Mexico coordination in defense of land, water and culture)

 Frente Amplio No Partidista en contra del Nuevo Aeropuerto y otros Megaproyectos en la Cuenca del Valle de México. (Non-parties wide front vs. the New Airport and other megaprojects in Mexico’s Valley)

Cc.- Tom Haeck.-Head of the Observation Unit of the Human Rights High Commissioner of the United Nations Organization-ONU.

Cc.- Human Rights National Commission in Mexico.

Cc.- Human Rights Center Zeferino Ladrillero.

coordinadoradepueblosdelorienteedomex at hotmail.com   Facebook.com/