• Nepal & WSF - info & discussion

  • YOUR DISTANT PARTICIPATION IN PANAMAZONIAN SF 27/03 >>> 27/04-1/05 >>> 30/06

    from extension@... on Mar 28, 2017 01:11 PM
    FOSPA Committee invites Humanity to preserve the Amazon
    The organizing committee of the VIII Pan-American Social Forum (FOSPA) 
    invites all the people of the world to be part of this process of 
    debates and synergies to defend the life of the Amazon and its peoples.
    Connect from anywhere in the world to activities accessible remotely 
    through the extension dynamics of the World Social Forum for FOSPA 
    event, to be held in Tarapoto between April 28 and May 1. We try to give 
    acces to chat room+ live video in spanish to many of the 9 dialogue 
    space http://www.forosocialpanamazonico.com/grupos-sectoriales
    The english speaking chat room for online accompaniment in english is 
    here : https://join.skype.com/prWPONbk609s
    You can also contribute actively from now, by “placing” in this FOSPA 
    extension dynamics an activity that is organized, where you live, 
    between now  March 27 and the end of June 2017, in perspective of 
    another possible Amazon, and enlarging it on the Internet with video and 
    chatroom, to welcome remote participants.
    The list of acitivies "placed" is here 
    http://www.forosocialpanamazonico.com/extension-en-fsm/  point 2
    With FOSPA extension dynamic, there is a great potential for activities 
    on Amazonian themes that you can enrich with your remote participation, 
    or make known more broadly.
    To stay informed come in the english speaking partiicipants FACEBOOK 
    group here  https://www.facebook.com/groups/735843916505992/
    We are expecting you!
    Grupo comunicacion - apoyo a extension FOSPA