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Wiki modificadas recientemente September 17, 2010 por admin

 OpenFSM after FSM2009 ...into 2010..

portugues (pt)
espanol (es)
english (en)
français (fr)

como usar openfsm

como usar openfsm?
how to use openfsm?

comment utiliser openfsm?
se tiver perguntas faça clic em "contact" abaixo dessa pagina
si tienen preguntas clicar en "contact" abajo de esta pagina
if you have questions click on  contact at the bottom of the page
si vous avez des questions appuyer sur contact au bas de cette page

encontro de usuarios e actividas tecnicos   openfsm em belem

encuentro de usuarios e activistas tecnicos openfsm en belem

meeting of openfsm users  and  technical  activists in belem

rencontre des utilisateurs et developpeurs openfsm à belem

register here for one hour training on open fsm and  wsf internet on line 

on line 

inscribete para una hora de capacitacion sobre openfsm o  internet del fsm

en linea

s'inscrire pour une heure de formation sur openfsm et l'internet fsm

en ligne

cadastrese para uma hora de capacitaçao sobre openfsm e internet do fsm

em linha

espaço comum belem expandida

que tem que ver  como espaços podem se relacionar no openfsm

aceso al espacio comun belem expandida

que tiene a ver con como espaços podem se relacionar no openfsm 

acess to common "space belem expanded "

which is related  about intercomunication  betwen sapces inside openfsm

accès à l'espace commun belem étendu -

qui a a avoir avec l'idée d'intercomunication entre espaces dans le territoire virtuel openfsm

Se você está interessado/a em apoiar OpenFSM contribuindo para o desenvolvimento de software ou de suporte do usuário ou ajudar com tradução, design / ou muitas outras coisas, nos escrever em  "contato" na parte inferior de cada página) Si usted está deseoso/a de apoyar OpenFSM contribuir al desarrollo de software o de  apoyo a usuarios, o ayuda con la traducción , o el diseño u otras cosas, escribirnos en "contacto" en la parte inferior de cada página) if you are willing to support openfsm by contributing software , or user support , or translation support, or design or else let us know  ( write to  "contact" at the bottom of any page )
si vous êtes désireux de soutenir OpenFSM en contribuant au developpement logiciel, ou l'assistance aux utilisateurs, ou aide à la traduction ou la conception/desige ou bien d'autres choses nous le faire savoir (écrire à "contact" au bas de chaque page)

OpenFSM  e um projeto ubicado na comunidades  WSF software support community   ( veja  wsf ssc  PB )

OpenFSM  es un proyecto ubicado en la comunidad WSF software support community   ( ver  wsf ssc  PB )

OpenFSM  is a project located in the communité WSF software support community   ( see  wsf ssc  PB )

OpenFSM  est un projet situé dans la  communaunté  WSF software support community   ( voir  wsf ssc  PB )




Photo_Abuja - Webteam_Presentation
The OpenFSM webteam is the working group in charge of the OpenFSM Tool (The website you are on now).

About openFSM Page

We meet regularly by chat and in IC meetings
. Active people in the OpenFSM Webteam are Dimitris Moraitis (webmaster), Jason Nardi, Pierre George, ….

Take in contact with us for any suggestion. You could get in contact with us at the e-mail: website@openfsm.net
Or with all the group at: openfsm@lists.openfsm.net

List of broad topics addressed at the Webteam:

+ features and development : what is and will be avaiable - See the work in progress here in the tracker
+ relationship between OpenFSM and fsm2009.org : How the webs support the merging process

+ Stimulating the use of the tools and information cleaning-caring

+ Making respect OpenFSM Moderation Guidelines: Guidelines for the webteam moderation

+ Frequent Asked Questions: FAQ

Trainning Abuja



Working plan     tracker buffer

Agenda next commission : Page to prepare the next commission meeting

Linking openfsm and fsm2009.org : Mock up to test relation between event site( fsm2009.org) and process site ( openfsm.net) you can test it , make changes, and explain them on the project mailing list..


About openFSM Page

General spreading message

Guidelines for moderation



Help pages ( EN ES FR PT)


Brainstorming ideas for openFSM Tool improvement ( common space tool)

Basic Edition


OpenFSM design

training invitation-en+ training invitation-es+ training invitation-fr+ training invitation-pt+

messages for email invitations