• pfsm20 encuentros en espacios intercom en

last modified April 10, 2020 by facilitfsm


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What are Online pluri-session Encounters in thematic and geographical Intercom spaces?


  • In groups of intercom spaces , INFORMAL interpersonal meetings are free - people are guided by the visible profiles on the participatory page or the inputs in the common chat room. Communications in space must respect the rules of behavior - participants are invited to make contact with other participants whose profile they are interested in and write down or publish their number of participants in their profile wsp
  • THAT ? Participants in an intercom space ( see page info axis 1 - see the list of axes here ) (see the list of geographical areas) - can also propose to others, one or several moments of SEMI FORMAL AND COLLECTIVE MEETING or face to face + line "" a moment online participation included in an existing local activity "
  • The announcement is made through an ENCOUNTER FORM (button below this page)
  • encounter-insumo64-en.png

    More info about meetings and intercom process layer FSMXIV http://openfsm.net/projects/pfsm20/pfsm20-insumo69

Where is your list ? 


When are the Encounters sessions?

    From now until April 2020 the meetings are the mode of initial participation in the fsm process XIV Mexico 2020, then they are still relevant to articulate activities and initiatives towards the event, allow online participation during the event and land dissemination and dates actions of post-event initiatives

Perspective of an encounter

  • FOR WHAT? The PERSPECTIVE of these self-organized meetings is among these possibilities:
      • G0 / FACILITATION / INFORMATION Meetings initiated in general by FACILITADORX DEL ESPACIO aiming, without promoting any particular actor or content, to "facilitate" the development of the FSM XIV process in this region informing participants of this region about WHAT and HOW to participate through meetings
      • G1 / LOCAL EXCHANGES about their participation of various types among a group of participating entities (whether or not they go to the event in Mexico -
      • G2 / DELEGATION Meetings to organize physical delegations to the event in Mexico
      • T0 / FACILITATION / INFORMATION Meetings initiated in general by FACILITADORX DEL ESPACIO aiming, without promoting any particular actor or content, to "facilitate" the development of the FSM XIV process in this theme by informing participants of this region about WHAT and HOW to participate through meetings
      • T1 / DIALOG EXPLORATION deepen discussions - and explore joint possibilities
      • T2 / PRESENTAL LOCAL EVENT PROMOTION to promote a theme of this event -
      • T4 / FSMXIV PROCESS INITIATIVE PREPARATION -prepare more formal activities, local or in the WSF XIV event, between entities, and formulate more formal initiatives between entities,.
  • MEETINGS They are less formal than ACTIVITIES OR INITIATIVES

 Formal requirements

These requirements aim to reach a certain quality of discussions with a commitment to animate an encounter as a process of intercommunication with some preparation and duration

  • At least 2 or 3 people included as participants (with the inclusion form) who agree to be co-responsible for the encounter, and related to at least 2 different organizations,
  • Visible support from these organizations that would accept to be mentioned as organizers and responsible for the meeting, with their website and logo visible in the meeting invitation
  • A meeting with 1 / a written invitation with formulation of a topic that invites to dialogue and an explicit perspective and 2 / at least 2 interactive online sessions and an intermediary chat between them. It is good  but it is not a requirement, if the encounter is related to more than one theme and has a transversal thematic character 

Autodocumentation of an encounter

The various sessions of a meeting and supplies for these sessions are visible here - Those responsible for Encuentro have access to this space


How are they announced and made? How to participate


    • boton-encounter-EN.png  
    • PUBLICATION The description and update of a meeting is published on the info page of thematic space or geographical space , so that people who have not yet been included in this dynamic of participation can see "what happens" and are encouraged to be included to participate, but no access link in the info pages per space to avoid trolls or scammers. A self-documentation space is also created for this meeting in the pfsm20 autodoc space
    • ONLINE CONCRETIZATION the moderators / companions of the thematic or geographical space in which a meeting is located create online meeting rooms wsp groups and possibly A Collaborative PAD see the digital basis of work of a meeting
    • INCLUSION OF INTERESTING PARTICIPANT 1 / space facilitators include the initiating / responsible persons and 2 / circulate invitations in thematic or geographical spaces 3 / include, at your request, people who express their interest for a particular meeting 4 / people. Meeting managers can circulate invitations in their networks to include people who are not yet fsm XIV participants .
      • The meeting initiators are RESPONSIBLE for the meeting and may want to UPDATE AND DOCUMENT the progress of their meeting through their various sessions, using the same MEETING form - (button below) (you can also access a page in a documentation space pfsm20 autodoc space
      • The meeting has several SESSIONS of dialogues and online work. They are documented. the people responsible for the meeting decide when they want to FINISH the survey
      • The meeting is accessible online with an appointment at the time. Appointment arranged through a room-url, with OWN TOOLS 1 / a link of own teleconference, 2 / a group wsp contact room, 3 / "collaborative pad effemero to take notes", possibly a collaborative writing page where everyone can type with their color, setting agenda and gathering notes taken by participants / initiators, indications to futures etc. See the digital basis of work of a meeting 4 / page of self-documentation of the meeting in space pfsm20 autodoc
      • a wsp chat contact room for more consolidated follow-up of the meeting, you can prefigure the workspace of a team that is responsible for an activity or initiative - it can be started before and it can continue after the date JITSIT ONLINE appointment of the meeting.

      To make a meeting announcement with a perspective , first have included in the process participants
      To be included as a participant in the fsm XIV process and in the intercom spaces, click on the "participate form" button below.