• pfsm20 insumo70 en


Current Version

by facilitfsm, modified September 9, 2019

Version 4

by facilitfsm, modified September 9, 2019


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"Glossary proWSFXIV"


A glossary of terms in red proposed from the commission taking care of the intercom- mobilization process to clarify and appropriate more quickly the vocabulary used to explain the forum and participation in thematic spaces and in online encounters located in these spaces.

The glossary also covers more general aspects, black terms, and elements of the FSMXIV event vocabulary terms in blue.It will be presented for examination in the methodology committee

Color code -

In red: item of special interest for those who come to participate in the axes / spaces and intercom encounters

In blackitem of general interest

In blue, more focused on the FSM XIV event (later ...)

globe-logo.png A TO

Activity: face-to-face intercom moment in the event prepared by one or more entities that is included in the event program

Local activity: moment of intercommunication prepared by one or several entities participating in the FSM process outside the time and place of the event.Example of local activity Marcha das margaridas in Brazil valued by the EX005 Women's Axis encounter - Saplings at the Angel CDMX valued by the EX009 Axis encounter let's change the non-climate

Agenda: from the futures calendar, some participating actors may propose “agenda initiatives” that consist of enunciating a political discourse and landing assessing some “priority” actions dates of some “strategic” initiatives to try to empower world campaigns etc.These initiatives can be presented as others in the kiosk and agora of futures ( input 60 )

Agora of futures: final moment of the WSF event in a large horizontal space where each initiative promoting group has a position and where participants intercommunicate on and between initiatives and can make personal or important commitments towards somehttp://openfsm.net/projects/sobre-agora-dos-futuros-fsm2018/agorafsm18-articulo-de-presentacion-marzo-2019/#EN

Areas of methodological work FSM XIV:5 area where particular effort is identified to increase the quality of the process - event -http://openfsm.net/projects/pfsm20/pfsm20-insumo58-en

Articulate: in the pre-event and post-event phase of the FSM XIV process, online encounters allow for dialogue between entities and parties articulations between activities or initiatives already declared on the event website

Assembly: it is a form of self-organized activity that meets criteria established by the FSM collective, and that allows for greater visibility, that is, to be programmed with a lower level of parallelism - In FSM events there are usually 20 to 30 assemblies ( http://openfsm.net/projects/pfsm20/pfsm20-insumo58-en )


Digital baseof an online encounter: Environment that allowscollective online work sessionsfor an online encounter the combination of social network group, teleconference collaborative page - and documentation page.- One keeps in touch, intervenes in verbal discussions and makes collaborative inputs.See Imagehttp://openfsm.net/projects/pfsm20/pfsm20-insumo64-en


FSM XIVfutures calendar: chronological list of public actions dates of the “present” initiatives in the FSM XIV futures ago - The FSM pro group assumes the task of finalizing and publishing this Calendar (see Montreal example - migration forum)

Campaign> Initiative

Intercom layers in the process: there are three layers in the “pyramid” modeling “1 / Intercom procedural layer” - intercom space and encounters based on interactive social network - “2 / Declarative and documentary layer” = event website and discussions related - “3 / In-person event layer” = event - see image on linkhttp://openfsm.net/projects/pfsm20/pfsm20-insumo58-en( input69)

Charter of principles FSM: 2-page document that describes generic values and goals of entities and people participating in the open space of the forum process and confirms some rules of operation: the best known is that you cannot speak on behalf of the forum.

(Auto) Forum coverage by its participants: Fact that participants disseminate in their networks about what they are doing in the WSF

Communicate the Forum:disseminate information on what the WSF is, for what and how you can participate in it.Axis / space facilitators communicate the forum in their thematic space, and in the encounters located in it

How to come in a thematic space?direct path: Fill out the “participate form” (click on the participate form button)http://openfsm.net/projects/pfsm20/#ENIndirectpath: come or be invited / included in an informative perspective encoutner (T0 or G0 ) Be informed through questions and answers about what and how to participate and then fill out the form (laminate meetings T0 G0)

How to come in an encounter ?Receive an invitation from the people responsible for the encounter, who can circulate them in a thematic space, or in their own networks.You can also ask to receive an invitation to thematic space facilitators

How to start an encounter ?fill out the encounter form accessible here:http://openfsm.net/projects/pfsm20/pfsm20-pagina-info-lista-de-encuentrosYou can fill out this form only after being included as a participant through the form participate

Content:the contents produced in the WSF process (discussions on activities, declarations) are the responsibility of the participating entities and are the political dimension in the forum.The FSM collective produces private content as an “invitation to participate in the open space, describing how the process methodology will be, and how to participate.

Creation of a new thematic axis: it is done when there are some people who proposed something new, which was not considered in other axes.A generic formulation is sought to interest more people.It is intended to host up to 30 axes in the intercommunication process from mid to 2020. These axes process would not be the same a priori as axes for the event program (see discussions in GTCI Bogota)


Development and care of the intercom process: itis a common task of the facilitators of thematic spaces gathered in the commission Care of the process: Populate the spaces with active participants and that are multipliers- linkhttp://openfsm.net/projects/pfsm20/pfsm20-comision-cuidado-del-proceso - (see input 64 and input 69)

Dialogue> intercom

Disks> modeling disks - which allows to show the generic route of participants in the fsm - each disc is a form of participation - encounters in intercom spaces - activities without relation to initiatives - activities related to initiatives - agora of future final moments of the forum being projected in future actions - dates actions outside the forum(see images here)

Basic distinctions>Participate/ Facilitate & Content / Format of participation.Having these two connected distinctions in mind is a good compass in practice

Diversity: presence of many different participants in their culture, identity, vision, mode of action and that fit in the horizontal open space conceptually and politically defined by the letter of principles.This diversity is necessary so that the process can fulfill its anti-hegemonic function of incubating very diverse alliances for another possible world.

Self Documentation: act of gathering elements of documentation on a encounter , activity or initiative that some people or a group of entities assumes or promotes - see the estacio autodoc for the encounter placed in the intercom process


(no) editorialization: monitoring that the FSM pro collective will not create editorial content on the forum that goes beyond the facilitating role of the FSM collective, for example by generating a political discourse implicitly on behalf of the forum, beyond the generic discourse of the letter of principles

EIXT EIXG:these acronyms are for " Thematic (or Geographical ) Mexican Intercom Spaces"

Thematic axis process> see thematic space.These are keywords that allow participants to meet for shared interest in broad traits and place online encounters in the procedural layer.There would be discussion later on the formulation of “thematic axes of the WSF XIV event”, where to locate activities and initiatives.http://openfsm.net/projects/pfsm20/pfsm20-ejes-tematicos

Onlineencounters: moment of intercommunication with several online sessions, a perspective and a thematic or geographical location, proposed by people in semi-formal relationship to participating entities.It is located in the intercommunication process layer see lamina byhttp://openfsm.net/projects/pfsm20/pfsm20-insumo69/#4

Participating entity: = movement organization that is publicly recognized as a “participant” in the “process” as these two notions are described in the WSF letter of principles as the political participants in the WSF “the political dimension is among the participating organizations / entities The encouters are driven by people, with the support of their organizations, - the activities and initiatives are in the name of groups and entities that co-prepare them co-promote - as they assume co-document

FSM horizontal openspace: conceptual space, where people and entities that participate in the FSM process converge to intercommunicate through encounters or activities (process layer process modeling).The encounters of the thematic and geographical spaces in the first months of the process is more or less this opne conceptual space and they imply it online

Thematic intercom space: part of the conceptual open space of the WSF XIV brings together individual participants who are interested in the same theme in broad strokes.~ 30 geographical spaces (process layer modeling process)http://openfsm.net/projects/pfsm20/pfsm20-ejes-tematicosandhttp://openfsm.net/projects/pfsm20/pfsm20-insumo51

Geographic intercom space: part of the FSM XIV conceptual open space brings together individual participants who are located in the same geographic area ~ 20 geographical spaceshttp://openfsm.net/projects/pfsm20/pfsm20-areas-geograficas

Pfsm20 webspace:publication space on openfsm.net that allows you to document the FSM XIV process and locate the first version of the spaces and encounters device of the FSM XIñ process layer home page

Event-Process-space FSM XIV(2 years 3 layers 4 phases) see process, see pyramid modeling (input58 and input 69)

FSM XIV event: concentration of activities in the same place and time.The use of the word "event" is reserved for this.the other meetings are encounters or local activities or central activities (in the event) - vefr macro programming of the event (input58)

EX025:this acronym is for Encuentro 25 in Mexico process - see list of encounters


Phase in the FSM XIV process: period in the process: 1 process construction - 2 pre event 3 event -4 post event (see “pyramid” modeling)http://openfsm.net/projects/pfsm20/pfsm20-insumo58/

Facilitate the FSM XIV process: action to help make the forum process possible by doing necessary tasks to make it happen or be of better quality.Facilitate is a service to the community of participants, it focuses on defining and implementing forms of participation.It does not consist of working contents that are the political responsibility of participating entities.Facilitating is different from participating where person or entity seeks to achieve their participation goals and promote their specific content

Facilitate a theme / thematic space: encourage more people and entities to come to the open space, know for what and how to participate, as well as encourage that there are many good quality encounters, that there is presence of a great diversity of actors etc.There may be several facilitators for the same axis / space.Facilitators can propose T0 or G0 perspective encounters to communicate the forum for what and how to participatesee directions herehttp://openfsm.net/projects/pfsm20/pfsm20-insumo51and herehttp://openfsm.net/projects/pfsm20/pfsm20-insumo53

Public action date (linked to an initiative): action of all types defined (non-violent) in date and place to influence reality according to the goals of an Initiative.Actions can be classified according to the level of commitment required by those who make them (- Can be assembled in a calendar of futures

Form of participation in fsm process XIV: modalities according to which one participates.The main forms identified are;Encounters, Activity, Assembly, Initiative, Kiosk, Agora (http://openfsm.net/projects/pfsm20/pfsm20-insumo60-en

“Encounter form”: online form that allows a person who is already a participant in the FSMXIV process to announce an online encounter with a location and perspectivehttp://openfsm.net/projects/pfsm20/pfsm20-insumo72-en

“Participate form”:online form that allows a person to assert themselves as a participant in the FSM XIV processhttp://openfsm.net/projects/pfsm20


(Against) Hegemonic:The WSF process as defined in the letter of principles has a character against neoliberal hegemony in local alliances with other forces.This character is affirmed if it reaches many presences and participations in the open space of the forum.

Horizontality:the open space defined by the letter of principles is horizontal.There is no hierarchy of values or actors or priorities in the forum methodology.The visibility of the actors in the open space under all its dimensions, in particular on the event website, must be equitable


Drivers of a encounter: >> responsible - are the people who announce a encounter and take responsibility for the - start - end - sessions - agenda and session methodology using the digital work base lhttp://openfsm.net/projects/pfsm20/pfsm20-insumo69/#4

IncludeIn the open space FSM: As the space is open, it is a voluntary act of each person to declare themselves as a participant according to the letter of principles.It is done through a form visible herehttp://openfsm.net/projects/pfsm20There can always be criticism and complaint that an entity that declares itself a participant does not have the generic values of the letter of principles in practice.The responsibility of dealing with the case is with the FSM collective.It is easier if this appears visibly in the production of content by the entity

Initiative (Description of):= struggle, campaign, project, initiative to resist or build towards another possible world, announced by a group of participating entities.This description is expected to share goals, organizational tasks and 1 to 3 “public actions dates” that allow showing the modalities of impact of the initiative on the reality that is intended to transform.http://openfsm.net/projects/pfsm20/pfsm20-insumo60

Intercommunication: dialogue between participants in the process.Intercommunication is a dialogue and differs from communication that is often unilateral from sender to receiver.Dialogue is the engine of the WSF - The dialogue advances collectively and evolves personally.This is the commitment of the FSM as an intercom process: the quality dialogue is the engine, the reactor of the FSM process and it can also be said, the dignifier of the participants


(en) Line:online participation is a key element for the reality of the international WSF XIV process.It takes several forms:
1 / online encounters in the intercom procedural layer throughout the process, through the "digital base" the encounterlinkhttp://openfsm.net/projects/pfsm20/pfsm20-insumo64/#basedigital- All participants are online 2 / Online participation in local face-to-face activities throughout the process or in activities at the FSM XIV event - adding live video - some participants are online others stay in face-to-face interactions

Encounter ListIt is located here from EX001 EX002 EXO33 uphttp://openfsm.net/projects/pfsm20/pfsm20-pagina-info-lista-de-encuentros

Fight> Initiative


Mature activity or initiative: an online encounter of perspective T3 or T4 allows you to find allies to mature an activity or an initiative that will then be declared on the event website.http://openfsm.net/projects/pfsm20/pfsm20-insumo69/#4

Collective Menu:gives access to information about the profsm collectivehttp://openfsm.net/projects/pfsm20

Intercom Menu:gives access to information about spaces and encountershttp://openfsm.net/projects/pfsm20

Methodology:What has to do with the definition and implementation of forms and modalities of participation for the concretization of the FSM process - FSM methodology (former commission methodology of the IC)

"Pyramid" modeling: proposed "pyramid-shaped" description of the FSM XIV process - with 3 layers and 4 phases -http://openfsm.net/projects/pfsm20/pfsm20-insumo58-en seeinput 69

Modeling "disk": proposal of description "in the form of disks and circles" of the FSM XIV process showing the potential route of participants from the center in intercom spaces through encounters, then moving on to activities, then moving on to initiatives, and committing themselves out of space open on public actions dates of initiatives - ( see images here )

Final moment of the event:> Agora of futures, in coherence with articles 6 and 7 of the letter of principles - see macro programming input 58 - see article fsm 2018 Agora


Info page of a space / thematic or geographical axis: a page where there is a small text about the space and the list of descriptions of encounters that are located by their imputers in this space - which is a sub part of the general list of encounters.Here the info page of spaces 01 - change the system, not the weather

Parallelism in the event: itis the name of simultaneous activities in the same turn in the event among which participants have to choose - The level of parallelism is higher between activities than between assemblies - Collective entities can always send delegates to several simultaneous activities .(see input 58)

(Recognize) Participant: People who come to contribute to facilitating tasks in the FSM collective or who announce encounters in the intercom procedural layer must be recognized as FSM participants must be included through the participant formhttp://openfsm.net/projects/pfsm20

The entities that contribute to the FSM collective must also be recognized as FSM participants by means of a public letter -the entities prepare activities in the event ratify that they are recognized as participants by means of the activity announcement form or they can fill out a formulary "participant entity" (to be created )

Participant: a person who is publicly recognized as a "participant" in the "process" as these notions are described in the WSF Charter of Principles, with the difference that it is a person and not a collective entity.Share in particular generic values and goals described in the letter.Note that a person cannot announce an activity or an initiative, but can announce encounters online, in relation to organizations with which it relates

Perspectives of an online encounter: When a encounter is announced, it must be explained: what is it for?What is your perspective?and choose, in the encounter form, between 5 possible perspectives for the proposed intercommunication encounterin a thematic space - T0: information on what and how to participate in the thematic space, T1: subject exploration, T2: assessment of local activities, T3: maturation of an activity and T4: maturation of an initiative.If it is a meeting in a geographical space, choose between 3 possible perspectives.G0: for what and how to participate in FSM from an area G1: exchanges between participants of a geographic, G2: preparation of delegation to CDMX - see list of perspectives here


Participant profile: Two senses 1 / self-descriptive, anonymized and public that allows other people who participate to know who is who.http://openfsm.net/projects/pfsm20/pfsm20-participaciones2 / list of interactive groups in which a person is included at any given time in the process - see insujmo69 -http://openfsm.net/projects/pfsm20/pfsm20-insumo69/#1

Pyramid:graphic model of representation of the process - event with layers of interecomunicaicon (through social networks, - through website - through face-to-face) and phases (start - pre-sale - event - post event)


Policy:the letter of principles is a document that politically locates the WSF open space - hence the specific political dimension is between the organizations participating entities through the contents and commitments that are constructed through activities and initiatives.

Prepare an activity:(phase 2): the fact of preparing specifically an announced activity - actors approach methodology agenda etc.

Process FSM XIV= Process-event-space FSM - duration 2 years, see pyramid modeling (intercom 58 - intercom 69)

FSM XIV Program: List of activities proposed by entities participating in the FSM XIV event, with place, day, and shift.The FSM collective assumes the task of finalizing and publishing this program - see the Montréal and Salvador programhttps://fsm2016.org/en/and salvador 2018https://wsf2018.org/en

Promote an initiative:promoting an initiative in the WSF process and the event, proposing to present it in several activities, presenting it in the kiosk and in the agora, articulating it with other etc ... (see input 60 and input 58)

Draft> Initiative


Futures kiosk: physical place in the event - web page where the descriptions of initiatives are presented during the pre-event and event phase is where futra futures and futures calendar are prepared see input 58 in macro programming -


Responsible for an encounter : mSon are the people who announced the encounter, and are responsible for proposing agenda, and appointments for sessions.Decide when the encounterends after a certain number of sessions, when progress has been made towards the perspective defined for the encounter

WSF XIV Result: the autodoc reports of the activities, the Kiosk and futures calendar are tangible and communicable results.They are not the only ones.The popular university part has many results in terms of life trajectories that are more qualitative


Session of a encounter : moment of collective online dialogue using the digital basis of the encounter between two sessions the communication is done by chat and in the collaborative pad.A encounter has a certain number of sessions scheduled by the people responsible for the encounter-http://openfsm.net/projects/pfsm20/pfsm20-insumo69/#4

FSM XIV event website: website that implements the declarative layer of the process and allows to include as a participant, create entities and announce, on behalf of a list of entities, some initiative activities or descriptions - example of Montreal 2016 siteshttps: // fsm2016.org/es/and salvador 2018https://wsf2018.org/


Shift in the event: time period of 2 to 3 hours in several days the event: morning shift, lunch shift, afternoon shift and night shift.The activities last a shift in general, and at the end of the shift, the participants change to another activity.This allows to structure the program of the event.http://openfsm.net/projects/pfsm20/pfsm20-insumo58


University of popular education: the WSF event has this dimension of popular education


Assess a local activity:through an online encounter of perspective T2 in the intercom procedural layer, you can assess a local activity and its themes, and put people interested in the topic or activity in contact with the invitation to participate in the forum.See EX006 EX005 in the list of encounters:http://openfsm.net/projects/pfsm20/pfsm20-pagina-info-lista-de-encuentros

Generic values letter of principles.prescribed for participants see articles 14 8 10 12http://openfsm.net/projects/pfsmm/pfsmm18-valores-y-metas-genericos-carta-fsm/#ES