• pfsm20 insumo78 en

Wiki modificadas recientemente May 9, 2020 por facilitfsm


@0 Lexicon 12 terms - 
@1 What is the forum? - - @2 participate - @3 communicate it - @4 facilitate - @5 initial participation - @6 participation in the event - @7 after the event


logo-sitioweb1.png FAQ (siteprov) - logo-sitioweb1.png VISIT (siteprov)  

welcome-encounter-EN2.png  logo-spaces-participation-initial-fsmxiv.png

Questions and answers "Communicating the WSF"

version in evolution taking into account feedback of the participants in host meetings in various thematic spaces 

AUTOMATIC TRANSLATION FROM SPANISH which is with some flaws   -  The active links are translated , y you want to access the original links copy paste the explicit link in another tab of your browser


globe-logo.png 0 Lexico of 12 terms to self guide as a participant in the event process fsm 2021

  • This document is a proposal for the FAQs on the fsm 2021 website.
  • ACTIVITY AT WSF 2021 (event phase)> It is the best known form of participation: the forum as a space for self-organized meetings. It is a time of 2 to 3 hours at the WSF 2021 event to discuss a topic in a room, which is self-organized by one or better several organizations. If you are at the FSM 2021 EVENT, the physical room is generally defined by the facilitator group. It can also be LOCAL activity outside the event, it can be face-to-face or online or mixed. In this case, it remains informal, unless it is included as a SESSION of a self-organized online multi-session MEETING
  • THEMATIC AXES EVENT FSM2021 (January 2021 Mexico City) > These spaces are part of the immaterial open space for dialogues of the FSM2021 event-process, in its event phase. The themes are discussed internationally in co-responsibility between the IC and the facilitating collective. They will be finalized in a convening meeting of the WSF 2021 event that would take place in June 2020. These spaces are where to place ACTIVITIES (moments of dialogues of a few hours prepared by groups of participating organizations) self-organized, and PRESENTATIONS OF self-organized INITIATIVES (struggles, campaigns, transformative projects) assumed by coalitions of organizations, which involve PUBLIC ACTION DATES that may be decentralized and therefore have great visibility. This series of axes is supposed to cover all topics since WSF 2021 is multi-themed.The activities are related by their organizers to one or more of these topics. The axis is a category Sometimes in the event the activities that are related to the same axis are located in the same physical group of rooms. These axes are not the same thing as the initial phase thematic spaces
  • ONLINE PLURI-SESSION MEETINGS (initial phase 2020)  > This form of participation basically online is proposed for the entire initial phase of the WSF 2021 event-process (and beyond) and is not formally connected to the event. An Encounter is a COMMUNICATIVE PROCESS, focused on a TOPIC and with an invitation and a PERSPECTIVE made explicit by those who organize it. These may be your FACILITATORS, (if it is a host meeting) or their RESPONSIBLE (if it is a self-organized meeting. A meeting is not a simple meeting, but involves two or more interactive SESSIONS with a chat time between them. This multi-format -Session allows dialogue advancing towards the formulated perspective The sessions are firstly online and can be with face-to-face part supported by LOCAL ACTIVITY. 
  • ESPACIO ABIERTO FSM  (general) > Es el concepto, expuesto en la carta de principios del FSM, de espacio abierto político de diálogos. Este espacio puede aparecer, durante el proceso FSM 2021, como reunión de espacios temáticos y geográficos inmateriales, que están poblados por les participantes en el proceso, mediante ENCUENTROS EN LÍNEA PLURI-SESIONES, con chats en redes sociales y sesiones interactivas en línea, que pueden respaldarse en actividades locales, Este espacio puede también aparecer durante los 5 días del evento FSM 2021como un TERRITORIO FÍSICO en la ciudad de México poblado de actividades y presentaciones de iniciativas 
  • GEOGRAPHICAL SPACES WSF2021 PROCESS (initial phase) > These spaces are part of the immaterial open space of dialogues of the WSF2021 process, they bring together self-organized meetings that focus on geographic problems of PARTICIPATING IN THE PROCESS “FROM A PARTICULAR PLACE, a city, a country, etc. ”There they host a host meeting by geographical area and self-organized multi-session meetings, with sessions that are supported by local activities. 
  • INITIAL THEMATIC SPACES WSF 2021 PROCESS (initial phase) > Estos espacios son parte del espacio abierto inmaterial de diálogos del proceso FSM2021, en su fase inicial, antes de que se abran las inscripciones hacia el evento FSM2021 para actividades e iniciativas. Estos espacios de fase inicial son donde ubicar encuentros auto organizados que se tienen como PERSPECTIVA enfocar en problemática temática explorar tópicos, valorar actividades locales, madurar actividades e iniciativas que serán trabajado hacía, en, y después del evento ” Ahí se colocan un ENCUENTRO DE ACOGIDA por temática, facilitado desde el colectivo mexicano, y los ENCUENTROS PLURI-SESIONES AUTO ORGANIZADOS, (muchas veces con carácter transversal o sea colocados en varios espacios temáticos), con sesiones que se respaldan en actividades locales. Es de notar que las temáticas son propuestas desde el colectivo facilitador mexicano para estructurar esta fase inicial, y no son las temáticas formuladas para el evento FSM2021
  • FACILITATION FSM2021: They are all the tasks that consist of defining and implementing the times and forms of the space -process -event of the WSF. The definition is more the METHODOLOGICAL part, and the implementation more the logistical and communicational part. Facilitation is a co-responsibility between the facilitating collective (which has commissions and volutaries) and the international council (which also has commissions). The FACILITATION TASKS that aim to sustain the FORM of the process are distinguished from the ACTS OF PARTICIPATION where individuals and organizations work their goals and expectations producing on their behalf POLITICAL CONTENTS in the forum. Facilitation involves the cooperation of many entities and individuals who take as a reference a WSF framework that is made up of the letter of principles,of the principle of shared responsibility CI - collective facilitator and of decisions by consensus / consent in and between CI and collective.
  • INITIATIVES at WSF 2021 (event phase)(presentations of initiatives) - Initiative is a GENERIC WORD to speak of STRUGGLES, HOODS, PROJECTS AND TRANSFORMING PRACTICES, assumed by certain actors, that are deployed over long periods of months to years, in the daily actions of the organizations participating in the WSF process They are what is done for another possible world, and each one is made visible with some symbolic or operative DATES ACTIONS. THE PRESENTATION AND PROMOTION OF AN INITIATIVE IN THE FORUM is a “form of participation”, complementary to the PREPARATION OF AN ACTIVITY; This form makes these initiatives more visible in the space-process of the forum: it stimulates in a decentralized way their presentation, discussion, articulation, planning, in a part of the self-organized activities. In turn, this visibility stimulates the articulation, the launch,and the reinforcement of these initiatives and allows to assemble, without formal prioritization, a CALENDAR OF DATES ACTIONS that is a result of the event that can be widely publicized. It is noteworthy that, beyond DIRECT INITIATIVES, with their goals, tasks, actions, etc., there may be COMPOUND INITIATIVES that focus on proposing to the participants in the process some NARRATIVES AND AGENDAS, based on a selection of direct initiatives. The two forms of initiatives are formally treated in the same way in the facilitation of the forum, and are reinforced with the free SUPPORT of the participants to certain initiatives.with their goals, tasks, actions, etc., there may be COMPOUND INITIATIVES that focus on proposing to the participants in the process some NARRATIVES AND AGENDAS, based on a selection of direct initiatives. The two forms of initiatives are formally treated in the same way in the facilitation of the forum, and are reinforced with the free SUPPORT of the participants to certain initiatives.with their goals, tasks, actions, etc., there may be COMPOUND INITIATIVES that focus on proposing to the participants in the process some NARRATIVES AND AGENDAS, based on a selection of direct initiatives. The two forms of initiatives are formally treated in the same way in the facilitation of the forum, and are reinforced with the free SUPPORT of the participants to certain initiatives. 
  • CONFIRMAD @ S PARTICIPANT in FSM2021: Participants are those who are included through the contact-inclusion form and CONFIRMADXS participants are those who "recognize themselves as a participant in the process such as these two words are described in the letter of principles". This recognition confirms that an individual or organization is a conscious actor in the political process that is the forum, aware of the IDELOGICAL LOCATION of the forum space and its PRINCIPLES OF OPERATION 
  • FSM PROCESS: The world social forum has, since 2001, been defined as a continuous process of meetings with various perspectives, functions described in article 1 of the letter of principles. ” intensify reflection, carry out a democratic debate of ideas, prepare proposals, establish a free exchange of experiences and articulate effective actions - These meetings-dialogues-activities-sessions unfold over time and are located in an immaterial space for dialogues governed by the LETTER OF PRINCIPLES - This process in the most general sense includes several statements with facilitation responsibility unit. The most common form of manifestation of the general process is that of PROCESS-EVENT, which includes the ante during and after an "event", which names a concentration of activities in a physical place and a date,and it can last between one and two years. To date, there have been 13 WSF process-events with the co-responsibility of the WSF International Council since 2021. Mexico would be the XIV edition. On the other hand, there are other processes-events- or succession of event process on a local, national, thematic scale, etc., whose manifestations are partially seen in a WSF calendar of events.
  • SESSION OF A MEETING (initial phase): It is an interactive online moment of one to 3 hours. This moment can be supported, or not, in a LOCAL ACTIVITY in person. This moment is included in a PLURI SESSION MEETING - A session is like an online meeting, but at the same time it is integrated into a more lasting communicative process that is the meeting. The SESSION CALENDAR, which groups the sessions of the active meetings, is a useful document to guide and include in meetings that interest an individual and participating organization
  • LEXIC more detailed see this input 26 (written in May-July 2019 and which can be updated  http://openfsm.net/projects/pfsm20/pfsm20-insumo26


globe-logo.png1What is the world social forum?

1What is the world social forum?

The forum is an exceptional experience and a humane social and political process that was born in January 2001. It is known to millions of people, although few have had the opportunity to participate in more than one of its 13 editions http://openfsm.net/ projects / fsm-wsf / fsmwsf-wsf-event-editions . Now in 2020 or 2021 the XIV edition would be focused on Mexico.   


What is the plan of this document questions and answers?


2 Participate in the GENERAL forum - RUMBO AL EVENTO


4 Contribute to the facilitation of the forum FACILITATE THE PROCESS VOLUNTARY EVENT IN THE EVENT


6 What else about participation in the preparation of the event GENERAL - ACTIVITIES - INITIATIVES - FINAL TIME

7 What happens after the event PARTICIPATING FACILITATORS 


What is the forum?

It is a process of dialogical intercommunication between people and civil society organizations that act for "another possible world", more formally between those who consider themselves participants in the WSF process as "participants" and "process" are described in the letter of principles of the forum http://openfsm.net/projects/ic-methodology/charter-fsm-wsf-es


What is the forum for?

The forum, in the letter of principles, is a space, a process, a tool, an event (and not an actor), which has FUNCTIONS defined in article 1 of the letter: intensify reflection, conduct a democratic debate, prepare proposals, establish an exchange of experience, and articulate effective actions, 


How is the forum made possible?

The forum is made possible by the tasks of facilitating the forum

 A profound question for the forum facilitators who cooperate to keep the process active, is “How are we going to implement“ forms of participation ”, so that the functions of the forum are well implemented, through intercommunication between participants using these forms, and that the forum is an attractive space (with a "narrative goal" of political invitation to the forum) and that the participants feel empowered in the horizontal space of the forum so that it serves them better as a tool for these functions described in this article 1 of the letter,

Since when does it exist?

Since 2001, the world SOCIAL forum was conceived in counterpoint to the world economic forum in Davos that has existed since 1971 and promotes neoliberalism https://www.weforum.org/

What is the motto of the forum?

"An other world is possible" (that the world resulting from neoliberal policies that has been deployed since the 1970s)  

How is your story?

There is no official story of course. There are elements on these sheets http://openfsm.net/projects/pfsm20/pfsm20-insumo38


How is the forum process concretely presented?

As a succession of "manifestations of the forum process" mainly process-events in time and space see the slide http://openfsm.net/projects/gti-and-wsf/gtiandwsf-input7-formal-view-wsf-es /#1 B

there is the world social forum, there are thematic social forums, there are extension dynamics

See the scheme layers and phases to visualize a process-event

What are the three scales of use of the word “process” in the WSF context? 

1 / There is the use in relation to an event, the vision is expanded to say that the construction of an event from 2 to 5 days, and the post event is an intercommunicative process that lasts between one and two years. 

Here is a proposed visualization of this 'event' scale http://openfsm.net/projects/pfsm20/pfsm20-insumo58/#marcocomun  

2 / There is the chronological use to designate a succession in time of event editions of the same thematic focus, and of the global WSF event itself   

3 / There is the use of the letter of principles that says in article 2 and 3 that the forum is a process. here we consider a global vision involving various processes in the sense 2 -  

Here is a proposed visualization of this 'global' scale    http://openfsm.net/projects/gti-and-wsf/gtiandwsf-input7-formal-view-wsf-en/#1B


How does the general process of the forum appear in sense 3?

A visualization can be a calendar of events  http://openfsm.net/projects/wsf2012-support/wsf2018-calendar/#list    with several categories 1 the social forums themselves, 2 activities placed in the process 3 events whose organizers are considered participants in the process - 4 events whose organizers agree to appear on the calendar

Who is the forum for?

For individuals and civil society organizations that consider themselves participants in the WSF process as participants and process are described in the letter of principles. This implies sharing the generic values ​​and goals that are explained in the letter.

Some participation acts such as organizing activities or announcing initiatives are reserved to collective entities. A person cannot do them. In the forum, the actions of collective entities of civil society are valued.

In what is the forum process potentially counter-hegemonic?

In that the form of open space in all its manifestations can be replicated on various scales and thematic approaches and thus create a kind of fabric of spaces where increasingly numerous participating entities remain interconnected in intercommunication and can more easily articulate initiatives of a larger size with decentralized public actions. In this way, it is possible to reach a size that begins to influence the course of the political and economic social dynamics (transforming economies)   

How is the political sense of the forum constituted?

It is constituted as the addition of multiple participations of a diversity of entities that produce in their activities contents that aim to have political impact, either in a deferred way, for being the transmission of experience, or in a more direct way, for being initiatives with a social projection and economy. policy, taking the form of date-action of all kinds and sizes, starting with pronouncements, and all with an explanation of which entities promote and support them.  

Where have been the last manifestations of the event process of world social forum?

In montreal 2016 35,000 people in Salvador de Bahía 2018 70,000 people. Here we talk about editions / events of the world social forum.   

There are other social forum processes that also have events (less important in size) - they appear in the WSF event calendar here with category 1 in the second column “events with social forum methodology http://openfsm.net/projects/wsf2012 -support / wsf2018-calendar / # list 

Is there an indication of how to navigate the respective sites that are still online?

www.fsm2016.org see indications about people groups / entities activities initiatives actions http://openfsm.net/projects/pfsm20/pfsm20-insumo57/#cronogeventoMontreal 

www.wsf2018.org see indications about people groups / entities activities http://openfsm.net/projects/pfsm20/pfsm20-insumo57/#cronogeventoSalvador   and its final agora  


How is the world social forum social forum event presented? 

The event is like a university with more or less 1000 “activities” of all kinds, self-organized by participating organizations, in parallel for 3 time shifts per day, for 4 days - the diagram here gives an idea of ​​the macro programming of the event , with turns for activities and turns for common moments (march - food - agora of futures) 

http://openfsm.net/projects/pfsm20/pfsm20-insumo58/#macroprogrmaciones see pictures 1 and 2

What are the "promises" that participants or facilitators can see in the forum? 

The promise of many contacts and information - the forum as a university of popular education

The promise of many articulations - the forum as a strategic space to reach great initiatives from large coalitions

What are the "results" of the forum? 

Informal Results: are the encounters and experiences lived by participants 

More formal results: these are the expressions of articulations that can be made on the occasion of the forum, declarations, initiatives 

Who represents the forum?

The forum is a space and cannot be represented as regards the content of the intercommunications between participants. Regarding the methodology, the WSF International Council (CI) is the custodian of the charter of principles, the modifications of which can be made by consensus. The group facilitating a process-event can express itself on the preparation and methodology of an event,

Neither the IC nor the facilitating Collective have in their role to make pronouncements as entities which de facto would place them in the role of implicit spokespersons / representatives "of the forum"

Who can speak on behalf of the forum? 

As article 6 of the letter of principles says very explicitly http://openfsm.net/projects/ic-methodology/charter-fsm-wsf-es no one can speak on behalf of the forum, despite temptations that may exist. On the other hand, all participating entities and even more entity coalitions can speak on their own behalf on the occasion of the forum, which is a political space

Who funds the forum? 

There are voluntary contributions in kind from voluntary organizations and individuals. There are the resources of the inscriptions in the social forum events. There are donor institutions. There are in-kind contributions from governments that logistically support the events.


What are the main confusions regarding the understanding of what is the forum? 

Here is a text that describes 4 confusions: confusing participation and facilitating - confusing the facilitating collective and the forum, or the International Council and the forum - Confusing that the notion of consensus applies - Speaking of the forum as if it were an actor. It is described in more detail here   http://openfsm.net/projects/pfsm20/pfsm20-insumo78



Why are the words process-event-space-tool used to describe the forum?

These words highlight that the forum is not a network or an organization, but a horizontal space and that the political actors are the participants and the facilitators who are also participants.

A forum “event” (physical encounter of hundreds to tens of thousands of people) is the culmination of an intercommunicative process in the “conceptual space” that has been implemented well before the event through preparatory meetings and many online intercommunications. 

The word "process" conveys the idea that they are actors who make the intercommunicative process work, participating, and facilitating but that it is not a "movement"

The word "tool" conveys the idea that it is the participants who use the forum, and not the forum that brings things to the participants. Participants define their participation goals and organize their participation accordingly, using the "forms of participation" that are defined by the facilitating groups of each manifestation of the process.

What is the originality of the world social forum?

Its originality is that it is conceived as horizontal and its designers do not see it as an organization, network, movement, actor, political subject, but as a process -space- event- tool.

"The forum" as a space, is not an actor, does not "do" anything. It is a process that is designed / maintained by facilitators and appropriate / used by participants

What is the relationship between the world social forum and the internet?

The possibility of concretely implementing the world social forum starting in 2001 rests on the existence of electronic mail that became widespread in the 1990s, at the beginning of the internet age. 

Now the challenge is to fully use the social networks that have developed in the last decade and allow rapid and massive citizen organization phenomena that have occurred since 2011   

Why is there so much talk about the "WSF Charter of Principles"?

The letter of principles is the reference document of the WSF process that defines it, formalizes it, with its originality of open and horizontal spaces. It is worth reading and commenting on it. http://openfsm.net/projects/ic-methodology/charter-fsm-wsf-es

What is in this letter?

The letter of principles 

- ideologically locates the WSF process prescribing the generic values ​​and goals of its participants (articles 1 4 8 10 11 12 http://openfsm.net/projects/pfsmm/pfsmm18-valores-y-metas-genericos-carta-fsm/# IS ) 

- defines the forum process as a meeting space (article 1) and not as an organization that has leaders who can represent it and speak on its behalf (article 6)

-Gives facilitators the task of disseminating agreements made in the forum without priority or hierarchy (Article 7) 


When was this letter instituted?

In June 2001, a few months after the first event of the World Social Forum of 20,000 people in Porto Alegre in southern Brazil, at a meeting that instituted an international council of the WSF, bringing together representatives of more or less 100 networks of civil society organizations whose task is to take care of the process that was put into perspective in the letter (articles 2 and 3)  

Is there another reference document in the WSF? 

In addition to the letter, which is more a document about "what" and "why" and "who", there is a document more focused on "how". It is called "guiding principles of 2008/2011 how to organize an fsm event" http://openfsm.net/projects/ic-methodology/metcom-pgoex

“FSM = Open space”, which means open?

That any person or organization can come into the space on the condition of publicly recognizing themselves as participants in the WSF process as participants and process are described in the letter of principles. Of course, there may be answers from other participants, but they come later and are processed by the facilitating collective. 

A task for facilitators creating an FSM open space is to process responses or maintain a limited participation profile for participants whose values ​​or practices are not consistent with the letter. (The facilitating group may not include in the program an activity proposed by a participating organization if its content seems incompatible with the values ​​of the letter)

FSM = Open space ”, which means space?

Space is a meeting place for many things, see article 1 of the letter http://openfsm.net/projects/pfsm20/pfsm20-insumo38/#5. Space Means that the forum is not network, organization movement

See the article “FSM space or organization? Proposed by a group of historical forum facilitators ” http://openfsm.net/projects/wsfic_fsmci/salvador17-input18

What is the work of participating organizations in the open forum space?

Each participating organization organizes its time according to its participation goals (what do we expect from our participation in this forum?) And all its acts are voluntary. 

How do participating organizations coexist in the open forum space

The forum is not a place of general consensus. 

On the contrary, it is a space for voluntary dialogues, seeking to understand differences. Or looking to articulate affinities. 4 levels of relationship between organizations in space can be distinguished:

  • 1 / the absence of relationship because they do not know each other or they know each other and do not want to meet because they have differences, or they have not identified possible cooperations
  • 2 / the dialogue of visions, to recognize oneself without pretending to more, identifying differences or divergences. 
  • 3 / dialogue towards cooperation on goals identified as common.
  • 4 / the dialogue to merge in case of a broad correspondence of visions

Are there other views of the forum than as space?

Yes. There is also next to the vision of the "forum-space", a vision of the "forum-movement", or movement of movements that resembles the forum to a political subject, to a network, or even to an organization, to something that can be represented. 

This vision is in tension with article 6 of the letter, with the vision of the forum space where the political dimension is among the participants, (see http://openfsm.net/projects/gti-and-wsf/gtiandwsf-input7- formal-view-wsf-en / # 2 ) 

Where do you see the debates between these visions?

They are seen in text circulating on the international council mailing list, for example http://openfsm.net/projects/wsfic_fsmci/salvador17-input18/#ES in March 2018 revisiting the problematic WSF space or organization

They are seen in discussions at specific sites (in this case an Anglophone site and here is the Spanish translation of the 16 texts)  http://openfsm.net/projects/gti-and-wsf/gtiandwsf-farewelltowsf-discussion-input0- is where inputs 1 4 13 go to the actor / movement / representation forum side, and inputs 5 6 7 11 15 are in favor of a forum space where participating entities are political actors


What are the challenges with the forum at the global level?

Among the main challenges for those who want to develop the forum process and its counter-hegemonic potential are:

1-empower young people to use the forum process with their digital practices of social networks for their struggles of the XXI century- see the thematic space Youth in the XXI century http://openfsm.net/projects/pfsm20/pfsm20-pagina-info -space-intercom11

2-deepen the methodology so that "the process" appears more than "the event", and is accessible beyond distances, that the actions of participants are mutually visible, ( http://openfsm.net/projects/gti- and-wsf / gtiandwsf-input7-formal-view-wsf-en / # 6 )

3-consolidate a self-sustaining facilitating community that does not depend directly on external resources http://openfsm.net/projects/gti-and-wsf/gtiandwsf-input7-formal-view-wsf-en/#7 )

4-use corporate or alternative social networks in a counter-hegemonic way in the implementation of the forum process see here corporate option http://openfsm.net/projects/pfsm20/pfsm20-insumo64 see here alternative option: http://openfsm.net/projects / irsd / irsd-text-apresentacao-maio

5-resist permanent temptations to “make the forum space speak” ( http://openfsm.net/projects/gti-and-wsf/gtiandwsf-input7-formal-view-wsf-en/#2 )



Where is the documentation on the forum?

The forum process has been based mainly on large events, which implies a complete recreation at each event. There was a continuity of an FSM office in Brazil until 2012, but its memory is currently inaccessible. The most important document corpus to date is http://www.openfsm.net

What is openfsm.net?

It is a website that was started by the communication commission of the international council in 2008. It has a horizontal structure that is somewhat surprising at first contact. In fact it is a container of spaces / projects all of identical structure, which has a wiki and rights / membership system, and mailing lists. http://openfsm.net/projects/openfsm-info 

Its operation was financed with fsm budget for more than 10 years. It is now taken over by an IC entity. Contains a diversity of project spaces all related to the WSF process - hosts a WSF calendar of events http://openfsm.net/projects/wsf2012-support/wsf2018-calendar

How do I return to the openfsm.net home page?

This document “FSM XIV questions and answers”, gives many links located on the openfsm.net site. Once you follow a link you can in many cases

-Look at the menu links that appear at the top of the page where you arrived  

-Click on the "wiki" button, located on the upper black ribbon, and this will take you to the initial page of the space where it is (which corresponds to the name in large letters on the black ribbon at the top of the page)

-Clicking the small triangle to the right of the title "openfsm" in medium-size letters on the black ribbon at the top of the page gives you access to the only openfsm.net menu that allows you to return to the home page - or see people , the projects / space, or create a project / space



Who cares for and guides the process of world social forum events?

In theory it is the WSF international council instituted in 2001, six months after the first event, and who approved the fsm charter of principles.

Validate the proposals of groups that want to organize a forum event. And he is co-responsible for the organization of the event

Here the space http://openfsm.net/projects/wsfic_fsmci/project-home 

Here the tasks http://openfsm.net/projects/wsfic_fsmci/casa13-wsfic-tasks-tareas-taches-cifsm/#ES

Being an active forum process facilitator is not a requirement to be on the council, and in this the council does not have the operational identity of a facilitating community, but it does feel responsible for the WSF process.

What is the list of member entities of this council?

Here is a list of more or less 50 entities that resumed their commitments in the council in 2017  http://openfsm.net/projects/transitionci/transitionci-ic-membership-confirmation-2017 , to this list you can add the current inclusion of facilitating committees of processes, regional or thematic national forums that are independent of the WSF event process, but are part of the global process of the world social forum - (see a list here: 

Here is a history of presence in meetings from 2001 to 2011 http://openfsm.net/projects/cifutur/cifuturg2-age-and-presence-in-ic/#3 

Who cares for and guides the global world social forum process?

The international council can now include collective facilitators of other social forum processes - perhaps this will allow to consolidate a facilitating community of the global process 



What does the process-event consist of?

It is the period of up to two years around a world WSF event that includes 4 phases more or less developed according to the editions: 

  • 1 / the initial construction of the process (formation of a facilitating collective, promotion of the event and ways of linking to the initial process / participation; through online meetings. This is a long and generally little formalized phase
  • 2 / the active preparation of the event, preparing activities and announcing initiatives around an event website 
  • 3 / the event (some days) producing content through a program of activities, and announcing action dates through a calendar of initiatives. It is the most visible part 
  • 4 / the post-event landing for several months after the event, to document these activities (forum = university of popular education) and update the descriptions of initiatives and action dates, carrying out first post-event public actions with the reinforcement of brands of interest or of support from parts of other participants collected in the forum process

This phase is the least developed to date 

What are the phases of an event process?

See previous question :-) in each phase there is a different combination of different participation acts 

  • In phase 1 the inclusion of participants and participation in "online meetings" (see details in part 5) is sought, it is a phase of maturing approaches, with or without a view to phase 2
  • Phase 2 focuses on event preparation - activities and initiatives are formulated, travel logistics is considered in agreements to co-prepare activities in agreements to co-promote an initiative 
  • In phase 3 it is a whirlwind of face to face encounters, combined if this has been prepared with the inclusion of online participants
  • In phase 4 it is focused on documenting the activities and specifying the announced initiatives, and updating action dates, 

What is the "layers and phases diagram", or "pyramid diagram" to describe an event process?

This diagram proposes to describe an event process shows three layers of intercommunications between participants, a process layer, an event layer and a face-to-face event and 4 phases (construction of the process - preparation of the event - event - post event. It allows to better locate what is being discussed http : //openfsm.net/projects/pfsm20/pfsm20-insumo58/#marcocomun see also http://openfsm.net/projects/gti-and-wsf/gtiandwsf-input7-formal-view-wsf-en/#1A

What is the “process” intercom layer in this process event description?

They are semi-formal intercommunications between participants in the process, through thematic spaces and online meetings. The cape lasts almost two years. Formalizing this layer is an innovation on the occasion of FSM XIV Mexico - see the entry http://openfsm.net/projects/pfsm20/pfsm20-insumo64 and   or http://openfsm.net/projects/pfsm20/pfsm20-insumo72   and    http: //openfsm.net/projects/pfsm20/pfsm20-insumo79  

What is the “event preparation” layer?

They are the formal intercommunications between the participant in an event site: registration acts, modification, edition of activities, initiatives, initiatives, organizations, participant files on the event website, etc. It lasts from several months before the event to several months after the event.

You can imagine, via internal messaging to the event site (or through online meetings to dialogue) discussions related to the articulation of initiatives 

See the site montreal http://www.fm2016.org   or salvador  http://www.wsf2018.org and see the scheme  http://openfsm.net/projects/pfsm20/pfsm20-insumo60/#relaciones

What is the "event" intercom layer?

They are face-to-face interactions during 5 days of the event. 5 days in two years is a culmination, and the quality of these days depends a lot on the quality of the two layers of event preparation and process construction see macroprogramming here http://openfsm.net/projects/pfsm20/pfsm20-insumo58/ #macroprogrmaciones 

The challenge for each participating organization is to manage parallelism, to select activities of "political" interest to the entity and distribute the presence of its members among those that are simultaneous

What are the main forms of participation in the process-event?

The individual participation form


The “online meeting” form is the one that is available all the time, and particularly it is the only one available in phase 1, in possible relation with “local activities” that through online meetings can be related to the forum process, or can even be placed in a pre-event program

It aims to create a familiarity between people who partly know each other have never met, and supposes dynamism of those responsible to support participants who do not have much management of online collaboration (see part 5 on this page) 

The “activity at the event” form covers all kinds of face-to-face intercommunication moments, organized by a certain group of participating entities, without or including online participation, size, focus, methodology. Assemblies are part of the activities.

The “initiative announcement” form is a new form that allows an existing or emerging initiative to be made visible to be promoted and reinforced in the forum. The announcement is made with considerations, goals, tasks, action dates, list of entities involved. It concentrates the dimension of actions carried out by participants in the process, accelerates articulation contacts, allows visibility, and expressions of interest and support (see part 6) 

Common moments - in the event - such as the opening march, the kiosk of initiatives, the future of futures (see part 6 on this page) 

What is the “disk and circles” diagram to describe open space?

This diagram proposes a “visualization” of the open space in the form of a disc, and a generic progression in various forms of participation, from the center to the periphery: in online meetings, in thematic spaces, in self-managed activities, in initiatives. And outside the forum space, on public actions dates

http://openfsm.net/projects/pfsm20/pfsm20-insumo38/#15 see other occurrence http://openfsm.net/projects/gti-and-wsf/gtiandwsf-input7-formal-view-wsf-en/# 4

What is the use of the notion of “consensus” in the forum process-event?

Regarding participation, certain levels of consensus can be reached in self-organized activities, but it is not a goal in itself. The goal is to have good dialogues and good agreements between those who want to do them. No one is forced. At the end of any agreement or public pronouncement it is relevant to ask for signatures from organizations

Regarding the facilitation of the process, if the notion of consensus is requested, for the process to be appropriate by its facilitators - it is important that there be consensus on broad orientations of the facilitating collective. These consensuses can be progressive and laborious

Is there a WSF lexicon?

There is no official lexicon, but there are lexicon proposals

FSM General Lexicon http://openfsm.net/projects/pfsm20/pfsm20-insumo26

More focused lexicon for initial online participation http://openfsm.net/projects/pfsm20/pfsm20-insumo70




What is the history of the social forum in Mexico?

There has been a period of activity in 2008 in the global week of action, then in 2009 and 2010 where an international council meeting was also hosted. 

Then nothing outside a modest circle on CDMX without public demonstrations. Until in 2018 this group of Mexicans goes to Salvador de Bahia in March 2018 announcing that it was "candidate" to host the world social forum
see elements here:  http://openfsm.net/projects/pfsm20/pfsm20-insumo103


Who wants to prepare a world social forum from Mexico?

It is a group of people linked in general to organizations of which they would be representatives to contribute in facilitating the process-event that has been forming and consolidating since March. See the successive meetings of the collective here http://openfsm.net/projects/pfsm20/pfsm20index/#meetings   many times with video and with rapporteur 


What is the composition of this facilitating collective?

The collective has a mailing list, and has a wsp chat (with a hundred people)

The list of who is part is being consolidated through a commitment letter http://openfsm.net/projects/pfsm20/pfsm20-insumo77   which is mentioned in the organizational framework agreed on in September 2019   http://openfsm.net/projects/pfsm20 / pfsm20-insumo76


What is the organization of this group?

The collective has an assembly, a coordinating nucleus and commissions. The commissions are visible here http://openfsm.net/projects/pfsm20/pfsm20index/#commissions   and are in charge of facilitating tasks of the event process that are described in part 4 

The relationship between these three organs is described in this 8-page document “how we organize ourselves” that was approved on September 21 http://openfsm.net/projects/pfsm20/pfsm20-insumo76

What is the commitment of the Mexico facilitating collective to the WSF letter of principles (part 1)?

On the one hand, the letter of principles has been promoted in the August workshop with the decision to abide by the letter of principles as a guide for the construction of the WSF XIV event process  http://openfsm.net/projects/pfsm20/pfsm20-taller- 10y11agosto19 / # carta

At the same time, in the group that has remained very locally active in CDMX after the years 2008-2010 to the years 2018, there is a vision of wanting to politically relaunch the forum by changing the scenario, as reflected in the memorandum with which they arrived. to Salvador de Bahia where he was not examined by the IC. http://openfsm.net/projects/wsfic_fsmci/salvador18-input13 (see point 7)  

What is the role of the linking commission in this group?

This commission has a space here http://openfsm.net/projects/pfsm20/pfsm20-comision-vinding 

It is in charge of developing the “online thematic spaces for initial participation”. It is made up of people who commit themselves on behalf of organizations (through the commitment letter http://openfsm.net/projects/pfsm20/pfsm20-insumo77 ) to come and facilitate thematic spaces (see part 5) 

This document questions and answers  http://openfsm.net/projects/pfsm20/pfsm20-insumo78 is proposed and updated in relation to the dialogues "for what and how to participate" that take place in the different host meetings associated with the different spaces thematic  

Is the fact that there is a world social forum in Mexico confirmed?

Since the international council meeting in Porto Alegre in January 2020 it is understood that yes. but it is conditional on achieving a dynamic of international and national participation and the coronavirus has greatly impacted the provisioning schedule

There has been a council meeting a year ago in Mexico City - the transcript of the discussions are here http://openfsm.net/projects/wsfic_fsmci/mexico18-input8/#ES 

There has been a working group six months ago in Bogota where a first dossier was presented - http://openfsm.net/projects/pfsm20/pfsm20-insumo48    the transcript of the discussions are here http://openfsm.net/projects/ wsfic_fsmci / gtbogota19-input1-en 

There has been the Porto Alegre meeting in January 


When would the event be?

There has been a meeting in May in the CI framework on line, where the date of January 2021 came out. Http://openfsm.net/projects/pfsm20/pfsm20-reunion-enlinea-ci-6mayo2019 

This date was also taken as a hypothesis in the bogota working group ( see link http://openfsm.net/projects/pfsm20/pfsm20-insumo48  

Then there have been discussions in August and September that have come out with a date in October 2020 see August report http://openfsm.net/projects/pfsm20/pfsm20-taller-10y11agosto19/#fechafsmXIV - see September report http: / /openfsm.net/projects/pfsm20/pfsm20-reunion-21setember-relatoria

The date of January 2021 has been reaffirmed in the discussion of Porto Alegre January 2020

Is it worth entering the initial phase process if the event is postponed or canceled?

It is possible to do so because the initial phase is not formally connected to the event, and the meetings are a way to advance in the fulfillment of the promise of the forum. 


globe-logo.png2 / Participate in the forum

Relevant participation in the forum can be much more than coming to an event. For this it is important to “appropriate the forum” as a participant, knowing something about the forum's commitment to its rules of history and understanding how to use it    


What to expect from the forum?

The forum understood as a process is a “potential” community of participants related to the idea that another world is possible than the unsustainable produced in the past 50 years since the 70s by neoliberalism.

On a personal level, the forum can be an occasion Many information, many contacts, unforeseen things, - many contacts can be made before the event in online meetings.

At the organizational level, the forum is also an opportunity to advance towards defined participation goals if participation is prepared to promote dialogues with other organizations and to seek allies for existing or emerging initiatives, and to plan these initiatives.

So it is not about passively waiting for the event to arrive, but rather defining goals of participation in the event-process and seeing how to use the forms of participation to proactively advance towards these


What can be done in the forum?

You can find, learn, dialogue, organize, land decisions etc ...


Why participate?

On a personal level: to find out if and how another world is possible, to feel the warmth of the concentration of people involved in resistance and transformation towards this other world

At the collective level: to advance goals to promote their actions or seek allies for small or large initiatives


How to approach the forum process?

In each online thematic space for initial participation (see parts 2 and 5) there is a meeting hosted by the facilitating team of the thematic space. You may have received an invitation to participate in an information session for what and how to participate issued by a thematic space facilitation team http://openfsm.net/projects/pfsm20autodoc/ex010-autodocumentacion-doc2

You can receive an invitation from a known person, or through a mailing list where you are, to follow a link for a "welcome space" for what and how to participate " 

If you go to the page here and fill out a mini contact form, you can access a link that allows you to contact wsp with facilitators http://openfsm.net/projects/pfsm20autodoc/ex000-info-participacion-inicial-proceso-fsmxiv

If you fill out the complete inclusion form you can access this link that allows you to come in the reception room  https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdEB-6J0NjQkPtQyW6LJixoA4Dsf4w0tjfcikVYmUR2HNm8jQ/viewformform 


What does participating in the forum imply?

It implies accepting some operating principles and respecting respectful behavior towards other participants related to the generic values ​​described in the letter of principles, beyond this there is no obligation.

It is understandable that as the efforts and resources that one puts to participate online or to come to the event grow, one would like to take more advantage of the dialogues


What forms of participation are there in the forum?

There is online participation - located in thematic spaces and in self-organized online meetings located in these (corresponds to the pink color in the layers and phases diagram)


There is event preparation - located on the event website, around two ways - activities and initiative announcements (corresponding to orange and green in the layers and phases diagram

Here you can see relationships between meetings, activities and initiatives http://openfsm.net/projects/pfsm20/pfsm20-insumo60/#relaciones 

There are online sessions (which can be quite productive in context) 

There are face-to-face sessions at local activities related to online meetings, and at event events open or not to online participation 


Is there a Mexico forum website?

There are not yet you can check the pages of previous forums to get an idea 

www.fsm2016.org   see indications about people groups / entities activities initiatives actions http://openfsm.net/projects/pfsm20/pfsm20-insumo57/#cronogeventoMontreal

www.wsf2018.org   see indications about people groups / entities activities http://openfsm.net/projects/pfsm20/pfsm20-insumo57/#cronogeventoSalvador   and its final agora  

There is also the visible pfsm20 space http://openfsm.net/projects/pfsm20 while an event website is being prepared. You can also visit the websites of the two previous WSF events www.fsm2016.org and www.wsf2018.org


What is the pfsm20 space?

It is a preliminary web page that shows what happens in the facilitating collective - meeting of the collective - meetings of commissions inputs in the collective http://openfsm.net/projects/pfsm20 see the menu line «collective»

There is a heading on the fsm http://openfsm.net/projects/pfsm20/pfsm20index/#sobrefsm

A meetings item http://openfsm.net/projects/pfsm20/pfsm20index/#meetings

A commissions item http://openfsm.net/projects/pfsm20/pfsm20index/#commissions

An input item http://openfsm.net/projects/pfsm20/pfsm20index/#insumoscolectivoprofsm

It also shows the initial participation menu: “intercom” menu http://openfsm.net/projects/pfsm20/pfsm20index/#intercom that focuses on initial participation based on online meetings located in online thematic spaces


What do you have to do to participate?

Approach and come to dialogue at the multi-thematic reception meeting that allows you to be invited quickly

To be included in the initial participation device which results in the publication of an anonymous profile and inclusion in two thematic spaces and their host meetings 

Come participate in one of the online meetings  

possibly advertise and take responsibility for an online meeting


Where is one included in the process?

One can approach the process on the page http://openfsm.net/projects/pfsm20autodoc/ex000-info-participacion-inicial-proceso-fsmxiv   and fill out a 5-point mini form. From there the person is included in the chat room of information EX000 and in the room "for what and how to participate" in two topics of your choice, and have conversations with facilitators there, until you decide to possibly include yourself as a participant in the process

You can also directly fill out the inclusion form that is longer (10 points first part identification and interests and 10 points second part related to facilitation online participation intention to come to the event) and you can stop in the middle) http: // openfsm.net/projects/pfsm20/pfsm20-participaciones 

boton-participation-ES.png  https://framaforms.org/contacto-inclusion-proceso-fsm2021-1582471657


A person can also be invited by a person they know who is already in these “what for and how” meetings or in self-organized online meetings (see part 5) 


What does it mean to recognize yourself as an FSM participant?

It means participating with an awareness of what the forum is, knowing the letter of principles and its implications, and politically considering yourself as a person or an organization that shares the generic values ​​and goals set forth in the letter, autonomous and free from its acts of participation in The forum to be recognized as a confirmed participant is an option that is proposed to whom to fill out the inclusion form https://framaforms.org/contacto-inclusion-proceso-fsm2021-1582471657


What is done in the forum?

In the initial participation phase of building the process, participate in online meetings, or organize some, the meetings continue during the other phases, the forum is communicated on their networks http://openfsm.net/projects/pfsm20/pfsm20 -meetings-in-spaces-intercom boton-encounter-ES.png

see the website xxxxxxx

In the event preparation phase, the focus is on preparing activities and promoting initiatives, on acts of participation in the event site and various online meetings to articulate activities or initiatives http://openfsm.net/projects/pfsm20/ pfsm20-input60

see the website xxxxxxx

In the event phase, it is about concretizing, landing decisions, decisions that reflect progress in articulation, being included in dynamics of initiatives, and people are also curious to describe other problems that they do not know well.

see the website xxxxxxx

In the post-event phase it focuses on documenting activities, and on linking with the initiatives it supports and participating in public actions that propose to see the website xxxxxxx


What can we bring to the forum, as our group or organization?

The discussions (activities) that we want to have, the initiatives (fights bells projects) that we want to promote, the contributions to the facilitation of the process that we can perhaps contribute, the contribution to communicate the forum (which is the forum) and from the forum ( what we do in the forum)   


What can I bring as a person to the forum?

Information that I can share in my neighborhood, my language skills, my social media skills, my volunteer time 


Where is information to actively participate?

In this document questions and answers!, (There are many links to examine at your own pace) in the general reception, in the audio conversations in the groups “What and How” of each thematic space 


Can I participate in the process-event without coming to Mexico City?

Yes, through online meetings and face-to-face activities in your geographic region, you can be a person who fully participates. Be an activity of the type "participating in the fsm process from region x" be local activities with which an online meeting where you participate is related

See geographic spaces  http://openfsm.net/projects/pfsm20/pfsm20-areas-geograficas

See the perspectives of online meetings G1 and T2 where there is a possible relationship with activities in your territory  http://openfsm.net/projects/pfsm20/pfsm20-insumo69/#4


Can I participate in the process without speaking Spanish?

Yes. It is a worldwide process. You participate through "online meetings" or "activities" that are initiated in a language other than Spanish, or where there is Spanish with people who translate (part of the self-organization of the responsible persons / entities


How much will it cost me to participate in the forum?

Participation in the construction phase of the process, with online participation is without financial costs, beyond the costs of internet connection and the investment in your time that may represent

The costs are mainly in relation to the event. To participate in the event, to contribute to the program with an activity, there will be a rate defined by the facilitating group - see rates in montreal or salvador 

And for those who do not live in CDMX, face-to-face participation implies transportation, accommodation, food, etc. they are costs much higher than the participation fee

For those who cannot come due to lack of resources, time, visa, it is intended to stimulate the self-organized inclusion of online participation in the activities of the event (see part 6) 


What would be the "rights" of the participants? Online and at the event?

Participants (persons and entities) have the right to come to the forum space to the extent that they are recognized with the generic values ​​of participants described in the letter of principles, and that there is no response to this recognition by third parties, or by part of facilitators.

Participants (people and entities) have the right to do voluntary "participation" that are differentiated between people and organizations - such as including forms, starting an online meeting, announcing an activity, etc.

Participants, in personal capacity or as authorized representatives of some collective entity, have the right to participate in the activities, dialoguing on any topic that seems relevant to them, respecting in their expression the values ​​of the letter and seeking quality discussions, and the responsibility of organizations proposing activities

Participating organizations have the right to organize activities under their responsibility, to make collective pronouncements in their activities signed by a list of organizations and individuals on any matter that seems relevant to them. These declarations will be considered as elementary declaration initiatives or as part of more weighty initiatives presenting struggles, campaigns, dates with public actions

Participants (individuals and entities) have a guarantee that no one will speak on behalf of the forum, implicitly including them in favor of their thesis as participants in the forum


What would be the "duties" of the participants?

Respect the forms and acts of participation that the facilitating collective proposes to them, and the deadlines to do them

Behave in dialogue and forum space in accordance with the values ​​they subscribed to when they are included as participants,

Respect rules of behavior in online spaces provided by facilitators

What are the main acts of participation?

Registration / inclusion as participants - inclusion as a facilitator or volunteer - Announcements of forms of participation (online meeting, activity - initiative - interactions with other online or face-to-face participants - interactions with online activity preparers, on the website ,, interactions with initiative promoters (online, on the website, at the initiative kiosk, in the initiative forum), interactions with facilitators - payment for the event -  


Where is there a lexicon of useful terms to be known by the participant?

See this http://openfsm.net/projects/pfsm20/pfsm20-insumo70 

See this more complete http://openfsm.net/projects/pfsm20/pfsm20-insumo26

What do I have to know to manage in the forum environment?

Participant's rights and duties


What relationships can there be between participants in the open space?

On a personal level: invitations, inclusions, Contacts in the framework of online meetings, then in the framework of activities at the event. These contacts are developed according to affinities. There are also unforeseen contacts in thematic spaces online or in the physical space of the event

At the collective level: contacts between organizations, in the framework of online meetings that can mature to co-prepare activities at the event, or co-promote initiatives


How is horizontality manifested in the forum space?


It is manifested in the simple structure with thematic spaces where online meetings are located, where content is produced. 

In the event 

All activities have the same visibility in the program

All actions dates have the same visibility in the calendar

All organizations are expected to have the same visibility in participant promotion spaces


How is diversity manifested in the forum space?

Diversity manifests itself through the diversity of presences in open space. These presences have as a common point of recognizing themselves as a participant in the same fsm process and with a set of generic values ​​of the letter of principles in common first approach (but that may need “translations”). Beyond, it has its own practical goals, thematic visions, but they are within reach of dialogues in the same space, and perhaps within reach of articulations. 


Where or with whom to look for information on the forum?

With the organizers of the online meeting where you have been invited

With the facilitators of the thematic spaces where you have included yourself by filling out the form

In the pfsm20 space, then on the website when it will appear


How long does the initial online participation phase last?

It is expected to last until maybe September if the date is in January 2021


Where are the participants in initial online participation seen?

Confirmed participants are those who fill out the participation form to see in the open space of the forum process and are seen on this page http://openfsm.net/projects/pfsm20/pfsm20-participaciones

boton-participation-ES.png  https://framaforms.org/contacto-inclusion-proceso-fsm2021-1582471657

People who do not step up to join can come to all online meetings if invited, but are not confirmed participants. Nothing more is asked of them than reasonable behavior 


How many online thematic spaces are there?

At the moment they are like 20, there may be a little more.

See the list http://openfsm.net/projects/pfsm20/pfsm20-ejes-tematicos

These spaces will be kept a priori until the end of the process, but will not be used in the event. (Part 6) It is understood that a meeting in Mexico will establish formulation of articulating axes in a smaller number for the dynamics of the event (part 4) 


What forms of participation are there in the initial online participation forum?

There are only online meetings - distinguishing “why and how to participate” host meetings and self-organized meetings by participants once they see why and how to participate 


What are the acts of participation in the initial participation?

Approach the forum, come in a meeting for what and how and be reactive to talk with facilitators - 

Go to more or less actively participate in online meetings proposed by other people / organizations

Approach these and ask for inclusion in the team responsible for a meeting (cooptation) 

Consult and decide to take responsibility for an online meeting, verifying that it is not uselessly redundant with others


Where are the initial online participation matches seen?

There is a general list of encounters in chronological order  http://openfsm.net/projects/pfsm20/pfsm20-pagina-info-list-of-encounters Each encounter is described by its managers in the meeting initiation form - the thematic space where it is, and the generic perspective that was given

Here is the same list with the indication of the number of people in the corresponding wsp group  http://openfsm.net/projects/pfsm20autodoc/pfsm20autodoc-imagenes-espacios-y-encuentros/#encuentros

in each thematic space there is the list of the meetings that are located in it. The list of thematic spaces is accessed above or below the page  http://openfsm.net/projects/pfsm20/pfsm20-ejes-tematicos  

There is a list of encounters located 


How are local activities included in this initial participation?

They are included through the form of the online meeting, in particular that of persepctiva T2 see the schematic with the various perspectives http://openfsm.net/projects/pfsm20/pfsm20-encuentros-en-espacios-intercom   and the list of perspectives http : //openfsm.net/projects/pfsm20/pfsm20-encuentros-en-espacios-intercom/#perspectivas

It is possible to relate a series, a succession of face-to-face local activities in different places that have something in common, to the same online meeting. 


What is the shape of the open space online?

It takes the form of a series of thematic spaces (list here http://openfsm.net/projects/pfsm20/pfsm20-ejes-tematicos ) where online encounters from various perspectives are located. A graphic visualization is here  http://openfsm.net/projects/pfsm20/pfsm20-insumo79/#8


How is self-organization online manifested?

Due to the fact that the already confirmed participants verify that they respect formal requirements http://openfsm.net/projects/pfsm20/pfsm20-encuentros-en-espacios-intercom/#requisitos and fill out the online meeting form (see button below) , and better if they are talking with the facilitators of the thematic space where they are going to locate it, they have the right to take responsibility for a meeting, that is, to animate their online sessions and their chat and invite people


. The facilitators just create the digital work base, and can give technical advice at the beginning (see http://openfsm.net/projects/pfsm20/pfsm20-insumo64/#basedigital   - access to the digital base is done through the menu info of the group of the whatsapp group that is associated with the meeting


How is self documentation online manifested?

Due to the fact that the people responsible for the meeting have their account in the autodoc space where they can create a page related to the progress and documentation of their meeting - to edit there information, invite session reports etc http://openfsm.net/projects/pfsm20autodoc/




What does it mean: "the event is the culmination of the process"?

In the pyramid diagram the event appears above as the third floor of the pyramid.


 The event is a moment of great intensity of face-to-face dialogues. With something like 1000 activities in 5 days

The climb to the event: it all starts with online meetings where perspectives are discussed, and then continues with the announcement of activities or initiatives that propose dialogue situations at the event. Participants perceive it as a promise of the forum

The culmination: If you have been well prepared for dialogues at online meetings, these face-to-face sessions (including online participants as well) allow for informal meetings of people who have been in contact for months online, and can lead to decisions Collective, made in the context of certain well-prepared and matured activities, and where people have had the time to consult their organizations and decide to follow together to create a network, to develop an initiative, etc.

The descent : Then these decisions must be concretized and landed locally in a concerted and decentralized manner. The quality of the download is important for the participants' perception of the relevance of the forum process

This diagram http://openfsm.net/projects/pfsm20/pfsm20-insumo58/#macroplantotalMX shows the rise and fall


What happens to those who cannot come to Mexico for the event?

A first challenge is to get to install the thematic spaces for online participation, as relevant for participation. It is easier with young people. The option is to encourage inclusion practices for online participation. In case they allow online or proximity meetings. Relationships are built

Based on these relationships and with the persistent stimulation of online participation, a good level of concern can be expected from those who are located in CDMX and organize self-organized activities to include their acquaintances with online participation. There is one element that is the common moments - where there can also be a lot of decentralized inclusions - obviously this is helped if there is an internet connection at the place of the event, or it can be done through cellular networks


What "forms of participation" are there in the online forum for the event?

Once the event website is created, already 4 or 5 months before the event, it opens

the announcement of activity proposals (which will make up the event program) 

and the announcement of initiatives (that will populate the initiative kiosk, online and at the event, and will define specific actions dates 

You can see the list of activities on the site of montreal 2016 @@@ and a list of initiatives

and the list of activities on the salvador 2018 @@@ site


What are the "acts of participation" towards the event?

They are many

A / On a personal level in online participation:

1 / respond to invitations to come to online meetings, “for what and how to participate http://openfsm.net/projects/pfsm20/pfsm20-insumo79/#5

2 / include yourself as a participant, http://openfsm.net/projects/pfsm20 (rectangular participation button)

3 / come spontaneously in online meetings, http://openfsm.net/projects/pfsm20/pfsm20-insumo79/#8 examining your list http://openfsm.net/projects/pfsm20/pfsm20-pagina-info-lista- de-meetings looking for the invitation link with the help of facilitators, participating in a meeting,

start and take responsibility for an online meeting (with the support of one or more organizations,) organizing your sessions http://openfsm.net/projects/pfsm20/pfsm20-insumo79/#6 , editing the self-documentation page of your meeting http://openfsm.net/projects/pfsm20autodoc

B / At the level of an organization on the event site, initiate an activity, initiate an initiative, seek allies to co prepare an activity, to co promote an initiative, respond to invitations in this regard, propose to discuss articulation between two activities between two entities, this can be done through online meeting http://openfsm.net/projects/pfsm20/pfsm20-insumo60/#relaciones

C / During the event, on a personal level, come in activities chosen in the program, come to inquire about initiatives in the initiative kiosk


What forms of participation are there in the event?

March, activities, assemblies, Kiosk, Agora of futures (see part 6)


How many "thematic spaces" will there be in the event?

Not yet known, maybe 10 or less (see part 4 and 6) 


What is the shape of the open space in the event?

If it is partly in the historic center of Mexico City, it will be a series of scattered places but within walking distance. It will depend on the possibilities and the facilitating group to determine if activities that are related to the same space will be gathered, in the same physical space  


How is self organization manifested at the event?

Self logistical organization of activities

Due to the fact that the organizers of an activity receive confirmation of a room and time, and they will better recognize and prepare it and, in many cases, logistically complete it (electrical extension cable, video projector, home interpreters, internet connectivity).  

Self organization of content and method of activities 

The preparers responsible for an activity 

Care and presence promoting an initiative

Initiative promoters make it visible in the initiative kiosk, and in various self-organized activities by themselves or by third parties, they also have to organize their post in the futures agora 


How is self documentation manifested in the event?

The people responsible for each activity are thinking about affecting people to tasks of making live video, taking photos, taking notes, and making reports 


What are moments - common spaces in the forum?

They are moments in the event; opening march, opening night, kiosk of futures agora initiatives


What is a "shift" during the 5 days of the event?

 It is a period of time of 2 to 3 hours where 50 to 100 activities take place simultaneously. At the end of the shift everyone moves to go to the place of the next activity that you have chosen on your personal tour in the program  

An overview of turns are the columns on the dashboard here of macro-programming http://openfsm.net/projects/pfsm20/pfsm20-insumo58/#macroprogdetalle


What is the macro programming of the event?

It is the fact of describing what participants can do generically at each moment of the event. Corresponds to the various colors of the cells on the dash lines  http://openfsm.net/projects/pfsm20/pfsm20-insumo58/#macroprogdetalle

If there are several types of colors in the same column, it means different types of possibilities without going into the detail of the content of each cell. 

In the proposal that describes the diagram Day one is the march for everyone and Day 5 the agora of initiatives for everyone Also below the diagram are the green and gray horizontals that represent permanent physical spaces, kiosk and thematic intercommunication spaces 


What is the event program?  

The program is an electronic or paper document that lets you know where and when. It is an element of frustration because in a world-sized forum, a person can participate in 10 activities when there are 1,000, that is, see 1% of the forum, 

On the other hand it is where one is choosing with the information that is available title of the activity descriptive language of the activity. 

Obvious that it can be used only at the time of the event, but also the pre-program is visible on the event site without indication of days and room and more for content one can be interested in certain activities and contact their preparers (contact email contact phone / wsp


How is the event program done?

A logistics team has a census of all rooms available with their characteristics capacity accessories connectivity 

the methodological team in the course of 3 to 4 months has validated the activities (putting aside a few that do not fit the letter of principles,) and perhaps has suggested some articulations (as early as possible so that activity preparers do so). wish they can organize online meeting to evaluate this suggestion) - they see great options if they are going to affect spaces together the themes or not.  

The two come together and make simulations of having a sufficient number and quality of rooms according to macro programming and if they are going to form physical spaces with any thematic identity or are going to put everything mixed. 

Then they affect rooms to each activity, taking into account day and time preferences expressed by preparers, 

They publish a first version and expect reactions from preparers who indicate if it has parallels with another activity where they should also be, and it is about solving problems one by one 

The program is also translated and published either on paper (which imposes a certain anticipation) either in pdf in a document that can be consulted on the site or a cell 


How many activities will there be at the event?

Between 500 and 1000 - with 20 to 30 assemblies that are scheduled at times and dedicated rooms with a much less parallelism than the activities


What is the difference between activity and meeting?

An encounter is online in the process layer FSM XIV, while an activity is based on face-to-face in general, (there may be webinars), local, or in the event


What is the difference between activity and initiative announcement?

Activity is to discuss an issue, initiative is a project, a fight, a campaign that is described, with goals, tasks and dates, public actions is a content, not a dialogue. Obviously you can dialogue in an activity about an initiative


Can you ask for invitations to come to the event?

This is a practical matter. People who are in another country can request a letter of invitation to process a visa


Can you ask for proof of participation in the event?

This seems to be an element that allows some university students to travel to the forum with the approval of their academic institution. Let's see how the facilitating collective will deal with the issue. 

Volunteers can also receive proof that they have contributed so many hours to the service of the event  


globe-logo.png3 / Contribute to communicate the forum, from the forum

They are always certain actors who communicate, the forum that is a space does not communicate and cannot communicate on its behalf either. Reticular communication from below can be compared to mass communication 



What communication content related to the forum?

See letter C of lexico http://openfsm.net/projects/pfsm20/pfsm20-insumo26/#C there are several items on communication

Communicate the forum process to include new participants

Communicate what we think about the forum process (there is a thematic space for this: http://openfsm.net/projects/pfsm20/pfsm20-pagina-info-espacio-intercom4

Communicate what certain participants do in the forum, and why we participate 

Communicate what the facilitating collective does in “their” forum process


Communication to whom?

General public: what is to get closer and maybe come participate

Active participants: how to use the forum, specific information about who does what you want


Who facilitates communication in the event-process?

The collective facilitation commission would be the one that has this delicate task 


What is the role of the communication commission?

A role of facilitators is to stimulate / facilitate the communicative action of participants, (who think of themselves as media or not) about what is done and what happens in the forum to promote their content and that of others. The community of participants in the event process can be considered as a "means of communication" promoting the process and making media impact through decentralized citizen coverage. The alternative media are participating entities in the forum, and they are to consider in this communicating community with their own capacities and coverage modalities. 


What is the reflection on communication in the CI-FSM?

This 2017 document  On these points consider documents and discussions made in a CI context and adapt them in an event facilitation context - http://openfsm.net/projects/transitionci/transicionci-porto-alegre-agenda-references-para- a-communication-strategy-in-the-fsm-process http://openfsm.net/projects/transitionci/transicionci-porto-alegre-agenda-referencia-para-una-estrategia-de-comunicacion-en-el -process-fsm-annex -


What are common communication devices?

 Common devices can be created explicitly managed by the facilitating collective (an online form with publications, a personal space on a website) that give each organization an opportunity to express "why and how we participated / participated in the forum" - with visibility equitable

At the same time that these spaces are created, they must be managed in relation to the principles of the forum, without hierarchy, with equitable access to visibility, etc.




What is to communicate the forum?

On a personal level: It is explaining in your networks and acquaintances that the process of the world social forum exists for those who act for another possible world or are interested in this idea and explain what it is, what it is for, and how you can link with

At the level of a collective entity: It is to communicate through all kinds of channels on behalf of the entity about peer that participates in the forum process, which does there, 


Who can do it?

The forum does not speak, but its participants, individuals and organizations do, on their own behalf. 

Any WSF participant informed about what the forum is (% part1) can be a forum disseminator. Alternative means that are considered participants in the process. 

Some friendly journalists as their newsrooms let it go


Where can it be done?

Explanatory links and invitations can be disseminated on social networks

On websites or facebook groups managed by participating entities

In alternative media that are also participants in the forum process

In the classic corporate stocking

On website and web spaces managed by the facilitator community (when they exist) - these channels must reflect the diversity and horizontality of the process, in addition to communicating the decisions and actions of the facilitator community


Why communicate the forum?

To give you visibility, empathic coverage, to develop the process, to empower future participants 


How does the forum communicate?

Respecting principles


When does the forum communicate?

Permanently on social networks


With what material?

With your understanding of the forum, with the letter of principles with texts. with diagrams, with homemade flyers or prepared in the facilitator group. on social networks circulating links to hosting spaces on whatsapp and web pages etc.




What is communicated from participants?

Who we are, where to find more information about us

Why we participate 

What are "our" meetings, "our" activities, "our" initiatives,

What happened and what comes out of them


How do you communicate from the forum?

Respecting principles of equal visibility of own word, Here some ideas of how this can be implemented (only ideas are not decision)

Challenge: Empower the participating organizations in the production of their communication in WSF.Combine efficient and attractive communication with the horizontality of the WSF space-process and diversity of actors.

Principle of publication in its own name and not editorialization: l news on the WSF site are published in their own name by the participating organizations, alone or in groups, on the occasion of activities or initiatives, or by publishing their own news, or by the WSF facilitating collective ( restricting this channel to facilitation issues). Organizations that want to write an article can ask the communication team for help in writing the text, making video, etc. and they retain editorial responsibility. The communication team then does not publish articles on their own behalf
The entities that communicate popular communication or alternative media that participate in the communication team are considered to be the other participating organizations and can be grouped into communication activities and initiatives that can publish articles related to communication topics.

Principle of equity diversity in pace and volume of publication on the website - As an example - assuming a unit of publication (article) included and links to other documents outside the site or in the communication space of the FSM site, frequency of publication can be established per month for participating entities, for group preparing activities for groups promoting initiatives

Principle of focus in process FSM : the communication space of the FSM site is not “grab everything”: Organizations can publish news in their own article quota


Principle of FSM promotion on the sites of the participating organizations in the FSM - it is expected that participating organizations will link on their site with the FSM site and announce their identity as a FSM participant


When do you communicate from the forum?

Throughout the event process


What is the temptation to editorialize?

It is part of the temptations of facilitators - writing "news" that gives a message as if it were "in the name of the forum" or of participating entities and that is no longer directly expressed by specific participants 


How is horizontality reflected in communication?

It is that the communication commission encourages communicating the forum, from the forum, among the participants, and proposes common spaces managed according to principles of diversity and fair visibility of the forum rather than editorializing and creating content on behalf of the forum


How is diversity reflected in communication?

Each one is valuing its contents and at the same time spreading the forum


What can participation in the forum bring to an entity in terms of communication?

Learning to use media and techniques

An appropriation of what the forum is and how one expresses it in the

Training to communicate what the organization does in the forum 


What role of alternative communication media in the forum?

They can broadcast the forum on your behalf

They can support / train organizations to communicate their presence in the forum



Rapporteurships of collective meetings

Releases in important stages

Concept note file

Forum Invitation Text

Explanations of how to participate


globe-logo.png4 / Contribute to the facilitation of the forum

The forum is not something given that it exists independently of the will of its participants, you have to want it to exist and develop. Two different and complementary decisive contributions: that of facilitators who build the space and the process that of active participants that build content and alliances




What does "facilitate" mean?

It is taking care of the design and implementation of the forms of participation in a process-event organized according to "guiding principles", and according to the "letter of principles". It is a responsibility and a service that does not legitimize a @ to take a political leadership role and to replace the participating organizations


What is the role of the facilitating committee?

Build the process in the initial participation phase, ensure the presences and articulations during the event preparation phase, organize the event process and the common moments in it, take care of the future schedule during the post event phase 

see the diagram here: http://openfsm.net/projects/pfsm20/pfsm20-insumo58/#macroplanMX5areasAcuidar


What are the objectives of the facilitating committee?

see a text related to a discussion in the asmablea of ​​March 14 http://openfsm.net/projects/pfsm20/pfsm20-insumo78


What are the tasks of a collective facilitator of FSM?

Confirm a local and international dynamics of construction of the space-process Formulate objectives on how to implement the functions of the forum Take methodological guidelines define and implement forms and times of participation

Communicate the forum with a compelling narrative goal to include participants who will not be coming to the event Make a compelling invitation, Take care of the logistics of the process and the event

Think about the post event 


How do you enter the facilitating committee?

A collective entity signs a commitment letter http://openfsm.net/projects/pfsm20/pfsm20-insumo55 and names people who will be active in commissions http://openfsm.net/projects/pfsm20/pfsm20index/#commissions and in thematic spaces http://openfsm.net/projects/pfsm20/pfsm20index/#intercom


How and about what decisions are made in the facilitating committee?

They are taken by consent-consensus in the assembly

The same in the meantime by consent in the coordinating nucleus, to be confirmed in assembly., With face-to-face or online participation of participants considered active

 The same in the commissions during a meeting with face-to-face or online participation of participants considered active

The decisions are only about what has to do with the construction of the event process. The collective does not have political legitimacy and does not claim to be representative of anything, and even less of the participants in the future event-processes (article 6 of the letter of principles)  

More information  http://openfsm.net/projects/pfsm20/pfsm20-insumo76


How does the co-responsibility between the international council and the facilitating committee operate?

Through interaction in the IC that has a mailing list and wsp group where 3 people are present from Mexico Oscar (as a historical facilitating committee Mexico 2008 2009 2010?) Hector (Continental social Alliance organization (?) Participant in 2010 Rosa (CEAAL participant since 2018) 

Through online ad hoc meetings mixing IC people and members of the group

Through face-to-face meeting as in Mexico November 2018 - Bogotá June 2019 - Porto Alegre January 2020 (see part 1F-MEXICO above) 

There may also be another IC meeting in Mexico, in April - July 2020, which would be hosted by the proFSM Mexico facilitating collective and the main topic of discussion would be the WSF XIV event. 


What are the tasks of the CI?

See part 1


What is the facilitator collective timeline?

It is a macro planning - see a timeline drawn in Bogota in June - http://openfsm.net/projects/pfsm20/pfsm20-insumo58/#lineatiempomx


What is the temptation of facilitator @?

A temptation is to speak on behalf of the forum, to make the space speak, which is ruled out by the letter of principles


What is facilitating a thematic space?

See directions at http://openfsm.net/projects/pfsm20/pfsm20-insumo79/#3


Who provides a thematic space?

An evolutionary group of organizations that is also participating in the process and that shows a commitment to do so




Being a volunteer, will I be a facilitator @?

In some way yes, although the volunteers do not participate in the organizational and decision-making process in the facilitating collective


What volunteer tasks are there?



What other facilitation tasks are there?

There are many personal initiatives such as communicating the forum to your friends, to your next organizations, like helping in logistics - getting interpreting when there are organizations that want to communicate and do not speak the same language.


globe-logo.png5What else about “initial participation” in the forum event process?

It is the fact of participating in an environment that gives concrete form to the notion of an online open space constituted well before the physical open space constituted in the event, and of the relationships in this perspective that can develop in and around the website of the event. The facilitating collective proposes an online dialogue vehicle “online meeting” that prefigures activities




What is this initial phase?

See part 1


Who can participate in this initial phase?

All kinds of people related to all kinds of organizations and groups that consider themselves a participant in the forum process. This participation is free, apart from the internet connectivity costs of each one. 

Since participation is online, it allows you to participate from anywhere in the world, and the main obstacles are time differences and language differences


What is the form of participation in this initial phase?

Self-organized online meetings (see part 5D)  


How do you participate from outside Mexico City?

1 / online meetings of a thematic nature whatever your perspective (see this word) and where your managers are located are open to participants from all over the world -

The main obstacle to my participation are 1 / the possible irrelevance (what interest I have in participating from a distance in something that seems to me perhaps too local - it depends on what is proposed in the meeting by those responsible) and 2 / the language barrier ( How can I participate if I do not understand the language in which the meeting is announced since there may be meetings that are presented in English, French, Portuguese

Some of these meetings are evaluating local activities that may be very far from me / us, but perhaps: 1 / I can / we can participate online 2 / they are included in a series and as diverse concretizations of something more general about which we can exchange and bring experience from other activities that we organize locally in turn  

2 / online meetings of a geographical nature such as “participating in the fsm XIV mexico from such a region or city” that exist in my region can be stimulating for us to also participate in the process, and perhaps initiate such a meeting  

These meetings are multi-thematic: they are like mutual information between people and organizations that are in the same territory, and can give rise to face-to-face meetings that allow recognition and thinking about local poly-thematic articulations

For this the country Mexico has been divided into some large areas where the participants are located and little by little where there are wills to initiate such meetings “participating from City X”, it will be disclosed to other people who were located in the same area EIXTG12 to EIXTG17 http://openfsm.net/projects/pfsm20/pfsm20-areas-geograficas


How do you participate from outside Mexico?

It is the same as the previous question, once one is too far away to easily participate in a proposed face-to-face activity somewhere, the problem is the same regardless of the distance tens or thousands of kilometers -

For this the world has been divided into linguistic geographic zones where the participants are located and little by little where there are wills to initiate such meetings "participating from City X", it will be disclosed to other people who have located themselves in the same zone EIXTG01 to EIXTG11,   


Zones EIXTG18 to 21 are for people who are interested in everything that passes through a certain language and that is relatively transversal to prefer to locate it here than in a certain geographical space 


Why is a corporate whatsapp tool privileged in this initial phase or process layer?

It turns out that WhatsApp, which is an element of digital capitalism, is the most widely used messaging in Latin America, Europe and Africa https://www.messengerpeople.com/global-messenger-usage-statistics https://en.wikipedia.org/ wiki / WhatsApp     in Spanish  https://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/WhatsApp    

It is at no apparent cost, like facebook or google (instead we pay with our personal data) 

The idea is that entry into the open space is done simply with a tool that people know. Later, in some meetings where the level of Internet management is high, other tools promoted by those responsible for the meeting can be used.

(On the other hand, there is a project to create a social network of the fsm itself, in its incipient phase)


What do the EIXG EIXT EX codes mean and the numbers that follow in the different whatsapp groups in the thematic spaces?

The letters are acronyms and the figures are chronological or alphabetical identifiers without meaning, to better locate and using few characters the various spaces and online encounters

EIXT means Espacio Intercomunicacion meXico Tematica X a number from 01 to maybe 20 or 30 see the list here http://openfsm.net/projects/pfsm20/pfsm20-ejes-tematicos

EIXG means Espacio Intercomunicacion meXico Geogratfica X a number from 01 to 21 see the list here http://openfsm.net/projects/pfsm20/pfsm20-areas-geograficas

EX xxx means Meeting in the Mexican FSM process xxx is a number from 001 to 999 then FFF, for the first 999 matches decimal numbers will be used if necessary more (....) hexadecimal numbers will be used 

It is important to make the difference between the EIX whatsapp groups that are common spaces where people who have completed the inclusion form are found, and the EXxxx whatsapp groups that are private meetings with a title and perspective defined by their managers. 

It is the analogy with self-organized activities (meetings) and the forum space (thematic spaces 

Is there a lexicon on initial participation?

There is something similar here http://openfsm.net/projects/pfsm20/pfsm20-insumo70




What are initial thematic spaces for?

To concretize online the open space of the world social forum process well before the event. The list of spaces is here http://openfsm.net/projects/pfsm20/pfsm20-ejes-tematicos

The spaces are used to make it easier for people interested in the same theme, to place their meetings there, and to circulate mutual invitations to come to these meetings

A person can be in 2 thematic spaces at the beginning that he chooses in the inclusion form http://openfsm.net/projects/pfsm20 , if he shows an active participant, he may be included in more


How are new initial thematic spaces created?

Through evaluations in the linkage-mobilization commission, http://openfsm.net/projects/pfsm20/pfsm20-comision-movilizacion where suggestions from participants arrive through the inclusion form. At CDMX Facilitator Collective Meetings (which are generally broadcast online, http://openfsm.net/projects/pfsm20/pfsm20index/#reuniones


What is the perimeter of the thematic space?

In the initial participation phase - There is a formal perimeter that is all the people who are present in the space itself that groups the people who have declared themselves participants through the form 

There is a wide perimeter - which is all the people who are present in all the meetings located in the space - a part of these people is not yet considered participants in the process, and has a very diverse level of participation in the meetings 


What is said / done in the thematic space itself?

The various thematic spaces (list here  http://openfsm.net/projects/pfsm20/pfsm20-ejes-tematicos ) take the form of WhatsApp groups with names beginning with “EIX”. 

There are people who have filled out the self-inclusion form in the FSM process (accessible in the rectangular buttons "participation" http://openfsm.net/projects/pfsm20/pfsm20-participations ) and chosen two thematic spaces among 20  

While the dynamics are beginning in the respective thematic spaces, there is not much emphasis on the exchanges in this group, the dynamics will be rather in the meeting "for what and how" that in each space is animated by facilitators, to inform the participants newcomers and just getting closer.

As the number of participants in a space grows and the number of active meetings in it grows, a practice will be established for those responsible for meetings to send invitations to the participants in various spaces where they are included.  This will be the main content of exchanges in the thematic space itself. Announcements, invitations to participate in meetings, and information directly related to these meetings are exchanged. The thematic space is not a place for sophisticated group discussions. Collective sophisticated discussions are in online meetings,

It is analogous to what happens in a face-to-face forum where activities are moments of collective dialogue, while there may be many informal conversations between people who circulate in the corridors and pause area. 


What are the roles in a thematic space?

There are the participants who are all people who have filled out the inclusion form, some are responsible for online meetings, while others participate in these meetings, and the people from the space facilitation team who are responsible for the host meeting, and generally take care of space


Will these leading spaces be used in the event?

These spaces would remain for the intercommunication process layer in social networks (pink layer of the pyramid scheme  http://openfsm.net/projects/pfsm20/pfsm20-insumo58/#marcocomun )

It may be that, for the event, it is decided to use fewer thematic spaces with a different formulation where to place activities and initiatives, with an articulating commitment. This would be done during a preparatory meeting in Mexico with the WSF International Council about 5 months before the event date (see here a timeline considered in a working group that met in Bogota in June http://openfsm.net / projects / pfsm20 / pfsm20-insumo58 / # lineatiempomx - here the working group http://openfsm.net/projects/gtcibogota2019


What types of thematic spaces are there?

The list is here http://openfsm.net/projects/pfsm20/pfsm20-ejes-tematicos here we talk about axes but the term "space" is clearer, these spaces are a concretization and are part of the open space of the forum,


Can the semantic areas of the thematic spaces evolve?

Maybe they will adjust as new online encounters arrive 

First the facilitators of each space can make the semantic area explicit by publishing a list of subtopics -It does not matter if there is redundancy with the subtopic list of others


What are the subtopics in a thematic space for?



How are cross-cutting activities between various thematic spaces managed?

The same activity or online meeting can advertise in two or more spaces 


How are redundancies between thematic spaces managed?

There may be meetings or activities that are located in two different thematic spaces and are very close in content. 

It is a task for active participants in this topic and for program facilitators to realize and act accordingly - with cross-participation, suggestions for articulation or fusion. They are always the people responsible for the activities they decide


What are the different levels of participation in the online thematic space for initial participation?

There are people who initiate meetings and take responsibility for them in relation to their organizations, there are others who come to actively participate in some in particular in online dialogue sessions, there are others who remain passive. It depends on each one


Who provides a space?

The facilitation of a thematic space is in principle collective, seeking to form a small community 

Now it starts with a first person supported by your organization, then more can be added as a co-option. The thematic space is not owned by anyone, and at the same time it is good that there is cooperation in the facilitating team

The list of space facilitators is on the page of the linking commission  http://openfsm.net/projects/pfsm20/pfsm20-commission-linking


Why limit the options of thematic spaces to 2 in the inclusion form?

To invite people to think about what they want to a priori involve more among the 20 there are  http://openfsm.net/projects/pfsm20/pfsm20-ejes-tematicos


What language is spoken in an online topic space?

It depends on the size - if it is large, it is possible to make linguistic groups, but the group can be multilingual. In any case, it is not there that in-depth discussions will take place, it is in meetings




What is done in a host meeting "for what and how to participate"?

For each one of the thematic spaces EIXT01 to EIXT30 there is an EX reception meeting whose managers are the facilitation team of the axis / thematic space, the correspondence between the Spaniards and their reception meeting are given on the page  http://openfsm.net/ projects / pfsm20 / pfsm20-axes-themes Ask about the forum and get answers and information 

Here is the call for an online meeting organized by a thematic space facilitating team http://openfsm.net/projects/pfsm20autodoc/ex010-autodocumentacion-doc2


What platforms are used in the digital base of a meeting?

At the moment a combination of tools that constitute an environment and a base of digital dialogues is used http://openfsm.net/projects/pfsm20/pfsm20-insumo64/#basedigital

WhatsApp (Facebook) for chat - www.jitsi.org (free software) for teleconference - with plan B zoom   https://www.zoom.us   or gruveo  https://www.gruveo.com/ or ... - etherpad ( free software) for collaborative edition riseup pad - www.openfsm.net (free software), for self-documentation of online meetings http://openfsm.net/projects/pfsm20autodoc


Where are the digitally based tools of a meeting accessed?

In the descriptive menu of the wsp group associated with the meeting 


What is the next step after being in contact with facilitators at the host meeting?

Include yourself as a participant fill out the participant form

Start an online meeting - fill out the meeting manager form 



Why not wait a few months until September 2020 instead of proposing initial participation in the forum process?

Because a long and leisurely time is used to mature relationships and participation goals, learning in practice how to communicate the forum and how to participate in it. Finding people through their profile or through joint participation in the same online meeting

One can be empowered to formulate self-organized online meetings, which are a first stage foreshadowing that of the event forum, and developing them with participatory and articulatory dynamics. So when the time comes to announce activities and initiatives it will be done in continuity with the accumulated from this initial phase 

It will be a guarantee of relevance and of more people and organizations actively included

This has to do with previous experiences that there is not enough time, that there is not a space implemented before 5 months before the event See Montreal experiences and timeline  http://openfsm.net/projects/pfsm20/pfsm20-insumo58 / # macroplan2016 and Salvador  http://openfsm.net/projects/pfsm20/pfsm20-insumo58/#macroplan2018


What is more than what is proposed?

The meetings are dialogue processes with a succession of interactive online sessions and the ability to self-document, the associated WhatsApp group is simply the component that allows continuity to be maintained


How do these meetings start?

With the following steps http://openfsm.net/projects/pfsm20/pfsm20-insumo53 see also http://openfsm.net/projects/pfsm20/pfsm20-insumo79

Basically from conversations in meetings that and as between facilitators and participants about their desire and expectations of participation

Once there is a live voice agreement to start a meeting and a written formulation of the meeting approach for your name, facilitators create the digital basis of the meeting, and co-administers those responsible 


Which shape has?

A series of online sessions related to permanent chat  http://openfsm.net/projects/pfsm20/pfsm20-encuentros-en-espacios-intercom

Online meetings are dynamic that can last several months and involve tens or hundreds of people


Who decides the topic of online meetings?

They are decided by those who announce meetings that are self-organized by participants, maintaining a certain relationship with one of "their" organizations - and that they will work on a perspective http://openfsm.net/projects/pfsm20/pfsm20-encuentros-en- intercom-spaces / # perspectives

Discussions with space facilitators can help formulate the title - and verify criteria (see just below)  


What content can online meetings have?

 Of all kinds that are popular education or articulation between civil society entities It is important to see them as long processes that can last months, and are a group of sessions related to more informal periods in chat and personal conversations. 


Suggestions and criteria for these contents?

Content of an online meeting that corresponds to a problem that is relevant to an organization and that is likely to awaken the interest of people and entities in the country and in the world


How to assess if a @ can be a relevant @ responsible for an encounter?

Self-evaluation criteria

Have relevance to the topic, have semi-formal support from an organization, Examine the formal requirements http://openfsm.net/projects/pfsm20/pfsm20-encuentros-en-espacios-intercom/#requisitos

If possible find co-managers supported by your organization

That the perspective is consistent with reasonably possible participation goals of this organization 

Have desire and consequently have enough time to dedicate, and ability to find other people organizations

Have a network of contacts of people who are potentially interested in the topic / perspective approach, who can be invited  


Are there acceptance criteria for online meeting proposals?

Through a conversation between the person facilitating the subject space and the possible person in charge, these same questions regarding these criteria are asked, before or after filling out the meeting announcement form that is located at the bottom of this page http: // openfsm. net / projects / pfsm20 / pfsm20-meetings-in-spaces-intercom


What is the purpose of formulating a meeting, goal and perspective?

To work participation goals of a participating entity

To have experience of organizing online meetings 

To discuss a generic or topical issue without being directly related to the focus of the organization 


How do you formulate a meeting - topic title perspective method dialogue plan?

A title is given, a presentation text of a few lines is written  

It is advisable to write a 5-line text presenting the proposal for what and how

You can fill the visible form on the page  http://openfsm.net/projects/pfsm20/pfsm20-encuentros-en-espacios-intercom (xxx the items of the form are here:)


What is the "perspective" of an encounter?

It is the generic purpose of the meeting, so that the meeting is organized. 6 perspectives are proposed for meetings in thematic spaces and 3 for meetings in geographic spaces http://openfsm.net/projects/pfsm20/pfsm20-encuentros-en-espacios -intercom / # perspectives


What are Comments and recommendations on the various thematic "perspectives"?

Perspectives refer to goals and context 

For thematic perspectives 

T1 / DIALOGUE EXPLORATION deepen discussions-and explore possibilities of articulations- Here the experience and motivation of the person and that of the organization that supports them count.  

T2 / LOCAL EVENT PROMOTION to promote a theme of this event One idea is to take advantage of a face-to-face activity open to online participation - to start the meeting - then complemented by a more general discussion.

Another idea is to relate various local activities in various places as illustrations or partial realizations of a more general thematic problem.


Here it is simpler: we are in the perspective of the event: it is a meeting that aims to mature preparing an activity at the event. The group of managers is likely to act as preparers for this activity

T4 / PREPARATION INITIATIVE PROCESS FSMXIV Here we are in the projection in the future and the dimension of incidence action 

Formulate more formal initiatives between entities. Here it is a matter of proposing a semi-public discussion between various co-promoters who may be co-responsible for the meeting and have a wsp group of more responsible managers 

For geographic perspectives (see part 5-F below) 

G1 / LOCAL EXCHANGES on their participations of various types among a group of participating entities originating from the same territory (that go or do not go to the event in Mexico) this is related to a succession of physical meetings (@ see question on agenda of these meetings )

G2 / DELEGATION Meetings to organize physical delegations to the event in Mexico. This is an encounter that can come out of an encounter with a G1 perspective 


How is the support of an organization manifested in the announcement later in the animation of a meeting?

In the initial participation stage, there is no formal control of this endorsement - it is more via conversation between facilitators and meeting announcers, verified by membership and inclusion of other people who come from the same organization to help that the endorsement is checked


How is the relevance of an encounter manifested?

In which there is a flow of arrival to the meeting room from various places and a regular participation of a nucleus of participant who finds the proposal of the meeting relevant and at ease with their hands.


How is participation in thematic meetings constructed?

It's a mix of three invitation streams 

Invitations made by responsible people in their networks

The invitations made by the responsible people in the thematic spaces where they are (circulation of invitation link) 

The inclusion of people who see a meeting in the list of meetings and come to the reception space for what and how of the corresponding thematic space to request an invitation facilitator 


What are the roles in an encounter?

There are responsible people who animate the meeting 

There are participating people 

several members: external guests (who have not filled out the WSF inclusion form),

There are people already participating in the WSF thematic space, participants in other spaces, 

There are facilitators of the thematic space where the meeting is located, who generally take care of the dynamics of the space and who can support the first steps of the people responsible


How is redundancy between encounters handled?

There are real redundancies, and it can be suggested to people to evaluate if it would not be more relevant to take responsibility together for the meeting  

There are apparent redundancies that correspond to differences in approach or opinions and that perhaps there is no will or trust or desire to do the meeting together


How do those responsible for a meeting coordinate?

The people responsible for a meeting may find it relevant to create a group to get together regardless of the messages they send in the chat room of the meeting that are intended for the participants. This group can also serve the accompaniment period by space facilitator if it is an agreed option (it is not imposed)


How much time to dedicate to my / our online meeting?

A little time each day to:

Circular invitations

Welcome the people who arrive

Prepare next session -  

Animate the session and maybe it will help me recruit people

Take notes on the pad, write rapporteurs upload them in the autodoc space, spread the link

Cheer s


Who to consult with to make an online meeting?

With space facilitators by conversation before or after filling the announcement form  


What is the role of space facilitators in thematic meetings?

Accompany the responsible people

Ensuring that the contents are consistent with the tasting of principles

Invite outsiders who come to the meeting to also come to the host meeting for what and how to participate and then perhaps be included in the forum process 


How do I locate facilitators of the thematic space where we are thinking of locating a meeting?

They are mentioned on the page of the linkage commission http://openfsm.net/projects/pfsm20/pfsm20-commission-linkage

There are those who welcome  


Is the choice of the thematic space where the meeting is located important? 

The people responsible for meetings can easily promote their meeting in the various spaces where one of them is (or its participants) is distributed. The income of people coming from different thematic spaces is a little more indirect.


Can an online meeting be located in more than one thematic space?

In practice if it would suffice to make it appear in two 


Can other tools be used than the ones proposed?

In each meeting wsp group there are in the descriptive heading the infrastructure links of the meeting. If other tools can be used for the sessions, but it is advisable to keep access to the proposed tools (wsp group, auto doc page) so that when third parties approach they know where to find information


How is an online meeting encouraged?

It is the task of each group responsible for meeting. Define the framework title perspective, methodological, invite host propose dates organize sessions http://openfsm.net/projects/pfsm20/pfsm20-encuentros-en-espacios-intercom

 The space facilitation team can converse with them to inform them of good practices and the experiences of the other groups responsible for the meeting.


How many sessions are there in a meeting?

The minimum requirement is two sessions http://openfsm.net/projects/pfsm20/pfsm20-encuentros-en-espacios-intercom/#requisitos

The number of sessions is the decision of those responsible for the meeting


How long does an encounter last?

It is an intercommunicative process that lasts as long as it seems relevant to its managers- -may be punctuated by several interactive sessions


Who to invite to our online meeting?

Nominally To those who think they may be interested To people you do not know but who respond from an invitation circulated by mail 


Who supports us for the digital management of the meeting?

The facilitators of the thematic spaces and the team of the liaison commission 


Is there an accompaniment for our first steps as responsible for an encounter?

In principle, yes, so that they can use the tools, and to answer questions. The accompanying person can be present in the wsp group of the meeting and in the group of managers

Note that the facilitators are also being trained 


When to stop an encounter?

When responsible people decide that it is necessary to stop, also supported by the participation they achieve and the results they have  


What is the Autodoc space?

It is a web page that allows you to create pages as the person in charge of meeting online. If those responsible for a meeting have another website to store documents, it is suggested that the links to this site be edited on the basic page of the meeting http://openfsm.net/projects/pfsm20autodoc


How do I receive an account for meeting managers? 

Once it is clear that you are going to host an online meeting, create an account and see it on this page http://openfsm.net/projects/pfsm20autodoc


What suggestions for editing pages for a meeting? 

Create numbered pages of this type ((exxxxx autodocumentacion docx) whose content can evolve and are easy to memorize and find

There may be a page describing the meeting, a page that does a session report, etc.


Who broadcasts a meeting and how?

They are responsible for mainly disseminating the meeting and circulating, on their networks, and in the thematic spaces fsmmx invitation links to the whatsapp group, and links to documentation pages (with at least one published in the autodoc space showing what is the meeting and how far it has progressed in the sessions that have already been held

The dissemination outside the forum space that is part of the linking effort is through the channels accessible to the people responsible for the meeting

The diffusion in the thematic space of the meeting - is done through messages and group invitations of the thematic space

The diffusion in other thematic spaces according to who is there of the group responsible for the meeting



Who is responsible for an encounter?

The person or persons who have started it

respecting the formal requirements http://openfsm.net/projects/pfsm20/pfsm20-encuentros-en-espacios-intercom/#requisitos

filling a form I find http://openfsm.net/projects/pfsm20/pfsm20-encuentros-en-espacios-intercom


What do I commit myself by coming to a meeting?

To nothing in particular, except if you express a commitment to a proposal that they are responsible for - for example, committing to initiate an activity announcement together when the registrations are opened on the event site


How do you enter an encounter?

Unx can be included, invited or actively seeking to enter after examining the list of encounters http://openfsm.net/projects/pfsm20/pfsm20-pagina-info-lista-de-encuentros


How do you know what active encounters there are?

For the list of meetings and for the invitations that those responsible circulate in the thematic spaces


What are the results of an encounter?

A series of personal or inter-organizational approaches, documents relating well-focused discussions in relation to a meta perspective described in advance


Where are the people responsible for an encounter identified?

In the presentation paragraph of a meeting in the list http://openfsm.net/projects/pfsm20/pfsm20-pagina-info-lista-de-encuentros

How can I join the group responsible for an encounter?

Asking their managers and talking with them Reporting a space facilitator 


How to relate local activities to a meeting?

This is done informally by the responsible people, offering online participation in an activity declared as a session in the meeting 


What language is spoken in an online meeting?

Those responsible for the meeting are those who decide in which language is spoken and written depending on who participates and their logistical and interpretive capacities.





What are the characteristics of a geographical meeting “participating from xxx?

It is presented as a WhatsApp group of people who live in the same city region and who have been included as participants in part. In part they come to meeting sessions that are alternations of face-to-face meetings or online meetings. 


How are face-to-face meetings organized “participating from xxx?

The approach is multi-thematic Who participates as from our city  

According to their degree of involvement in the process - first coming - participating in an online meeting, - people are preparing to participate in an event, they are promoting an initiative -

Cross-cutting themes such as (simple suggestions) “what is the forum?” Can be proposed during the meeting. Are we going to organize to cooperate in a delegation from our city to the event? - “What can we collectively get out of our participation in the forum? Shall we continue as a network of participants in the process? What dates initiatives actions could have expression in our city. 

Specific conversations can be proposed that are annexes of the meeting


What does this meeting bring to its participants?

Bring information about what the forum is and what the forum exists, exchange about the forum

Lets be inspired by what others do in the same city or in other regions

Lets take the next step of participation from where I am  


How would the group responsible for such meetings be?

The idea is that there should be, as far as possible, only one meeting in a city, unless there are currents with structured differences that do not have affinities to want to coexist in the same meeting 


What are your tasks?

Maintain a level of relevant information in the wsp group 

Organize and facilitate face-to-face meetings, so that they bring new information to those who come 

Document in the process, looking for relationships in relation to interests expressed by participants to accompany them and put them in contact with people who will welcome them in their participation intentions (find an online meeting, start one, etc. 


Comments on the various geographical perspectives G0 G1 G2?

The meeting "for what and how to participate from such a region" may be launched in second place 

It would be more relevantly facilitated by people who are already responsible for an online meeting “participating in the forum from x”. First examples (and reception of people from another city in the meeting for pedagogical purposes. 

The meeting organizing a G2 delegation logically follows from G1



What is the FSM Internet café participation form?

It is a local activity during the fsm event that consists of bringing together in the same physical place, participants who are interested in participating in various activities open to online participation. 

It is prepared by contacting the people in charge of online participation in various activities 

It can come off the dynamics of a geographical meeting: it is a way of organizing among people who are not part of delegations of their organizations to the event 

globe-logo.png6 / What is participation in the preparation of the event?

The event is the culmination of the process-event and is a strong personal experience, which can represent a great effort on the part of the participant. Often it has a prefigurative subjective dimension of the other possible world, taking care of the goals of participation of its entity, and making unexpected encounters 



What is a local activity?

It is an activity that is outside the place and time of the event, and that its organizers want to somehow place in the process, there are potentially many


What is opening march?

It is a march in the afternoon of the day before the activities that is structured by participating organizations and without a general motto other than "another world is possible". It allows participants to show each other, make contacts, and show the forum in the city where it takes place. 


Is there a final march?

In the history of the forum there is no final march because it is feared that it will turn out to be a kind of final declaration with slogans dictated or promoted by some proactive actors. 

An exception twice was in Tunisia where the organizers coincided the last day of the event with “Earth Day” in solidarity with Palestine and invited the participants in the event to come join the ranks of a democratic and religious bloc that shared existed on the same march with an Islamist bloc. 

Now, if the maturity of collective appropriation of the forum process as a forum-space allows it, and if there is an agora of futures that shows a diversity and effective and operational relevance with many initiatives receiving many supports, including large initiatives, one could imagine organize a final march where the groups are by initiative and not by organizations as in the opening march. 

It is relevant to consider the time taken by the marches that is discounted from the interaction time between participants during the event.


What is macro-programming?

It is a description of what happens in the four to six days of the event, highlighting and describing common moments (such as opening march, opening moment, agora of future final moment) and common spaces used in the methodology (as a kiosk space of initiatives). without highlighting themes and even fewer activities in particular, respecting the principle of horizontality. You can set up and specify schedules for certain types of activities, such as assemblies, or cultural activities. 

Here is a proposal to visualize the evolution of the macro-programming of FSM events in the history of the forum and a detailed framework that mentions some possibilities http://openfsm.net/projects/pfsm20/pfsm20-insumo58 (first two plates)


How is the event program done?

The program methodology commission processes all the activity files and distributes the activities in places and times in the CDMX, trying to respect the demands of size and days -



Who does it?

The methodology commission and the logistics commission of the facilitating collective


What is the degree of parallelism / simultaneity of an activity or assembly?

It is the number of activities that occur simultaneously to this The parallelism for activities is usually between 50 and 100 for activities

The parallelism for assembly is around 10 


How is parallelism managed in the event?

The people who make up the delegation of an entity participating in the event will organize to 

Being present with the right people from your delegation in activities where you identify that there is a political importance for them to be there - be it an activity that you are organizing, be it an activity where you want to show yourself, and reach some agreements etc. 

This implies dividing the presences in simultaneous activities among people from the same delegation

Now with social networks people are still connected to each other and inform each other 

It is in a position to include online participants of your organization, as far as possible, with people who have connectivity and know how to manage digital inclusion channels (live video, or teleconference, etc.)   


Can I participate if I will not be able to go to the event?

Yeah right . especially if you are in a group that will send delegates to the event.  

These people will act during the event in continuity with what they had agreed and also can commit to include you as online participants  




What is an event activity?

It is an activity that is in the event


What language is spoken in an activity?

In the language your organizers choose - preparing the translation-interpretation capacity if necessary


Who is responsible for an activity?

One or more organizations are not individual. There are individual contacts for logistics communication or documentation commitment or online participation, but the entities are responsible. The way of showing the entities may vary according to options on the event website (creation of entity with representative, or declaration of representatives if having an entity on the site)

A team made up of people mandated by their organizations


How do you open an activity to online participation?

A specific form is filled out, indicating one or better two contact person who will be in charge of doing it, 

1 / preparing the appropriate logistics, depending on the quality of connectivity that exists where the place of the activity is. 2 / creating a lively online meeting beforehand. A recommended modality is to create an online meeting whose purpose is to create a participating online community that will actively participate in this activity at the time and day where it will take place.

3 activating online video and teleconferencing and chatting

4 / interacting before and during the activity with this community and trying to give them the floor as a participant in the physical room

5 / offering translation in some cases

6 / using the video for the memory of the activity in the post-event self-documentation phase


How is the online meeting form used to open up for online participation?

An online meeting is created whose perspective is related to an activity this time at the event: allowing interactive and collective participation in the activity in Mexico City. 

It is created well before the event, and can also serve to maintain a community between a delegation that goes to Mexico and the group that stays  


What is the FSM Internet café participation form?

It is a local activity during the fsm event that consists of bringing together in the same physical place, participants who are interested in participating in various activities open to online participation. 

It is prepared by contacting the people in charge of online participation in various activities 

Who would organize an FSM internet café?

This activity can be a manifestation of a geographical meeting “participating in the fsm from city x”, which works with a series of face-to-face meetings included in an online meeting, one of the sessions of this meeting can be a coffee fsm during the event 


What is articulating activities?

It is evaluating their relationships between the preparers of both - looking for complementarity without redundancies or looking for merger http://openfsm.net/projects/pfsm20/pfsm20-insumo60

An online meeting can be created to discuss articulation of two activities 


What relationship between thematic spaces and activities?

Thematic spaces are proximity boxes where activity preparers decide to place the activity - many times an activity is related to several thematic spaces, but it can be physically located only in one - the facilitating committee can decide or not to give physical existence in the event to the thematic spaces


What can be meetings at the time of the event?

It can be activities that have not been announced and that are born in the heat of the event. It is good to be able to have spaces and protocols for allocating spaces to make these meetings visible. It is up to the facilitating collective to foresee them and to operate the logistics  

See this modality in the framework-pedagogical programming diagram:  http://openfsm.net/projects/pfsm20/pfsm20-insumo58/#macroprogdetalle   (gray cells) 


What is an assembly?

It is an activity that meets size criteria in the number of co-preparatory organizations and in the history of articulation activities, established by the facilitating collective, being an assembly allows you to access turns and places reserved for the assembly see the first two sheets of http: // openfsm.net/projects/pfsm20/pfsm20-insumo58


What are the advantages of being an assembly?

Having the statute of assembly can give you less parallelism (it will be parallelism with other assemblies like 10 instead of parallelism of 50 activities, 

It also gives larger rooms, which you have to be able to fill at the same time. It makes you more visible since you enter a list of more or less 20 to 30 assemblies that is communicated separately see the case of montreal 2016 http://openfsm.net/projects/pfsm20/pfsm20-insumo57/#asambleasMontreal  


What are the criteria to be an assembly?

The facilitating group defines various criteria so that an activity can be considered as an assembly in the programming 

Criteria of form such   as: Number of organizations that co-prepare the assembly, geographic diversity of these organizations more than one continent, number of existing initiatives in the initiative kiosk that will be examined in the assembly 

Background : existence of previous documentation in the articulation process that precedes the assembly - existence of an online meeting to prepare this assembly, open for more than a month 

Commitments such as: making live video and transcription of the assembly, open to online participation through an online meeting opened at least a week before; commitment that a declaration that comes out of this assembly (and that would be treated as an initiative-declaration with the action date of the day of the end of the event) be signed by an explicit list of entities   




What is the initiative methodology?

It is everything that has to do with the inclusion of the notion of initiative in the forum methodology


What are (announcements) of initiatives?

It is a form of participation that consists of announcing and describing a fight a campaign a project with goals, organizational tasks and dates of public actions - the promoters of initiatives come to present it in self-organized activities to articulate them in online meetings, to promote them in the permanent kiosk of initiatives online and in the event, and in the agora of initiatives at the end of the event



What are public action dates?

They are actions that are part of the plan of an initiative - with one to three dates for each initiative


What relationship between activity and initiative?

Initiatives are discussed in activities - - some activities are tasks or actions of initiatives the 

Visibility of the program of activities and the list of initiatives allows the relations between them to be formalized - in the descriptive sheets of both http://openfsm.net/projects/pfsm20/pfsm20-insumo60   (to be developed


How are the initiatives manifested in the activities ?

In the description of an activity there may be an announcement of a moment dedicated to presenting preparing commenting articulating one or more initiatives giving the link to the description of this


What kind of public actions are there?

The whole range of non-violent actions - a categorization can be made according to the level of commitment of the people who carry out the actions (obviously this depends on the country where they are carried out) http://openfsm.net/projects/qfsmet-lac1/qfsmetlac1 -initiatives-elements-for-description


What is promoting initiatives?

It is to register it, present it in meetings and in self-managed activities so that the number of entities that commit to it grow


Who promotes initiative?

One or preferably many organizations, The initiatives allow to visualize coalitions articulations built from below and that are capable of carrying out actions of all kinds


When are initiatives announced?

With a tab on the website - see the case of Montreal 


What is articulating initiatives?

It is evaluating their relationships between the promoters of both - looking for articulation without redundancies or looking for fusion http://openfsm.net/projects/pfsm20/pfsm20-insumo60


What is the use of announcing an initiative?

To introduce yourself to the community of participants in the forum, and collect signs of interest and commitment, articulate with other initiatives


What is inter-initiative space?

It is a permanent place online at the event site and in the form of an online meeting, or a permanent physical place at the event, where people interested in initiatives come to inquire with people who promote them, or where they can contact promoters of initiatives. -




What is agora of initiatives?

In a collective moment in a large space where many participants circulate as they like between posts where they can meet and give support to initiatives - and a way to end the forum focused on initiatives and actions and without centralized discourse on horizontality and diversity but focused on in action plans for another possible world

It is a developing format The experiences of agora are two to date Tarapoto but and Salvador de Bahia http://openfsm.net/projects/sobre-agora-dos-futuros-fsm2018/agorafsm18-articulo-de-presentacion-marzo- 2019   Peru http://openfsm.net/projects/cif/cif-galeria-de-papelotes-iniciativas-en-fospa-tarapoto


What is a futures calendar?

It is the assembly of all the dates of public action of all the initiatives, the assembly is done by the methodology commission and a care group for the post event


How is the futures calendar assembled?

Formulation of action dates is requested from the promoter groups of all initiatives present in the initiative kiosk - (there may be tentative and preliminary confirmed dates) - 


Who takes care of the futures calendar?

The methodology committee of the facilitating collective and then a care group for the months after the forum


How is the calendar shown to participants?

It can be physically displayed in the form of a parade of people (live calendar) and is displayed on the event website https://fsm2016.org/en/actions/   Montreal before and after the event (more finished) 


What difference between calendar and agenda?

The calendar brings together all the action dates, with language scale subject filters etc but without priority - An agenda is proposed by certain organizations in coordination and proposes prioritization of action dates according to a shared political vision


How are initiatives articulated?

Self organized perhaps with suggestion of facilitators but not imposition - through online meetings or meetings at the event


What relationship between thematic spaces and initiatives?

The thematic spaces are proximity boxes where initiative promoters decide to place their initiative (to follow)


globe-logo.png7 / What happens after the event?



How long is the facilitation collective still active?

Some months

See the pyramid diagram http://openfsm.net/projects/pfsm20/pfsm20-insumo58/#marcocomun   between date 3 and date 4

What tasks are given by the group in this period?

Take care of the descent from the event to the day to day 


Consult the participants about their appreciation of the forum event 

Encourage self-documentation of activities by their preparatory groups

Encourage the collection of online support for initiatives by their promoter groups

Take care of the update of the futures calendar by the promoter groups

Maintain the event website until there is another FSM event in active phase (that is, two years) 

Write a report and experience report: 

Seeing the Montreal story, the Montreal  Facilitating Committee made a particular effort to systematize its experience to transmit it to other committees https://fsm2016.org/wp-content/uploads/2017/01/RAPPORT-FSM-2016-EN.pdf

 see the story of salvador (xxxx) 

Welcome cooperation with future facilitation collective, pass the experience

Contribute to the international council with two representatives (possibly interns)


What experience do you have of this phase?

A rather limited experience because many times the facilitator group has not taken into account the post event, and people are exhausted and have not been scheduled for this period 


How are the relations with the facilitating collective of the next event?

 An example is the Bogota meeting 




What are the participating people and organizations returning from the event?

See the graphic illustration   http://openfsm.net/projects/pfsm20/pfsm20-insumo58/#macroplantotalMX

Individually: publicize the forum  

As an organization: document activities we co-prepare, update initiatives we are in, do local forum return activities with disclosure of the future calendar 

Contribute to the success of action dates in the initiatives where we are involved 


What experience will they have gained from your participation in the process?

Contacts and joints 

Online meeting management 

Management of opening local activities to online participation