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last modified December 23, 2021 by facilitfsm

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20 acts of participation towards/in the event WSF2021

(input first presented in methodology commission meeting GFMX2022 on 21 october) This table Presents chronologically the main participation acts, many of those accesible to active participants on join.wsf platform

it is an overview see from the participant's eyes which may inspire collective thinking about such a methodology in view of the objectives ( get automated translation selecting english on top right of page)  formulated sept 4th by the facilitation collective

The table takes up a set of 20 forms, acts, and  moments of participation in the Fsm 2021 implementation .

It Mention  in the right column how these acts can incorporate a moment of concentration of physical activities in CDMX from May 1 to 7, 2022.

In yellow are figures for order of magnitude

 In Blue are tools to search proximities in the perspective of articulating from below

Participation Acts of PARTICIPATING ORGANIZATIONS and People  

Local or ONLINE participation on line activities proposed from all over the world (included in the hybrid event program) 

CDMX physical participation and remote participacion in part of case en actividades fisicas /extendidas (incluidas en en el program del evento hibrido)

1 / Fill out a personal pre registration  form (WSF 2021 experience) It

allows to know if people agree to come in welcome groups by language or regions (20 ?)  of whatsapp / telegram where to socialize and receive WSFinfos  

2 / Socialize among participants in these welcome groups by regions 

Moderation of these welcome groups and dissemination of specific infos can be in relation to the work of the mobilization 

3 / Prepare to do acts of participation in FSM platform (10,000?) 

Create personal or collective email ACCOUNT on the join FSM platform (version 2022) - There may be a DONATION of a physical participant in CDMX

4 / ACT 1: make your ORGANIZATION visible in the process (1000?)

It is a participation in the FSM process  more permanent, possibility of announcing activities outside the event period  in 2021 and 2022 

5 / Search " Proximities  in acting and goals with other organizations 

Searches can be improved - for example searching for organizations that selected the same topics from a list of 200 - there may also be search in the expression of participation goals etc.

6 / ACT2: Announce and edit self-organized ACTIVITY (SOA), (1000?)  including Assemblies prepared by more than 5 orgs (30?)  

Goal is to use the same form for "online activity" and "centric CDMX activity,"
Making visible only the filled fields - ARTICULATE for dialogue up to 15 co-organizers in one SA - ( 8 Panel activities WSF2021: are SOA prepared by groups of orgs from GF / IC )

7 / Self Locate the activity in thematic dimensions - Search for others Proximities between activities

10 Thematic axes  and possible sub-axes serve to indicate a coarse proximity, there may be other proximity searches on the name of the activity, on words in the description of the activity, etc. We can improve what we have

8 / Describe the activity: Local Act indicate a physical place - Act CDMX a size of public time preferences

Have a file format that welcomes the two types of activities and allows more searches - The CDMX day and time room info is given by the logistics programming operation from the GF with deadlines to respect

9 / Schedule activities  500/1000? online organized from around the world and 500/1000? in CDMX

The option of day time is free for online activities (except if you reserve premises in CDMX to participate in them)

The logistics programming CDMX room day, time, can be done separately and export this data to the descriptive AA in the platform WSF 

10 / Contribute from participants to finance the forum (20% of costs) 

Optional solidarity DONATION online 

DONATION to CDMX activities as a condition of its programming

11 / Participate in the WSF opening march (there may be 2 moments of march) 

WSF 2021 virtual march (going around the world and commenting on videos of 1-3 mns (500? Videos 24 h) 

Physical march in CDMX May 1, 2022 that can be extended (tens of thousands of people)

12/ ACT3: Publish “news from the WSF”

What we do in the forum, how we see the forum etc- dissemination & fair visibility

13 / ACT4: Announce and edit INITIATIVE (200?) fight campaign, project, agenda with action dates 

See the existing form on the platform - ARTICULATE for action  20 or more organizations in an initiative, and define 3 public actions - It can be agreed to formulate  initiatives that articulate initiatives with an agenda / declaration   

14/Search Proximities between initiatives 

We can improve the searches existing have on the initiatives page

15 / Search Proximities between actions  

Improve searches in the Shared Calendar of 500? actions from WSF Participant

16 /with promoters of initiatives in the Futures Ágora Space to find out, join, support

Meet in 200 rooms of the virtual agora space TV Agora reports (WSF2021)Meeting  

in 200 virtual booths in virtual agora and in a physical Agora space in CDMX

17 / Final moment (s) Agora (s) 

Meeting in the virtual agora space 

"Agora of futures" moment in Zocalo

18 / Closing moment WSF 2022

Who's talking and about what? (Evaluate FSM 2021 experience)    

19 / Document activities after event

Self-documentation of 500?  Activities on the FSM platform with stories and links 

20 / Update dates of action / initiatives

Editing the actions, linked or not to Initiative, automatically updates the Calendar
