• pfsm22 insumo16 en


Current Version

by facilitfsm, modified December 23, 2021

Version 7

by facilitfsm, modified November 5, 2021


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Make Proximity Searches available to participants in Join.wsforum.net platform

(input under development in communication commission of FGMX 2022)

These searches are a contribution to get to the objectives defined in the GFMX facilitating group for WSF2022 about fostering articulations from below

See numbers 2 5 7 14 15 in input 14 on participation acts in WSF2021http://openfsm.net/projects/pfsm22/pfsm22-insumo14-en

PERSONAL PROXIMITY SEARCH (TO BE DISCUSSED) Act 2 / Socialize among participants in these welcome groups by regions With a simple page search an "initial participant" can search for words on this page to search for "Proximities " with other participants according to the items of a possible initial connection form to fsm 2022(geographic (4) linguistics (5) age (3) topics (11 12), politics (point 9 12) of modalities (point 10)( in relation with movilization/ Connection commision)

ORGANISATION PROXIMITY SEARCH Act 5 / Search for " Proximities " in action and goals with other organizations Searches can be improved - for example, searching for organizations that selected the same topics in a list of 200topics - There can also be search in the expression of goals of participation of organizations ( item to add in the org presentation page / file) etc

ACTIVITY PROXIMITY SEARCH Act 7 / Auto Locate the activity in thematic dimensions - Search for other Proximities between activities 10 Thematic axesand possible sub axes serve to indicate a coarse proximity. There may be other searches and filters : on the name of the activity, on words in the description of the activity, etc. can improve what is in join platform

INITIATIVE PROXIMITY SEARCH Act 14 / Search Proximity between initiatives We can improve the searches and filters existing on the initiatives page https://join.wsf2021.net/initiatives

ACTION PROXIMITY SEARCH Act 15 / Search Proximities between actions Improve searches in the FSM Calendar commonto 500? participant actions - You can improve the searches and filters that you have on the calendar page https://join.wsf2021.net/actions-calendar

see the DISCUSSION IN THE MARCH 2 IC on the calendar http://openfsm.net/projects/ic-extended/online-202103-extension2/#7Innerventions @ 007 to @ 027 and @ 38