• pfsm22 reunion 26junio21 lexico en

Wiki modificadas recientemente August 14, 2021 por facilitfsm



In fact it is an index more than a lexicon (which would be the definition of the terms) 

As said in @ 004  -1 , in these three meetings a round of dialogue is opened that is not conclusive, and it is not to carry the objectives, but to bring general perspectives. 

To use this index,

  • 1 / open, in another tab of your browser, the meeting transcript page  http://openfsm.net/projects/pfsm22/pfsm22-reunion-26junio21   or   http://openfsm.net/projects/pfsm22/pfsm22- reunion-26junio21-com1  version with 1 comment (there may be others) 
  • 2 / use the "page search" in the browser menu, at the top right of the screen (three-dot menu)
  • You can search for the occurrences of a word or the address of the word indicated in the index, that is, the number of the intervention, for example, for @ 009-7 search for "@ 009", then within the transcript of the intervention, look for @ 7 outlined expression, and the appearance of the word 



Conflicts  : there are conflicts that define the political @ 031-1 armando - need to continue to the bottom of the conflicts @ 031-3 Armando - a space for dialogue that assumes conflicts between us @ 031-4 Armando

Discussion in person at the IC  on principles - there has been no discussion at the IC so far @ 006-3 with Pierre - discussions that the IC has not had in person @ 048-14 with Pierre - @ 053-2 with Pierre

Diverge   there are differences about the fact that CI as such make political declaration @ 008 com Pierre - synthesis reflecting divergent views among themselves @ 007 com Pierre - Reviews conceptualisation of the forum are to divergent @ 027-1 com Pierre - organizations that have options divergent and cooperating in the same facilitating group @ 037-4 Pierre - minor consensus due to majority question and assess divergent opinions @ 048-7 Damien - consensus formulation achieved at the end of a discussion with divergences @ 050-2 Pierre

Listen    I've heard many what and few how @ 012-4 Pierre  - a consensus / consent decision ptrotocole that encourages listening to reach consensus formulations @ 037-3 Pierre

Objective - how can interventions from CI- @ 006-1 E com Pierre be objective - the task of objectively explaining the principles, experiences and practices @ 006-1 com Pierre

Problem   the IC remains problematic @ 006-1 D Com Pierre -   Problems with the way it works @ 036-2 Oscar - There are several problems that have to do with the way we organize ourselves @ 043-1 Armando - other people from the IC point out problems @ 048-16 Damien

Tension   with less dynamism and more tensions in the IQ from 2011/12, @ 028-7 com Pierre

Unit  ;   unity of practical experience in the IC @ 027-1 com A Pierre - @ 036 com Pierre - Maintain the unity of the facilitating collective @ 037-3 & 4 @ 044-2 - @ 048-8 com Pierre- unity that is only unity to build the process / forum space @ 050 com Pierre



Actions - Facilitating actions   - action calendar @ 026-4 Felix

Actions of participants   action initiatives @ 016 - generic actions of participants in the letter @ 017-7 com Pierre @ 030 Pierre @ 044 Pierre - history of how actions of participants @ 032 Pierre are visible in the forum space - maybe it is method question @ 034 5 & 6 Martin - action initiatives @ 050 com Pierre

Activity   self-managed activities placed in thematic spaces / axes @ 021-3 with Pierre - how many organizations cooperate to prepare an activity @ 025 with D Pierre - activity with celebrities heads of state @ 046-5 Hamouda 

Acts of participation -xx  acts of participation are voluntary @ 043-com E Pierre mention of respect for principles @ 048-14 com Pierre

Africa  synthesis

Agenda   the construction of narratives and agendas is done autonomously in the space of the forum @ 043- com E Pierre

Agonism   - Agonism, a philosophical perspective that emphasizes the importance of conflict for politics. @ 043- Armando 

Agora   synthesis

Agreement   XX

Alliance   hegemonic neoliberal alliance @ 031-1 A com Pierre - broad civil society alliances @ 043-1 G com Pierre

America   XX

As a forum, as a forum ,forum itself , in the name of the forum   does not imply that campaigns are in the name of the forum @ 008-6 Com Pierre -  we are working as a forum @ 017-1 Martin   - pronouncements but in the name of the forum @ 022 Oscar - Express yourself on behalf of the forum @ 028-7 with D Pierre - how we make decisions as a forum @ 043-1 armando- the formulation shows that we are in the vision of the forum actor @ 043-1 ComPierre - in reality the forum is positioned by its own existence @ 048-11 damien

Assembly  assemblies publishing statements @ 008 with Pierre - have more attention in the assembly GFMX @ 018-3 Hamouda - assemblies linked to the wsf process @ 020-6 with Pierre- assemblies that met the criteria of 5 organizations in virtual forum @ 021-3com Pierre - how many organizations cooperate for an assembly @ 025 com D Pierre - trying something different from the wsf : the international assembly of peoples @ 028-7 com D Pierre - assembly of parliamentarians in first forums @ 046 Hamouda - diversity of assemblies at the end of the event @ 046-5 com Pierre - 2019 assembly in mexico @ 047-2 L Ivette - facilitating collectives are not assemblies @ 048-1 L Damien - consensus and assembly   Indian experience  @ 059   

Authoritarian synthesis 

Autonomous participants who are autonomous political actors in the forum space @ 012-8 - construction of narartivas is done autonomously @ 043-3 com Punto E Pierre

Below   synthesis - find yourself autonomously and from below @ 031-1 with Pierre - from below with all the politicization you want @ 043-8 with Pierre

Calendar  wsf calendar of events @ 016 Pierre - @ 017-5 martin 

Campaign  @ 025 Ricardo @ 008 com Pierre come from possibly powerful joints @ 025 com Pierre

Caricature   One way to criticize the decision protocol by conenso is to caricature it @ 047-3 with D Pierre 

Characterization   - define the forum as a meeting space (principle 1 of the forum) - define the forum as a space for action @ 029 Leo 

charter of principles   (170 occurrences) 

coexist Simply   coexist in the forum space without articulation @ 050 com Pierre

Commission - synthesis (5 occurrences) - documentation / added to the synthesis @ 009-2   - what commissions are we going to do @ 015 Rosa - memory commission @ 026-7 Felix - important to make a commission to work on the letter of principles @ 027B Rosa but let it be from CI @ 040 Rosa - CI commissions stopped working @ 028-3 Com E Pierre - Oscar ready to contribute @ 036 @ 059 Martin - agreement to form a working group on the letter at GFMX 51- 2 Felix - commissions we urgently need communication infrastructure methodology mobilization @ 057-5 Rosa

Communication   synthesis 4 occurrences - communicate about the forum from spaces where we are @ 015-4 Rosa @ 017 Martin - Communication between GFMX and other groups @ 018 Hamouda - sovereignty in communication (what does it mean?) @ 025 Ricardo - Agile communication comes from the aticulations @ 025-2 with B Pierre

community- CI as facilitating community @ 028-11 com Pierre - share knowledge of the letter with our communities @ 061-5 Daniela

Company (in the participants)

Conceptualize   - opinions about the conceptualization of the forum are diverse @ 027-1 Com Pierre - conceptualize the space @ 028-6 Martin - the creation of a charter of principles conceptualizing the forum as an open space in the name of which no one can speak @ 028-1 com Pierre @ 047-3 Com C Pierre - the letter gives conceptual elements about what the forum is and is not @ 030-2 Pierre -  

Concrete articulation   synthesis - others that make ambitious articulations @ 006-1 C com Pierre - articulate in pronouncements @ 008 Com Pierre - powerful bell articulations @ 008-6 com Pierre - articulate effective actions @ 013 1 L Raul - it is very difficult to really articulate @ 013-3 Raul - a preparatory period building joint processes @ 014-2 with Pierre - it is not in the panel that joints @ 021-3 with Pierre are manifested - it is interesting that the size of the joints can be visible @ 025-2 D  com Pierre

Consensus -   there is no consensus on a reformulation of the role of CI @ 006-1 with Pierre - groups that block the meeting of a consensus @ 029 Leo - it is necessary to change the consensus as the only way to decide is a neoliberal fallacy @ 031 Armando -it's only If you want to speak politically on behalf of a forum and from a facilitating group, it becomes problematic to have a decision protocol by consensus consent @ 031-com B Pierre - deciding by consensus is only for facilitation decisions @ 032 Pierre - @ 044 Pierre - with the idea of ​​absolute consensus @ 043 -3 arming - consensus formulations are sought @ 043-1 with B Pierre - currently the consensus is interpreted as unanimity @ 048-4 - Damien - a minor consensus with a resignified majority @ 048-8 Damien

Consensus formulation  the consensus formulation recognized as current @ 006-1 E Com Pierre - by means of a consensus formulation found in attentive discussion it is sought to maintain a general consent / consensus @ 043 with B pierre - consent is to accept a consensus formulation without being agree @ 050-1 - example of consensus formulation @ 050-2 - Formulation of consensus on the wsf principles @ 053-3 Com Pierre 

Consent -   current letter of consent @ 006-3 &5 Com Pierre @ 048-14 Com consent decision protocol @ 013-3 C Pierre - they remain in the 660 collective @ 028-7 C Pierre - it is only if you want to speak on behalf of a forum that the protocol of decision by consensus @ 031 C Pierre - The 14 GF of wsf events used consent in their decisions @ 036 Com Pierre - MGFMX @ 043 C Pierre @ 056 Pierre @ 058 Pierre- Criticisms of the consent protocol lead to wanting to speak politically on behalf of the forum @ 043-8 C Pierre - clarify that this decision protocol is practiced only by facilitation decisions @ 044-2 Pierre - @ 047-2 Com Pierre - Which cases of facilitation decision were prevented by consent protocol ? @ 048-8 Com Pierre - is a practice of rupture with "democratic" constructionof correlation of forces @ 048-9 Com @ 050 Com Pierre - having consensus consent does not mean unanimity @ 050-1 Pierre - If there is no consent, discussions follow and decisions are postponed seeking consensus formulation @ 050 Pierre - the use of this protocol is easier when there is stability @ 059 Com Pierre

Content  not included in the synthesis @ 007 com - the call to participate must have a political content @ 018-2 Hamouda (xx past examples) @ 048-2 Damien - content of the 14 points of the letter @ 028 martin - political content of the participation of an organization in the forum @ 037-4 Pierre

Continuity of the process   xx in the synthesis the principles have allowed the continuity of the wsf process@ 028-7 Com E Pierre - The issue of continuity has not given rise to many exchanges in the IC - @ 028-11 Com Pierre the dynamic of participation post wsf event 2021 - @ 028-12 Com Pierre

Co-responsibility - the IC is co -responsible with the facilitating collective @ 006-1 com BC Pierre - the WSF does not need international advice @ 036 Com Pierre

Criticism  - criticism of the CI @ 025-1 Ricardo - criticism of the decision protocol by consensus lead to the intention to speak politically from the forum through majority process @ 043-8 com F Pierre - 4 main criticisms of the letter of principles @ 047- 3 with C Pierre

Culture see synthesis - forum as a cultural space @ 025-2 Com @ 043-8 Com Pierre

Current -  the consensus formulation recognized as current @ 006-1 with Pierre - the principles of 2001 remain valid @ 028-7 with E Pierre

Debate on charter  xx  (to make what arrangements later as gfmx?)

Decision -   see decision protocol - have a decision making protocol @ 012-3 & 7 Pierre

Decision protocol in the facilitating collective  @ 012-9 Pierre - @ 013-3 with Pierre - the 14 groups used the consent decision protocol @ 036 with Pierre @ 037-3 - considerations criticizing this protocol @ 043-3 with F Pierre - Actually protocol by consent @ 044 Pierre - the subject has not been touched @ 058 - stable group of organizations or asmable @ 059 - 

Democra synthesis   Democracy  that form should have democracy in the forum @ 006-4 Leo  - the  wsf must unite efforts from our internal democracy @ 035 Guadalupe -Democratic democratic debate of ideas (@ 013-1L Raul @ 025-2 Com Pierre - el pincipio that who participate in the forum based on what the forum proposes - democratic radicalism @ 043 Armando - participation of democratic political parties in the forum @ 046-1 Hamouda - democratic media simple or qualified majorities @ 053-4 Oscar   Democratically   practice of building "democratically" correlation of forces in closed environments @ 048-8 Com Pierre -   Democratize  synthesis - democratize or renew in an age sense @ 005 Valentina  

De-politicizing   decision-making by consensus is a way of de-politicizing processes (  which processes facilitate the forum? ) - @ 043 Armando - keep clear that the facilitating collective is not a place of production of political agreements @ 043-Com C Pierre - with all the politicization they want @ 043 com E Pierre

Didactic - Didactic   challenge on the menu - Didactic workshop outlined in 2019 - 3-column version of the letter @ 061-5 Com Pierre - 

Differences decide by consensus / consent despite differences @ 028-7 Com Pierre - points questioned in the letter, unlike 20 years ago @ 029 Leo - different dynamics according to political differences @ 044-2 Pierre - difference between political militancy and civil society to discuss in a seminar @ 046-3 Hamouda - differences between organizational forms @ 048-13 Damien - staying in cooperation despite ideological differences @ 028-7 Com Pierr

Digital  synthesis

Distinguish  Distinguish participation and facilitation @ 008 com - @ 012-9 PIerre

diversity Synthesis  (8 occurrences) - propose a common forum process to a diversity of participants @ 037'3 Pierre - diverse political options - diversity of assemblies @ 046 com Pierre

Elements  fundamental elements that have not been clearly communicated to the date the GFMX @ 036- Com Pierre- elements questioned today @ 029 Leo - conceptual elements that is the forum @ 030-2 Pierre - elements of dialogue between Oscar and Chico on the  wsf  @ 037 Pierre - spirit of background of the letter to consider for possible aquatalization @ 039-4 Mario

Errors (no occurrence) 

Everyday   (without occurrence) - 

experience   Synthesis  - co-responsibility methodological accumulation of practical experience in the CI @ 006-1 Com Pierre @ 036 Com Pierre - try to share experience from the international council @ 012-1 Pierre - many questions and few like that have to do with the experience of the forum @ 012-4 Pierre - exchange of experience as function in the forum @ 013-1 L Raul - experience of what is being done preparatory @ 014-2 felix- experience of Mexican committee tried in 2019 @ 017-4 L Martin - experience of the virtual social forum 2021 @ 025 C Com Pierre - IC experience is something unified by collective practice @ 027-1 Com Pierre - 

Facilitate synthesis - Pierre insisted on the distinction between facilitating and participating, which is a distinction of purposes @ 012 - @ 014 A Com Pierre - We must link GFMX to other groups to facilitate communication between them @ 018-3 Hamouda - With the material constituted we You can formulate options on what is to facilitate a forum process @ 027-C Com Pierre - experience available among IC members who were operative in facilitating events @ 036 Com Pierre

Familiarize (without occurence) 

Focus  without occurrence  

Force  do force be present @ 021-2 Guadalupe -   agonism between social forces of forum participants and dominant social forces @ 031-1 Com Pierre - conflicts that we have with too much force from civil society @ 043-4 Armando - vision of building democratically force correlations in closed environments @ 048-8 Com Pierre @ 050 com Pierre -

Form   xx form of solidarity bonds -synthesis - the form of the mixed event - synthesis - @ 018-2 com Pierre - the consensus protocol as a way of deciding - ways of showing articulation @ 033 Pierre - forms of participation @ 037 Pierre @ 061- 5 Com Pierre - minor consensus form @ 048-7 Damien - mobilization forms @ 048-13 Damien

Forum  action joint action of a global entity @ 006-7 leo - this is already action to go out to propose ourselves as a forum @ 022 oscar -q possible and necessary political actions that emerge from debates @ 031 Armando - there is no action on behalf of the forum according to principle 6

Fragmentation - to fragment the struggles for the leading roles @ 013 Raul - resist the fragmentation in the collective @ 013 com Pierre

Function   Objectives functions of the forum xx objective of the gfmx or functions of the forum

gap  Synthesis

hegemony  WSF  as a counter hegemonic political and cultural space @ 025-2 Com C Pierre 


IC  - in coherence with the principles serious facilitating community @ 006 com D Pierre 

Imaginary (no occurrence) 

Incid   synthesis - advocacy proposals post forum in salvador 2018 @ 046-5 Pierre

inclusion   synthesis - include more youth @ 005 valentina - forum as an inclusive space @ 031-1 with A Pierre

Information Informational  links in the transcript @ 012-10 Pierre -information about the letter @ 037-1 Pierre

initiative initiatives of action @ 016 Pierre - declaration to be signed as an initiative @ 020-5 com Pierre- the prominence must be of the peoples their struggles their initiatives @ 025-2 Ricardo - size of initiative @ 025-2 com D Pierre

intention  expressing agonism how does that relates to the intention of a facilitating collective? @ 031-1 A com Pierre

International - the organization framework of the international process towards 2022 @ 006-1 com A Pierre - international facilitating group @ 014 com B Pierre - at the international level many do not know about the existence of this forum @ 019 paula - the articulation is at the international level @ 013 Raul - international call @ 018 Hamouda 

invitation Synthesis - (3 occurrences) - the invitation can offer to link to a more continuous process @ 018-2 Com Pierre - invitation to sign @ 020-5 com Pierre - who to invite in a panel @ 021-3 com Pierre

involve synthesis - communicating about the forum in the spaces in which we are involved @ 015-4 Rosa - The invitation to the forum can offer to be involved in a more continuous process @ 018-2 Com Piere - situations that involve us all @ 034 -6 Martin

Lexicon   make a lexicon / index of the transcriptcon @ 007 com Pierre @ 012 Pierre

Majority  - interventions in the sense of deciding in the GFMX by majority @ 013-3 with Pierre - building political actions that emerge from debates with majorities and minorities @ 031-2 Armando - discussing in GFMX a methodology of resolutions with a simple or qualified majority @ 036-4 Oscar - make decisions even if they are by majority @ 043-8 Armando - a lesser consensus that is more by the question of the majority @ 04867 Damien - making decisions by democratic means majorities @ 053-4 Oscar

Methodological accumulation method @ 006-1com Pierre - decision method @ 036-4 oscar - the letter is methodological guidelines @ 040-3 Rosa - activity with head of state was discussed in committee methodology of the IC - @ 046-5 L - example of methodology variation in time @ 046-5 Com Pierre - for 10 years there has been no methodological systematization in the methodology commission @ 049-2 Com Pierre

Mixed  synthesis 3 occurrences - the mixed event period with 3 moments @ 014-2 Com Pierre - The wsf 2022 event announced with a mixed format and it is not just about inviting people to come to Mexico @ 018-2 com Pierre - self-organized assembly of course linkage to mixed event @ 020-6 Com Pierre -

Multi  thematic in the wsf there is no thematic control over whether the content of an activity falls on the forum @ 021-3 com Pierre 

Name -  in their own name @ 025-2 Com B Pierre - Activities made in the name of whom @ 0026-6 com Pierre - In the name of part of its members @ 028-7 com Pierre 

Narrative  generica narrative participation in the WSF 2022 @ 008 B Com Pierre - a political narrative unified? @ 043-3 Com Pierre - narrative construction is done autonomously in the forum space @ 043- com E Pierre

Network (see presentations of participants in the meeting) 

Objectives   synthesis 5 occurrences - we have the meeting of objectives @ 026-4 Felix - objectives that the letter establishes and allows @ 028-7 with F Pierre

Panel in the virtual forum we talked about panels @ 010 with Pierre - linking panels @ 020-6 with Pierre - each axis corresponds to a panel preparing group of panel @ 021-3 with Pierre

Parliamentarians   at the beginning there was a forum of parliamentarians @ 046-1 Hamouda

Participation - synthesis - remote participation distinguish participation and facilitation @ 008 with Pierre - acts of participation @ 014-3 with Pierre - site of participation @ 017-7 with Pierre - Participation of political parties - @ 035 Guadeloupe @ 046 - Hamouda -stimulate participation in the construction of the forum (facilitation) @ 048-1 Damien

Parties participation of parties in the wsf @ 029-1 Leo - the politics that finds expression in parties @ 031-1 Armando - Crisis of parties @ 034 -1 Martin - a very strong discussion - Parties are generated from social movements @ 035 -Gaudalupe would be able to find the inclusion of parties @ 038-2 Felix @ 042 Rosa - parties depart as their name says @ 038-2 instances of organization of these political spaces with their assurances @ 042 Rosa - to be able to give the dilemma @ 045 Pedro - There is a participation of matches @ 046 Hamouda - the matches that are left out @ 047-4 ivette - no participation as such of matches @ 047-3 with Pierre

Peoples  -   synthesis - about the reality that our peoples live @ 008-2 & 6 Rosa - the prominence must be of the peoples @ 025-2 Ricardo - the use of the word peoples deserves clarification @ 025-2 Com A Pierre - with the indigenous peoples @ 034-2 martin - responses from traditional peoples do not appear enough in the letter @ 048-13

permanence   Synthesis  (2 occurrences) - permanent process of activities organized in camapanes @ 025-3 Ricardo - dynamics of more continuous participation @ 028-11 with Pierre

Perspective  cared for by an international facilitating group in the perspective of a mixed event @ 014-2 with Pierre - pragmatic perspective on the actor movement debate in the text of Ian @ 028-7 with F Pierre - 

Placing   the letter of principles ideologically locates the process space @ 030-1 Pierre 

Platform  without occurrence - 

Politicizing decision-making by consensus is a way to depoliticize processes (  which processes facilitate the forum? ) - @ 043 Armando - keep clear that the facilitating collective is not a place of production of political agreements @ 043-Com C Pierre - with all the politicization they want @ 043 com E Pierre

Politics   (100 occurences) 

Preliminary  (without occurence)

Prepare - separate what is preparatory @ 014-2 Felix - prepare self-managed activities - panel preparation groups - 

Presence combination of presence of living expressions and non-directivity @ 043-8 with Pierre

Presential  - synthesis

Principle 1 WSF - the charter of principles currently in force designates the forum as a space @ 020 com Pierre

Principle 6 WSF - pronouncement on behalf of the forum is in contradiction with principle 6 WSF that cannot be spoken on behalf of the forum @ 023 Pierre

Principle 7 WSF- that facilitators disseminate decisions of participants 

principles  Guiding principles for organizing an event - there is also a document guiding principles for organizing an event @ 049 com Pierre

Principles - synthesis 4 occurrences - disseminate and objectively explain the WSF principles @ 006 com D Pierre - table of principles what and how @ 017L Martin @ 037 Pierre - forum as a political and cultural space against hegemonic @ 025 com C Pierre - distance to the vision described in the principles @ 027 with C Pierre - let us read the principles @ 027B Rosa - about the process of creating the charter of principles @ 028-1 with Pierre - they are in force while there is no other consensus formulation in the CI @ 028-7 com E Pierre - meet objectives that the letter of principles establishes and allows @ 013 Ian June 12 - paper of the letter of principles @ 030 Pierre - actions of participants mentioned several times in the principles @ 033 Pierre - The principles that appear in the letter to be respected by those who participate and organize forums @ 037 Pierre - collect doubtson the letter of principles @ 042 Rosa - those who approach the forum agree with the principles @ 043 Armando - all those who feel in tune with the values, goals, generic actions and basic organizing principles of the forum space described in the letter of principles @ 043 com F Pierre - In coherence with the principles, the acts of participation are voluntary @@ 043 com E Pierre - it makes me noise that they have raised the subject of the letter of principles in this meeting @ 047 ivette - what the letter of principles is not @ 046-3 com B- Pierre - the charter is perfectible @ 047 ivette - what is under attack is the characterization of the forum as a space and related principles @ 047 com Pierre - we realized that the charter of principles is no longer consensus and is no longer valid @ 048-3 Damien - the use of consensus decision forFacilitation is not in the charter  of principles @ 048-9 Damien - the principles of the forum do not mention the facilitating groups @ 050 com PIerre - we first need to know the charter of principles well @ 061 Daniela - workshop in Brazil on the principles @ 061-5 com Pierre

Problem - distinguish problems of facilitation and participation with @ 012-9 Pierre - Problem of how we are concatenating @ 017-2 Martin - Problem space / movement @ 027-1 A Com Pierre

Problems -synthesis (2 occurrences) - big problems @ 021-1 Guadalupe - problems @ 022 Oscar - 

Process synthesis 4 occurrences - this process needs to be organized @ 006 Leo - we generate processes of debate on the situation @ 008-2 rosa - find ways to implement a vision of the WSF process @ 012-8 Pierre - make the forum more and more a process @ 014-3 felix- become visible in the process @ 016 Pierre - the forum is a permanent process @ 025 Ricardo - the most structural parts of the process come after objectives @ 026-5 Felix - the issue of the continuity of the process little discussed in the CI @ 028-11 com Pierre - agonism is not relevant to build together a process forum @ 031-1 com Pierre - process must be in coherence with current principles @ 036 com Pierre - the letter is an orientation that will guide our process @ 040-3 Rosa - how the forum process works @ 044 Pierre - self-organized dialogue processesvoluntarions @ 043-1com E Pierre - 2019 organizational process in mexico @ 047-1 L Ivette - the "hows" to implement the process @ 049-2 com Pierre - many organizations are new to this process and do not know the letter @ 061-5 Daniela

Pronounce  specific pronouncements @ 008-1 Com Pierre - let the forum pronounce @ 010 Paula - come out to pronounce ourselves but on behalf of the forum @ 022 oscar - in contradiction with principle 6 @ 023 Pierre - @ 028-7 Martin - there is no imposition of pronouncements produced from the facilitation as such @ 043 Com D Pierre

questioning  there is no seeking to politically challenge the participants in the forum from a facilitating group @ 043 Com D Pierre – we are questioned to build the social forum we want @ 064 Rosa

Reality  -  we are facing this overwhelming reality @ 008-4 - the process is becoming reality @ 014-3 Felix - the decision protocol by consensus is actually by consent @ 044 Pierre - in reality the forum positions itself on its own existence @ 048-11 damien

Report who offers to support the report @ 007 Com Pierre - commission of memory and follow-up of agreements @ 026-7 Felix - Recovery of the memory @ 027-1 Rosa - on the content of the report @ 027-1Com Pierre

Report (without occurrence) 

Represent (see presentations of participants in the meeting) 

Respect the principles (see WSF principles)  

Revision - let us decide in the assembly who could be part of this revision of the letter @ 057-4 Rosa - this group raises to the IC the need to form a commission that reviews the letter of principles @ 051 Felix - the IC is given a mandate to work on the part of the letter @ 057 Rosa

RoundTables  create coordination and agreements table @ 002 Felix - synthesis - that there is an education table @ 010 -3 Paula - the word table is not part of the methodological vocabulary of the forum @ 010 Coù Pierre - the room tables as we distribute ourselves is reflecting on the letter of principles @ 017-1 Martin - the results of the tables @ 017-5 Martin 

self-organized (30 occurrences) synthesis   the WSF is self-organized - the GFMX is self-organized - process of self-organized dialogues @ 043-1 with Pierre

Site / use part of the 2021 website to document the work of the collective @ 017-4L Martin - the participation site virtual forum @ 017-7 Com Pierre

Solidari  synthesis - how we activate solidarity @ 008 -4 Rosa

Space open space 94 Occurrences  -   @ 013-1 L raul - more open more libertarian space - @ 034-2 Martin - prescribe Imputing opinions collides with open space @ 043-8 Com Pierre - what is under attack is the conceptualization of the forum as open space @ 047-3 - the entry criteria to the open space follow the respect or adherence to the principles of the forum @ 048-15 Com Pierre

Strategies synthesis - to where we are planning our strategies @ 006-6 Leo - Strategic planning of movements @ 020-8 Leo - give voice and support strategies proposed and make presence @ 021-2 Guadalupe - organize strategically @ 024 Rosa - those strategies They need organized campaigns @ 025-4 Ricardo- the option to decide by consensus / consent on facilitation matters is a strategic option @ 048-8 Com Pierre 

Struggles   -  how we unite the struggles - @ 008-4 Rosa - fundamental struggles that do not appear in the letter @ 048-13 Damien - incorporate struggles planned by others @ 021 Guadalupe 

Subject   l  assimilate ourselves as subjects @ 008 Rosa using the forum space as a tool to articulate and create powerful articulations “bells” as ricardo @ 008-6 com Pierre says - we are all eager to build this subject globak @ 020 Leo -The movements they want "Build a global subject" can use the forum space / process to do it @ 020-4 com Pierre

Synthesis thematic axes - panels based on axes @ 010 Com Pierre - virtual forum axes @ 017 Martin - are defined in the facilitating collective @ 017-6 L Martin - the relationship between thematic axes and topic is not direct @ 017-7 Com Pierre - building internal dynamics from our thematic axes @ 021 Guadalupe - What was the  wsf  2021 practice in relation to thematic axes @ 021-3 Com Pierre -in the thematic spaces the participants place self-managed activities @ 021-3 ComPierre - the letter is not a certificate of importance to raise issues to become thematic axes @ 047-3 Com Pierre

Synthesis - synthesis of groups challenges towards WSF mexico duration 20 minutes  On the notion of "synthesis" see interventions @ 007 @ 008 @ 009 @ 012 and @ 027 - that synthesis maintains a relationship with elements not included in the synthesis, you will make the relationship between it easier synthesis and the contents synthesized  @ 007 Com Pierre - may it become a working instrument @ 026-12 @ à26-2 Felix

Territories - we live in our territories @ 008-6 Rosa - 

Together synthesis 

Tool   xtools that allow you to view acts of participation @ 014-3 with Pierre - that allows you to become visible in the process from now on @ 016 Pierre


Transcription - important to share complete transcription of discussions @ 009 Carmen - on June 12 h and informative links - on June 26 there are also comments - there is index / lexicon - transcription can be the subject of comments @ 012-6 Pierre - care other than a transcript as is @ 027 Rosa - cycling between transcription and synthesis @ 027 with B Pierre

Unanimity -  discussion around unanimity @ 029 Leo - consensus is interpreted as unanimity @ 048-6 Damien - consensus is not unanimity @ 048-9 Damien - it is true that it is not unanimity it is about seeking consensus formulation that allows limiting who consents without agreeing, and to avoid that there are people who do not consent @ 048-8 with Pierre - if there is no consent this invites to postpone decisions @ 050 Pierre - there is a whole practice of formulating consensus and interruptions of plenary discussion to better exchange with those who disagree - practical description @ 058 

Visible tools to become visible @ 016 Pierre - have joint size visible @ 025 com D Pierre - participant decisions made bisible with principle 7 @ 047-3 com C Pierre

way Summary The GF must find its own way @ 036 com C Pierre

Will - the discussions in the forum on characterization of this must not inhibit good will and prevent the objectives of the letter from being fulfilled @ 013 June 12 @ 028-7 com F Pierre  

Youth - synthesis - @ 005 valentina @ 008-4 rosa