• prepafsm2018 pgoex

Wiki modificadas recientemente January 9, 2018 por facilitfsm

 vinod.jpg Thanks Vinod
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A look back on guiding principles for organizing an event , an element of WSF accumulate,  in the light of wsf2018  corresponsibility discussions that  have been stimulated by input5"caring about wsf 2018 as ic " in the  discussion before and after salvador 2017 IC meeting 

http://openfsm.net/projects/organizingwsfevents/guiding-principles-en  adopted in plenary in copenhaguen 2008

excerpts from section 2 

2. Equality of Access:

It therefore becomes imperative  that the organizers of an event ensure: 

  • That they work as facilitators.
  • That there is maximum diversity in participation, particularly of grass roots social movements and organisations; and space is made available to them even without any payment, if required.
  • that most of activities if not all are self organized and that there is no hierarchy within such activities 

  • That rich organisations do not corner all the spaces. If necessary, a limit is decided upon on the amount of space any organisation can hire.
  • Registration fees are kept in a cascade form, even allowing free entrance to those local groups who are unable to pay.
  • Proper arrangements, for drinking water, latrines etc. are made, and subsidized or free stay of grass roots activists is attempted. Cheap or subsidized food and water is available for them at the venue.
  • Language needs of such activists are given utmost attention.
  • Proper space is provided for their modes of expression and articulation, which may be in a variety of cultural forms, rather than through lectures and conferences.
  • That women participate in large numbers.
  • That the venue is so constructed that it is friendly to persons with disability and they are encouraged to participate.

 excertps from section 8


8. Space for Horizontal Interconnectedness of organizations : 

The impact of the World Social Forum has to become visible through concrete actions following an event. The WSF itself, not being an organisation, can not engage in such actions. It is chiefly the movements, that are engaged in such actions on a sustained basis, that can carry forward the action agendas they devise at WSF events. 

Whereas the WSF must provide a platform for exchange of ideas, talks, workshops, lectures,  and so on, the outcome of concrete actions would however greatly depend on the degree of interconnectedness achieved by movements by using the WSF space,   

the organizers shall provide spaces and methods for (groups) of orgnaizatios to prepare make visible outcomes of their participation inthe event and stimulate them to develop their outcomes after the event   

Those considerations apply both to physical spaces during the event 

and to virtual spaces before and after the event

, in particular using “process” websites available in the wsf context 

[ Methodology of iniciativas 2018 http://openfsm.net/projects/transitionci/descripcion-iniciativas-e-agora-informe-en propoese  Kiosk and Agora spaces  and methods  iniciative form  for this ]

This would also ensure a subaltern ‘resistance from below’ to neo-liberalism and imperialism. Consequently, it becomes imperative that the organizers and the IC while crafting a particular event pay adequate attention to facilitate the assemblies, tribunals and other forms of horizontal interconnectedness of different movements, by devising appropriate themes and axes, as also in the decisions regarding the allocation of space, subsidy and so on. 

All efforts must be made by the organisers to ensure that a WSF event acts as a catalyst for the forces of direct action to further empower and integrate their actions, and that it is not allowed to be reduced to a mere talk-shop.  

it can be seen here in the draft made in 2011 by a working group (composed of Liege Damien and Pierre), which was never discussed in IC plenary as the IC commissions stopped working  that there was no change to these two parts  http://openfsm.net/projects/ic-methodology/metcom-principiosguias-versao2011-en    no substantial change proposed in section 2 equality of access  and section 8 space for interconnectedness  also a new chapter has been proposed  section9 convergence assemblies which were instituted in belem2009 



Una mirada retrospectiva a los principios rectores para organizar un evento,  como elementos del acumulo FSM , a la luz de las discusiones de corresponsabilidad de wsf2018 que han sido estimuladas por insumo  input5  cuidando de fsm2018 como CI" en la discusión antes y después de la reunión de  CI salvador 2017 I

http://openfsm.net/projects/organizingwsfevents/guiding-principles-en adoptado en el plenario en copenhaguen 2008 

no se encuentra  el documento original de 2008  en ingles,  pero se ve en espanol  los agregados propuestos al texto de 2008  por un grupo de trabajo  de la comision metodologia compuesto por Liege Damien y Pierre en 2011 http://openfsm.net/projects/ic-methodology/metcom-principiosguias-versao2011  Este document nunca se discutió en el pleno del CI ya que las comisiones del IC dejaron de funcionar.   

Se ve que en esta version 2011 que no hubocambio sustancial propuesto

extrato de  la  sección 2 igualdad de acceso   
De esta manera, pasa a ser imperativo a las/los organizadores de un evento asegurar: Que la mayoría de las actividades, si no todos, sean auto-organizadas, y que no exista ninguna jerarquia  entre esas actividades    

 extrato de la  sección 8 espacio para la interconexión   .
Las/los organizadores deben proporcionar espacios y métodos para (grupos) de organizaciones para preparar y hacer visibles los resultados de su participación en el evento y estimular el desarrollo de sus resultados después del evento

[ la metodologia de iniciativas 2018 http://openfsm.net/projects/transitionci/descripcion-iniciativas-e-agora-informe-es propone  espacios Quiosco y Agora  y  methodo   ficha de iniciativa para esto ]

También se ha propuesto un nuevo capítulo   seccion 9  asembelas de convergencia    hablando de las asmablea que fueron instituidas en belem2009 




Un regard rétrospectif sur les principes directeurs pour organiser un événement,  comme élément de l'accumulé FSM, la lumière des discussions de coresponsabilité de wsf2018   qui ont été stimulées par la contribution input5  "prendre soin du fsm2018 en tant que CI " dans la discussion avant et après la   réunion de  CI  Salvador 2017 

http://openfsm.net/projects/organizingwsfevents/guiding-principles-en   adopté  en plénière copenhague  2008  

voici le texte du  original de 2008  en francais ,   mais 1 http://openfsm.net/projects/ic-methodology/metcom-principiosguias-fr   

extrait de la section 2 egalité d'acces originale  
De cette manière, il est impératif  que les organisateurs d'un événement assurent :  Que la plupart des activités, sinon toutes, soient auto-organisées, et qu'il n'y ait pas pas de hierarchies  parmi ces activités. 

extrait de  la  section 8 espace d'interconnexions  
Les organisateurs doivent offrir des espaces et des methodes pour les (groupes d') organisations pour qu'elles puissent préparer et rendre visible les résultats de leur participation à l'événement et les inciter à développer leurs résultats après l'événement.

[ la methodologie des initiatives 2018 http://openfsm.net/projects/transitionci/descripcion-iniciativas-e-agora-informe-fr propose des espaces Kiosque et Agora  et des methodes fiche d'initiative pour cela

On voit en francais  les  ajouts proposés au texte de 2008 par un groupe de travail de la commission méthodologie composée par Liege Damien et Pierre en 2011. http://openfsm.net/projects/ic-methodology/metcom-principiosguias-versao2011-fr Le document n'a jamais été discuté lors de la session plénière du CI puisque les commissions IC ont cessé de fonctionner en 2011    

On voit que dans cette version 2011 , il n'y avait pas de changement  substantiel proposé dans section 2 égalité d' accès   et   section 8 espace pour l'interconnexion     un nouveau chapitre a également été proposé     section 9   assemblées de convergence   les assemblées ayant été  instituées à belem2009