• sasfbd october videos

last modified October 23, 2013 by facilitfsm

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august meeting enlargement memory

actual  SASF BD  final extended program 19 activities    Extension build up calendar  from june up to SASF event in november


the video has been viewed by more than 150 people to date , i-e same number as those who participated directly in it 


  • General Council Meeting part-2

    General Council Meeting part-2 one hour

  • NOTES ARE BEING TAKEN FROM THE CHAT ROOM WHERE REMOTE PARTICIPANTS (kashif, pierre, yoshihide)  WERE IN CONTACT WITH DHAKA MEETING ROOM through liaising persons active in the chat room (aaman prodip shatil )


    Start and technical delay

    [06:39:40] Prodip : General Meeting is going hope to be start!We will come back very soon!

    [07:06:22] Prodip : Hello Friends, we are in problem with internet access at venue. But we are trying to solve this problem. Please stay with us here.

    [07:08:17] *** Prodip  added Kashif***

    Who is speaking

    [07:10:39] Prodip : General Meeting of SASF started! Chaired by Syed Nurul Islam and Farah Kabiir, Shahin Anam is guests. Moderated by Hilal Uddin.

    [07:11:04] Prodip : Now, Mohsin Ali is speaking on behalf of Programme Working Group.Rezaul Karim Chowdhury from Finance Working Group is speaking nowRatan Sarkar from Venue and Logistics Working Group is speaking now

    Who is there in the chat room for remote participation?

    [07:44:43] aaman: halo Who elsewhere are there in the chat room

    [07:46:17] Kashif: helo friends its kashif from pakistan

    [07:46:50] aaman: abul hossain from moblization group has given his deliberation

     [07:47:11] Kashif: can anyone please share the minutes also : helo pierre is karamat ali from Pakistan here in the meeting guys?

     [07:58:30] Pierre: please send the url : http://www.ustream.tv/channel/sasfbd

    [07:59:03] Kitahata: Hello This is Kitahata, Osaka Social Forum

    [08:00:12] Pierre: hello ! : yoshihide , please meet kashif from Pakistan punjab social forum - see facebook link

    Visa issue  - where is pierre

    [08:06:45] Kashif: please raise the point from me that the committee should talk to the embassy of Bangladesh here in Pakistan regarding the issue of Pysical Appearance for the visa issuance

    [08:07:17] Pierre: aaman ! we have not been given the streamin url !

    [08:07:20] Kashif: i mean many people wants to come and they cannot afford the expense such like travel to islamabad from different origin of the country - Pierre are you there?

    [08:07:47] Pierre: yes @kashif : i am helpless about the question you raise

    [08:08:54] Kashif: why? : or you are not in the meeting right now ohhhh

     [08:09:12] Pierre: because am not in Dhaka am in france: this is  EXTENDED SASF  remember :)

    [08:09:35] Kashif: so to whom should i raise this question?

    [08:10:28] Pierre: to aaman /prodip they can indicate maybe if they have an idea - i just undestand that the bangladesh embassy is asking people to travel to islamabad just for getting the visa

    [08:10:47] Kashif: yes

    [09:36:12] Pierre: http://www.ustream.tv/channel/sasfbd

     [08:11:03] aaman: www.wsfsouthasiabd.org/tv

     [08:11:24] aaman: Kasif see the link for live broadcasting -: Kasif. On via issue .i think we may not influence on physiacal appearance But we have talekd with our govt and foreign ministry to ease the visa processing system

    Translation issue – view of room

    [08:14:57] Pierre: @aaman great image , sound is a bit far and i do not understand bangla .. so would appreciate someone wirting english as a kind of interpretation muzfik did that in august 5th was very helpful: although it is not clear if the person now speaks english with an accent , or bangla with english words in it

     [08:20:48] aaman: After farah from actionaid now speaking shahin anam from manusher jonno foundation she is telling abt more info dissemination

    [08:22:35] Pierre: thanks  aaman !how many people are in the room ?

     [08:23:25] aaman: Around 200 people are there in the room

    [08:24:41] Pierre: i see that there is an audience   - but we do not see the whole room that is why i ask

    [08:26:19] Pierre: any indication on what is being said ? giving  written translation in english is a full time mental activity :) modulated by the degree of synthesization you will give

    [08:27:35] aaman: polash is speaking on web management

     [08:27:49] Pierre: i wish i could see closer i hardly hear him the other person has the mike and she can be heard

    [08:28:55] aaman: Because of power line we cudnt go closer Prodip from web extension is giving presentation

    [08:29:43] Pierre: ok  i understand these kind of practical reasons :)

    Prodip points

    [08:30:32] aaman: Prodip raised the question from khasif

    [08:31:14] Pierre: :) that is what extension is about

    [08:32:05] aaman: Prodip is saying abt three types of extension, prodip is acknowledging contribution of pierre, polash aaman and others Brief on osaka social forum...punjab social  forum is briefed by prodip

    [08:37:09] Pierre: good  things are starting to take a shape :) intelligible to people

     [08:41:15] aaman: representative from steps organization is preseneting her speech

     [08:42:16] Pierre: who is woman speaking?

    [08:42:25] aaman: Kazy baby now speaking on the forum -Keramat from pakistan social forum just joined here- Ratan is explaining registration process

    [08:51:26] Pierre: the website has made great steps forward  about this http://www.wsfsouthasiabd.org/register/index.php/view_list figures are riasing

     [09:00:37] Pierre: who is speaking now? what is being said ?

    [09:10:45] SHATIL: open questionier & discussion is going on about sasf registration process, venue and others

    [09:11:15] Pierre: thank shatil and hello will  there be  a  (small) grup about extended sasf ?

    [09:13:09] SHATIL: ya. me, prodip & polash is here

     [09:16:55] aaman: Mohsin is answering some questions Discussion on fundraising is going on Role of youth and social movements are going on

    1mn live address on skype

    [09:25:10] Pierre: ok amaan  i have to leave now .. please consider teambuilding of extended team during this meeting and the above considerations  -

    [09:25:37] aaman: Do u hv any question Dont g we r at the last stage : just give a call call when i request u When hilal take the microphone get prepared

    [09:35:25] Pierre: prepare to what?

     [09:36:14] SHATIL: to make a skpye call

     [09:42:44] Pierre: making the forum expeirience to more and more  people is the commoin goal - and sasf extended is one tiool for this

     [09:45:29] Pierre: (*)(*)(*)(*)(*)

    Minutes ?

    [09:45:59] Kashif: thanks guys for the connection - tahir will you please forward the whole meeting minutes later after the meeting - is anyone there in the group chat?????